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《新教材2021-2022学年英语人教版必修第二册课时检测Unit+5+MusicWord版含解析.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新教材2021-2022学年英语人教版必修第二册课时检测Unit+5+MusicWord版含解析.docx(7页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、课时素养检费十九Unit 5 Period 3I.阅读理解AWhether it is Mozart or Miley, your choice of music could determine whether you will perform well in your work.A new study suggests that listening to music in the office improves the speed and accuracy of tasks such as data entry, proof reading and problem solving.In an

2、 office-based experiment, 88 percent of participants were found to produce their most accurate work when listening to music.The study also found that 81 percent completed their fastest work when music was played.And it matters what type of music you listen to. For instance, if youre doing your tax r

3、eturns, then classical music is the most effective as it improves maths skills.Listening to Jessie J or Justin Bieber could also improve your speed, with 58 percent of participants completing data entry tasks faster while listening to pop songs.During proof-reading, dance music, such as David Guetta

4、, had the biggest positive impact with participants increasing their speed by 20 percent compared to tests undertaken with no music at all.Dance music also had a positive effect on spell-checking with a 75 percent pass rate compared to 68 percent when no music was played at all.The research, underta

5、ken by Brighton-based Mindlab International, suggests that silent offices may be the least productive.“The music experiment showed that when listening to music, 9 out of 10 people performed better, “ said Dr. David Lewis, Chairman of Mindlab International.“Proper music enables people to quickly proc

6、ess and keep information, regulate their behaviors, make good choices, solve problems, plan and adjust to changing mental demands, “ a senior investigator of Mindlab International explains.“While many schools are cutting music programs and spending more and more time on test preparation, our finding

7、s suggest that musical training may actually help to set up children for a better academic future, “ added Dr. David Lewis.【语篇概述】这篇文章主要讲述了音乐与工作效率之间的关系,人们可以根据工作性质的不 同选择合适的音乐,在音乐的伴随下人们工作的效率更高。1. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. The positive relationship between music and efficiency.B. The sp

8、eed and accuracy of problem-solving tasks.C. The comparison of different kinds of music.D. The experiment on productivity of office staff.【解析】选A。主旨大意题。通读全文,并根据第二段判断,本文主要讲述了音乐和工作效 率之间的关系,故选A。2. According to the passage, we can conclude that.A. different kinds of music lead to the same effectsilent of

9、fices can make people perform betterB. listening to proper music can improve efficiency in officemore tests prepare children for a better academic future【解析】选C。推理判断题。通读全文并根据倒数第二段中的Proper music enables people to quickly process and keep information, regulate their behaviors, make good choices, solve

10、problems, plan and adjust to changing mental demands.可知,适当的音乐能提高人们的工 作效率,故选C。3. What is the authors attitude towards school music programs?A. Respectful.B. Doubtful.C. Tolerant.D. Supportive.【解析】选D。观点态度题。本文作者主要阐述音乐对工作效率的积极影响,结合最后一段 可推断,作者对学校开展音乐教育是支持的,故选D。BAC/DC have postponed their US tour after si

11、nger Brian Johnson was warned by doctors that he was at the risk of “total hearing loss”. This is unsurprising, given the hard rock decibel(分贝). But deafness isnt only a concern for rock musicians. In recent years it has become clear that anyone around music a lot has reason to be equally worried.Wh

12、en exposed to music, risk to hearing arises from a combination of how loud the sound is and how long youre exposed to it. If you visit a nightclub that is thumping out (响亮地奏出)music on the dance floor at 100 dB, then after only 10-15 minutes the exposure is potentially damaging. In a quieter part of

13、the club, but where the music is still loud enough that you have to shout at your friends, then you could be there for a couple of hours before having to worry about your hearing. Of course music frequently exceeds(超过)80-85 dB, but what counts most in assessing the risk to hearing is the average exp

14、osure.Exposure to high noise levels often causes temporary deafnesssomething many people have experienced after going to a nightclub. While hearing usually recovers after a few hours or days, repeated loud exposure leads to permanent hearing damage. Initially, this damage is unlikely to be noticed b

15、y the listener. Problems only become significant in middle age when the noise-caused hearing loss combines with the natural loss of hearing due to ageing.Improved technology means that the number of musicians having to give up performing could decrease, but student musicians need to be educated abou

16、t the dangers of noise-caused hearing loss. The increasing use of headphones will also work against thisfor musicians and everyone else. Unless people are careful with the volume(音量)level on their portable music players, hearing loss caused by music will increase.【语篇概述】本文是一篇说明文。长时间听高分贝的音乐可能会让人永久性失聪。

17、作者建议 人们在听音乐时要注意音量。4. What does Paragraph 1 mainly aim to tell us?A. Musicians tend to be victims of music.B. It is helpful to check hearing regularly.C. Being with music isnt necessarily beneficial.D. Deafness has become musicians5 major concern.【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第一段最后两句But deafness isnt only a concern

18、 for rock musicians. In recent years it has become clear that anyone around music a lot has reason to be equally worried.以及对第一段的理解可推断出,第一段旨在告诉读者听音乐不一定有益。5. Whats the most important factor considered in the assessment of the risk to hearing?A. Its decibel.B. The average exposure.C. Its playing enviro

19、nment.D. The listeners sensitivity to sound.【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句Of course music frequently exceeds 80-85 dB, but what counts most in assessing the risk to hearing is the average exposure. 可知, 平均接触时 间是评定听力损伤程度的最重要的因素。6. People who go to nightclubs frequently lend to.A. suffer from temporary headach

20、ehave their hearing damaged foreverB. experience natural hearing loss earlierhave a clear sense of their hearing damage【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第三段第二句While hearing usually recovers after a few hours or days, repeated loud exposure leads to permanent hearing damage.以及对第三段的理解可知, 经常去夜总会的人往往会导致永久性的听力损伤。7. Which o

21、f the following best reflects the authors opinion?A. Improved technology can prevent hearing damage.B. Student musicians are main sufferers of hearing loss.C. Using headphones helps reduce hearing loss to a degree.D. We can never be too careful with the volume level of music.【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句U

22、nless people are careful with the volume level on iheir portable music players, hearing loss caused by music will increase. 可知, 作者认 为我们对音乐的音量越小心越好。D项中6勺“can never be too. ”意为“越 越好,再 也 不为过“II.完形填空I took an airplane to Beijing in February, on an Air Canada Boeing 777. all wereseated, I used my compute

23、r for a while. Ahead of me to my right, a kid was crying.I went up to a Chinese woman. She had in her arms a kid that 2 crying. I told the mother that the kid needed to be walked and then she would settle down and sleep. I knew this because I am a father of four 3 children. The woman, who was from N

24、orth York, said she was too tired as she had been 4 the whole night before. 1 5 to walk the kid so she could get some sleep.As I took the kid in my arms, I 6 her for the kids name and age. I then started slowly walking up to the front of the economy section. The kid immediately fell to sleep. When I

25、 got back to the mother7 , I found her fast asleep. I kept walking for over six hours and walkedslowly 8 . Since it was a 13-hour flight, I walked halfway to China 9 a kid.Women on board would stop me during my long walk, wanting to see the kid. One woman asked me some questions like “How many 1() d

26、o you have? ” “Four, “ I said. She looked11 at my wrinkled (有皱纹的)face and white hair (I was almost 60) and said, “Well, I hope this is your 12 one. She thought I was Marys father. I just 13 and walked on.When I was back to the mother, the mother 14 . I gave Mary back to her, who 15 sound asleep.1. A

27、. Before B. After C. ThoughD. Unless解析选 B。考查状语从句。根据 all were seated, I used my computer fbr a while.“大家都坐好后,我用了 一会儿电脑。”此处是after引导的时间状语从句,故选B。2. A. keptB. startedC. practised D. stopped【解析】选Ao考查动词。根据She had in her arms a kid that crying.结合选项只有A项符合题意。keep doing”一直做某事”,故选A。3. A. grownB. energetic C. cu

28、riousD. slim【解析】选A。考查形容词。grown长大的;energetic精力充沛的;curious好奇的;slim苗条的。 根据 I knew this because I am a father of four children.可知,我知道这一点,因为我是四个成年孩子的父亲。故选A。4. A. downB. back C. away D. up【解析】选D。考查副词。这位来自North York的女士说,她太累了,因为她前一晚都没睡。 故选D。5. A. deservedB. offeredC. pretendedD. agreed解析选B。考查动词。deserved值得;o

29、ffered提供;pretended假装;agreed同意。我主动提 出带孩子去走走,这样她就能睡一会儿了。0加1010空民“主动提出要做某事,故选B。6. A. requestedB. commandedC. askedD. consulted【解析】选C。考查动词。requested请求;commanded命令;asked问;consulted请教。根据for the kid name and age可知是在“问孩子的名字和年龄。故选C。7. A. homeB. seatC. sectionD. room【解析】选B。考查名词。作者把孩子哄睡了,自然要送回到妈妈那里,也就是回到妈妈的 “座

30、位故选B。8. A. upside downB. inside outC. day and night D. up and down【解析】选D。考查词组。upside down颠倒的;inside out彻底地,里面翻到外面;day and night 5日日夜夜;up and down 前前后后,上上下下。根据 The kid immediately fell to sleep. When I got back to the mothers, I found her fast asleep.可知作者把孩子哄睡了,但孩子的妈 妈也睡了,所以作者就抱着孩子来回走。故选D。9. A. watch

31、ingB. carryingC. trickingD. seeking【解析】选B。考查非谓语动词。watching观看;carrying抱;tricking戏弄;seeking寻找。根 据 I kept walking for over six hours and walked slowly. Since it was a 13-hour flight, I walked halfway to Chinaa kid.可知在去中国的航班上作者有一半的时间抱着一个 孩子。故选B。10. A. customersB. passengersC. membersD. children解析选Do考查名词

32、。customers顾客;passengers旅客;members成员;children孩子。根 据下句回答“Four”可知在问作者有多少孩子。故选D。11. A. obviously B. confidentlyC. closelyD. firmly【解析】选C。考查副词。obviously明显地;confidently自信地;closely紧密地,仔细地;firmly 坚定地。仔细看着我满是皱纹的脸。故选C。12. A. lastB. activeC. naughtyD. troubled【解析】选A。考查形容词。last最后的;aclive积极的;naughty淘气的;troubled不

33、安的。我 希望这是你最后一个孩子。故选A。B. smiledD. sighed13. A. refusedC. apologized【解析】选B。考查动词。refused拒绝;smiled微笑;apologized道歉;sighed叹息。我微笑着继续来回走。故选B。14. A. woke B. leftC. wandered D. shouted【解析】选A。考查动词。woke唤醒,醒来;left离开;wandered徘徊;shouted大喊。根据下 文的I gave Mary back to her可知孩子的妈妈醒了。故选A。15. A. turned B. fellC. remained

34、D. looked【解析】选C。考查动词。turned使变成;fell落下;remained保持,仍然;looked看。我把玛 丽还给她,孩子仍然在熟睡。故选C。IIL语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。There is a wonderful story about Jimmy Durante, who is one of the greatest singers in the twentieth century. One day, when 1. (ask) to be part of a show for some old World War II s

35、oldiers, Jimmy said he could afford only a few minutes and that he would come if they wouldnt mind his singing one short song and 2.(immediate) leaving for his next appointment. Of course, the shows 3.(direct) agreed happily.But when Jimmy got on stage, something 4.(surprise) happened. He went throu

36、gh the short song and then stayed. The applause grew louder and louder and he kept 5. (stay). Pretty soon, he had been6.stage for fifteen, twenty, and then thirty minutes. One of his assistants behind the stage stopped him and said, “I thought you had to go after a few minutes. What happened? ” Jimm

37、y answered, “I did have to go, but I can show you the reason 7.I stayed. You can see fbr yourself if you look at the front row. In the front row 8.(be) Iwo men, both of whom had lost 9.arm in the war. One had lost his right arm and the other had lost his left. Together, they were able to clap, and t

38、hat was exactly what they 10. (do), loudly and cheerfully.【语篇概述】本文讲述了 Jimmy Durante本打算在一次演出上表演一首短的歌曲就离开,但 是受到两个残疾老兵的感动从而继续留下来表演。1 .【解析】asked。考查非谓语动词。此处句子主语Jimmy和ask之间是一种被动关系,这 里省略了相同的主语和be动词,与when构成时间状语。故填asked。2 .【解析】immediately。考查副词。修饰动词短语leave for应用副词,immediate立即的 的副词形式为immediately,意为“立即,马上.【解析】d

39、irector。考查名词。direct作动词,可译为“指导”,而此处指这次演出的“导演 故填 directoro3 .【解析】surprising。考查情感形容词。句意:但是当吉米上台时,发生了一件令人惊讶的 事。此处是形容词修饰不定代词,表示“令人惊讶的事情”,故答案为surprising。4 .【解析】slaying。考查非谓语动词。keep doing为固定用法,表示“一直做某事“,故填 staying o.【解析】on。考查介词。句意:很快,他就在舞台上表演了 15分钟、20分钟、30分钟。 这里指“在舞台上”,故用介词ono5 .【解析】why。考查定语从句。句意:我可以告诉你我留下来的原因。此处ihereason作先 行词,在后面的定语从句中作原因状语。故填why。6 .【解析】were。考查时态和主调一致。句意:第一排有两个人,他们都在战争中失去了一 只手臂。此处是表方位的介词短语位于句子开头,句子用全部倒装,谓语动词和two men保 持一致,且句子用一般过去时,故填were。7 .【解析】an。考查冠词。句意:两个人都在战争中失去了一条胳膊。此处泛指“一条”胳膊,且 arm为元音音素开头。故填an。8 .【解析】were doing。考查时态。句意:这正是他们大声而愉快地所做的。此处应用过去 进行时,故填were doing。


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