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1、初中英语翻译专题训练100题含参考答案一、汉译英:整句. Sandy有时放学后和她的同学打网球。答案】Sandy sometimes plays tennis with her classmates after school.【详解】有时sometimes;放学后after school;和她的同学打网球play tennis with her classmates;本句时态是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,动词用三单。故填Sandy sometimes plays tennis with her classmates after school.1 .这是我的老师,张先生。【答案This is

2、 my teacher, Mr. Zhang.【详解】这“this”,在句中作主语,句首首字母大写;是“is”,系动词;my“我的”,形 容词性物主代词;teacher“老师”,my teacher作表语;张先生“Mr. Zhang”为同位语。故 填 This is my teacher, Mr. Zhang.2 .彼得的妈妈喜欢吃草莓和面包当午餐。答案】Peters mother likes to eat/eating strawberries and bread for lunch.【详解】彼得的妈妈:Petermother;喜欢做某事:like to do sth/doing sth;吃

3、当午餐:eatforlunch;草莓和面包:strawberries (用复数表泛指)and bread (不可 数名词);句子陈述客观的事实,用一般现在时,主语Peters mother是单数名词,谓 语用单三形式。故填 Peters mother Hkes to eat/eating strawberries and bread for lunch.3 .这是我的叔叔和阿姨和他们的儿子。【答案】These are my uncle, my aunt and their son.【详解】这是:these are,指示代词复数;我的叔叔和阿姨和他们的儿子:my uncle, my aunt a

4、nd their son, 名词作表语,故填 These are my uncle, my aunt and their son.4 .学校大厅看起来既现代又明亮。老师们常常在里面开会。【答案】The school hall looks modern and bright. The teachers often have meetings in it.【详解】100k为感官动词,意为“看起来”,经常接形容词作表语;have meetings为 固定短语,意为“开会”故此题答案应为The school hall looks modem and bright. The【答案】Though ther

5、es no dividing line in music, people have different tastes/ Though theres no dividing boundary in music, people have different tastes.【详解】表达“尽管用though引导让步状语从句;从句是“therebe+名词”的结构,表 达无界限用there is no dividing line或者“there is no dividing boundary;表达音乐 用介词“n和名词music;主句的主语是people,表达“有”,动词用have;表达“品味”用 复数名

6、词tastes;表达“不同的用形容词different作定语。故填Though theres no dividing line in music, people have different tastes/ Though theres no dividing boundary in music, people have different tastes.46 .你应该清晰地表达自己的想法。【答案】 You should express your ideas clearly.【详解】这是一个简单句。should do Sth,”应该做某事。清晰地表达、属于副词修饰 动词。清晰地:clearly;

7、表达你的想法:express your ideaso 故填 You should express your ideas clearly.47 .如果你努力学习,你将会取得好成绩。答案】If you study hard, you will get good grades.【详解】根据中文提示,可知应该用if引导的条件状语从句,遵循主将从现的原那么。 主句主语为you,时态为一般将来时(will+动词原形),get good grades“取得好成绩”; 从句主语为you,时态为一般现在时,study hard努力学习,故填If you study hard, you will get good

8、 grades.48 .养成良好的阅读习惯对我们来说很必要。【答案】Its necessary for us to form good reading habits.【详解】Its+形容词+forsb. todosth.对某人来说,做某事是,it是形式主语,todosth.是真正主语;necessary必要的,是形容词;form good habits养成好习惯, reading habits I闻读习,惯; 故填 Its necessary for us to form good reading habits.49 .过去几年里,苏州发生了巨大的变化。答案】Great changes hav

9、e taken place in Suzhou in the past/last few years.【详解】inthepast/lastfewyears在过去的几年里,作时间状语时,句子需用现在完成 时。great changes巨大的变化,作主语,句子开头首字母需大写;take place“发生”,由 于句子时态是现在完成时,且主语是复数,故在此处应改为have taken place; in Suzhou 在苏州,是地点状语。故填 Great changes have taken place in Suzhou in the past/last few years.50 .这场突如其来的

10、大雨让我们别无选择只能改变计划。【答案】The sudden heavy rain made us have no choice but to change the plan.【详解】这场突如其来的大雨the sudden heavy rain,作主语;让某人make sb doSth,描述过去的事情,动词用过去式;我们US,作动词宾语用宾格;别无选择只能改 变计戈U have no choice but to change the plan, 故填 The sudden heavy rain made us have no choice but to change the plan.51 .

11、你可以坐得最舒适,因为它们有最大的座位。【答案】You can sit most comfortably, because they have the biggest seats.【详解】can“可以”,情态动词,后接动词原形;sit“坐”;most comfortably“最舒适”, 副词最高级修饰动词sit; because“因为”,引导原因状语从句;they“它们”;have有; the bigges俨最大的“,seats“座位”,句子是一般现在时,主语they是复数形式,动词用 原形, 故填 You can sit most comfortably, because they have

12、 the biggest seats.52 .暑假一开始我就去英国看我的姑姑。答案I will go to England to visit my aunt as soon as the summer holiday starts.【详解】表达“一开始我就用“as soon as”引导时间状语从句,从句用一般现在时表示 将来,主句用一般将来时。从句的主语是“the summer holiday”,谓语动词是“开始”, 用动词“start”的第三人称单数形式“starts”。主句的主语是力”,谓语是“去英国”,翻译 为“ will go to England,“看我的姑姑”是目的状语,用动词不定

13、式“to visit my aunt 故填 I will go to England to visit my aunt as soon as the summer holiday starts.53 .如果下周六有空,我们就去钓鱼。答案】 We will go fishing if we have time/are free next Saturday.【详解】根据中文句意可知本句用“if如果”引导条件状语从句,遵循“主将从现”的时态 原那么。我们:we,作主语;主句用一般将来时will do的形式;去钓鱼:go fishing;有 空:用短语have time或be free,从句主语是we

14、,从句用一般现在时,所以have用原 形或 be 用 are;卜周六:next Saturdayo 故填 We will go fishing if we have time/are free next Saturday.54 .我期待着这个周末,因为我们打算去我家附近的公园打篮球。(汉译英)【答案】I am looking forward to this weekend, because we are going to play basketball in the park near my home.【详解】look forward to期待 ;this weekend这个周末;becaus

15、e因为,引导原 因状语从句;be going to do sth“打算做某事;play basketball“打篮球”;in the park near my home在我家附近的公园”,前半句用现在进行时结构,故填I am looking forward to this weekend, because we are going to play basketball in the park near my home.55 .地震发生的时候,我正在家里睡觉。【答案】I was sleeping at home when the earthquake happened.【详解】我:I,作主语,句

16、首首字母大写;睡觉:sleep;在家里:at home;当时 候:when;地震:the earthquake,表示特指;发生:happeno表示过去正在做某事应 用过去进行时,结构为“was/were+现在分词。主语为单数”,be动词用单数“was”; when引导的时间状语从句,表示当一个动作发生时,另一个动作正在进行,主句为过 去进行时态,从句为一般过去时,happen的过去式为“happened”。故填I was sleeping at home when the earthquake happened.56 .除了下雪天,他每天都晚饭后去散步。【答案He goes for a wal

17、k after supper every day except on snowy days.【详解】除了下雪天except on snowy days;每天every day;晚饭后after supper;去散 步go for a walk。本句时态是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数he,谓语动词用三 单。故填 He goes for a walk after supper every day except on snowy days.57 .我们的生日在同一天。【答案】Our birthdays are on the same day.【详解】我们的生日:our birthdays;在同一天

18、:on the same day0结合语境可知,此 题为一般现在时。主语our birthdays是复数,因此be动词用are。故填Our birthdays are on the same day.58 .因为你的努力,你在英语学习方面取得了很大的成就。【答案】Because of your efforts, you made great progress in English study.【详解】because。广因为,后接名词或名词短语;your efforts“你的努力”;make great progress in sth在某方面取得巨大的成就”;English study英语学习。

19、描述过去发生的 事情,动词用过去式,故填 Because of your efforts, you made great progress in English study.59 .玩太多电脑游戏对我们的眼睛有害。【答案】Playing computer games too much is bad for our eyes.【详解】玩太多电脑游戏:play computer games too much,在句中作主语,使用动名词 形式;对有害:be bad for;我们的眼睛:our eyes。故填 Playing computer gamestoo much is bad for our e

20、yes.根据汉语意思及括号内所给英文提示语,将以下句子翻译成英语。60 .你不可以频繁借吉尔(Jill)的电脑。(all the time).我们一做完作业就可以外出娱乐了。(theminute)61 .琳达(Linda)惊讶地看着我。(in surprise).这件毛衣和那件一样廉价。(as . as )62 .妈妈,你可以带我去散步吗? (take .for a walk)【答案】60. You cant borrow Jills computer all the time.63 . The minute we finish (doing) our homework, we can go

21、out.64 . Linda looked at me in surprise.65 . This sweater is as cheap as that one.66 . Mom, could you take me for a walk?【解析】60.句意:你不可以频繁借吉尔的电脑。根据句意及提示词可知,“频繁”用英语表达是all the time, “借”用英语表达是borrow, “吉尔的电脑”用英语表达是 Jills computero 故填 You cant borrow JilPs computer all the time.61 .句意:我们一做完作业就可以外出娱乐了。根据句意

22、及提示词可知,一就可用The minute表达,“结束做某事/做完某事”用 英语表达是finish (doing) sth,“外出”用英语表达是go out。故填The minute we finish (doing) our homework, we can go out.62 .句意:琳达惊讶地看着我。根据句意及提示词可知,此句表示已经发生的事,可用一般过去时。“看”用英语表达 是 look at,“惊讶地”用英语表达是 in surprise。故填 Linda looked at me in surprise.63 .句意:这件毛衣和那件一样廉价。根据句意及提示词可知,“这件毛衣用英语表

23、达是this sweater, “像一样廉价”用 英语表达是as cheap as,“那件用英语表达是that oneo故填This sweater is as cheap as that one.64 .句意:妈妈,你可以带我去散步吗?根据句意及提示词可知,“你可以.吗”用英语表达是could sb do sth, “散步”用英语 表达是 take.for a walko 故填 Mom, could you take me for a walk?65 . Mary的新年计划和她的学习有关。答案】Marys New Years resolution has to do with her stu

24、dies.【详解】“Mary的新年计划”为Marys New Years resolution; 和有关”为have todo with;“她的学习”为her studies。结合语境可知,此题为一般现在时,主语“Marys New Year9s resolution”是第三人称单数形式,故动词应用单三式has。故填Marys New Years resolution has to do with her studies.66 .在繁忙的街道上互相追逐是很危险的。答案Its very dangerous to run after each other in/on a busy street.【

25、详解】在繁忙的街道上:in/on a busy street;追逐:run after;互相:each other; 很:very;危险的:dangerouso根据汉语可知,本句可用it is+adj.+to do sth.做某事是 怎样的“结构。故填 Its very dangerous to run after each other in/on a busy street.67 .我们互相扔雪球,叫着,笑着。答案】 We throw snowballs at each other, screaming and laughing.【详解】throw.at.朝某人扔, snowballs雪球;

26、screaming and laughing是两个并列的现在分词形式,在句中作伴随状语,与主语We构成主动关系。68 . Mary在阅读英语诗歌上有困难。(have difficulty in)(汉译英)答案】Mary has difficulty in reading English poetry.【详解】Mary作主语;have difficulty in“做某事有困难。描述事实,用一般现在时, 主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用has; in为介词,后接动名词作宾语,read English poetry”读英语诗歌故填 Mary has difficulty in reading Engl

27、ish poetry.69 .你们的英语老师来自哪里?他从加拿大来。答案 Where does your English teacher come from? He comes from Canada.【详解】询问某人来自哪里:where do/does sb come from;你们的英语老师:your English teacher;他,作主语:he;来自:come from;加拿大:Canadao本句主语是单 数,所以助动词选择does,谓语动词使用三单形式。故填Where does your English teacher come from? He comes from Canada

28、.70 .每个人有了一个成功的开始。【答案】Everyone had a successful beginning.【详解】everyone”每个人;has“有“;a successful beginning”一个成功的开始“,根据 “有了”可知,描述过去发生的事情,句子用一般过去时,故填Everyone had a successful beginning.71 .他的爸爸看起来很年轻。【答案】His father looks (very) young.【详解】根据中文提示,这应该是一个陈述句,这里缺少的应该是,“他的爸爸”应该 用his father,看起来”应该用look,“年轻的”应该

29、用young。故答案为His fatherlooks (very) young o.你听说2022年冬季奥运会将在北京举行吗?【答案】Have you heard the 2022 Winter Olympics will be held in Beijing?【详解】这是一般疑问句,根据“听说”可知句子用现在完成时,动词是haveheard,变 成一般疑问句用Have you heard。动词heard后面的是宾语从句,用陈述句的语序,从 句主语是2022年冬季奥运会用the 2022 Winter Olympics;根据“将”可知从句是一般将 来时,主语“奥运会”和谓语动词“举行”之间是被

30、动关系,谓语动词是一般将来时的被 动will be held,地点状语是“在北京”,用介词短语in Beijingo故答案为Have you heard the 2022 Winter Olympics will be held in Beijing?72 .飞机模型在你的桌子上吗? (model plane)【答案】Is the model plane on your table?【详解】飞机模型:model plane,单数名词作句子主语;谓语动词是be动词,应该用 is;在你的桌子上:on your table,这里是疑问句,所以要把is提到主语前,故填Is the model plan

31、e on your table?73 .你应该多阅读而不是看太多电视。【答案】You should read more instead of watching too much TV.【详解】you你”,作主语;should“应该”,后接动词原形;read more“多阅读”;instead of而不是,后接动名词;watch too much TV“看太多电视。故填You should read more instead of watching too much TV.74 .这两个女孩经常互通邮件。(each other)【答案】The two girls often send email

32、s to each other.【详解】each other相互,send sth to sb发送某物给某人,often经常,用一般现在时, 故填 The two girls often send emails to each othero.既然你唱歌那么动听,为什么不参加校队的选拔?【答案】Since you sing well/beautifully/nicely, why not/why dont you try out fbr the school team?【详解】分析句子可知,本句是一个主从复合句。前半句是一个原因状语从句,since 引导的原因状语从句一般放在句首,翻译为“既然”

33、;you主语,你;谓语sing; well/beautifuHy/nicely为副词,修饰动词sing,意为“唱的好,唱的动听“。主句用“为什 么不”句型,why not/why don9t you.;参 力口的选拔 try out for.; the schoolteam 校队。故填 Since you sing well/beautifully/nicely, why not/why dont you try out fbr the school team?75 .镇上最糟糕的服装商店是哪个?【答案】Which is the worst clothing store in town?【详解

34、】特殊疑问句结构是疑问词+ be动词+主语+其他。分析语境可知是一般现在 时。特殊疑问句“哪个用which表示;疑问词后跟be动词is;最糟糕的服装商店:the worst clothing store; 镇上:in towno 故填 Which is the worst clothing store in town?76 .因为糟糕的天气,我们没有去野餐。(because of)【答案】 We didnt go for a picnic because of the bad weather.【详解】we我们,句首首字母大写;go for a picnic去野餐;becauseof因为,后跟名

35、 词/代词/名词短语等,the bad weather糟糕的天气。根据语境,句子用一般过去时,借 助助动词助动词didnt构成否认句,其后跟动词原形。故填We didnt go for a picnic because of the bad weather.77 .我弟弟希望能像成功的歌手那样唱歌。(like)【答案】My brother hopes to sing like the successful singers/a successful singer.【详解】“我弟弟my brother; 希望做某事”hope to do sth.;“唱歌”sing; 像那 样”like;”成功的歌

36、手the successful singers/a successful singero 根据汉语意思可知用一 般现在时,主语my brother后接动词第三人称单数形式hopes。故填My brother hopes to sing like the successful singers/a successful singer.78 .在公交车上给需要的人让座Tom真是太有礼貌了。【答案】Its really polite of Tom to offer/give his seat to the people in need on the bus.【详解】在公交车上:on the bus;给

37、某人提供某物:offer/give sth. to sb.;需要的人: the people in need, in need 作后置定语;给需要的人让座:offer/give his seat to the people in need; Tom 真是太有礼貌了 : Ifs really polite of Tomo 本句适用Its + 形容词+ of/forsb.+不定式短语+其他”固定结构,it作形式主语,不定式是真正主语;of用于指 某人的性格、属性、特征等,介词for表示对象,意为“对来说”;结合语境,句子 描述 Tom 的性格特点,介词用 of,故填 Its really poli

38、te of Tom to offer/give his seat to the people in need on the bus.79 .恐怕我不能帮助你。(afraid)【答案】Fm afraid that I can9t help you.【详解】分析句子结构可知,是宾语从句,时态宜用一般现在时;主句:rm afraid; 从句:I can help you;用 that 连接主句和从句。故填 I,m afiraid that I can,help you. 82.与地球上的生活相比,火星上的生活在某些方面会更好些。答案】Compared with life on Earth, life

39、 on Mars would be better in some ways.【解析】略.他因为脚伤受了很多苦,但他并没有放弃。【答案】He suffered a lot from his foot problem, but he didnt give up.【详解】由汉语可知,本句时态用一般过去时;“因为受苦”用短语sufferfrom. 表示;“脚伤his foot problem; 很多a lot,修饰动词suffer; “但是but,表示转折; 没有didnt,后跟动词原形;放弃give up;故填 He suffered a lot from his foot problem, but

40、 he didnt give up.83 .尽管我手握大权,却不能令我高兴。【答案】Although I have a lot of power, it doesnt make me happy.【详解】尽管although,引导让步状语从句;我I;手握大权have a lot of power;却不 能令我高兴 it doesnt make me happy o 故填 Although I have a lot of power, it doesnt make me happy.84 .这使我想起了我还是个小男孩的时候。【答案】It reminds me of when I was a li

41、ttle boy.【详解】根据汉语可知,本句是一个复合句,主句时态是一般现在时;“这”用it代 替,作主语,谓语动词用三单形式;“使某人想起remind sb. of,后跟宾语从句,从句 用陈述语序,时态用一般过去时;“我” me; “还是个小男孩的时候” when Iwas a little boyo 故填 It reminds me of when I was a little boy.85 .到目前为止,中国已成功地控制住了疫情(the epidemic)o (so far)(汉译英)答案】So far China has succeeded in controlling the epi

42、demic./So far China has controlled the epidemic successfully.【详解】“到目前为止”so far,由此可知用现在完成时,其结构为have/hasdone; 中 国China; ”成功地控制住疫情succeed in controlling the epidemic/control the epidemic successfullyo 主语China”后用助动词 haso 故填 So far China has succeeded in controlling the epidemic./So far China has control

43、led the epidemic successfully.86 .作为教师,我们对学生再怎么耐心也不为过。【答案】As a teacher, we cant be too patient with our students.【详解】作为教师as a teacher;对有耐心be patient with sb.;再也不为过:cant be too+形容词;我们的学生:our students;故答案为 As a teacher, we cant be too patient with our students.87 .老师将我们分成了四组。【答案】The teacher divided us

44、 into four groups.【详解】根据汉语意思,“将分成用divideinto;“四组”译成four groups;结合句意可知,事情发生完了,用过去时。所以答案为The teacher divided us into four groups.88 .在重要考试之前在学习上要对自己比平时更严格是很有必要的。答案】Its necessary to be stricter with you in study before important exams than usual.【详解】这句话使用了句型It is necessary to do sth.做某事是必要的”,其中It是形式 主语

45、,动词不定式才是真正的主语;根据句意可知,这里表示的是“在重要的考试之 前,,与“平时,湘比,故注意用形容词的比拟级,be strict with sb.对某人要求严格,这里 strict应变为比拟级stricter; before在.之前;important exams重要的考试;usual平常 的,平时。句子翻译:89 .我们最好坚持用英语写我们的日常生活。90 .在世界公园里,有来自世界各地一百多个名胜古迹的模型。91 .明天你能代替我去参加那个会议吗?teachers often have meetings in it.6 .晚上出去很不安全。【答案】Its not safe to g

46、o out at night.【详解】晚上:at night,是固定短语;出去:go out;不安全:not safe,此处可以用 “It is adj to do sth”的结构,不定式作主语,it作形式主语;故填Its not safe to go out at night.7 .让我们吃健康的食物吧!【答案】Let,s eat/have healthy food【详解】let,s do sth“让我们做某事;eat/have表示“吃”;healthy food”健康的食物”,故 填 Lefs eat/have healthy fbodo.那个穿着白色衬衫的人看起来精干【答案】The ma

47、n in/wearing a white shirt looks smart.【详解】in+衣服,表示穿着,wear穿着,the man in/wearing a white shirt表示那个穿 着白色衬衫的人;look smart表示看起来精干。这里是一般现在时态,主语是第三人称 单数,谓语动词要变第三人称单数,故填The man in /wearing a white shirt looks smart. 遣词造句.我们必须按时到校。8 .请把书留在你们的课桌上。9 .我妈妈不会讲英语。我爸爸也不会。10 .不要熬夜看电视。11 .我妈妈对我要求很严格。【答案】9. We must ge

48、t to school on time.10. Please leave the books on your desks.93 .当他们到达农场时,他们迫不及待地往篮子里装蔬菜。94 . David建议我多花点时间在打篮球上。【答案】90. Wed better keep writing about our daily life in English.91. There are models of over/more than 100 places of interest from all over the world in the World Park.92. Can you attend the meeting instead of me tomorrow?93. When they arrived at/got to/reached the farm


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