人教版八年级英语下册Unit 4 综合素质评价试卷 附答案 (6).docx

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1、人教版八年级英语下册Unit 4综合素质评价(限时:60分钟 满分:100分)一、单项选择(每小题1.5分,共15分)()1. In Chinese families, people wont start dinner the elderly take theirseats.A. afterB. whenC. becauseD. until()2. Look at the photo! My father is newspapers while my mother iswatching TV.A. putting offB. looking forC. listening toD. looki

2、ng through()3. 2022-岳阳二模改编】My parents dont allow me TV on schooldays.A. watchingB. watchC. to watchD. watched()4. 一You look unhappy. Whats your?一I had an argument with my parents.A. accidentB. adviceC. questionD. problem()5.give her a chance to correct her mistakes?A. Why dont youB. LetsC. Why dontD

3、. How about()6. Cindy hopes to save some money she can buy a gift for hermother.A. even if B. untilC. whileD. so that()7. We cant this math problem. Can you help us?A. work outB. compare withC. prepare forD. put down()8. He is angry with his mother, because she always him with the best should say so

4、rry to your parents and your best friend. Your family and your true friend are always with you. You can tell them about your problems. I think they will forgive you and help you to solve them. Also, you can listen to soft music when you get angry. It can help you relax. Hope things work out.Yours,Li

5、n Lin点评:本文运用了“三步法”的写作技巧。第一步:在邮件开头引入话题(第一 句);第二步:给出具体建议(第二至第七句);第三步:最后归纳总结(最后一句)。添彩点:1.恰当地运用本单元所学should, lell和sorry等词汇表达自己的建 议;2. I think和be always with以及when引导的时间状语从句等的运用恰到好处。student in his class.A. complainsB. comparesC. agreesD. makes()9.you say, I wont change my mind.A. HoweverB. WhateverC. Wheth

6、erD. If()10. As the saying goes, “The longest journey starts with a single step.”. Lets take action right now.A. No wayB. You are rightC. What a pityD. I dont think so二、完形填空(每小题2分,共20分)My brother Claudio is one of the people I love most. He is wise and always helpful, taking care of me and II.young

7、sister, Sarah. The day when he left home to go to college, I was taught the 12.of being a man.It was a 13.Saturday morning in August. We were woken up by the sound of Sarah playing the piano as usual. In the kitchen, there was 14. surprise for Claudio - his favorite pancakes. Mom gave us a big smile

8、 and told us 15.down fbr the breakfast. It was an important day for all of us!While we 16.breakfast, Ciaudio went upstairs to collect his things. I suddenly heard him calling my name. When I walked 17. the room we shared, I found Claudio sitting at my bedside. 4tIts time, brother,he said. I thought

9、he was saying that it was time for him to leave the house, 18.in fact he told me that I should take an important role in the family from then on. He said I should do 19.things for Mom than before after he was gone.I thought about his words very 20.and then understood everything. That day 1 learned a

10、bout family, love and duty.()11. A. ourB. usC. weD. ours()12. A. differentB. differenceC. importantD. importance()13. A. rainingB. rainC. rainyD. rains()14. A./B. aC. anD. the()15. A. to sitB. sitC. to putD. put()16. A. ateB. eatC. have eatenD. were eating()17. A. outB. onC. intoD. up()18. A. andB.

11、butC. soD. though()19. A. moreB. manyC. muchD. most()20. A. loudB. loudlyC. carefulD. carefully三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共10分)Do you know how to get on well with people? Do you ever feel shy? What situation makes you shy? Do you sometimes feel as if you dont know how to interest people and have conversations wit

12、h them? Do people find an excuse to leave you as soon as they can?Try listening! Here is an example of mine.One evening last week I was sitting with Hannah, and she said to me, “You arc a great mum! ” And I said, “Why do you say that suddenly? And she said, Well, although you are always busy, you al

13、ways stop what you are doing to listen to me.”Here is some advice about listening:Show the other person that you are listening. Look at the person.Smile and nod quite often. Shake your head or raise your eyebrows if you dont follow what the person is saying. Dont tap(轻拍)your foot because this will s

14、how impatience. Dont look at your watch unless you really have to know the lime, and then you should tell the other person why you need to know the time. If you show impatience, then the other person wont make friends with you any more.A good listener has magic! A good listener can make people feel

15、good, and is as important as a good talker at a party. But just listening isnt enough. One should listen smartly by trying to find out what the other person would really like to communicate. ()21. According to the passage, if you want to get on well with people, youshould learn to.A. feel shyB. talk

16、 to people loudlyC. listen to othersD. look after people()22. Hannah thought her mother was great because.A. her mother always tried to listen to herher mother was busyB. her mother didnt criticize herher mother got on well with others()23. When you are listening to people, you cant.A. talk with the

17、mlook al their eyesB. smile or nodlook at your watch casually(随意地)()24. If you tap your foot when listening to others, maybe youll.A. be a good listenerlose their friendshipB. agree with thembe interested in them()25. The best title of the passage is.A. How to get on well with peopleHow to talk to p

18、eopleB. How to be a good listenerHow to make friends四、词汇运用(每小题2分,共20分)A)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出单词26. Sally is an honest girl. I believe w she says to me.27. She is always ready to help others, and she often o money to homeless people.28. Jim came to school late this morning, but he didnt e why.29. 【2022滁州来安

19、县期末】ITs wrong to(抄袭)others homework. Youshould do it by yourself.30. You can borrow this book from the library, but you must(归还)it on time.B)从方框中选择适当的单词或短语并用其正确形式填空。argue, offer, communicate, look through, get on with31. In those days, people couldnt go outside because of the disease. Online became

20、very popular.32. Last night, he newspapers to find certain types of job ads.33. How did you your parents those days?Very badly. I didnt even write to them.34. Dont with them. I think you should have a long talk. Maybe it can besolved.35. As a volunteer, Peter to teach them to play football. But they

21、 were notinterested in the ball game.五、阅读还原(每小题3分,共15分)根据短文内容,从下列七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。Josh and Nicky are best friends. They hang out together almost every day. These days they got into a big fight. It started on Saturday. On that day Nicky went over to Joshs house to play video games. 36.When Nicky as

22、ked to go together, Josh said no. 37.Josh got angry and said, “I want to do something without you for a change!” On Monday at school, Nicky chose to sit at a lunch tabic far from Josh. 38.If you have a good friend, you want to spend all your free time with him/her. 39.This is what happened between J

23、osh and Nicky. Although Josh really likes Nicky, he feels that they should have their personal time.Everyone should have their personal time. Maybe your friend doesnt like to stay with you all the time. 40.It just means that the two friends shouldnt spend every minute together. The two boys should h

24、ave a good communication. And they will still be good friends.A. Nicky felt hurt and asked why.B. Josh asks if his brother can join them to play the games.C. This doesnt mean that there is anything wrong with the friendship.D. But Josh wanted to go and watch his brothers football game.E. The two fri

25、ends didnt talk with each other for a week.F. But spending every day with someone can make people unhappy.G. It means that he or she doesnt want to be your friend.六、书面表达(共20分)假如你叫林琳,你的美国笔友Joe给你写了一封邮件倾诉自己的烦恼。请你 根据邮件的内容,给他回一封邮件,帮助他解决烦恼。Dear Lin Lin,I am feeling unhappy these days. I dont know why I ge

26、t angry so easily now. I shouted at my parents last week and had a fight with my best friend yesterday. What should I do? Could you give me some advice? 1 look forward to hearing from you.Yours,Joe要求:1.思路清晰,层次分明。2.词数为70左右。提示词:forgive上原谅solve v.解决Dear Joe,Yours,Lin LinUnit 4综合素质评价一、1. D提示:句意为“在中国家庭中,

27、直到老人入座人们才会开始吃饭”。 not.unlil意为“直到才故选D。2. D提示:句意为“看这张照片!我父亲在看报纸,而我母亲在看电视”。look through浏览,翻阅。故选D。3. C 提示:(donjallow sb. to do sth.(不)允许某人做某事。故选C。4. D 提示:由语境可知问句询问你有什么问题?accident事故;advice建议;question问题,指说话者需要寻找答案的问题,常与ask或answer连用;problem 问题,指难以解决的问题。5. A 提示:“Why dont you do.? ”相当于Why not do? ” Why dont 后

28、不能直 接跟动词原形,排除C。Lets开头的句子不以问号结尾,排除B。How about 后接动词-ing形式,排除D。故选A。6. D提示:空格后面是前面的目的,所以应该用so that,意为“以便1故选D。7. A提示:work out 解决,算出;compare with 与相比较;prepare for 为做准备;put down记下。根据句意“我们算不出这道数学题。你能帮助我们吗?” 可知,work oul符合语境。故选A。8. B提示:句意为“他生妈妈的气,因为妈妈总是将他和班里最好的学生相比 较。compare.with意为”把和进行比较故选B。9. B提示:句意为“无论你说什么

29、,我都不会改变我的主意。whatever在从句 中作say的宾语,意为“无论什么:故选B。10. B 提示:No way 没门;You are right 你是正确的;What a pity 真可惜;I dont think so我不这么认为。上文说到千里之行,始于足下,答语后一句说我们现 在就开始,可知此处表示对上文意见的赞同。故选B。-x 11. A 提示:空格后有名词,应用形容词性物主代词,故选A。12. D 提示:根据后面的内容可知,此处表示“重要性”,应当使用名词,故选DoC 提示:分析句子结构可知此处应用形容词,故选C。13. B提示:分析句意可知此处表示泛指,surprise前面

30、应用不定冠词a。14. A 提示:tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人做某事;此处表示“坐下吃早餐。用to sit。15. D提示:表示“当我们正在吃早餐时”,用过去进行时。16. C 提示:walk into走进(房间),故选C。17. B提示:根据上下文句意可知此处表示转折,用bul。18. A 提示:根据than可知此处应用比较级。19. D提示:此处表示“我认真地思考了他的话”,用副词carefully。三、21.C提示:细节理解题。由第二段第一句话“Try listening!”可知答案为C。22. A 提示:细节理解题。由第三段第三句话.you always stop w

31、hat you are doing to listen to me. ”可知答案为 A。23. D 提示:细节理解题。由第六条建议Donl look at your watch unless you really have to know the time”可知答案为 D。24. B 提示:细节推理题。由第五条建议”.this will show impatience. ”及第六条 建议If you show impatience, then the other person wont make friends with you any more. ”可知答案为B。25. C提示:主旨大意题。

32、通读全文可知,本文就如何倾听别人的谈话给出了 一些具体的建议,故C项符合主旨大意。四、A)26. whatever 27. offers 28. explain 29. copy30. returnB)31. communication 32. looked through 33. get on with 34. argue 35. offered 五、36. D 提示:根据下句“When Nicky asked to go together, Josh said no. ”可知, 当Nicky请求一起去的时候,Josh拒绝了,可推知Josh想自己做一件事情, 对比几个选项可知选项D符合题意,

33、D选项句意为“但是Josh想去观看他弟弟 的足球比赛37. A 38. E39. F 提示: 上句If you have a good friend, you want to spend all your free time with him/her. ”介绍如果你有一个好朋友,你想与他或她度过所有的闲暇时光, 根据常理可推知这是不可能的,故答案选F, F选项句意为“但是每天与某人 相处会使人不开心”。40. C六、范文:Dear Joe,I am glad to hear from you, but Im sorry to hear about your problems. I think you


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