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《解析:浙江省杭州市余杭区2021-2022学年七年级上学期期末英语试题-A4答案卷尾.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《解析:浙江省杭州市余杭区2021-2022学年七年级上学期期末英语试题-A4答案卷尾.docx(15页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2021-2022学年浙江省杭州市余杭区七年级(上)期末英语试卷第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选 项。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。1. This week, Amy studies computer forD. 32. What does Amy do on Saturday evening?A. She has dancing and drawing class.C. She does her homework.3. When does Amy have dancing cla

2、ss?A. On Saturday afternoon.C. On Sunday morning. hours (小时).A. 1 B. 2 C. 2.5B. She goes swimming and has computer class.D. She does sports with her father.B. On Sunday afternoon.D. On Saturday and Sunday afternoon.Amys busy weekends20th Saturday8: 30 a.m.10: 30 a.m. Swimming Class13: 00 p.m. 15: 00

3、 p.m. Computer Class15: 30 p.m.16: 30 p.m. Going shopping with parents18: 00 p.m.20: 00 p.m. Doing homework21st Sunday9: 00 a.m.10: 30 a.m. Dancing Class13: 00 p.m.15: 00 p.m. Drawing Class15: 30 p.m.16: 30 p.m. Computer Class18: (X) p.m.19: 00 p.m. Doing sports with father晚睡是坏习惯。故选D.6. 细节理解题。根据For

4、example, reading ibr one hour each day is a good habit, because we can know a lol of things from il.”可知每天阅读1小时可以从中学到很多。故选B。7. 细节理解题。根据We should take more good habits and stop those bad ones.“可知我们要多培 养好习惯阻止坏习惯,故选C。8. DB9. BB【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,文章介绍了一位名叫Eric的美国男孩的个人情况以及他的爱好。8. 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句Today I will tell

5、 you something about a boy from the USA to you”可知这个男孩来自美国。故选D。9. 词句猜测题。根据第一段倒数第二、三句He takes the Mensa IQ Test (门萨智商测试).His score is 162.“可知他做了智商测试,得分是162分,因此score的意思是“得分工 故选B。 10.细节理解题。根据第二段第二句Eric plays it after school every afternoon”可知Eric每天下午 放学后踢足球。故选B。II.细节理解题。根据最后一句He wants to be a good socce

6、r player when he grows up.“可知他想 成为一名优秀的足球运动员。故选B, 12. C 13. CD14. A答案第2页,共10页【导语】本文是篇说明文。文章主要讲述饮料和水的选择。可乐是种含糖饮料,会有害健康,而 水有利于我们的健康。12. 细节理解题。根据“Drinking one bottle of cola each day can make us get fifteen pounds”可知, 每天喝一瓶可乐可以使我们每年增加15磅。故选C。13. 细节理解题。根据“Water is very important to our body. It makes us

7、 feel good.”可知,水对我们 的身体非常重要,因为它可以让我们感觉舒服。故选C14. 推理判断题。结合生活常识以及选项可知,我们可以从饮料、食物和蔬菜中获取水分。故 选D。15. 主旨归纳题。根据Drink water, please. Water is very important to our body”可知,请喝水。水 对我们身体非常重要。可见,文章主要说的是喝水很重要。故选A。16. AE17. CB18. D【导语】本文左边是五位成员的信息、,根据右边选项描述进行配对。16. 根据Father likes reading. He is interested in the s

8、tories about people and things long time ago.” 可知,父亲喜欢读书。他对很久以前的人和事的故事感兴趣,可知此处是与书本有关。A项 “一本历史书”与之对应。故选A。17. 根据Mom is good-looking. She loves clothes. She wants pretty colors fbr her clothes.”可知,妈答案第3页,共10页妈喜欢衣服。她希望她的衣服颜色漂亮。此处说的是衣服。E项“一件粉紫色的裙子”与之对 应。故选E。18. 根据BrolheCikes sports.”可知,弟弟说喜欢运动,因此这里应与运动相关

9、。C项一个排球 与之对应。故选C。19. 根据Grandfather and grandmother live in a good way. They eat some fruits every day.”可知, 此 处是说祖父和祖母生活方式很好。他们每天吃一些水果。因此B项“一箱苹果”与之对应。故 选B。20. 根据Sister is 8 years old. She is going to start school soon. Her favorite color is pink.”可知,此处 是说蛆姐8岁了。她很快就要上学了。可知与学习用品有关。D项”一个铅笔盒”与之对应。 故选D。21

10、. BC22. DC23. AD24. AD25. BB26. CC27. AC28. D【导语】答案第4页,共10页 本文主要讲述了刘明一天忙碌的生活和学习情况。21. 句意:我有一个弟弟。cousin 表弟;brother 弟弟;uncle 叔叔;sister 妹妹。根据“He is 7 years old. We love our parents. 可知,刘明有一个弟弟。故选B。22. 句意:我的一天是忙碌的。free自由的;easy简单的;busy忙碌的;long长的。根据下文介绍的是刘明忙碌的一天。故 选C。23. 句意:我也梢微整理一下我的房间,因为如果我不整理的话,我妈妈会发疯。

11、then 然后;so 因此;and 和;because 因为。根据“my mom will go crazy (疯狂的)if I dont. 可知,前后是因果关系,故选D。24. 句意:然后我吃早饭,拿着书包离开家。sweater毛衣;pencil铅笔:schoolbag书包;tennis网球。根据下文介绍的是去学校,因此是 拿着书包。故选C。25. 句意:到学校只需10分钟。only只有;then然后;so因此;well好。根据“10 minutes to get to school.”可知,此处指的是 仅需要十分钟就可以到学校。故选A。26. 句意:所以我上学通常不会迟到。fun 有趣的;

12、tidy 整洁的;happy 高兴的;late 迟的。根据Its . 10 minutes to get to school.可知,离学校只需要十分钟,因此不会迟到。故选D。27. 句意:8点开始上课。Lessons 课程;Students 学生;Hours 小时;Terms 学期。根据Tm in Grade 7 and my favorite subject is science.”可知,此处指的是学校上课。故选A。28.答案第5页,共10页 句意:我们可以在科学课上学到很多有趣的东西。old 老的;boring 无聊的;difficult 困难的;interesting有趣的。根据“my

13、favorite subject is science 可知,因为科学课上的东西有趣,所以我喜欢上科学课。故选D。29. 句意:我不在学校食堂吃饭。eat 吃饭;don,t eat 不吃饭;drink 喝;dont drink 不喝。根据I go home fbr lunch.”可知,此 处指的是不在食堂吃饭。故选B。30. 句意:我们从12点到2点有午休时间。breakfast 早餐;lunch 午餐:dinner 晚餐;salad 沙拉。根据firom 12 to 2 oclock”可知,此处 指的午餐休息时间。故选B。31. 句意:放学后,我总是步行回家看书半小时。here这里;ther

14、e那里;home家;well好。根据“After school”可知,放学后步行回家读书。故选C。32. 句意:我这样放松自己。think 思考;know 知道;relax 放松;have 有。根据“read books for half an hour”可知,此处指 的是通过阅读放松自己。故选C。33. 句意:晚上,晚饭后,我父母看电视。In the evening 在晚上;In the afternoon 在下午;At noon 在中午;At last 最后。根据“after dinner” 可知,此处指的是晚上。故选A。34. 句意:我喜欢听CD和看漫画。looking at 看着;wa

15、tching 观看;listening to 听;playing 玩。根据“my CDs”可知,此处指的 是听CD。故选C。35. 句意:我在博物馆上美术课。sports 运动;basketball 篮球;music 音乐;art 美术。根据lesson at the museum (博物馆)可答案第6页,共10页知,在博物馆上美术课。故选D。36. mehealthy37. vegetableseating38. tomatoesBut39. themsays40. fora【导语】本文.主要介绍了作者的健康的饮食习惯。36. 句意:今天让我告诉你一些我的饮食习惯。空处的代词在动词u之后,应

16、用宾格形式我”,主格代词,对应的宾格代词是me“我二故填me。37. 句意:我喜欢健康的食物。空处的词是修饰名词,应用形容词;health“健康”,名词,对应 的形容词是healthy“健康的工 故填healthy.38. 句意:所以我每天都吃水果和蔬菜。vegetable“蔬菜”,可数名词,此处应用复数形式表示类 别。故填 vegetables。39. 句意:我喜欢吃苹果、桔子、胡萝卜和西红柿。like doing sth.“喜欢干某事”,固定用法。故 填 eating o40. 句意:我喜欢吃苹果、桔子、胡萝卜和西红柿。tomato“西红柿”,可数名词,根据上文“apples, orang

17、es, carrots”提示,此处应用复数形式。故填tomatoes。41.答案第7页,共10页 句意:但是我不喜欢洋葱。根据前句“I like(eat) apples, oranges, carrots and. (tomato)和空后句I dont like onions (洋葱).”可知,空处的词表示转折,故应用but“但是”;句首首 字母大写。故填Bui。42. 句意:我觉得汉堡和冰淇淋不好,所以我不吃它们。空处的代词在动词have之后,应用宾 格形式;they“它们”,主格代词,对应的宾格形式为them“它们”。故填them。43. 句意:妈妈说它对我的健康有好处。根据前句“I li

18、ke milk.”和下句“So I have milkbreakfast every morning.”语境可知,句子是一般现在时,主语“Mom”是第三人称单数形式,故动词应 用单三式。故填says。44. 句意:所以我每天早上早餐都喝牛奶,havefor breakfast 早餐吃”,固定搭配。故填for。 45.句意:总之,我认为我有一个良好的饮食习惯。根据句意可知,空处表示泛指,且good以 辅吾者素开头,故应用不定冠词a。故填a。46. (s)hort【详解】句意:他的父亲高,但他的叔叔矮。根据His father is tall but his uncle is”以及首字母“s”提

19、示可知,他的父亲高,但他的叔叔矮,横线处缺的汉意是“矮的short,是形容词。故填(s)hort。47. (t)heir【详解】句意:杰克和玛丽在家和他们的父母一起吃早餐。根据主语“Jack and Mary”和首字母提示可 知,空处应是their“他们的,形容词性物主代词。故填heir。48. (E)xcuse【详解】句意:打扰一下,你能告诉我你的电话号码吗?根据“can you tell me your phone number?”及 首字母E可知,空处应填“打扰一下。excuse“原谅”,动词,符合语境。故填(E)xcuse。49. ounds【详解】句意:听起来不错。我们去买些鸡肉当午

20、餐吧。good“好的”是形容词,说明前面的动词应是答案第8页,共10页系动词。sound good听起来不错”,根据.主谓一致原则,指示代词that作主语,谓语动词sound 用其第三人称单数形式soundso故填(s)ounds。50. (f)inish【详解】句意:当你做完作业时,去玩半小时吧。根据后句go and play for half an hour.”和首字母提 示可知,空处应是finish“完成”,动词;主句“go and play fbr half an hour.”是祈使句,故时间 状语从句应用一般现在时,主语“you”是第二人称,故动词应用原形。故填inish。51. (

21、A)ugust【详解】句意:八月是一年中的第八个月。根据首字母提示和“is the eighth month of the year”可知August“八月”符合语境,故填(A)ugust。52. (p)icture#(p)hoto【详解】句意:这是我家人的照片,那个白发男人是我祖父。根据空后句“The man with white hair is my grandfather.”和首字母提示可知,空处应是picturc/photo“照片”,可数名词,因之前有a修饰, 故名词应用单数形式。故填(p)icture/(p)hoto。53. (o)range【详解】句意:我渴了。给我一瓶果汁好吗?根

22、据Im thirsty.”可知,orange juice “橙汁”符合语境。orange“橙子”,名词。故填(o)range。54. (t)rip【详解】句意:今年冬天我的家人们去西安旅行。lake a irip lo some place表示“去某地旅行,由首字 母t可推断出空处应填名词tripo故填rip。55. (f)estival【详解】句意:下个月,我们学校有一个音乐节。根据701冏9 2 11时(.m011心血001”以及首字母“ 提示可知,我们学校有一个音乐节,横线处缺的汉意是“节日festival,是可数名词,用于不 定冠词“a”之后,需用其单数形式。故填estival。56.

23、 例文:答案第9页,共10页Welcome to Miss Sweets Clothes Store. We sell all kinds of clothes at a very good price.Sweaters in red and black are 49 dollars. The pair of black trousers is 30 dollars. Do you need shirts? We have blue shirts for 45 dollars. The socks in blue and white look very nice.They are about

24、six dollars fbr three pairs. We have black and white shoes for 48 dollars. What a wonderful place fbr boys and girls!Come and buy for yourself.【详解】.题干解读:该题目属于应用文写作。在写作时应承接短文开头,根据表格中提示的内容, 为斯威特小姐的服装店写一篇广告,介绍该服装店的衣服的种类及其价格,希望来这为自己 挑选合适的服装。1 .写作指导:本文应该第一和第三人称为主来介绍内容,时态采用一般现在时,在介绍内容 时,力求语句通顺,语法正确,保证提示内容

25、完整,条理清晰。答案第1。页,共10页Different people have different kinds of habits. Habits are the things people always do. For example, some people like sleeping (睡觉) late, some people like dancing, some people like watching TV and some like reading books. These are all habits.There are two kinds of habits: good h

26、abits and bad habits. Good habits are good for our lives. For example, reading for one hour each day is a good habit, because we can know a lot of things from it. Bad habits arc bad for our lives. For example, sleeping too late is bad for our health, so it is a bad habit. We should take more good ha

27、bits and stop those bad ones.4. How many habits are talked about in the first paragraph ( 段落)?A.Three.B. Four.C. Five.D. Six.5. The writer (hinks that is a bad habit.A.dancingB. singingC. watching TVD. sleepinglateWhy does reading for one hour each day is good?A. Because we can get more time by read

28、ing. B. Because we can know more from books.C. Because we can make more money from reading. D. Because we can find good jobs in books.6. Which of the following is the writers opinion (意见)?A. We should watch TV and dance at night. B. We should not have any habits.C. We should keep good habits and sto

29、p the bad ones. D. We should not have different habits.CDo you like playing football? Today I will tell you something about a boy from the USA. His name is Eric. He is 15 years old now and he is living in China. I believe you can make friends with him. Eric is very clever. He takes the Mensa IQ Test

30、 (门萨智商测试).His score is 162. He could be more clever than Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking.One of the boys hobbies is playing soccer. Eric plays it after school every afternoon, so he plays it well. He wants to be a good soccer player when he grows up.7. Where is Eric from?A. France.B. China.C. Eng

31、land.D. America.试卷第2页,共7页8. The underlined word “score“ probably means in Chinese?A.身高B.得分10. Eric always plays soccer.A. in the evening B. in the afternoon11. What does Eric want to be?A. To be a friend of China.C. To be more clever than Albert Einstein.C.学号D.幸运数C. in the morning D. on the weekendB

32、. To be a good soccer player.D. To go back to the USA.Cola is bad for our health. Why? Cola is sweet, because it has sugar (糖).Too much sugar can let us get fat. Drinking one bottle of cola each clay can make us get fifteen pounds (磅工 we cant eat much healthy food, such as fruit.Drink water, please.

33、 Water is very important to our body. It makes us feel good. Wc get water from . But we should also drink enough water every day. If you dont like to drink water only, you can put a little fruit juice into it.12. If you drink a bottle of cola each day, how many pounds will you get each year?A. 5 pou

34、nds.B. 10 pounds. C. 15 pounds. D. 20 pounds.13. Water is important to us because.A. it makes us sleep wellB. it is cool and sweet C. it let us feel greatD. it let us get fat14. Which of the following can be put in in the passage?A.sugar and breadB.only fruit and vegetablesC.only drinksD.drinks, foo

35、d and vegetables.15. What does the passage mainly tell us?A.Drinking waler is important.B.Too much sugar makes usfat.C.Cola is bad for our teeth.D.Water is everywhere.第二节新年要到了,你想给家里的每一位成员选一份新年礼物,根据下列对他们的描述(第15 题)(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出适合他们的礼物。选项中有一项是多余的选项。16 Father likes reading. He is interested in the st

36、ories aboutpeople and things long time ago.17 Mom is good-looking. She loves clothes. She wants prettycolors for her clothes.18 Brother likes sports. He plays ball games with his friends every day. He is strong enough.19 Grandfather and grandmother live in a good way. They eatsome fruits every day.2

37、0 Sister is 8 years old. She is going to start school soon. Herfavorite color is pink.A. A book of historyB. A box of applesC. A volleyballD. A pencil boxE.A pink and purpledressF.A black jacket第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分15分)第一节:完形填空通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)Hi, Paul. Fm Liu Ming. Tm an 11 -year-old b

38、oy and I live with my family in Beijing, China. I have a(n) 21. He is 7 years old. We love our parents.My day is 22.1 get up at 7 oclock. I also tidy my room a bit 23 my momwill go crazy (疯狂的)if I dont. Then I have breakfast, take my 24 and leave home. Its 2510 minutes to get to school. So Im usuall

39、y not 26 for school.27 start at 8: 00. Im in Grade 7 and my favorite subject is science. Wc can learn many 28 things in science lessons. I also like some other subjects, like Chinese, English and so on.I 29 at the school canteen (食堂).I go home for lunch. Wc have a 30 break (休息)from 12 to 2 oclock. T

40、hen we have lessons again until 4:30.After school, I always walk 31 and read books for half an hour. I 32 myself in this way. Then I do my homework.33, after dinner, my parents watch TV. i like 34 my CDs and reading试卷第4页,共7页my comics. On Wednesday evening, I take a(n) 35 lesson at the museum (博物馆).P

41、ictures are so fiin! I go to bed at about 11 oclock al night.21. A. cousinB. brotherC. uncleD.sister22. A. freeB. easyC. busyD.long23. A. thenB. soC. andD.because24. A. sweaterB. pencilC. schoolbagD.tennis25. A. onlyB. thenC. soD.well26. A. funB. tidyC. happyD.late27. A. LessonsB. StudentsC. HoursD.

42、Terms28. A. oldB. boringC. difficultD.interesting29. A. eatB. dont eatC. drinkD.dont drink30. A. breakfastB. lunchC. dinnerD.salad31. A. hereB. thereC. homeD.well32. A. thinkB. knowC. relaxD.have33. A. In the eveningB. In the afternoonC. At noonD.At last34. A. looking atB. watchingC. listening toD.p

43、laying35. A. sportsB. basketballC. musicD.art第二节阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Hello, everyone! Today let 36(I) tell you something about my eating habit.I like 37( health) food. So I have fruit and 38( vegetable) every day. Ilike 39 (cat)apples, oranges, carrots and 40(tomato).41 I dont likeoni

44、ons(洋葱).I often eat chicken, I think its delicious. And I think burgers and ice-cream are not good, So I dont have42(they) . I like milk. Mom43 (say) its good for myhealth. So I have milk44breakfast every morning.In a word, I think I have 45 good eating habit.三、第四部分写作(共两节,满分10分)第一节:单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,

45、满分10分)根据下列句子及所给的首字母写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空限填一词)。46. His father is tall but his uncle is s.47. Jack and Mary have breakfast with t parents at home.48. E me, can you tell me your phone number?49. That s good. Leis go and buy some chicken fbr lunch.50. When you f the homework, go and play for half an hour.51.

46、 A is the eighth month of the year.52. Here is a p of my family. The man with white hair is my grandfather.53. Im thirsty. Will you give me a bottle of o juice?54. My family take a t to Xian this winter.55. Next month, we have a music f in our school.第二节:书面表达(共1小题,满分15分)56.假如你有一家服装店,名叫Miss Sweets Cl

47、othes Store。临近春节店内货品丰富, 价格优惠。请根据表格提示写一篇作文。clothes电奥colorred/blackblackblueblue/vvhiteblack/whiteprice$49$30$6 for three pairs$45$48要求:1 .语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;.须包含表格中所有要点,并适当发挥;2 .文中不能出现真实的人名和校名;4.60-80词,短文的开头己经给出,不计入总词数。Welcome to Miss Sweets ClothesStore.试卷第6页,共7页1. DC2. C【导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了 Amy繁忙的周末活动。1. 细节理解题。根据文中“20th Saturday: 13: 00 p.m. 15: 00 p.m. Computer Class 和 21st Sunday:15: 30 p.m.16: 30


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