(浙江选考)2019版高考英语大二轮复习 专题四 语篇填空提升练11 非谓语动词.doc

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《(浙江选考)2019版高考英语大二轮复习 专题四 语篇填空提升练11 非谓语动词.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(浙江选考)2019版高考英语大二轮复习 专题四 语篇填空提升练11 非谓语动词.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1语篇填空提升练语篇填空提升练( (十一十一) )非谓语动词非谓语动词 考点巩固练 1 1.Simms also gave some advice when (interview). 2 2.The national park has a large collection of wildlife, (range) from butterflies to elephants. 3 3.Jim has retired,but he still remembers the happy time (spend) with his students. 4 4. (observe) carefully i

2、f any change occurs when doing experiments in the lab. 5 5.Formal language is different from informal language in several ways.First,formal language tends (be) more polite. 6 6.I explored every corner, (look) for the perfect place to study. 7 7.that I would stop (buy) the groceries if I found out? 8

3、 8.There is no greater pleasure than lying on my back in the middle of the grassland, (stare) at the night sky. 9 9.The sunlight is white and blinding, (throw) hard-edged shadows on the ground. 1010.But my connection with pandas goes back to my days on a TV show in the mid- 1980s,when I was the firs

4、t Western TV reporter (permit) to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild. 语篇强化练 A A Bemidji high school senior Jaxon Anderson is 1. ordinary teenager who wants to be everyones hero.When 2. (put) on the mask,however,Anderson becomes the Amazing Spiderman. “I 3. (str

5、uggle) for senior photos for months,and I believe this would make me stand 4. among my classmates and help me be myself,” Anderson said.“I love superheroes.I guess Im just really cool in that way.” Spidermans pictures are just the 5. (late) in a trend that some people are calling “extreme senior por

6、traits”.“Everyone wants to do something outside of the box,” said Megan Engeseth of Megan Engeseth Photography,a studio that is known 6. its creative senior portraits.“Its a 7. (total) different thing even from five years ago.” High school seniors no longer want to graduate with a regular yearbook p

7、icture.8. most still take a traditional headshot (头像) for Mom and Dad,they want the rest of their photos to reflect their true 9.(person).And they want the photo shoot experience to make them feel like a famous personor superherofor a day. The goal for many seniorsespecially the girlsis to end up wi

8、th an 10. (impress) set of pictures to be shared and liked on social media.With millions of pictures on the Internet,the bar(门槛) is high. B B (2018浙江金华十校上学期期末联考) That Christmas I turned 16.While decorating the tree together 1. Mama,I accidentally dropped and broke an old glass ball on it.The ball ha

9、d been on our tree 2. I could remember.I knelt to pick up the 3. (break)pieces and was surprised to find a small sheet of paper among them.Unfolding the tiny note,I recognized my fathers roughly penciled writing.Lifting my 4. (eye),I saw my mothers fond expression.“Your daddy wrote that and stuck it

10、 in that blue ball during our first Christmas together,” she said with 5. smile.I wouldnt have believed it.The daddy I knew always looked on getting the tree 6. 2(decorate) as something he wanted little part in.And yet this bit of yellowed paper proved that long ago my daddy 7.(do) something romanti

11、c at Christmas.Carefully laying the note aside,I cleaned up the broken pieces of the ball,8. (wish) I could somehow stick 9. together.“Its OK,”Mama said,comforting me with a hug.“Just pick out another old glass ball and fill the note back inside.” Now as I 10. (careful) handle those old balls,I love

12、 knowing that one holds a secret between Papa and Mama. 3语篇填空提升练(十一) 非谓语动词 考点巩固练 1 1.interviewed 所给的动词 interview 和其逻辑主语(也就是句子的主语)Simms 是动宾关系,也 就是说 Simms 是被采访的,所以用过去分词表被动,when interviewed 相当于“when he was interviewed”。句意:在接受采访的时候,Simms 也给出了一些建议。 2 2.ranging 句意:国家公园里有大量的小至蝴蝶、大到大象的野生动物。range 意为“包括 (各种不同

13、的事物)”和 wildlife 是主谓关系,应该使用动词-ing形式作定语,相当于定语从句 that/which ranges from butterflies to elephants。 3 3.spent 句意:吉姆已经退休了,但是他依然记得和学生们在一起度过的那些快乐时光。根据 句子结构可知,空格处应作名词 time 的后置定语,动词 spend 与 time 是动宾结构,应该使用过去分 词形式表示被动。 4 4.Observe 根据上下文可知,后面提供了两个从句,一个为条件状语从句,另一个为时间状语 从句的省略句。由此可知,句意表述在某条件下和某时间,“建议某人做某事”。这里选择动词原

14、 形,构成祈使句。 5 5.to be tend to do.为固定用法,意为“倾向于”。第二句句意:首先,正式语言倾向 于更有礼貌。 6 6.looking look 的逻辑主语就是句子的主语“I”,所以用动词-ing作谓语动词 explore 的 伴随状语表主动。句意:我寻找了每一个角落,想找个理想的地方学习。 7 7.buying stop 后跟动词-ing形式表示 “同一件事”。 8 8.staring 句意:没有什么比躺在草坪中央凝视夜空更惬意的事了。根据语境,stare 与其句 中隐含的逻辑主语 I 之间为主动关系,故用动词-ing形式的一般式,在句中作伴随状语,表示与 lying

15、 同时发生。 9 9.throwing 句子主语 the sunlight 和 throw 是主动关系,故用动词-ing。此处是动词-ing 短语作结果状语,表示自然的结果。句意:阳光炽白炫目,在地上投下浓重的阴影。 1010.permitted reporter 与 permit 是被动关系,故用过去分词表被动。过去分词短语 permitted to.作后置定语,修饰 reporter。 语篇强化练 A A 【语篇导读】本文讲述高中毕业生想改变传统的毕业照形式,他们都想拥有自己喜欢的照片来 彰显自己的个性,使自己与众不同。 1 1.an 考查冠词。teenager 是可数名词,第一次在文章中

16、出现,表示泛指“一个”,故用不定冠 词修饰,ordinary 以元音音素开头,故用不定冠词 an。 2 2.putting 考查动词-ing。when 引导的是一个时间状语从句,省去了 he is。 3 3.have struggled 考查时态。根据时间状语 for months 可知,应用现在完成时。 4 4.out 考查副词。stand out 为固定搭配,意为“脱颖而出,与众不同”。 5 5.latest 考查形容词。意为“最近的,最新的”。latest 只能用作定语。 6 6.for 考查介词。be known for 固定搭配,意为“以而闻名”。 7 7.totally 考查副词。

17、totally 修饰后面的形容词 different,作状语,意为“完全不同的”。8 8.While/Though/Although 考查连词。根据语境可知,此处考查让步状语从句,意为“尽 管,即使”。 9 9.personality/personalities 考查名词。personality 既可以作可数名词,也可作不可数 名词,意为“个性,性格”。 1010.impressive 考查形容词。impressive 意为“印象深刻的”。语境为:很多高中毕业生,尤 其是女生,都希望她们的毕业照片给人留下深刻的印象,在社交媒体上受到欢迎。 B B 【语篇导读】十六岁时的圣诞节,“我”不小心把圣

18、诞树上的一个旧玻璃球弄掉并摔碎了,惊 讶地发现了里面的一张小纸条。从中,“我”了解了父母间的浪漫故事。 1 1.with 考查介词。结合语境分析可知这里所要表达的意思是“当和妈妈装饰圣诞树的时候, 我不小心把树上的一个旧玻璃球弄掉了”,因此用介词 with。42 2.since 考查连词。根据上下文可知这句话的主句是过去完成时,因此这里用 since。 3 3.broken 考查非谓语动词。通过分析可知这里用过去分词作定语修饰 pieces。 4 4.eyes 考查名词。这里表达的意思是“我”抬起眼睛,应该用复数形式。 5 5.a 考查冠词。此处意为“微笑着”,with a smile 为固定

19、用法。 6 6.decorated 考查非谓语动词。通过分析可知,这里 the tree 与 decorate 是被动关系,因此 用过去分词。 7 7.did/had done 考查动词的时态。通过分析上下文及整体内容可知此处表述过去的事实情 况,也可以表示过去(proved)的过去。 8 8.wishing 考查非谓语动词。通过分析可知这里用动词-ing形式作状语表示伴随,其逻辑主 语为句子的主语 I。 9 9.them 考查代词。此处用 them 代替前面的 the broken pieces of the ball。 1010.carefully 考查副词。此处用副词 carefully 修饰 handle。


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