(云南专版)2019年中考英语总复习 第一部分 教材同步复习篇 第九课时 八上 Units 9-10练习.doc

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(云南专版)2019年中考英语总复习 第一部分 教材同步复习篇 第九课时 八上 Units 9-10练习.doc_第1页
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(云南专版)2019年中考英语总复习 第一部分 教材同步复习篇 第九课时 八上 Units 9-10练习.doc_第2页
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《(云南专版)2019年中考英语总复习 第一部分 教材同步复习篇 第九课时 八上 Units 9-10练习.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(云南专版)2019年中考英语总复习 第一部分 教材同步复习篇 第九课时 八上 Units 9-10练习.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1第九课时第九课时 八年级八年级( (上上) ) UnitsUnits 9 91010.单项填空。 (B)1 1.I dont know how to learn math well.Could you give me some _?No problem. Aexams Badvice Ceducation Dgrades(A)2 2.I couldnt solve the problem _ my teachers help.It was so difficult for me.Awithout Bwith Cthrough Dfrom (D)3 3.When will we go to b

2、ike riding,on Saturday or Sunday?Either is OK.Ill be _ in these two days. Acareful B.upset Csurprised D.available (C)4 4.Do you have _ to say about the plan? Yes.I think it is less important than that one. Asomething else Belse something Canything else Delse anything (A)5 5.What do you think of your

3、 school,Linda?Its a good place for us to _ ourselves for the future.Aprepare Bprove Cpromise Dpresent(C)6 6.Why did your friend _ the job at the restaurant? Because the working hours are too long.Ahear from Blook after Cturn down D.reply to(D)7 7.I hear a famous singer will give a concert this eveni

4、ng. Yes.We are all looking forward _ him. Asee B.seeing Cto see Dto seeing (A)8 8.When did you go to bed last night? I didnt go to bed _ I finished reading the novel. Auntil Balthough Cbecause Dunless (C)9 9.Did you watch the soccer game last night? The Korean team beat the German team! Yes.I was _

5、surprised _ fall asleep. Aas;as Bso;as Ctoo;to Dso;that (C)1010.Daddy,can you come home for supper with us this weekend? _,but I might be a little late. AIm busy B.Hard to say COf course D.Never mind2.完形填空。Nick is my best friend.His mother _11_ when he was very young.When we talked,Nick spoke of his

6、 mother mostly.He remembered his mother was a kind and loving woman. It was the last school day before Christmas.Nick invited me to have _12_ with him together.I agreed _13_After dinner,he went to his room.Later he came out with his hands holding something _14_ his back.“I make you a gift, ” he said

7、.“I hope you like _15_ ” Then he held out his hands,and I saw a small _16_ “Its beautiful,Nick.Is there _17_ in it?” I asked.“Oh,you cant see whats in it, ” he replied, “and you cant touch it,taste it or feel it,_18_ Mother always said it makes you feel good all the time.” I _19_ the empty box.“What

8、 is it,Nick?” I asked.“Will that make me feel so good?” “Its love, ” he said, “and Mother always said its the _20_ when you give it away.” Yes,Christmas is for laugh,for songs,and for wonderful gifts.But most importantly,Christmas is for love. (B)1111.A.worked Bdied C.woke D.cooked (D)1212.A.breakfa

9、st B.lunch Cclass D.dinner (A)1313.A.happily B.carefully C.loudly D.angrily (C)1414.A.below B.inside C.behind D.between (B)1515.A.them B.it C.me D.him (A)1616.A.box B.bag C.plate D.bowl (D)1717.A.something Beverything Cnothing Danything (A)1818.A.but B.though C.or Dso (B)1919.A.turned on Blooked at

10、Cfound out Dlooked after (C)2020.A.poorest Brichest Cbest Dworst .阅读理解。 第一节 根据短文内容,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Emmas friend,Alice,had a new lunch box.It was yellow with cute dog pictures on it.“Its so beautiful, ” said Emma. Emma looked at her own box.It was old.She wanted a new lunch box,too. When

11、 Emma went back home,she asked her mom, “Can I have a new lunch box?” “Im sorry, ” said Mom, “We dont have extra money to spend,even on a new lunch box.” Emma thought for a while.“Maybe I can make the money.How much does a lunch box cost?” asked Emma. “About ten dollars, ” said Mom.Emma ran to her r

12、oom.She counted the money she had.“I only have fifty 3cents,ten dollars will take forever, ” she said.She tried to think of other ways to get a new lunch box,but nothing came to her mind. The next day,Mrs.Green gave the class a test.Emma did well.Mrs.Green gave her a smile face sticker.But Emma didn

13、t put it on her paper.She put the sticker on her lunch box. As days went by,Emma got more and more stickers for good work.Each time,Emma put the sticker on her lunch box. Soon,Emmas lunch box was covered with smile face stickers. “Those smile faces make me happy, ” Alice told Emma one day at lunch.E

14、mma smiled.She loved her lunch box. (C)2121.Emmas lunch box was _Ayellow Bbeautiful Cold Dcute (D)2222.Emma couldnt have a new lunch box because _ Ashe has already had one Bher lunch box wasnt broken Cher mother forgot to buy one for her Dher family didnt have extra money for it (A)2323.According to

15、 Emmas mom,a lunch box cost _Aten dollars Bfifty cents Cten cents Dfifty dollars (B)2424.Emma got the first smile face sticker _ Afor helping with housework Bfor her good work in the test Cfrom her mother Dfrom Alice (B)2525.The best title for the passage is “_” AAlices New Lunch Box BEmmas Lunch Bo

16、x CAlice and Emma Are Friends DMrs.Greena Good Teacher 第二节 根据短文内容,从短文后所给的选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项 中有两项为多余选项。Plan the party around your childs interest._26_ Children are usually happier and better behaved at things they have helped to plan._27_ He can help to send out the invitations and clean the house.

17、 At the party,the birthday child should greet friends and guests at the door,take their gifts and show them politely where the party is taking place._28_ Make sure the birthday child knows how to follow polite table manners.This will help the other children be polite as well._29_ Call the children t

18、o sit and listen to the instructions of the activities.Before your child goes to a birthday party,discuss with him about the right ways of behaving. At the end of the party,the birthday child should say “Goodbye” and 4“Thank you” to each friend._30_ You will be very happy if you have a wellmannered

19、child. AThey will have a good time. BRemember the thankyou notes! CThey are encouraged to make a plan. DThen it comes to the birthday activities. ELet your child help to get ready for the party. FThe best way to learn about your childs idea is to ask. GParents should ask the child to talk with other

20、 guests politely. 2626F F 27.27.E E 28.28.G G 29.29.D D 30.30.B B .根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 31My uncle invited us to_visit his farm.(visit) 32Dont worry.Ill certainly come this weekend.(certain) 33He failed the exam because he was too careless(care) 34Li Lei advised me to_ask my parents for help.(ask) 3

21、5 “Dont make the same mistake again, ” Miss Zhang said angrily(angry) .将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。 36Im preparing_for tomorrows math test.(为做准备) 37Shall we make it another_time?(其他时间) 38Thousands_of people come to eat in the restaurant every day.(数以千计的) 39Jenny often hangs_out with her friends on week

22、ends.(闲逛) 40Sharing a problem is like cutting it in_half(分成两半) .书面表达。MyMy TroubleTrouble withwith _ 提示:中学生有许多烦恼,如学习的压力、交往的困惑、生活的单调、老师和家长的不 理解你曾经遇到了什么烦恼?你是如何解决的?你的体会是什么?假如你是李华,请你 结合自身情况,根据以上提示写一篇短文,向某中学生英文杂志的 Discussion 栏目投稿。 要求: 1请先将题目补全后再作答; 2语言流畅、书写规范、卷面整洁,词数不少于 60 个; 3文中不得使用真实姓名、校名。MyMy TroubleTr

23、ouble withwith MyMy_ParentsParents I used to have lots of trouble with my parents.They wanted me to spend all my time on my lessons.They didnt allow me to play computer games or go out with my friends. I couldnt stand such strict rules! So I wrote a letter to my parents.I told them I knew it was important to do well in schoolwork and I would make good use of my time.After that,they agreed that in my spare time I could do things I liked.Now I have realized that communicating with our parents is a good way to solve problems.


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