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《2020-2021学年高一下学期期末英语试卷.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020-2021学年高一下学期期末英语试卷.pdf(11页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2020-2021 学年高一下学期期末英语试卷 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 7.5 分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题纸上第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题每段对话仅读一遍 1 Where does the conversation take place?AIn a restaurant BIn a supermarket CIn a k

2、itchen 2 Who will probably(可能)take the tree away?A Steve B Maggie C Jim 3 How is the weather now?ARainy BSnowy CWindy 4 Why does the man seldom wear the shirt?A It is too old B It doesnt fit him C It has a dark color 5 What are the speakers mainly talking about?AA holiday BThe coast CA flight 第二节(共

3、5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间每段对话或独白读两遍 6(1)Where are the speakers?AIn a store BIn the mans house CIn a restaurant(2)What is in the refrigerator?AA cup of green tea BLarge pieces of ice CBottl

4、es of water 7(1)What relation is the woman to the man?AHis doctor BHis mother CHis PE teacher(2)What does the woman advise the man to do?ATake regular tests BJoin a health club CGet lots of fresh air 8(1)What are the speakers discussing?AA weekend meeting BThe product marketing CA good advertisement

5、(2)How many people attended the event?A50 B100 C250(3)What does the man suggest doing next time?A Advertising online B Using television ads C Holding an event on Saturday 9(1)What is the man doing?ATaking a test BDoing a survey CDiscussing his school life(2)What attitude does the woman take towards

6、homework at university?ASerious BUnconcerned CPositive(3)What kind of teacher does the woman prefer?AA strict teacher BA knowledgeable teacher CAn understanding teacher(4)Why does the woman prefer printed materials?AShe likes to make notes while reading BShe has the habit of reading the printed mate

7、rials CShe finds it difficult to read the multimedia materials 10(1)When should a person arrive for an interview?A As early as possible B Just at the required time C No more than 10 minutes earlier(2)How should an interviewee answer questions?ABy focusing on job experiences BBy answering briefly wit

8、h examples CBy giving some yes or no answers(3)What should be done as a must after the interview?A Leaving quickly B Sending a thankyou note C Learning from the experience(4)What shows the interviewees attitude?AAppearance BTimekeeping CBody language 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 25.0 分)第一节(共 3 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 2

9、5.0分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑 11 Quick,quick,slow,slow,my husband said as I was trying to focus We frequently stepped on each others feet Both of us were being rhythmically(有节奏地)challenged,and we figured a series of lessons might help us look somewhat skilled on the dancing f

10、loor However,it didnt It didnt matter that the lessons didnt pay offOur learning something new together gave us a string of good memories,such as taking a Thai cooking class on a cold Chicago night and learning how to make a classic cocktails in a common barThese experiences are my best memories fro

11、m the past 10 yearsWe always have such a great time when were trying something new together It seems to have strengthened our relationship,and makes me feel like we have a closer connection It turns out my theory as such is backed by researchOne study shows that learning newthings with your spouse(配

12、偶),friends,or partners,can strengthen your connection or friendshipBut how exactly does this work?The key is weaknessLearning new things together strengthens connection because it is at those moments that we can show our weakness to one another,says DrHisla BatesWhen we are learning a new task,misfo

13、rtunes and failures are sure to happenIn those moments when we fail,the other party can be there in favor of usWe can Work together to find a solution,and working together helps deepen the connection The benefits gained from learning new things with your partner can come from activities as small as

14、hiking,trying a new diet,going boating in the local lake or taking a fitness class together You dont have to bungee jump or skydive to grow closer Try selecting activities that both partners are unfamiliar with,as this will ensure youre on the same page Trying to learn something new together once a

15、month will benefit you and your spouse or friendsOverall,some of my best memories with my husband are the moments when we are learning something new together(1)What were the author and her husband doing in Paragraph 1?APlaying sports BPractising dance CTeaching lessons DTaking a walk(2)The underline

16、d word backed(in Paragraph 2)can be probably replaced by Ajudged Bmade Cdoubted Dsupported(3)The purpose of writing this passage is to show us Athe challenge of gaining new knowledge Bthe advantages of taking different lessons Cthe power of learning new things together Dthe importance of improving p

17、eoples connections 12 When temperatures rise,many people swim to beat the heat But swimming does a lot more than thatIt is a great workout for the whole bodyHealth experts at the University of California,Berkeley state that swimming is a great way to stay in shape Swimming is a very good highintensi

18、ty cardio exercise(高度有氧运动)Cardio involves the heart,lungs,and circulatory(血液循环的)systemThe Berkeley experts say swimming can increase your heart rate and exercise your lungsSome highintensity cardio exercises,such as running,can improve your health but can also be likely to hurt your body Swimming,on

19、 the other hand,is beneficial to the body and people often use it to recover from injuries Paul Waas,a coach and former competitive swimmer,says that swimming is more beneficial to the body than other sports because it is lowimpactA mother called Paloma with two daughters says that for her girls,swi

20、mming has been more beneficial to the body than some other sportsShe said,So far,I think its been good for their bodiesIts a highintensity cardio exercise,as you knowBut it spares their knees,their joints,and so onSo its rare to get injured in swimming The coach adds that swimming is a great exercis

21、e for kids who grow a lot in a short amount of timeCoach Waas said,Swimming is really good for kids who are growing fastTheir bones might be hurting and theyre suffering from serious pain all the timeAnd then they get in the pool and,you know,they can float and stretch out a little bit and it reduce

22、s that as well People who are overweight can also find relief through swimmingTheir weightlessness in the water can help them to avoid injury as they exercise(1)According to Paragraph 2,swimming is better than running because Aits a bit easier to do Bits better and safer for our bodies Cit makes peo

23、ple feel more comfortable Dit increases our heart rates more slowly(2)Whats Paul Waass attitude towards swimming?APositive BNegative CDoubtful DWorried(3)What does the underlined word that in Paragraph 4 refer to?AFloating and stretching out BFast physical growth of kids CSwimming in a swimming pool

24、 DThe pain caused by kids physical growth 13 Teens and their teachers know well that earlymorning classes can be tiringDoctors now have a solution:for better teen health,push the sleep button on school start times Janet Croft,who studies teens and sleep at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevent

25、ion(CDC)in Atlanta high schools,says,Most teens are actually brain dead when they go to these early classes Too many students start their day as walking zombies(僵尸)One report stresses the importance of sleep for teens and describes the dangers from not getting enough sleepStudies in the past have sh

26、own over and over that teens lacking sleep face higher risks of being overweight and being frustrated Many teens get too little sleep because they attend middle and high schools that start earlier than 8:30 amAccording to the American Academy of Pediatrics(AAP),those early start times throw off a st

27、udents internal body rhythm,called the circadian clock(生物钟)Too little sleep disturbs that clock and causes problems The study conducted by the National Sleep Foundation found that nearly 6 in every 10 middle school students and 9 in 10 high school students are sleeping too littleYet many parents are

28、nt aware of thisIn the same study,7 of every 10 parents said they believed their kids didsleep enoughThat study shows too many parents are unaware of the science on teensleep needs,says Owens Kyla Wahlstrom,a former teacher,who has spent a lot of time with teens lacking sleep,says:An incredible numb

29、er of students are either sleeping at their desks or sitting there like a lump,not asking questions or raising their hands Getting enough sleep can help a teen on the inside,tooSeveral studies have shown that children and teenagers who dont sleep enough are more likely to become obese,or extremely o

30、verweightTeens lacking sleep also are more likely to suffer from anxiety,depression and mood disordersIts time to recognize how important sleep is,particularly to teenagers(1)What does the author want to stress by mentioning walking zombies in Paragraph 2?AThe students brain health is worrying BThe

31、students are fond of computer games CThe students are so used to staying up very late DThe students are in a bad state of learning in early classes(2)According to AAP in Paragraph 4,early school schedules affect teens by Aincreasing their course load Baffecting their circadian clock C affecting thei

32、r performance at school D disturbing their relationships with classmates(3)What can be inferred from the last paragraph?AThe number of teens lacking sleep is growing fast BPhysical and mental health are equally important to teens CIt is really necessary to adjust school start times in the morning DT

33、eachers should take measures to raise students interest in learning(4)Whats the main idea of the text?AParents are unaware of their kids sleep condition BBeing overweight is very common among American teens CEarly school start times can turn teens into the walking dead DResearchers have found out ho

34、w sleep is related to teens study 第二节(共 1 小题;每小题 10 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项选项中有两项为多余选项 14(10 分)Find Your Selfworth Do you measure your personal selfworth based on what others think of you?Do you work really hard to make others like or support you?Do you lack confidence?(1)Increasing s

35、elf image will help build your confidence and your personal selfworthSo how?Pay attention to your body languageHow you hold your physical body has an effect on how others see you and on how you personally feelSimilarly,how you feel often determines your body language and your outward behavior(2)A si

36、mple way is to check your body languageStand tall with your head held high,shoulders squared,back straight and legs solid;you will feel more in control Develop your own measuring stick(3)Dont let others influence your view of success or happinessTake time out to recognize your achievements no matter

37、 how big or small they areKeep track of your achievements and proud moments in a journalIf you keep a personal journal or even a work journal,start writing in the journal from back to front keeping track of all the little and big things that happen every day (4)Heres a simple exercise you can do to

38、gain a richer way of thinking on how you are sensed by othersStart by taking a close look at yourself and create a list of your unique strengthsWho are you?(5)Ask friends,families to share with you what they see as your key characteristics Now you know that youre more than you think you areSo,create

39、 a positive picture of your future and then confidently move forward AKnow your worth BThe two go hand in hand CWhat sets you apart from others?DAre you beating yourself up with your own language?EIf your answer is yes,perhaps you just dont consider yourself worthy FKnow whats important to you and t

40、ake time to honor what you value most GThen take a step towards something you really want by taking some action 第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分;满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑 15(30 分)A heavy snow hit my neighborhood the other dayI had recently agr

41、eed to be the houses groundskeeper,which meant I was(1)with shoveling(铲)the inches of snow that covered the driveway I had to stay in the house during the(2),so I was actually pretty happy to head(3)After shoveling for about an hour,muscles in my arms and legs which I(4)used due to my busy schedules

42、 started to burn By the time I finished shoveling,I realized that I gained nearly the same amount of(5)that I can get from bikingShoveling turned out to be pretty good exercise,so I actually felt(6)to finish shoveling A few days later,a few friends and I got into a casual(7)about how hard it is to s

43、pare time to exercise(8)There are lots of people who dislike gyms Going to gyms(9)them a lot Less than 5%of adults are physically(10)for half an hour a day,which is quite a big problemNot exercising enough can(11)diseases like heart disease,bone disease,and depression And yet,compared with going to

44、gyms,shoveling snow was quite(12)Besides,it didnt take too much willpower(意志力)and I just needed to(13)the driveway at my own paceI can just do some daily tasks like shoveling for exercise in the neighborhood in my spare time(14)driving to a gym People pay much money for gym memberships and classes t

45、o(15)extra energy So why not(16)paying the fitness industry to exercise and(17)physical fitness with such kind of daily chores?Surely,theyre better off(18)that money and putting the energy to practical use A neighborhood can have a Facebook group where people in need of help can(19)things on itThen,

46、people who want to exercise can help them outIts a winwin situationIn addition to helping people,this can also be shaped as a new(20)to keep fit(1)A bothered Bimpressed Ctasked Dcrowded(2)Aincident Bdisorder Crush Dstorm(3)Aoutside Binside Cforward Dbackward(4)Aloosely Brarely Cmainly Dfrequently(5)

47、Afeelings Bworkout Cthreat Dpower(6)Apleased Beager Cwilling Dsorry(7)Ainterview Bappointment Cdiscussion Dargument(8)Aaccidentally Bproperly Csafely Dregularly(9)Atroubles Bshames Ccomforts Ddelights(10)Astrong Bhealthy Cgood Dactive(11)Alead to Bsuffer from Cbring back Dwipe out(12)Adifficult Beas

48、y Cvaluable Dperfect(13)Aclear Bprepare Cbuild Ddesign(14)Abecause of Binstead of Cin spite of Das a result of(15)Aput up Bset up Cuse up Dbuild up(16)Acontinue Bbegin Cstop Dconsider(17)Acompare Bcombine Cexchange Dmatch(18)Asaving Bgathering Cwasting Dspending(19)Aimagine Bwrite Cpost Dcorrect(20)

49、Aexperiment Bskill Cstandard Dstyle 第二节(10 个小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 16(15 分)Festivals and celebrations(1)(hold)since ancient times Festivals around the world have many origins and are celebrated(2)(different)Firstly,some festivals like Halloween are celebrated(3)(ho

50、nour)the dead or our ancestors,for we hold the(4)(believe)that they might return to help us or do harmBut now Halloween has become a childrens festivalSecondly,some festivals such as the Dragon Boat Festival and Columbus Day are celebrated(5)memory of famous peopleThirdly,harvest and Thanksgiving fe


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