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《江苏省南通市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编-01选择题.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省南通市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编-01选择题.docx(14页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、江苏省南通市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编01选择题一、单项选择(2022 江苏南通)一Mum, I, m so hungry. Would you please pass apple to me?一OK. Here you are.A.不填B. aC. anD. the(2022 江苏南通)Now students have more free time night because of the “double reductionvpolicy.A. inB. onC. atD. to(2022 江苏南通)一 is the fashion show?一In the sc

2、hool hall. The purpose of it is to raise money for a charity.A. WhereB. WhenC. HowD. Which4(2022 江苏南通)Mary is good at writing. I am sure she 11 get a good place she takes part in the writing competition.A. beforeB. ifC. thoughD. unless(2022 江苏南通)Peter, our monitor, is creative and energetic enough t

3、o the tasksuccessfully.A. completeB. collectC. controlD. consider(2022 江苏南通)一Good news! The Chinese women football team came first in the 2022 Asian Cup.一Exactly. The final is one I have ever seen.A. a less amazing B. the most amazing C. a more amazing D. the least amazing(2022 江苏南通)一Miss Hu, I have

4、n? t seen you for a long time.一Yes. I as a volunteer nurse in Shanghai for a month. I came back yesterday.A. workedB. am working C. have worked D. work(2022 江苏南通)We should have a healthy diet, proper exercise and enough sleep fit.A. keepingB. to keepC. keepD. kept(2022 江苏南通) I hear the Drawing Club

5、was in our school last week. Shall we join it?第1页共14页 疑问句,否认句用needn t回答,应选D。 22. B【详解】句意:一一梅长什么样?一一她是一个漂亮的女孩,有一双明亮的大眼睛和一头长长的直发。考查特殊疑问句。How怎样;What什么;Which哪个;Who谁;根据回答“She is a pretty girl with big bright eyes and long straight hair. ” 可知,此处是问外貌长相,结构是 What. . . look like,应选 Bo 23. D【详解】句意:一一你决定在报告里写关于

6、格利佛游记的什么内容了吗?一一我不确定。也许我需要 在写之前阅读一些关于它的评论。考查名词辨析。reasons理由;rewards奖励;results结果;reviews评论。空格后的it指代前文提到 的a Gulliver in Lilliput结合m not sure可知,并不太确定写什么,所以需要参考一些有关 它的评论,应选D。24. A【详解】句意:一一亲爱的,你能帮我从纸上剪下彩色气球的图片吗?一一好的,妈妈。我来了! 考查动词短语辨析。cut out剪下;carry out执行;turn out结果是;work out解决;根据“the picture of colorful ba

7、lloons from the paper可知,此处指的是“从纸上剪下列图片”,应选A。25. D【详解】句意:一一Simon,我们可以通过骑共享自行车来节约能源。一一那确实。而且,少用空调也是 一个好方法。考查副词辨析。however然而;otherwise否那么;anyway无论如何;moreover而且。根据“we can save energy by riding shared bicycles 及“using air conditioners less is also a good way” 可知,下文是 补充上文节省能源还有哪种方法,空处填moreover符合语境,应选D。26.

8、C【详解】句意:一一张小姐似乎对云南很熟悉。一一难道你不知道吗?她在当地的一所城镇学校支教了两 年多。考查动词时态。根据for over 2 years. ”可知,用现在完成时,故排除A; has gone t。去了某地(未 回来);has been in在某地(多长时间);has been to去过某地(已回来)。根据语境可知,此处指她在 当地一所学校呆了两年多,用has been in最合适。应选C。27. C【详解】句意:社区工作人员有足够的耐心向老人讲解健康码的使用方法。考查非谓语动词。固定搭配:be+形容词+enough todosth ”足够做某事”,动词不定式作结果状语, 应选C

9、o第4页共14页28. B【详解】句意:一一好消息!南通地铁一号线预计很快就会投入使用。一一太棒了!对我们来说,交通将 变得容易得多。考查被动语态和时态。句子主语与动词之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,排除C/D选项;此处应用一般现 在时表示将来,应选B。29. C【详解】句意:一一庆祝中国共产党成立100周年,我想知道我们能做些什么。一一今天下午我们来讨论 一下。考查宾语从句。根据“宾语从句要用陈述句语序”的原那么,排除A/D选项;根据回答“Lets have a discussion about it this afternoon. 可知,此处是说能做些什么,应用what引导,应选C。30.

10、C【详解】句意:一一开车时系安全带对我们很重要。一一我完全同意。考查情景交际。That s a good idea 那是个好主意;That s all right 没关系;I can, t agree more 我完全同意;Take it easy 被紧张;根据 “It is important for us to wear seat belts while driving cars.”可知,回容许该是对上句提出的观点做出评价,C选项符合,应选C。31. D【详解】句意:汤姆很高兴获得了为校队踢足球的机会。此题考查冠词。a一个,修饰辅音音素开头的单词;an一个,修饰元音音素开头的单词;the那

11、个,表示 特指。play+表示球类的单数名词,表示打或踢某种球,play football踢足球,应选D。32. A【详解】句意:我叔叔对四部中国古典小说的评论可能会在2021年夏天出版。考查介词辨析。in在(年份、月份、季节前);on在(日期前);at在(年龄前);for为了。根据句中“the summer of 2021”可知,summer表示“季节”,此处使用in,表示“在2021年夏天。应选A。33. D【详解】句意:David对中国历史很着迷。无论他在中国哪里旅行,他总是先参观博物馆。考查副词辨析。never 从不;seldom 很少;sometimes 有时;always 总是。根

12、据 David is crazy about Chinese history. David对中国历史很着迷,可知他无论在中国哪里旅行,应该总是先参观博物馆,所以always 符合题意,其它选项均语意不通,故答案选D。34. B【详解】句意:一一哇,十八朵粉红色的玫瑰!给谁的?一一一半给我妈妈,另外九朵给我奶奶。考查情景交际及名词/代词辨析。Few少数;Half一半;Many许多;Most大局部。根据语境可知,一共十第5页共14页八朵玫瑰,九朵给我的奶奶,所以九朵给我的妈妈,即一半给我的妈妈。应选B。35. C【详解】句意:马克斯迷路了,在森林里被困了 10个小时,直到附近的一个农民发现了他。考

13、查连词辨析。if如果;since自 以来;until直到 ;after在 之后。根据句中“a farmer nearby found him”可知,此处使用until,表示“马克斯在森林里被困了 10个小时,直到附近的一个农民发现 了他:应选C。36. A【详解】句意:孩子们兴奋地跳着,因为他们完美地完成了小组设计。考查动词辨析。completed 完成;controlled 控制;contacted 接触;caused 引起。根据 The children are jumping excitedly 孩子们兴奋地跳着,结合 because they have the design perfe

14、ctly in groups. 及备选词汇,可知应该是他们完美地完成了小组设计,所以completed符合题意,其它选项均语意不通, 应选Ao 37. B【详解】句意:书一被筹集好,志愿者们就给希望小学的学生们寄去了。考查一般过去时的被动语态。A. are raised表一般现在时被动语态;B. were raised表一般过去时被动 语态;C. raised表一般过去时;D. have raised表现在完成时。从句主语books和谓语raise之间为被 动关系,故应用被动语态,C、D选项可排除。根据英语语法,as soon as引导时间状语从句时,主句用 一般过去时,从句用一般过去时或过去

15、完成时。该句主句为一般过去时,故从句应用一般过去时的被动语 态,应选B。38. A【详解】句意:与一天的周末相比,两天的周末更令人愉快,因为我们可能有足够的时间来投入我们的爱 好。考查形容词比拟级。A. more pleasant更愉快的,比拟级形式;B. less pleasant更不愉快的,比拟级 形式;C.the most pleasant最愉快的,最高级形式;D.the least pleasant最不愉快的,最高级形式。 根据句中Compared with a 1-day weekend提示,此处存在比拟关系,故应用pleasant的比拟级形式,C、 D选项可排除。根据句中as we

16、 may have enough time for our hobbies可知,有更多的时间花在爱好上 自然是一件愉快的事情,应选A。39. D【详解】句意:他们开设课程来帮助学生了解保护黄河的重要性。考查非谓语动词。help是动词原形;helped是过去式;helps第三人称单数形式;to help是动词不定式。 结合句意,他们开设课程,是为了帮助学生了解保护黄河的重要性,表示目的,用动词不定式作目的状语, 第6页共14页应选Do40. B【详解】句意:一一昨晚一个机器人为我们提供晚餐。你不觉得我们生活在一个令人惊奇的时代吗?一一我非常同意。科技使我们的生活更轻松、更快乐。考查名词。info

17、rmation 信息;technology 科技;discovery 发现;competition 竞赛。根据上文 A robot served us dinner last night可知,科技的进步让人们的生活更轻松和快乐了。B选项符合句意,应选B。 41. A【详解】句意:一一文章说一个人的性格取决于他的生肖。一一你可以为了好玩而读,但不要相信这一点。 考查情态动词。can可以;must必须;shouldn t不应该;needn, t没有必要。根据句意可知此处是指“可以为了好玩而读”,应选A。42. C【详解】句意:一一你好!我是凯文。我找曹先生。一一稍等,我会把 转给他。考查动词短语。

18、come on (表示鼓励)来吧;move on继续前进;hold on稍等;try on试穿。根据下文I 11 put you through可知,此处回答者请说话者稍等,他会把 转给曹先生。C选项符合句意,应选C。 43. D【详解】句意:江先生作为该公司的一员多年来一直致力于5G网络的开发。现在他在这家公司任总工程 师。考查动词时态。joined加入,一般过去时;was a member of是一员,一般过去时;has joined已经加入,现在完成时;has been a member of已经成为一员,现在完成时。根据语句中for years及语境可知,本句为现在完成时态,故排除A、

19、B两选项。join为瞬时性动词,不能在现在完成时中与时间段 连用;be a member of为延续性动作,可在现在完成时中与时间段连用,故此处应为has been a member of即多年来作为公司的一员。应选D。44. C【详解】句意:一一李先生,你可以告诉我古代丝绸之路什么时候开始的吗?一一抱歉,我不确定。你可 以询问肖小姐。考查宾语从句。where was Chinese Kung fu taught在哪里教中国功夫,疑问句语序;how often is the dragon boat race held 龙舟比赛多久举办一次,疑问句语序;when the ancient Sild

20、 Road started 古 代丝绸之路什么时候开始的,陈述句语序;how much is the Chinese painting there那里的中国画多钱, 疑问句语序。根据句子结构可知,此句是一个宾语从句,从句要用陈述句语序,应选C。45. C【详解】句意:一一好消息!北斗大家庭的另一个新成员被送入太空。一一科学家们尽力注意每一个细节。 第7页共14页对他们来说,失之毫厘,谬以千里。考查常识习语。it never rains but it pours 不鸣那么已,一鸣惊人;a friend in need is a friend indeed 患难见真情;a miss is as g

21、ood as a mile 失之毫厘,谬以千里;the grass is always greener on the other side 这山望着那山高。根据Scientists tried their best to pay attention to every detail” 可知,科学家们尽力注意每一个细节。所以对他们来说,失之毫厘,谬以千里。应选C。第8页共14页一Good idea. Let, s go.C. taken upD. set upA. put upB. picked up10. (2022 江苏南通)10. (2022 江苏南通)Mrs. Smith has live

22、d in China for twenty years, so she hasChinesefood.A. looked forward toC. made a difference toB. got used toD. paid attention to11. (2022 江苏南通)Mr.11. (2022 江苏南通)Mr.Fang introduces a lot about thewhich is organized to helpwild animals.A. productB. promiseC. presentD. project(2022 江苏南通)一Mike, why do y

23、ou come here so late? The concert since half anhour ago.一What a pity! No wonder all the singers have left.A. has endedB. has been on C. has startedD. has been over(2022 江苏南通)In the library you draw or write in the books, or you will be fined.A. mustn, tB. needn tC. wouldn, tD. couldn, t(2022 江苏南通)Sa

24、ndy asked the boy .A. why did he like English filmsB. how he will improve his EnglishC. why he read the English magazineD. how many new words he has learned12. (2022 江苏南通)Don t stay up late to finish the design, or you may be tired out. Remember,A. no pain, no gainB. practice makes perfectC. don t b

25、urn the candle at both ends D. don t put all your eggs in one basket(2021 江苏南通)My family have breakfast together every day. This helps us starta day well.A.不填B. aC. anD. the(2021 江苏南通) 一I hear your brother will enter Tsinghua University this summer.一Exactly, he was a born genius. He was able to read

26、 and write the age of 4.A. inB. onC. atD. of(2021 江苏南通)Our monitor is , He never shows off before others.A. organizedB. modestC. generousD. energetic(2021 江苏南通)Five-star hotels can first-rate service, making passengers feel第2页共14页at home.A. provideB. preventC.protectD. prepare20. (2021 江苏南通)Life is

27、like a one-wayrace,treasure every moment as time cannotbe won again.A. soB. andC.orD.but21. (2021 江苏南通)一Must I return thisbook before Friday,Sir?No, you,dear. You can keep itfor two weeks.A. can tB. shouldn,C.mustn tD.needn t22. (2021 江苏南通)一does May look like?She is a pretty girl with bigbright eyes

28、 and long straighthair.A. HowB. WhatC. WhichD.Who23. (2021 江苏南通)一Have you decided what to write about Gulliver in Lilliput in the report? 一r m not sure. Maybe I need to read some about it before writing.A. reasonsB. rewardsC. resultsD. reviews(2021 江苏南通)一Honey, could you help me the picture of color

29、ful balloons fromthe paper?Ok, Mum. I m coming!A. cut outB. carry out C. turn outD. work out(2021 江苏南通)一Simon, we can save energy by riding shared bicycles.一That, s true. , using air conditioners less is also a good way.A. HoweverB. OtherwiseC. AnywayD. Moreover(2021 江苏南通)一Miss Zhang seems quite fam

30、iliar with Yunnan Province.一Don,t you know? She a town school there as a volunteer teacher for over 2 years.A. is inB. has gone to C. has been in D. has been to(2021 江苏南通)The community worker is patient enoughto the old how to use HealthCode (码).A. explainB. explainsC. to explain D. explaining(2021

31、江苏南通)一Good news! The Underground Line 1 in Nantong to come into service soon.一That, s great! Transport will become much easier for us.A. will be expected B. is expected C. expectsD. is expecting第3页共14页24. (2021 江苏南通)一A celebration for the 100lh anniversary of the founding of the CPC(中国共产党)will be he

32、ld, and I m wondering .Let s have a discussion about it this afternoon.A. how will we get thereB. which clubs will take partC. what we could do for itD. whether can we do something for it25. (2021 江苏南通)一It is important for us to wear seat belts while driving cars.A. That, s a good ideaB. That s all

33、right C. I can t agree more D. Takeit easy26. (2020 江苏南通)Tom was happy to get a chance to play football for the school team.A. aB. anC. theD.不填(2020 江苏南通)My uncle s reviews on the four great classical Chinese novels may be published the summer of 2021.A. inB. onC. atD. for(2020 江苏南通)David is crazy a

34、bout Chinese history. He visits the museums firstwherever he travels in China.A. neverB. seldomC. sometimesD. always(2020 江苏南通)一Wow, eighteen pink roses! For whom?一 are for my mum, and the other nine are for my grandma.A. FewB. HalfC. ManyD. Most(2020 江苏南通)Max got lost and was trapped in the forest

35、for 10 hours a farmernearby found him.A. ifB. sinceC. untilD. after(2020 江苏南通)The children are jumping excitedly because they have the design perfectly in groups.A. completedB. controlled C. contactedD. caused(2020 江苏南通)As soon as books , the volunteers posted them to the students in Hope Primary Sc

36、hool.A. are raised B. were raised C. raisedD. have raised(2020 江苏南通)Compared with a l-day weekend, a 2-day weekend is as we may have enough time for our hobbies.第4页共14页A. more pleasantB. less pleasantC. the most pleasantD. the least pleasant27. (2020 江苏南通)They offered courses students know the impor

37、tance of protecting the Huanghe River.A. helpB. helpedC. helpsD. to help(2020 江为;南通) 一 A robot served us dinner last night. Don t you think we are living in amazing times?makes our lives easier and happier.I can t agree more. TheD. competitionD. competitionA. information B. technology C. discovery41

38、. (2020 江苏南通)一The article41. (2020 江苏南通)一The articlesays that one s personality depends on his animal sign.Youread it for fun,butdon t believe in that.A. canB. mustC. shouldn tD. needn, t42. (2020 江苏南通)一Hello!This is Kevin speaking.May I speak to Mr. Cao?Please,r 11 putyou through.A. come onB. move

39、onC. hold onD. try on43. (2020 江苏南通)Mr Jiang the company to develop the 5G network for years. Now he works as the chief engineer in it.A. joinedC. has joinedB. was a member ofD. has been a member of44. (2020 江苏南通)一Mr Li, could you please tell me 一Sorry, I m not sure. You can ask Miss Xiao.A. where w

40、as Chinese Kung fu taughtB. how often is the dragon boat race heldC. when the ancient Silk Road startedD. how much is the Chinese painting there45. (2020 江苏南通)一Good news! Another new member in the Beidou family was sent into space.一 Scientists tried their best to pay attention to every detail. To th

41、em,.A. it never rains but it poursB. a friend in need is a friend indeedC. a miss is as good as a mileD. the grass is always greener on the other side第5页共14页参考答案:1. C【详解】句意:一一妈妈,我好饿。请递给我一个苹果好吗?一一好的。给你。考查冠词的用法。此处泛指一个苹果,“apple”首字母发元音音素,应选C。2. C【详解】句意:现在,由于“双减”政策,学生在晚上有了更多的自由时间。考查介词辨析。in其后加早中晚/月份/季节/年份

42、等;on其后加星期或具体的时间;at加点钟等;to至上 at night “在晚上”,固定短语,应选C。3. A【详解】句意:一一时装表演在哪里?一一在学校大厅里。其目的是为慈善机构筹集资金。考查特殊疑问句。Where在哪里;When什么时候;How如何;Which哪一个。根据In the school hall. ” 可知,此处是询问地点。应选A。4. B【详解】句意:玛丽擅长写作。如果她参加写作比赛,我相信她会获得好成绩。考查连词辨析。before在 以前;if如果;though尽管;unless除非。根据“I am sure she 11 get a good place. she ta

43、kes part in the writing competition. 可知后句是前句的条件,应用 if 引导 条件状语从句,应选B。5. A【详解】句意:我们的班长彼得有足够的创造力和精力成功地完成任务。考查动词辨析。complete 完成;collect 收集;control 控制;consider 考虑。根据“the task successfully. n 可知是指完成任务,应选A。6. B【详解】句意:一一好消息!中国女足在2022年亚洲杯中获得第一名。一一确实。决赛是我见过的最精 彩的比赛。考查形容词最高级。根据The final is. . . one I have ever

44、seen. ”可知,此处应使用最高级,排除AC; 根据Good news”可知,是好事。应选B。7. A【详解】句意:一一胡小姐,我好久没见到你了。一一是的。我在上海做了一个月的志愿护士。我昨天回 来的。考查一般过去时。根据I came back yesterday. ”可知,昨天回来了,所以做志愿护士的动作发生在过第1页共14页 去,用一般过去时,应选A。8. B【详解】句意:我们应该有健康的饮食、适当的锻炼和充足的睡眠来保持健康。考查非谓语动词。此处是动词不定式作目的状语,健康的饮食、适当的锻炼和充足的睡眠是为了保持健康。 应选BoD【详解】句意:一一我听说我们学校上周成立了绘画俱乐部。我

45、们要加入吗?一一好主意。走吧。考查动词短语。put up搭建;picked up捡起;taken up开始从事;set up建立。根据“the Drawing Club” 可知是成立了绘画俱乐部,应选D。9. B【详解】句意:史密斯太太在中国住了二十年,所以她已经习惯吃中国菜了。考查动词短语辨析。look forward to 期待;get used to 习惯于;make a difference to有影响;pay attention to 注意。 根据 uMrs. Smith has lived in China for twenty years, so she has. . Chine

46、se food. ” 可知,在中国生活了二十年,习惯了中国菜,应选B。10. D【详解】句意:方先生介绍了很多关于帮助野生动物的工程。考查名词辨析。product 产品;promise 诺言;present 礼物;project 工程。根据 “is organized to help wild animals.可知,此处是指帮助野生动物的工程。应选D。11. D【详解】句意:一一迈克,你为什么这么晚才来?音乐会半小时前就结束了。一一真遗憾!难怪所有的歌 手都走了。考查现在完成时和词义辨析。end结束;be on上演;start开始;be over结束。根据since half an hour

47、ago”可知,此处应使用现在完成时且需要延续性动词,排除AC;根据“No wonder all the singers have left.可知,歌手都走了,所以音乐会结束了。应选D。12. A【详解】句意:在图书馆你不能在书上画画或写字,否那么你会被罚款。考查动词辨析。mustn, t禁止;needn, t不必;wouldn t不会;couldn t不可能。根据or you will be fined.”可知,是禁止在书上画画或写字。应选A。13. C【详解】句意:桑迪问男孩为什么看英文杂志。考查宾语从句。分析句子可知,本句是宾语从句,需用陈述语序,可排除A选项;再根据Sandy asked the第2页共14页boy”可知,主句是一般过去时,从句也要用相应的过去时态,可排除BD选项。应选C。14. C【详解】句意:不要熬夜完成设计,否那么您可能会感到疲倦。记住,不要过分透支体力。考查习语。no pain, no gain没有付出就没有收获;practice makes perfect熟能生巧;don t burn the candle at both ends 蜡烛不


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