2019高中英语 Unit 2 Working the land Section 2 巩固提升 新人教版必修4.doc

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1、1UnitUnit 2 2 WorkingWorking thethe landland SectionSection 2 2 LearningLearning aboutabout LanguageLanguage .用所给动词的适当形式填空1Would you mind _turning_ (turn) down your radio a little,please ?2_Making_ (make) friends plays an important part in our life.3It is no use _talking_ (talk) with a person like h

2、im.4The bird was lucky and it just missed _being caught_ (catch).5I always prefer _to start_ (start) early rather than _leave_ (leave)everything to the last minute.6Maybe youve forgotten _to post_ (post)my letter.How could I?I remember _putting_ (put)the letter into the letter box.7All the boys are

3、looking forward to _going_ (go) forward _to feel_ (feel) the animal.8Would you like _to go_ ( go) there with us?.单句改错1His father being ill made him worried.(fatherfathers)2Excuse me for not my coming on time.(把 not 放于 my 后)3Im sorry for having not kept my promise.(having notnot having)4It is worth t

4、o spend time on such a thing.(worthworthwhile)5The book is worth being read.(being readreading)6I still remember to be taken to the beach when I was a child.(to bebeing)7He felt sorry that he forgot turning off the lights when he left the lab.(turningto turn)8The trees need being watered.(being wate

5、redwatering)9I mean changing it for another one.(changingto change)10I remembered locking the door before I left the office,but forgot turning off the lights.(lockingto lock; turningto turn).完成句子1Thousands of people are _going hungry_ (挨饿)because of the failure of this years harvest.2He has been _st

6、ruggling with/against_ (与斗争)his illness for many years.23You can _expand your vocabulary_ (扩大词汇量)by reading.4Dr.Yuan is now _circulating knowledge_ (传播知识)in many countries.5We had to borrow some money to _equip our shop_ (装备我们的店).6Dr.Yuans kind of rice is the most _suitable_ (合适的)for Chinas farmland.7To avoid _confusion_ (混淆),please write your names on your bags.8Through physical exercise,you can _reduce your weight_ (减少你的体重)by 5 kilograms.9Maybe the plan will not _satisfy everyone_ (使每个人满意).


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