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《(新课标)2020学年高中英语Unit1Nothingventured,nothinggainedS.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(新课标)2020学年高中英语Unit1Nothingventured,nothinggainedS.pdf(11页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Section Using Language 从三个选项中选择最佳选项 1.What took their time and energy?AFinding food.BKeeping alive。CFinding help。2。Which kind of fuel can they use?ATrees.BCoal.CSeal fat.3.Why must they pay special attention to their eyes?ABecause the temperature was changeable.BBecause it could freeze quickly.CBeca

2、use it might be hurt by the rays from the sun。【答案】13 BCC 判断正(T)误(F)1.When Shackleton left,the writer felt discouraged and then cheerful。()2。It was easy for them to get fresh water.()3.As a chef,he felt it is not easy to vary the meals.()【答案】13 TFT delay vt。&vi。耽搁;延迟 n.耽搁;延迟(教 材 P9).the fear that we

3、might never know their fate and possible delays,at first made us feel low and discouraged.无从知晓他们的命运以及可能出现的耽搁的恐惧,起初使我们感到沮丧和低迷。We decided to delay our wedding until next year.我们决定把婚礼推迟到明年.The weather is responsible for the delay.由于天气原因才耽搁了。delay(doing)sth.推迟(干)某事 without delay 毫不延迟地;迅速地 a delay in doi

4、ng sth.耽误做某事 He delayed telling her the news,waiting for the right moment.他没有立刻把消息告诉她,等有了适当的时机再说。Jo wrathfully proposed that Mr.Davis be arrested without delay.乔怒气冲冲地提议,应当把戴维斯先生毫不迟延地逮起来。名师点津 delay 后面不能跟不定式,只能跟动名词作宾语,类似的动词还有:avoid,admit,advise,enjoy,finish,forbid,give,imagine,keep,mind,miss,practice,

5、resist,risk,suggest 等。完成句子 The train _(延误了一个小时)by the accident。I arrived there _(毫无耽搁)They decided to _(推迟出国)【答案】was delayed an hour without delay delay going abroad discourage vt.使气馁;劝阻,阻止 I was never discouraged against learning English。我从未对学习英语失去信心。He is easily discouraged by difficulties and obs

6、tacles。他遇到困难和阻碍就容易泄气.discourage sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事 discouraged adj.沮丧的;灰心丧气的 be/get discouraged 变得灰心,泄气 discouragement n。灰心;丧气 discouraging adj.令人泄气的;令人沮丧的 His parents discouraged him from joining the force。他的父母劝他不要参军.I was more disappointed than discouraged.我是失望,而不是泄气。完成句子 If you meet with a

7、ny difficulty in your study,_(不要灰心)He _(听起来感到沮丧)by the lack of progress in talks.We tried to _(阻止他不要去爬山)without a guide.【答案】dont be discouraged sounded discouraged discourage him from climbing the mountain grasp vt.抓住;抓紧;掌握 n。抓住,把握;理解;领会(教 材 P9)。.we had to gather fresh water by grasping and then mel

8、ting sea ice.我们不得不通过捞一些浮冰然后再融化来得到一些淡水。I grasped the main point of the speech.我领会了这篇演讲的要点。grasp at sth。尽力抓住某物 grasp a chance/an opportunity 抓住机会 have a grasp of 掌握/精通 beyond ones grasp 超乎某人的理解力 within ones grasp 在某人的掌握下 She grasped at his coat as he rushed past her.他从她身边冲过去时,她使劲抓住了他的上衣.She has a good

9、 grasp of the English language。她精通英语。Success was within her grasp.她有把握获得成功。翻译句子 你最好抓住这一机会。_ 她始终不明白该怎样去做。_ 她对该学科有深刻的了解。_【答案】Youd better grasp the opportunity。She could never grasp how to do it。She has a good grasp of the subject。(教材 P9)With no trees growing on Antarctica and no oil,the only fuel we c

10、ould use was seal fat。南极大陆不长树,也没有油料,唯一可供我们用作燃料的便是海豹的油脂。【句式分析】句中使用了“with名词现在分词”结构,在句中作状语,表示原因.He fell asleep with his radio still working。他睡着了,收音机还在响.With you standing here,we cant fix our attention on the job.由于你站在这儿,我们不能专心地工作。with 复合结构还有以下用法:with名词介词短语。在句中可作状语,也可用作后置定语。with名词/代词过去分词.其中过去分词表被动或完成了的动

11、作。with名词/代词不定式.其中不定式表示将要发生的动作.with名词/代词形容词.The wood cutter was standing next to a fallen tree,with lots of small pieces of wood in front of him.伐木工人站在一棵砍倒的树旁,前面有许多碎木片。(伴随状语)Tom stood for a moment with his hand still raised.汤姆举着手站了一会儿.(伴随状语)With so much work to do,we cant kill any time by playing car

12、ds.由于有这么多工作要做,我们不能通过打牌来消磨时间。(原因状语)The girl entered the room with her eyes full of tears.这女孩走进屋里,眼泪汪汪.(伴随状语)完成句子 他喜欢开着窗户睡觉。He likes to sleep _.那位抱着婴儿的妇女是我的妻子。The woman _ is my wife.问题解决了,我们都感到高兴。_,we all felt happy.在老师的帮助下,我们会取得更大的进步。_,we will make greater progress。【答案】with the window open with a bab

13、y in her arms With the problem settled With the teacher to help us (教材 P9)As a chef,it was my duty to clean and cook these animals,so I was soon being encouraged to vary the meals in whatever way I could.作为厨师,我的责任就是把这些动物清洗干净并做成熟肉,没过多久他们就不断地鼓动我想方设法变化伙食的花样。【句式分析】这是一个复合句,so 连接前后两个并列分句。前面分句中使用了 it is n.

14、to do 的结构,it 是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式。It is our duty to obey the laws.遵守法律是我们的义务。It was not his way to admit that he had made a mistake.承认自己犯了错误可不是他一贯的作风。完成句子 _(是我们的责任)to help the disabled。_(是她的习惯)to rise early.【答案】It is our duty It is her custom be particular about 对挑剔;吹毛求疵(教 材 P9)We had to be very parti

15、cular about our personal care because a changeable temperature could harm us.我们不得不特别注意自己照顾自己,因为变化的气温可能会伤害到我们.She is so particular about her housework that servants will not work for her.她对家务活太挑剔了,以至于佣人们不愿给她干活。Shes very particular about what she wears.她对衣着很讲究.in particular 尤其;特别 particularly adv.特别地;

16、显著地 The whole meal was good but the wine in particular was excellent.整顿饭都很好,尤其是葡萄酒更好。The house itself is not particularly to my mind,but I like its environment。这房子本身并不特别合我的心意,但我喜欢它周围的环境。完成句子 Mr。Smith is known for_(极端挑剔)We must_(特别关注这一点)【答案】being very particular pay particular attention to this point

17、 记叙文写作 写作指导 记叙文是以叙述人物的经历或事物的发展变化过程为主的一种文体。它分为记人和记事两种.记叙文的几个要点为:1时间、地点、人物、事件,这几个要素在写作时要交代清楚。2人称:记叙文一般可以有第一人称和第三人称两种叙事方式:第一人称是作者以当事人的口吻,把文章中的事情以“我的所见所闻的方式来叙述。第三人称是作者从旁观者的角度来叙述,反映事件中的不同人的感受和见解。3记叙文的线索一般为时间,即按照事件的发展顺序来写。也可以按照地点的线索来写,即以地点的转移为顺序.4重点突出,层次分明,详略得当.5注意文章的完整性.6所用的时态通常为一般过去时。佳作构建 错误!时间 几年前 地点 广

18、东佛山 人物 2 岁的小悦悦(本名王悦)事情 1相继被两车碾压;218 名路人路过但都视而不见;3最后一名拾荒的老年妇女上前施以援手.结果 18 天后,王悦抢救无效,死亡;2该事件引发网民广泛热议。你的看法 1。2 注意:1。可参考表格,但不能照字面翻译。2。词数 100 左右(开头已经写好,不计入总词数).3参考词汇:小货车 small van;拾荒 collect scraps Several years ago,two。year.old Wang Yue was playing on the street。_ _ _ _ _ 错误!本文是一篇记叙类写作。成文时要注意:1。时态:以过去时为

19、主;2.人称:主要是第三人称;3。内容要齐全;4.注意语句之间的连贯,恰当使用连词。错误!。词汇 1网民 _ 2受伤的 _ 3营救某人 _ 4忽视 _ 5谋生 _ 6集中于 _ 7撞翻 _ 8阻止做 _【答案】1。netizen 2.injured 3。come to sb.s rescue 4。ignore 5.make a living 6.focus on 7run over 8.prevent.from.。.句式 1。至少有 18 人从那个严重受伤的女孩身边经过。_18 people passed the seriously injured girl。2。最后一个通过捡废品谋生的老年妇

20、女过去营救她。Finally an old woman making a living by collecting scraps _ 3.大部分人不能相信事故竟然发生在广东。Most people cant believe this incident _ in Guangdong。【答案】1.At least 2.came to her rescue 3should have happened 错误!_ _ _ _ _【参考范文】Several years ago,two year。old Wang Yue was playing on the streetUnfortunately,a sm

21、all van ran over the young girl。Then a second vehicle struck the girl again and they both rushed by without stopping.At least 18 people passed the seriously injured girl before finally an old woman making a living by collecting scraps came to her rescue。After 8 days of struggle in hospital,Wang Yue

22、died and left us forever.The incident has stirred heated discussions among netizens both in and outside China。Most people cant believe this incident should have happened in Guangdong.In my opinion,we should not only focus much on economic development,but also pay enough attention to the promotion of

23、 morality。While we cant ignore the development of economy,we should offer a hand to those in need as well to prevent similar incidents from happening again.尊敬的读者:本文由我和我的同事在百忙中收集整编出来,本文档在发布之前我们对内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有不尽如人意之处,如有疏漏之处请指正,希望本文能为您解开疑惑,引发思考。文中部分文字受到网友的关怀和支持,在此表示感谢!在往后的日子希望与大家共同进步,成长。This article i

24、s collected and compiled by my colleagues and I in our busy schedule.We proofread the content carefully before the release of this article,but it is inevitable that there will be some unsatisfactory points.If there are omissions,please correct them.I hope this article can solve your doubts and arouse your thinking.Part of the text by the users care and support,thank you here!I hope to make progress and grow with you in the future.


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