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1、高一英语试卷完卷时间:120分钟 满分:150分第一卷(选择题,共105分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有个小题,从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷 的相应位置。听每段对话后你都有10秒钟的时间来【可答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where did the man put his wallet?A. At home.B. In his back pocket.2. Why docs the man look happy?A. He has bought a new book.C. Hi

2、s poem is being published.3. Where are the speakers?A. In a classroom. B. In a library.4. How did the woman know her husband?A. On the Internet. B. By newspaper.5. What are the speakers talking about?C. In his breast pocket.B. He has finished his new book.C. In a book shop.C. By a friend.A. Rainfore

3、sts.B. Animals.C. Weather.第二节:(共15小题;每题1.5分,共22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳 选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What does the man think of the lecture?A. Easy.B. Boring.C. Difficult.7. What does the man ask the woman to do

4、?A. Lend him her notes. B. Look over his notes. C. Prepare for the discussion. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What are the speakers doing?A. Writing the invitations.B. Planning the menu.C. Making the salad.9. What did the woman forget to do?A. Invite Linda.B. Call the cook.C. Buy chicken.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Whe

5、re did the woman go last night before getting home?A. To a cinema.B. To a friends.C. To a store.11. What happened when the woman came at the door?A. The door opened.B. She heard a noise.C. Her key was missing.12. Who was Karl?听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What is the probable relationship between the speaker

6、s?A. WorkmatesB. Neighbors.C. Interviewer and interviewee.83.8485第二部分 写作(共两节,满分30分)第一节 短文填词 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)第二节书面表达高一英语答题卷第1页共2页期末考联考英语参考答案听力 30 分:1-5 BCBCA 单选 15分:21-25 CBADC 完型30分:36-40 BDACD 阅读30分:A:56-59BCAC6-10 CABAA26-30 DDCCB41-45 BBCCDB:60-62DCD11-15 BBCCB 16

7、-20 AACAB31-35 CDBAB46-50 DCCAC 51-55 BBDCDC: 63-66BCDA D:67-70CDAD单词拼写5分:71-75 valuable contain competing familiar worth76-80 totally charged protection responsibility pretends 课文填空10分:81. design fancy style popularhonest attach to becoming83.1 n relief burst laughterreached the agreed admitted84.

8、Over time been toldHowever beingHowever being88 decreased 89 mercy 90 how93 Above 94 only 95 peaceful短文填词10分:86 including 8791 Personally 92 书面表达20分:参考范文As is known to us all, to host the Olympic Games is a Chinese s dream. In order to real ize the great dream, He ZhenLiang who was seventy years old

9、 at that time, took all the trouble to visit many countries to seek for support. In he and his team suffered failure but in they won success.Undoubtedly, from him I can learn that we should fight for our drcam bravely. My dream is to be a soldier. I have been longing for the green uniform and handso

10、me appearance so much. Therefore I take more exercise to make me stronger and stronger . Moreover 1 spare no efforts to get more and more knowledge, which makes it possible for me to be a good soldier. Even if I meet with any difficulty or failure , T will never give up my dream. Instead , I will fa

11、ce it confidently.Dear friend, He Zhen Liang has set a good example for us to work hard for our dream. I do believe only if we put our heart into our dream can we achieve it one day.录音原文:(Text 1)M: I wish I had left my wallet at home. But Im sure I put it in my back pocket. W: Oh no, its so easy fbr

12、 a thief to take it from there. You should put your money in your breast pocket.(Text 2)W : You look pleased with yourself. What,s happened?M: Im having a poem published in a new book.W: Congratulations!(Text 3)W: Good afternoon. Can I help you?M: Yes. I want to borrow a reference book. But I cant f

13、ind it.W: Try the card catalog.(Text 4)M: I heard you married. How did you meet your husband? Did you use the Internet as I told you?W: No, I posted an ad in the newspaper. There were dozens of e-mail responses. But it wasnt until my friend introduced him to me that I found my Mr Right.(Text 5)M: Mo

14、st of the worlds rainforests arc in danger of dcstaiction by fanners and developers. They arc disappearing at a rate of 100 acres a minute!W: Yeah, many plants and animals exist only in rainforests.M: We really need to save the beautiful rainforests.(Text 6)M: Jenny, wait up!W: So what did you think

15、 of the professors lecture?M: 6I think most of what he said just went over my head.W: Thats all right. A lot of what he said is explained in the reading.M: Hey, 7would you mind if I borrowed your notes tonight to look them over?W: No problem. We dont have class until Wednesday. Here you go.M: Thanks

16、. I just want to make sure Im prepared fbr the discussion.W: Yeah, participation in the discussion is an important part of the education here.(Text 7)W: I sent out the invitations to the dinner party.M: Thats good. Now what should we do?W: * Weve got to plan the menu.M: Oh. Thats right. Do you have

17、anything in mind?W: I think Im going to make the chicken salad we had at the party. Remember I asked the chef fbr the recipe?M: Yeah, but did you forget that Linda doesnt eat chicken?W: Linda? Oh, my gosh. 91 forgot to invite Linda! Shell be mad at me.M: Well, everyone is gonna fbrget something some

18、times. Its not late yet. Ill make a phone call. Dont worry.W: Thanks! You see, I think Im getting old!M: Looks like you are, sweetheart.W: Thank you.(Text 8)M: Morning. Julia. 1(,Did you go to the cinema last night?W: 10Yes, it was a good film. But the strangest thing happened when I got home.M: Wha

19、t?W: Well, when I got home, I came up the stairs and started to put my key in the door. And I heard a noise in my flat. I thought it was a thief.M: So what did you do?W: I ran into the street and phoned the police from the phone box on the corner. They came very quickly. But while they were walking

20、up the stairs, my door opened. I thought: Oh, no. But it wasnt a thief.M: Who was it?W: l2It was Karl. You know, who sits next to me in the office.M: How did he get in?W: The gatekeeper let him in.(Text 9)M: Yeah, all right.W: How many hours a week do you normally work?M: I work about. oh, about fif

21、ty hours a week.W: So, how much free time do you have?M: Oh. About. can I think about this for a moment? . Yeah, about thirty hours.W: Thirty hours. And how do you spend your free time?M: Well, l5I spend about two hours a day watching TV, so whats that?W: About fourteen hours a week? And how do you

22、spend the rest of your free time?M: I dont know . I probably spend about more than an hour a day talking to family or friends.W: So, about ten hours?M: Yeah. That sounds about right. Then I spend about, maybe, l6three hours a week reading . and the rest of the time? I probably spend the rest of the

23、time doing nothing at all.(Text 10)W: 17A recent art exhibition in Florida honoured the animal often seen as mans most intelligent friend, the dolphin. l8The exhibition in the Florida Keys featured life-sized dolphin paintings made of wood and other materials. The dolphins were shown at area busines

24、ses and along the beach. Organizers paid $750 to cover the artists5 fees and the cost of the materials.There were about 100 dolphin themes. They showed the works of local artists, as well as the beach atmosphere the Keys are famous for. Probably the most unique was its artist. Pandora. 20Pandora, th

25、e dolphin painter, is a real dolphin, at the Dolphin Research Centre. The playful artist streaks colours across a dolphin painting, holding a brush in its mouth. The exhibition will be held by the Monroe Council of the Arts as part of a plan to make the Keys an international arts centre.14. How many

26、 hours a week does the man work?A. About 30.B. About 40.C. About 50.15. How many hours a day does the man spend watching TV?A. About 1 hours. B. About 2 hours.C. About 3 hours.C. Talking to friends.B. It is mans favorite animal.C. Wood.16. What docs the man spend three hours doing a week? A. Reading

27、.B. Talking to the family.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What does the speaker say about the dolphin?A. It is mans most intelligent friend.C. It is mans largest friend.18. What were those dolphin paintings mainly made of?A. Glass.B. Stone.19. How many dolphin themes were there in the exhibition?A. About 100.

28、B. About 150.C. About 750.20. Who is Pandora?A. An organizer.B. A dolphin.C. A reporter.、第二部分语言知识及运用第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21 .Many Chinese have their houses before the Spring Festival.A.decorateB. to decorate C.decoratedD decorating2.If you dont care abo

29、ut wild animals,neither friendly to us humans.A.do animals beB.will animals be C.animals areD.animals will be23.On Nov 1, President Xi Jinping inspected Fujian and highly praised the great changes of Ping Tan, the local people are proud.A.of whichB.of whoC.in whichD.of whom4.Some questions on how to

30、 protect cultural relics have at the meeting .A.been risenB.raisedC. been arisenD.arisen.World Wildlife Fund would appreciate if China continues to make efforts to protect endangered species.A.usB.thatC.itD./.More and more buyers online long to pick up real on November ,11 .A.goodsB. tradeC.dealD. b

31、argains.Killing animals is killing ourselves .A.in the wayB.on the way C.by the way D.in a way.time goes by, the computer will become smaller and smaller.A.WhenB.WithC. AsD.While.We should the book where it belongs after reading it.A. protectB.employC. replaceD. lie.China as well as many other count

32、ries the lost Air Asia QZ8501.A.are searching for B.is in search of C.is searching of D.are in search of.We do hope we human beings can live in is free from pollution.A whereB.thatC.whatD.which.0nly when we take exercise can we keep physical health.A.successfullyB.brieflyC.universally D.regularly.Do

33、nt make noise especially when these students for the coming speech contest.A.are training B. are being trained C. will be trained D. have been trainedSadly , the two good friends had a quarrel over money,and afterwards they.A. broke up B.cheered up C. came up D. showed up Wow! Han Hong will attend t

34、he TV show: I AM A SINGER Season Three.? Im not interested in pop music.A. How come B. So whatC. Anyhow D. Instead第二节.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,褊分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Camping is a good way to spend time with your kids and to show them how wonderful nature can be. T

35、he beauty of nature can be 36 by children through camping. There arc so many things to be discovered : flowers, birds, and 37 small animals. Camping gives kids time to 38 from all the electronics of today culture. 39 it is a good idea to plan exciting and enjoyable family camping trips 40 your child

36、ren while theyre young.When 41 your family camping trip, consider the activities your kids like: games, hiking, swimming, boating, bicycling, etc. Choose a camping place that has some of the activities in which the kids are 42 . Meal planning is an important part of your camping trip. Plan the meals

37、 together, and kids love to choose 43 they want to eat. Doing all the planning 44 a family keeps the kids feeling like theyre part of the whole family.When starting to 45 for your trip, let the kids pack their own things. Each person should have his or her 46 sIeeping bag with a bag to put 47 in.Per

38、sonal things should be packed with their sleeping bags. Encourage the kids to put their things in a 48 place and always return them when they 49 using them.When youve arrived at your campsite, make all the camping activities a family activity,50 will help teach children the 51 of teamwork. Everyone

39、can have their own jobs sitting upthethe高一英语试卷第3页共10页the campsite. The younger 八“。 ones can 52 the tent.preparation of meals. Therefore, let the older ones do the cooking on your outdoor camping stove 55 the younger ones get the picnic table ready.36. A. lookedB. exploredC. inspectedD. exploded37. A

40、. othersB.the otherC.anotherD. other38. A. get awayB. run awayC.give awayD. put away39.A SurprisinglyB.StrangelyC.UndoubtedlyD.Importantly40. A. toB. aboutC.againstD. with41. A. makingB. planningC.takingD. having42. A. fondB. interestedC. lostD.devoted43. A. howB. whichC. whatD. why44. A. withB. lik

41、eC. asD. without45. A. longB. doC. packD. prepare46. A. newB. beautifulC. niceD. own47. A. themB. theyC. itD. other48. A. someB. sureC.certainD. same49.A.have finishedB. wi11 finishC. would finishD.had finished50. A. whereB. thatC. whichD. what51. A. disadvantageB. importanceC. ruleD.preparation52.

42、A. set upB. put upC. rise upD. arise up53. A. funnyB.sensitiveC. painfulD. fun54.A.deal withB. do withC.help withD. go with55. A. soB. butC. whenD. while第三部分阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从56-70各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ATonight, my piano recital(钢琴演奏会)was the most important thi

43、ng in my family. My grandparents were coming by plane to hear me play. Even my busy Aunt Dianne, who is on TV every night reading the news, was coming.But one thing was for sure. I would never win an award for my piano playing. Andthatjust because the more I practiced, the more nervous I got. So the

44、re I was, on the stage, in my beautiful dress, and I sat down at the piano. But when I started to play, I hit a wrong note. I told myself to start over. But then I hit the wrong note again. It was as if I hadnt practiced at all.Finally the disaster was over. I ran off the stage. I couldnl understand

45、 why audience(观众)were clapping. But they were. My mom and dad had flowers for me and we were all supposed to go out for a nice dinner, but I couldnt. I just wanted to go home and cry and never go anywhere again. After we went back home, Aunt Dianne just came in and sat down on the side of my bed.“It

46、 was my first night on the. air,“ she said. I had never been on television before and I made a mistake. I mispronounced my name and the name of the news show. And you know what? No one even noticed but me. Just like tonight, no one noticed-just you. Aunt Dianne was right. I think we are harder on ou

47、rselves than anyone else is. Maybe I will leave my room. And maybe Ill play the piano again.56 . From the passage we can know Aunt Dianne .A. worked as an actressB. worked as a news broadcaster on TVC. worked as a hostess on TV D. hosted the piano recital.The underlined part “the disa ster in Paragraphs meansA.the laughs from the audience B.the loud cheers of the audienceC.the authors piano performance D.thc authors practice on the stage.What did the author learn from her piano performance?A.Dont be too hard on yourself. B. Things seldom go as well as people expect.


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