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1、创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日第二中学第二中学 2021-20212021-2021 学年七年级英语下学期第一次月考试题无答学年七年级英语下学期第一次月考试题无答案案 仁爱版仁爱版创创 作人:作人:埃半来埃半来日日 期:期:二二 OO 二二二二 年年 1 1 月月 1111 日日I.听句子,选出与其内容相符的图片。句子读两遍。每一小题 1 分,一共 5 分()1.A B C()2.A B C()3.A B C()4.A B C创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日()5.A B CII 听

2、句子,选择最正确应答语。句子读两遍每一小题1 分,一共 5 分()6.A.takes a subway.B.On weekdays.C.in the hospital.()7.A.I write a letter.B.I am cleaning the room C.She is reading abook.()8.A.Borrow some books.B.three times a week.C.For an hour.()9.A.It is my birthday.B.It is February.C.It is Friday.()10.A.She is kind.B.She is fr

3、om England.C.She teaches usEnglish.III.听对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。每一小题 1 分,一共 5 分()11.What color is the purse?A.It is balck.B.It is white C.It is red.()12.What is Bill doing now?A.Playing basketball B.Playing football.C.Watching TV()13.Where is Ted?A.He is in the reading room.B.He is in the library.C.He is in

4、the kitchen.()14.Does Tom have music classes every week?创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日 A.No,he doesnt.B.Yes,he does.C.He has only one.()15.Where is the key?A.On the desk in theroom.B.On the desk inthe gym.C.on the floorin the gym.长对话,选择最正确之答案。每一小题 1 分,一共 5 分()16.The telep

5、hone is from_.A.Mary.B.Mark.C.Jim.()17.They will go_ this afternoomA.fishing.B.swimming.C.shopping.()18.They will meet _at_.A.at the school gate,three.B.in the gym,four.C.in the gym,three.()19.Jim will go_.A.by car.B.by bus.C.by bike.()20._ will go together.A.Four of them B.Two of them C.Three of th

6、em笔试局部满分是笔试局部满分是 80 80 分分选选 择择 部部 分分I I、选择填空选择填空 一共一共 1515 小题,每一小题小题,每一小题 1 1 分,满分是分,满分是 1515 分分()21.I like playing_soccer and Jim likes playing_guitar.A.the,/B.the,the C./,the D.a,()22.I have_ money here.I can buy some drink.创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日A.a little B.lit

7、tle C.a few D.few()23.Can you see any apples_ the tree?Yes,I can also see a kite_the treeA.In,on B.on,in C.in,in D.on,on()24.Listen!Kate _ now.Oh.,she often_A.is singing;is singing.B.sings;sings.C.sings;is singing.D.is singing;sings()25.-Your keys are under the table.You must_your things.-OK.A.look

8、after B.look at C.look for D.look like()26.They are from Japan_ they speak English very well.A.so B.because C.but D.or()27.-What day is it today?-_.A.Two days B.Monday C.twice a day D.one oclock()28._?Its difficult and boring.A.What do you think of geography B.Do you like geographyC.Whats geography

9、D.Why do you like geography()29.There are _ on the desk.A.a computer and some CDs B.some milk and some hamburgersC.two photos and a letter D.a lot of water and some vegetables()30.These are your books.Please _ A.put it away B.put away it C.put them away D.put away them()31.Do you _ your keys,Mary?No

10、.I am _ them now.创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日A.look for;finding B.find;look for C.look for;find D.find;lookingfor()32._will you study in China?For three years.A.How manyB.What time C.How longD.How often()33.What do you think of history?I think its _.I dontlike it at all

11、.A.boringnice()34.Do you often have lunch at school?No.I _have lunch at school,becausemy home is near our school.A.often B.usually C.always D.never()35.Excause me.May I _the book?Of course,you can_it for a week.A.keep,borrow B.borrow,keep C.borrow,borrowkeep,keepIIII、完形填空一共、完形填空一共 1010 小题;每一小题小题;每一小

12、题 1 1 分,满分是分,满分是 1010 分分Dear Lucy,I want totell you a lot about my life in China.But let me tell you somethingabout my little 36 first.Its name is Egg 37 it is white and it likes 38 eggsvery much.Egg is from Japan.39 uncle buys it for me.It is only one year 40and it is a little shy(害羞的).It can 41 ma

13、ny things.If(假如)I say“go to D.B.interesting C.wonderfulD.创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日42,it will run to its bed.If I give it a ball,it will play with it.If I 43a song,it will shake(摇)its tail(尾巴).If I dont know where my shoes are,it can 44 me find them.Isnt it a 45 dog?Y

14、ours,TomD.monkeyD.or D.finding()36.A.cat B.dog C.pandaB.but C.so()37.A.because()38.A.buying B.drawing C.eatingB.His C.ItsB.big C.oldB.tell C.haveB.sleep C.workB.tell C.speak()39.A.Our()40.A.age()41.A.do()42.A.school()43.A.read D.My D.small D.take D.shop D.sing D.bring D.difficult()44.A.give B.call C

15、.help()45.A.boringIIIIII、阅读理解一共、阅读理解一共 1515 分分B.clever C.easy(一一)、阅读、阅读A A、B B、C C 三篇短文,并根据要求答题。三篇短文,并根据要求答题。A A 篇根据短文内容判断句子正误正确用篇根据短文内容判断句子正误正确用“A A、错误的用“、错误的用“B B(每一小题每一小题 1 1 分,一共分,一共5 5 分分)B B、C C 篇根据短文内容,从题中所给篇根据短文内容,从题中所给A A、B B、C C、D D 中,选择正确答案。每一小题中,选择正确答案。每一小题 1 1 分,一共分,一共 1010 分分A AMy name

16、 is Li Lei.I have a bedroom.It is next to my parents.The bedroomis not big,but it is very nice.On the wall,you can see a map of China,some pictures创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日of football 足球stars and a kite.My desk is near the window.There is a lampand a computer on it.T

17、he photo of my family and some books are on the desk,too.My cat,Mimi,is under my chair.My football is behind the door.You cant see myshoes.They are under the bed.I clean my bedroom every day.请根据短文内容判断以下说法正A误B。()46.You can not see a basketball in Li Leis bedroom.()47.Li Leis bedroom is small but nice

18、.()48.Li Lei s shoes are behind the door and his football is under the desk.()49.Li Lei likes football very much.()50.Li Lei sometimes cleans his bedroom.BFor RentA big apartment for a family of three people.¥650 a month.Call Mr.Zhang.Tel:(010)8838-7166.WantedLooking for a single room under$120 per

19、month.Please callHarry at 138-7682-5856.LostID cardName:DickPlease call(010)8433-9211.FoundA red bag with some books.Come to Room 402 in the evening or call Whiteat(010)6378-3021.()51.Please call _ to rent a three-bedroom apartment.A.(010)8838-7166 -5856 C.(010)8433-9211 D.(010)6378-3021创 作人:埃半来日 期:

20、二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日()52.You can rent your single room to _ for$120 per month.D.Mr.Zhang()5(假如)you find an ID card,you can call _ at(010)8433-9211.D.Mr.Zhang()54.If you can t find your bag,you can _ to get it back in the evening.A.call(010)8433-9211C.call HarryB.go to Room

21、402D.go to look for a single room()55.You want to rent a big apartment for your family for three months.You musttake out _.A.¥1950B.$1950C.¥650CD.$650Do you have a pen pal?If your answer is no,do you want to have one?Now letme tell you how to get a pen pal.There are usually three steps(步骤).The first

22、step is greeting(问候).In this step,you and your new friend say hello to eachother and tell each other your names.The second one is talking.You can talk aboutyour ages,your families,your favorites or any other things like that.The thirdone is leave-taking.In this step,you can tell your new friend that

23、 you are happyto meet himor her.Before you say goodbye to each other,you can also say“Do youwant to be my pen pal?or“I hope(希望)we can be pen pals.请根据短文内容从所给的选项里面选出最正确选项。()56.This essay(短文)is about how to _.A.get a pen pal B.write to your pen pal C.talk to your pen pal D.meet创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月

24、11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:your pen pal二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日()57.There are _ steps mentioned(被提及)in the essay.A.twoB.threeC.fourD.five()58._ is the first step.A.Saying hello to each other B.Talking about agesC.Telling your pen pal you are happy D.Telling your pen pal your favorites()59.You may talk about your fath

25、ers favorite animal in the _ step.A.firstB.second C.thirdD.fourth()60.What does“leave-taking mean(意思)in the essay?A.Meeting your pen pal.B.Visiting your pen pals house.C.Saying goodbye.D.Taking a walk.(二)D D 任务型阅读任务型阅读阅读短文后答复以下问题。阅读短文后答复以下问题。(每一小题每一小题 1 1 分,满分是分,满分是 5 5 分分DDear Li Lei,Im an English

26、boy.My name is Jim.I am twelve.I have one brother and onesister.My sister is Kate.She is only two.My brother is John.He and I are inthe same grade,but in different classes.We go to school five days a week.OnSaturdays and Sundays we stay at home.On Sundays we play football and on Saturdayswe watch TV

27、.My father and mother are teachers.They teach us Chinese.John can speakChinese.But I can speak only a little.I like to read.Now I am reading a new book创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日about China.I like China very much.Let us be good friends and welcome you to London.Please

28、write back soon.Yours,Jim61.Who is the letter from?_62.What do they do on Saturdays?_63.Are Jim and his brother in the same grade?_64.When do they play football?_65.What does Jims father do?_IVIV、口语应用。、口语应用。(每一小题每一小题 1 1 分,满分是分,满分是 5 5 分分)从右边方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话从右边方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话A:Hello!May I speak to Davi

29、d,please?B:This is David speaking.Whos that?A:66B:67.I think you must be learning physics.A:68B:Because physics is your favorite subject.A.When and where do youmeet?B.I m Li Lei.C.How are you.D.What are you doing?E.Would you like to come创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日David

30、.We want to play soccer this afternoon.69A:Yes.Id love to.70B:We want to meet on the playground at 1:00p.m.See you,then.Bye.A:Bye-Bye.66._ 67._ 68._69._ _书书 写写 部部 分分V V、词汇运用词汇运用用词组的适当形式完成句子。用词组的适当形式完成句子。一共一共 1010 小题;小题;每一小题每一小题 0.50.5 分,分,满分是满分是 5 5 分分learn about,work on,on time,in the front of,in o

31、ne s free time,71.I would like to go and_ at your study.72.We students must do our homework_ every day.73.Where is Jim?He_ in his room now.74.History can help us to_ the past.75.School is over.It is time_.76.Michael often goes swimming _.77.Look!Tom and his classmates _ the math problem in theclassr

32、oom.78.There is a teachers desk_ the classroom.79.Listen!They_ the picnic for this Sunday.80.Mom,Thanks for your_.VIVI、看图根据所给词造句。、看图根据所给词造句。(每句每句 2 2 分,满分是分,满分是 1010 分分)创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日81.He will Japan by_82.Bill swim pool now_83.my father like home_84.want

33、buy apple supermarket_85.there,picture_VIIVII、句型转换、句型转换(每空每空 0.50.5 分,满分是分,满分是 5 5 分分)86.What subject is your favorite?(改成同义句)What subject do you_ _?87.There are some bananas in the basket.(改为一般疑问句)_ there _ bananas in the basket?88.You cant park your car here.(改为否认祈使句)_ _ your car here,please!89.Th

34、e boy in blue is from Cuba.(对划线局部提问)创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:_ _ is from Cuba?二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日90.She sometimes walks to the farm.(写出同义句)She sometimes_ to the farm_ _.VIIIVIII、选择方框内单词的适当形式填空,每空只填一个词每空、选择方框内单词的适当形式填空,每空只填一个词每空 0.50.5 分分,满分是满分是 5 5 分分from,country,to,take,play,interesti

35、ng,same,know,friend,tellDear Lin Tao,How are you?Thanks for your letter.You want _91_ something about myschool life in your letter.Let me _92_ you now.America is a nice_93_,and people here are very friendly.My sister andI go to the _94_ school.We have classes _95_ Monday to Friday,and sixclasses eve

36、ry day.I like history very much.I think its very _96_.On Sundays,my father often _97_ us to the park.I have many _98_ in my school.They often ask me something about China.After class,I like_99_ football with them.Its my favorite outdoor activity.Whats your favorite subject?Do you like your school life?Please write_100_ me.Yours,Tom91_92_93_94_95_96_97_98_99_100_IVIV、书面表达满分是、书面表达满分是 5 5 分分假设你生活在一栋两层楼的房子里,简单介绍一下你的房子和今天是星期天,此时家人正假设你生活在一栋两层楼的房子里,简单介绍一下你的房子和今天是星期天,此时家人正创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:在进展的动作。要求:在进展的动作。要求:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日_创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日


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