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《2023年中考英语阅读理解热点话题练习专题03双减政策(含答案).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023年中考英语阅读理解热点话题练习专题03双减政策(含答案).pdf(20页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2023 年中考英语阅读理解热点话题练习 (中考真题+名校最新模拟真题)专题 03 双减政策(2022湖北鄂州中考真题)In my opinion,Chinas“Double Reduction”Policy(“双减”政策)aimed at easing(减轻)education-related pressure on parents and children is effective.Now take my home as an example to show how it works.“Dad!Get up!You promised to take us to the zoo today!

2、”my two daughters shouted together one recent Saturday morning.The clock had just struck seven,but our house had already gotten noisier than the monkeys in the zoo!For families with children,weekends have become very different.In the past,my wife and I could at least sleep in(睡懒觉).Then at 9 oclock,w

3、e had to wake up the kids.After throwing them into a tutoring class(辅导班),we could enjoy several hours to ourselves.But now,these classes are gone altogether.Kids,of course,are happy about this.Every Tuesday or Wednesday evening,my girls would ask me,“Where are we going to spend this coming Saturday?

4、”Luckily,there are still some classes for them to attend.On Sundays,my girls go to learn ballet and chess.They really enjoy their time there.My elder daughter is old enough to read quietly on her own.On lucky days,we can get her to read together with her sister.Still,a quiet“competition”is on.My gir

5、ls sometimes talk about how their classmates have spent an exciting weekend.Its their way of complaining about my laziness.Weekends are more tiring now for parents,but I think they are good for kids.After all,childhood should be more than just studying school subjects.It should be more colorful.1Wha

6、t is the aim of the“Double Reduction”Policy?ATo ease education-related pressure on parents and children.BTo make parents stay with their children at weekends.CTo make parents have more time for themselves at weekends.DTo make children and their parents have a good time at weekends.2What did the writ

7、er do with his children one recent Saturday morning?AThey travelled to the countryside.BThey went camping.CThey went to the zoo.DThey went to a tutoring class.3When the tutoring classes are gone altogether,children are_.Atired Bsad Chappy Dsurprised 4Which of the following is NOT true?AThe writers e

8、lder daughter is old enough to read quietly by herself.BThe“Double Reduction”Policy is effective.CThe writers children learn ballet and chess on Sundays now.DWeekends are more relaxing for parents because of the“Double Reduction”Policy.5What might be the writers attitude(态度)toward the Policy?ASuppor

9、tive.BDisapproving.CDoubtful.DUnsure.(2022重庆市育才中学三模)Thanks to double reduction policy(双减政策),many students may have time to enjoy after school activities.Some students can play sports.They may play soccer,ping pong or do Chinese Kungfu.Some students go to learn music.They sing,dance or play some inst

10、ruments.Other students can draw or practice calligraphy(书法)and more.After-school activities are fun and good for students.But why should students do after-school activities?Here are some good reasons.First,doing an after-school activity is a good short break from studying.After the break students ca

11、n better focus on the class or their schoolwork.Next,students can make some friends while doing after-school activities.Finally students can get some new skills from the activities,some important life skills like working with others or dealing with themselves.6Students can do the following after-sch

12、ool activities EXCEPT _.Ado sports Blearn music Cdraw or practice calligraphy Dplay computer games 7There are _ good reasons for doing after-school activities.A1 B2 C3 D4 8In which part of a magazine can you find the passage?Atravel Beducation Cmedicine Dculture(2022安徽合肥二模)On a school day,60 student

13、s at Xishan Primary School in Shunde,Guangdong,are learning how to make corn soup and fried chicken in an after-school cooking class.Working in groups of four or five,the little cooks take their duties very seriously.Soon,they are showing off their own delicious dishes.Since last September,the schoo

14、l has set up after-school classes for students,with cooking classes being the most popular,said Xinhua.It comes after the“double reduction”policy(双减政策).The purpose of the policy is to reduce the amount of the homework and off-campus tutoring(课外辅导)for primary and junior high school students.According

15、 to the policy,homework for junior high school students should take no longer than 90 minutes to finish.It allows students more free time to develop their hobbies and interests.Also,off-campus tutoring has been further controlled to improve the quality(质量)of education.“Our homework is clearly less t

16、han before,”said 13-year-old Shen Yuzhe from Beijing.“We are not encouraged to buy workbooks anymore.The exercises are mainly from the textbook.”According to Shen,teachers have taught us more slowly in class,which gives students enough time to process new information.“With homework done at school,my

17、 child and I can read books and listen to music together in the evening,or we can go out to play badminton or skip rope.”said Lu Di,the parent of a fifth-grader in Qiqihar,Heilongjiang.9The“double reduction”policy helps to _.a.make students have more time to develop interests b.reduce the amount of

18、the homework c.improve the quality of education d.make off-campus tutoring more popular Aabc.Bacd.Cbcd.Dabd.10Which of the following can replace the underlined word“process”in Para.4?APass on.BLook up.CDeal with.DWrite down.11What might be Lu Dis opinion on the policy?APleased.BUnsure.CWorried.DNerv

19、ous.(2022湖南教研室一模)In July 2021,China introduced the“double reduction(双减)”policy(政策).It hopes to reduce students learning burden(负担)by reducing homework and after-school classes.Several months has passed since the new policy began.How do students feel about this new policy?“Our homework is clearly les

20、s than before,”said 13-year-old Shen Yuzhe from Beijing.“We are not encouraged to buy workbooks anymore.The exercises are mainly from the textbook.”According to Shen,teachers now teach slowly than before.Students have enough time to learn new knowledge.“Our teachers are also giving us more chances t

21、o do experiments and learn from real life,”said Shen.“For example,we went to research earthworms(蚯蚓)in a field during a biology class.This is a much better way to learn things.”For 13-year-old Zhang Hangming from Tianjin,the best thing about“double reduction”is the increased time in after-school act

22、ivities.“We can now spend more time taking part in clubs and activities,such as dancing and volleyball.”said Zhang.Both Shen and Zhang find there are fewer exams now.But they think its not necessarily a good thing.“Exams push me to study harder.Each exam shows my progress as well as my weak points,”

23、Zhang said.Shen also pointed out that when burden is lightened,self-discipline(自律)becomes the key.“Some students now spend more time having fun when homework is finished early.But if you use all the free time to relax,you might fall behind your peers(同龄人),”he said.12What is the purpose of the“double

24、 reduction”policy according to the passage?ATo reduce students learning burden.BTo reduce teachers teaching burden.CTo reduce parents living burden.13Who thinks doing more experiments is a better way to learn things?AShen Yuzhe.BZhang Hangming.CBoth Zhang and Shen.14What does the word“lightened”in P

25、ara.6 mean?A灯光 B变轻 C左边 15From the passage,we can infer(推断)that _.AStudents now dont need to take any exams Bthe“double reduction”policy has two sides Cstudents now dont have much time to take part in clubs and activities 16Whats the main idea of the passage?AWhat the“double reduction”policy is.BWhy

26、the“double reduction”policy was introduced.CHow people feel about the“double reduction”policy.(2022广西德保县教研室一模)In July,China introduced the“Double Reduction”Policy(双减政策).It hopes to reduce the stress of homework on primary and middle school students.The policy calls for reducing homework and after-sc

27、hool classes.According to the policy,children below the third grade will not have homework anymore.It should take no more than 90 minutes for middle school students to finish their homework.After-school training institutions(机构)are not allowed to offer advanced(超前的)teaching on weekends,holidays or d

28、uring winter and summer vacations.“Our homework is clearly less than before”,said 13-year-old Shen Yuzhe from Beijing.“We are not encouraged to buy workbooks anymore.The exercises are mainly from the textbook.”According to Shen,students have enough time to learn new knowledge now.“Our teachers are a

29、lso giving us more chances to try out and learn from real life.”said Shen.For 13-year-old Zhang Hangming from Tianjin,the best thing about“double reduction”is the increased time in after-school activities.“We can now spend more time taking part in clubs and activities,such as dancing,volleyball and

30、instruments.I can learn all kinds of skills more than schoolwork.”Said Zhang.Shen also pointed out that self-discipline(自律)becomes more important now.“Some students now spend more time having fun when homework is finished early.But if you use all the free time to relax,you might fall behind other st

31、udents.”He said.根据短文内容,选出最佳选项。17The the“Double Reduction”Policy(双减政策)hopes to_.Amake vacations longer for students Breduce the pressure put on teachers Chelp students become more competitive Dreduce the stress of schoolwork on students 18Which of the following is TRUE about the policy?AHomework is n

32、ot allowed for primary students.BMiddle schools should reduce their homework.CAll after-school training institutions are asked to close.DAfter-school training institutions should offer advanced teaching.19According to the“Double Reduction”Policy,what kind of after-school classes CANNOT students take

33、 during vacations?AMath.BSports.CPublic speaking.DComputer programming.20Which of the following is NOT true about Shen Yuzhe and Zhang Hangming?AThey have less homework and more free time now.BThey can spend more time in after-school activities.CThey think the best thing is to have fewer exams now.D

34、They have more chances to learn knowledge from real life.21What does Shen mainly want to tell us in the last paragraph?AStudents should use all the free time to relax.BStudents should learn to be self-discipline.CSelf-discipline is very difficult for students.DStudents should have fun after finishin

35、g homework.(2022四川眉山一模)Xishan Primary School opened cooking classes to enrich its after-school activities.On a school day,60 students at Xishan Primary School in Shunde,Guangdong,are learning how to make corn soup(玉米汤)and fried pork(炸猪排)with cabbage in an after-school cooking class.Working in groups

36、 of four or five,the little chefs take their responsibilities very seriously.Soon,they are showing off their own delicious dishes.Since last September,the school has set up after-school classes for students,with cooking classes being the most popular,said Xinhua.It comes after the“double reduction”p

37、olicy(双减政策).The policy aims to ease the burdens(减轻负担)of too much homework and off-campus tutoring(课外辅导)for primary and junior high school students.The policy lists requirements in areas such as reducing the amount and difficulty of homework assignments(家庭作业),as well as improving the quality(质量)of ed

38、ucation and after-school services.For example,homework for junior high school students should take no longer than 90 minutes to finish.It allows students more free time to pursue(追求)their hobbies and interests.Also,off-campus tutoring has been further regulated(管理)to reduce the burden on students.In

39、 December,the Ministry of Education(MOE 教育部)reported on the progress made through the policy so far.Almost all primary and middle schools now offer two-hour after-school services on weekdays.More than 90 percent of students can finish their written homework in the set time.About 92.7 percent of scho

40、ols have opened after-school arts and sports classes.More than 80 percent of academic tutoring institutions(学科类校外培训机构)have closed down or turned to other fields of business.“With homework done at school,my child and I can read more books and listen to music together in the evening,or we can go out t

41、o play badminton or skip rope,”said Lu Di,the parent of a fifth-grader in Qiqihar,Heilongjiang.22Xishan Primary School opened cooking classes to _.Atrain professional cooks Benrich its after-school activities Cearn money by tutoring students Dteach students to save food 23What is the aim of the“doub

42、le reduction”policy?ATo ease students academic burdens.BTo close down academic tutoring institutions.CTo offer teachers more time to study.DTo allow schools to keep children longer.24Under the“double reduction”policy,_.a.students have more time to develop their hobbies and interests b.students have

43、less homework to do c.the quality of school education is improving d.academic tutoring institutions are more popular Aabc Babd Cacd Dbcd 25The Ministry of Education reported that more than _ could finish their written homework in the set time.A90%of students B92.7%of students C100%of students D50%of

44、 students(2022山东济宁二模)In July 2021,China introduced the“double reduction”policy(双减政策).It hopes to reduce(减少)schoolwork burden(负担)on primary and junior high school students.The policy calls for reducing homework and after-school classes.According to the policy,children below the third grade will not h

45、ave homework anymore.It should take no more than 90 minutes for junior high school students to finish their homework.After-school training institutions(机构)are not allowed to offer extra(额外的)education courses or advanced(超前的)teaching on weekends,holidays or during winter and summer vacations.How do s

46、tudents feel about this new policy?“Our homework is clearly less than before,”said 13-year-old Shen Yuzhe from Beijing.“We are not encouraged to buy workbooks anymore.The exercises are mainly from the textbook.”According to Shen,students have enough time to process new knowledge now.“Our teachers ar

47、e also giving us more chances to do experiments(实验)and learn from real life.This is a much better way to learn things than just hitting the books.”said Shen.For 13-year-old Zhang Hangming from Tianjin,the best thing about“double reduction”is the increased time in after-school activities.“We can now

48、spend more time taking part in clubs and activities,such as dancing,volleyball and drama.”said Zhang.Both Shen and Zhang find there are fewer exams now.But they think its not necessarily a good thing.“Exams push me to study harder.Each exam shows my progress as well as my weak points,”Zhang said.She

49、n also pointed out that when burden is lightened,self-discipline(自律)becomes the key.“Some students now spend more time having fun when homework is finished early.But if you use all the free time to relax,you might fall behind other students,”he said.26The“double reduction”policy aims(目标)to _.Amake v

50、acations longer for students Breduce the pressure put on teachers Creduce students schoolwork burden Dhelp students become more competitive 27What can we know from the“double reduction”policy?AHomework is not allowed for primary students.BJunior high schools should reduce their homework.CAll after-s


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