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1、该文本为Word版,下载可编辑小学三年级英语教案人教版20235篇汇总 在实际教学活动中,教案起着十分重要的作用。编写教案有利于教师弄通教材内容,准确把握教材的重点与难点,进而选择科学、恰当的教学方法,有利于教师科学、合理地支配课堂时间,更好地组织教学活动,提高教学质量,收到预期的教学效果,下面由我给大家带来关于小学三年级英语教案人教版,一起来看看吧! 小学三年级英语教案人教版第一篇 教学目标: 1、Pupils are able to learn the new words:eyes、ears、nose、mouth 2、Pupils are able to describe the part

2、s of the body:Point to. 3、the difference between his and her 教学重点: The parts of the body. 教学难点: the difference between his and her. 教学准备: Card .Pictures .tapes . radio 板书设计: Module10 Unit2 Point to her nose. Point to his/her/my_ 教学过程: Step1 Greeting Step2 Warm-up 歌曲Hello!Hello! Step3 Lead-in 出示一男一女两

3、张图片(脸部暂时不贴五官) 看嘴型,猜单词,猜对的身体部位词贴在黑板上,最后成“一男孩”人型,出示女孩图,让学生明白her 和 his 的意思并进行教学。 Step4 Prensentation (一)脸部五官 1.贴五官进行教学(eye, nose, mouth, ear) 全班读小组读个人读 要注意mouth一词中th的发音以及eye和ear的复数形式。 2.单词操练 幻灯出示:游戏Whats missing? 3.单词游戏:贴五官 句型This is her/his的操练。 幻灯出示灰太狼和喜羊羊的脸部,让学生进行句型This is her/his的操练。 (三) 句型教学(在本册第三模

4、块学生已经学过) 生唱歌曲Please stand up.,导出point to句型。(唱首歌放松) 播放CD-ROM,学习课文。 播放CD-ROM,学生听课文对话并回答问题:你听到了几个脸部器官?分别是什么? 师播放CD-ROM,学生跟读 Step5 Consolidation 1.游戏:Listen and do 同桌(一男一女)为单位,听老师的指令“Point to her/his eye/nose/mouth,并做出相应的动作。 2.改编歌曲Please stand up. Step6 Homework 1.听录音熟读课文。 2.模仿机器人分别给父母介绍自己及其他人的身体部位。 小学三

5、年级英语教案人教版第二篇 教学目标: 1. 能听懂特殊疑问句What is this?并能根据情况用It is a.回答。 2. 能使用特殊疑问句What is this?向他人询问和确认某件物品,语音语调正确。 3. 能听懂,会说duck, cow, pig, dog, cat的单数形式,发音准确。 重点难点: 1. 能听懂特殊疑问句What is this?并能根据情况用It is a.回答。 2. 能使用特殊疑问句What is this?向他人询问和确认某件物品,语音语调正确。 教学过程: 一、Warmup 1. Sing a song (歌曲营造活跃轻松的气氛。) 2. Read t

6、he words one by one. 3. Each group introduces aname of animal themselves. (热身环节让学生复习学过的单词,为本课学习打下基础。同时,发挥学生的主动性,让他们为自己组取一个动物名字进行小组竞赛。有趣的同时,从一开始就培养他们的合作精神。并由此开始了一个过程性评价。) 二、Revision 1. Ask and answer. T: Do you like animals? What is this? Ss: Its a dog. T: Now we are on a farm. Theclass is a farm. Ss

7、: Ok. T: Lets listen to the tape. T: Now read after teacher:Whats this? (学生跟读句型,师相机纠正学生读音。) Ss: Read one by one. T: Whats this? (师出示动物图片,提问。) Ss: Its acow/dog/pig/cat/duck. 2. A riddle: Its an animal.Its big. It has a big nose and big ears. It has small eyes.What is it? 3. Draw a pig on theblackboar

8、d. (通过问答,复习所学的动物名词。) 三、Presentation 1. T: Today well have acompetition: wholl be the best of animals? The commentator should describe theanimals. (提出任务,有利于培养学生的语言交际能力,同时让学生有目的、有针对性地学习。) 2. T: Look at the cow! Bigor small? Ss: Its big. T: Look, whats this? S: Its a duck. T: Whats this? S: Its a dog.

9、课后习题 四、homework 1、听读B. Look and learn各五遍,家长签名。 2、跟读C. Say a rhyme三遍。 小学三年级英语教案人教版第三篇 教学目标: 知识目标:掌握并巩固身体部位的词汇:head, arm,hand,leg,foot 等,以及运用此句型:This is +人称物主代词(his)+名词。 技能目标:培养学生听,做,说,读的能力,以及言语表达能力。 情感目标:激发和培养学生学英语的兴趣,使其主动参与课堂实践活动,从而培养学生合作意识和集体主义精神。 教学重点: 掌握人体各部位的词汇 教学难点: 运用简单的句型This is his 进行描述。区别he

10、ad和hand.的读音。 教学准备: Card .Pictures .tapes . radio 板书设计: Module10 Unit 1 This is his head. This is his head. leg. arm. foot. 教学过程: Step 1:Warming up 1. Sing a song: Stand up. 2. Greeting: How are you? 设计意图:通过唱歌、师生交流、手偶与学生互动,不但让学生做好上课的心理准备,而且给学生营造英语学习氛围,激活学生的英语思维,而师生间交流能有效地提高学生对旧知识的再现率,为学习新知识埋下伏笔。 Step

11、 2: Presentation Activity 1: Introduce Father Christmas, then lead in new words. T: Today is Christmas, and Father Christmas is here. He will give you a Christmas presents, guess what it is?(屏幕逐个出示福娃的身体部位,教师引导学生猜) Activity 2: Learning new words. (head/leg/foot/arm/hand) T: /e/:ea, ea; hea, hea,hea;

12、head, head, head, head. Ss: (point to head and say after the teacher.) head. T: My head. (T and Ss do the action together.) Ss: My head. T: His head. Ss: His head. 同样的方法教arm,hand, leg, foot. Activity 3:Guess the right words. 1. 教师出示本课生词卡,引导全班读一遍。 2. 猜词游戏: Whats missing? Activity 4:Chant. Two little

13、hands go, clap, clap, clap; one little foot goes, tap, tap, tap; Two little arms go, up and down; Two little head goes, from side to side. 设计意图:利用听听、说说、猜猜的任务形式进行生词的导入,不但能牢牢地吸引学生的注意力,满足他们的好动的心理特点,吸引学生积极主动参与学习。在学习生词时,教师让会说的学生先读,当小老师带读,为他们提供展示的空间。单词的学习并不是简单的教师带学生的机械跟读,而是设计真实的语境,使学生指认、复述的活动中,体验、感知、运用并习得

14、语言;而chant又能让学生在有韵律的说唱中,进一步理解和掌握单词。 Step 3: Practice Activity 1: Listen and act. (在小组间进行听音做动作比赛。) (1)教师发指令 ,学生做动作,如:head/leg/foot/arm/hand. (2)指名学生发指令其余同学做动作。 (3) 指名学生发指令,其余同学做动作并说句子, S1:Point to your head/etc. Ss: This is my head/etc Activity 2: Learning new sentences. 请学生介绍手偶和机器人奥特曼。用句型:This is his

15、 _. 设计意图:运用listen and act 的游戏来巩固单词,能避免反复跟读让学生产生厌烦的心理,增强学生对单词的记忆;针对小学生注意力不得持续久的特点,设计listen,say and point和介绍奥特曼的方式来操练句型能有力地调动学生的积极性,集中他们的注意力。 Step 4: Consolidation Task 1: Listen to the dialogue Task 2: Read the dialogue in text book. 设计意图:听录音、跟读给学生学习、模仿正确的发音,进一步感受句型。 Step 5: Production 1. 请学生介绍两个人物刘翔

16、和樱桃小丸子。 2. 学生在小组中用英语介绍自己的玩具或朋友。 3. 学生展示并介绍自己玩具。 设计意图:介绍学生熟悉的人物,给学生学以致用的机会,让学生感受到学习的知识就在生活中,体验到语言的实用性。而让学生介绍自己的玩具,不但给学生提供了使用英语、展示所学知识的平台,给学生提供了自由发展的时间和空间而且提高他们综合运用语言的能力,让学生体验到用所学知识解决问题成功后的愉悦,知道学英语就能用,并且培养学生的综合实践能力。 Step 6: summery and assessment 1.引导学生小结本课学习内容。 2.生生间互评及教师对学生的表现进行评价。 设计意图:由学生自己小结本课所学习

17、知识,能反馈出学生对知识的理解和掌握程度。而评价设计能让学生在形成性评价的过程中客观、正确地认识自己,树立学习信心。 七、家庭作业(三选一) 1.熟读课文。 2.画一画你喜欢的人物或动物,并用英语介绍其身体各个部位给家长或朋友听 3.用硬纸制作一个人或喜欢的动物,并用英语介绍其身体各个部位给家长或朋友听。 设计意图:家庭作业把课堂学习延伸到课后,让学生有更多练习的空间,学有所用,给学生予学习策略的引导,让学生学会自主地学习。而作业布置的三选一能让学生自主选择学习的方式,照顾到学生个性差异和能力的不同,更能发挥他们学习的主动性。 小学三年级英语教案人教版第四篇 教学内容: Part B and

18、D of Unit 11 A boy and a girl, Fun with English. 教学目标: 1. Enable the Ss to understand, read and say the new words “boy, girl, Chinese, thin, fat, tall, short.” 2. Enable the Ss to use the sentence in their daily life. 3. Develop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking, and writing English. 4. Train

19、the Ss abilities of cooperation. 重点难点: 1. The pronunciation of some new words “girl, thin, tall, small” 2. Enable the Ss to say and use the sentences“My name is Im ”to introduce themselves to others. 教学准备: CAI、tape、recorder. 教学方法: Communicational Approach 教学过程: Step1. Warmup 1. Sing a song “Hello”。

20、2. Free talk T: This is Her name is Helen. Whats your name? Nice to meet you. Step2. Presentation practice 1. Present and practice the new sentence “My name is ” 2 T: Do you want to know my name? Ss: T: My name is (T presents the new sentence “My name is ”) T: My name is Zhu Xiaoyan. How about your

21、name? S: My name is 2. Present and practice the new words “boy, girl, Chinese, Im from” T: (Show the Ss the picture of Liu Tao) Look, this is Ss: Liu Tao. T: This is Liu Tao. So we know his name is Liu Tao. T: How about his sex? T: Whats this? T: This is a Chinese flag. (Present and teach the word “

22、boy, Chinese”) T: (point to one of them) this is a Liu Tao is a Chinese boy. How about.? T: (point to one of them) is a T: Whos she? (Present the new word “girl”) T: Miss Zhu is a girl. Im a Chinese girl. And Im from Rudong. T: Where are you from? (Present the sentence “Im from”) Do you know where i

23、s Liu Tao from? 3. Present and practice the new words “fat, thin, tall, short” T: We know Liu Tao is from Shanghai. Shanghai is a beautiful city. Lets go to Shanghai. Ss: OK. T: Where is it? Ss: Its a zoo. T: Lets see what are in the zoo. (Present some pictures of animals) T: Look, this is a (monkey

24、) And this is a monkey. (Present and practice the word “fat, thin”) T: (Present the picture of LiuTao and Yao Ming) This is . T: Yao Ming is . (Present and practice the new word “tall, short”) 4. Present and read the text T: Now, how much do you know about Liu Tao? Say it out! T: Lets read and learn

25、 Liu Taos self-introduction. (Ask the Ss to read after the tape ) T: Close your books, please. Look , This is Liu Taos self-introduction, and this is me, can you help me correct it? (Ask the Ss to correct the self-introduction, and learn the example.) Step3. Consolidation T: Now, boys and girls. Try

26、 to introduce yourselves. You have 30 seconds to do it. Step4. Homework 1. Make your self-introduction card. 2. Introduce yourselves to five people and ask them to sign on the back of your introduction cards. 板书设计: Unit 11 A boy and a girl My name is Im a Chinese boy girl Im from Im (年龄) tall short

27、Im (特征) fat thin 小学三年级英语教案人教版第五篇 教学目标: (一)知识与技能 1、学生能了解认识家庭成员:father、 mother、 grandpa、 grandma 、sister、这些单词。 2、学生能理解和掌握句型:This is my 这个句型。 (二)情感态度与价值观 1、通过学习使学生学会去“爱”,爱自己的家人,爱自己的朋友,爱我们的地球这个大家庭。 2、运用句型:This is my向别人介绍自己的家庭成员。 课前准备: 录音机、磁带、单词卡片 教学过程: 一、导学 1、T:hello, boys and girls.How are you ,today ?

28、 today we will learn Module9 Family unit1 this is my mother. (板书课题出示单词卡family,理解单词意思,跟读,生自读) 2、Make students in four teams:father team,mother team,sister team ,brother team 二、呈现新知与操练 1、出示图片说明一个家庭的基本成员有哪些同时引入新单词“father,mother,sister,brother,grandma,grandpa”。老师可以邀请几个课前做了充分预习的学生当“小老师”,戴着头饰扮演一家人,手拿单词卡片向

29、全班教授新单词,老师在一旁提供指导和帮助。 2、出示Smart一家的图片,指着各个人物向学生提问,例如:Who is he?Who is she? 引导学生识别出Smart一家的成员:Ms Smart,Mr Smart,Sam,Amy和Tom.对学生说:“Sam家里还有两个成员,大家知道他们是谁吗?刚才大家看到的这些任务之间又是什么关系呢?我们一起来看一看吧!” 三、自学与展示 1、播放录音请学生认真听,试着理解课文的内容。听过第一遍录音后,老师可以提出一些关于课文的具体问题,例如:“How many people are there in sam s family?”请学生带着问题听第二遍录

30、音后,老师可以请理解课文内容的学生内容的学生向其他同学提出问题,例如:“Who are they?”听第3遍录音时,请学生看着书跟读,画出生词,并试着找出问题的答案。 2、小组长带领组员理清家庭成员之间的相互关系:Ms Smart和 Amy,Sam 和Tom的父母;三个孩子中,Amy是姐姐,Sam是弟弟,Tom是最小的弟弟,他们的家庭中还有爷爷和奶奶。 3、让学生再听录音,模仿跟读课文。其后,请学生带着头饰分角色表演课文。扮演Ms Smart,Mr Smart,Grandma,Grandpa,Amy和Tom的学生虽然没有台词,但是他们可以随着“Sam”的介绍走到讲台中间和全班同学打招呼。 四、巩固与拓展 Now, Lets make a chant. 爷爷、爷爷grandpa, grandpa胡子一大把。 奶奶、奶奶grandma, grandma眼睛有点花; 爸爸、爸爸是father, father形象很高大; 妈妈、妈妈是mother, mother美丽又持家; 姐姐、妹妹sister, sister眼睛圆又大; 哥哥、弟弟brother, brother淘气不听话。 四、总结 1.听录音熟读课文。 2、自己绘制“Family tree”展示给家人看。并向他们进行讲解。 小学三年级英语教案人教版2023最新5篇汇总 第 28 页 共 28 页


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