2019高中英语 课时分层作业9 Unit 6 Design 北师大版必修2.doc

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1、1课时分层作业课时分层作业( (九九) )语言知识练习固基础.单句语法填空1 1Its not worth while to show mercy to your enemies.2 2On the way home she narrowly(narrow)escaped injury.3 3He took a deep breath(breathe)and dived into the pool.4 4She always made people talking with her seem to be bathed(bath)in the warm breeze.5 5We used to

2、dream about/of living abroad.6 6The manager holds more than 50% of the shares(share)in the company.7 7There are a lot of spelling mistakes;even so,its quite a good essay.8 8By the time he got there,his friends had moved (move) up north.9 9To study English well,you should read it at least(little)twen

3、ty minutes a day.1010I havent seen the movie and my brother hasnt either. .单句改错1 1More than one farmer singer have appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala like Zhu Zhiwen.havehas2 2I began to feel home in the new school when I saw some familiar faces.home 前加 at3 3Lets do the experiment by

4、turn.turnturns4 4He determined to do it for a long time.determined 前加 was5 5Taking around the city,we were impressed by its new look.TakingTaken高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解A ADue to the high cost of energy and the need to preserve nature,designing a building with green aims and sustainable (可持续的) energy sources i

5、s a necessity in todays world.There are many different things that go into the design and construction of a green building.2First,the site of the building must be taken into account in order to create the most efficient design for that area.The place of the sun,the height of surrounding trees as wel

6、l as the positions and height of surrounding buildings must be looked at in detail in order to get the largest amount of natural light.Natural lighting is a good way to keep persons feeling awake and refreshed.Furthermore,the materials that are used during the construction are also important.Using r

7、ecycled materials will help you cut down costs as well as help the environment.Another great way to help the environment is by using materials that are made locally so as to get rid of the transportation costs and usage of energy that they require to be delivered.High value insulating (起隔热作用的) mater

8、ials should be used in the walls and ceilings in order to keep the natural heat or air,reducing the rate of running the buildings air conditioners and thus saving money in energy costs.In addition,some green designs also can be added to the top of the roof.One of the important green designs is the r

9、oof garden.On tall buildings or buildings in areas that have large population,the roof garden allows for a natural environment in a city.Roof gardens also allow for a longer lifetime of the roof and are a great way to catch extra water which can be used to fill toilets inside the building.We can als

10、o put equipment on the top of the buildings which makes use of the solar power and wind power to create electricity.Last but not least,advances in technology play an important part in the green building.Our living and working conditions have benefited from high technology,and as a result,so has our

11、environment.【语篇解读】 本文讲的是设计建设环保房子所涉及的各个方面。1 1Which of the following should be considered in order to get the largest amount of natural light?aThe position of the sun.bThe places of surrounding trees.cThe height of surrounding trees.dThe height of surrounding buildings.eThe places of surrounding build

12、ings.fThe number of surrounding trees.3Aabcd BacdeCbcefDacdfB B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The place of the sun,the height of surrounding trees as well as the positions and height of surrounding buildings must be looked at in detail in order to get the largest amount of natural light.”可得出答案。2 2We can learn from

13、the fourth paragraph that Athe roof garden is a good way to save energyBpeople living in tall buildings dont love natural environmentCthe larger population a building has,the worse the environment isDthe electricity in the building is made by the equipment on the top of itA A 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Roof gard

14、ens also allow for a longer lifetime of the roof and are a great way to catch extra water which can be used to fill toilets inside the building.”可知,建造房顶花园可获取额外的水并加以利用,能节约能源。3 3We can infer from the passage that Athe site of the building is the most important to create the most efficient buildingBon

15、the top of the building,you can add anything as you likeCwe have benefited a lot from high technologyDusing lowcost materials cant help the environmentC C 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Our living and working conditions have benefited from high technology,and as a result,so has our environment.”可得出答案。4 4What would

16、be the best title for the passage?AEnergy savingBThe protection of environmentCGreen buildingsDAdvanced technologyC C 标题归纳题。本文讲的是设计建设环保房子所涉及的各个方面。B BYinxu (Ruins of Yin) is the ruins of the last capital of Chinas Shang Dynasty(1600 BC1046 BC)The capital served 255 years for 12 kings.It shows 4the go

17、lden age of early Chinese culture,crafts(工艺品) and sciences,a time of great prosperity(繁荣) during the Chinese Bronze Age(青铜时代)Discovered in 1899,Yinxu is one of the oldest and largest archaeological sites(考古遗址 )in China and is one of the historical capitals of China and is listed as a UNESCO World He

18、ritage Site.It lies in central Henan Province,near the modern city of Anyang,and is open to the public as the Garden Museum of Yinxu.It is famous as the source of oracle bone script (甲骨文),the earliest recorded form of Chinese writing.The oracle bone script has recorded everything from dream explaini

19、ng to events such as harvests,birth of a child,the weather,and the success of military campaigns.Over 3,000 tombs,2,200 pits,and 200 houses have been dug out at Yinxu.The large number of burial accessories found there shows the high level of the Shang crafts industry.The site includes a main palace

20、and an ancient tomb.Besides,there are a number of large buildings,at least 53 of which have been dug out.Yinxu has seen many years of research,first studied by the Academia Sinica in the late 1920s to the early 1930s and most recently by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.【语篇解读】 本文主要介绍了殷墟中国商朝的国都

21、废墟的情况。5 5During which of the following periods may Yinxu have been the capital of Shang Dynasty?A1600 BC1500 BC.B1500 BC1200 BC.C1300 BC1046 BC.D1050 BC850 BC.C C 根据第一段的前两句话可知,殷墟作为商朝的国都历时 255 年,故答案选 C。A 项为 100 年;B 项为 300 年;850 BC 时商朝已经灭亡了,故 D 项也不对。6 6From the passage,we can know that Yinxu .Awas the

22、 last capital of Chinas Shang DynastyBproved the failure of Shang DynastyCwas discovered in the 1920sDcan be visited by the public nowD D 根据第二段的第二句话的“.is open to the public as the Garden Museum of Yinxu”可知,现在公众可以参观殷墟,故答案选 D。A 项“the last”没提到;B 项不5合文意;C 项的“1920s”不对,应该是 1899。7 7Which of the following i

23、s NOT true about the oracle bone script?AIt was discovered in Yinxu.BIt is the earliest form of Chinese writing.CMany things were recorded using it.DIt is important for studying the Shang Dynasty.B B 根据第二段第三句“the earliest recorded form of Chinese writing”可知,甲骨文是文字记载的最早形式,B 项漏了“recorded” 。8 8Accordin

24、g to the passage,which of the following belongs to things that are dug out from Yinxu?acraft bgold coracle bone script dtombsebronze fhouses gaccessoriesAafg BbcdCbdgDaceA A 根据第三、四段可知答案选 A。.短文改错It was raining.In his way home from school,Peter saw an old man which was walking with difficulty in the r

25、ain without an umbrella.Peter goes up to him and offered to share the umbrellas with him.The old man in poor health,so Peter tried to hold the umbrella.And he was so short to hold it high enough.While wondering what to do,he saw the old mans stick and had an idea.He tied the stick to the handle of t

26、he umbrella and made it the longer.Then we shared the umbrella.Peter was happily.【答案】It was raining. his way home from school,Peter saw an old man In Onwhich who/thatwas walking with difficulty in the rain without an umbrella.Peter up to goes wenthim and offered to share the with him.The old man in

27、poor umbrellas umbrellahealth,so Peter tried to hold the umbrella.he was short to hold it high enough.While wondering what to do,he saw the old mans And Butso toostick and had an idea.He tied the stick to the handle of the umbrella and made it 6longer.Then shared the umbrella.Peter was .we theyhappily happy


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