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《2020届新都一中实验学校高三英语第四次联考试卷及参考答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020届新都一中实验学校高三英语第四次联考试卷及参考答案.pdf(11页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、20202020 届新都一中实验学校高三英语第四次联考试卷及参考答案届新都一中实验学校高三英语第四次联考试卷及参考答案第一部分第一部分阅读(共两节,满分阅读(共两节,满分4 40 0 分)分)第一节(共第一节(共 1515 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2 2 分,满分分,满分 3030 分)分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项A AThe Middlerby Kirsty ApplebaumEleven-year-old Maggie lives in Fennis Wick,enclosed and protected from the outside worl

2、d.Her brother Jedis the eldest,a hero.Her younger brother is Trigeveryone loves Trig.But Maggies just a middler;she is leftbehind.In this book,we experience the sadness of being the forgotten middle child,the child with no voice,evenin her own family.Dennis in Jurassic Barkby Nigel AuchterlounieBean

3、otown is in trouble again,and this time the danger is Jurassic!Dennis,latest adventure is filled with fun,including Vikings,Victorians and soon,along with puzzles for you to finish.Can you help Dennis save Beanotownfrom the prehistoric invasion?Little Book for Big Changesby Karen Ng and Kirsten Liep

4、mannIncluding more than 100 activities,try-outs,games,puzzles and tips,Little Book for Big Changesoffers fun andcreative ways to bring people together to help change the world.Understand more about big problems in theworld such as inequality and climate change,and be empowered to help make the world

5、 a better place.The Saga of Erik the Vikingby Terry JonesIn this illustrated story,Erik the Viking sets out with his trusty team of men in search of the land where theSun goes at night.On his journey,he will meet adventures that will put his courage to the test.1.Who told a story about an unseen chi

6、ld in a family?A.Terry Jones.B.Kirsty Applebaum.C.Nigel Auchterlounie.D.Karen Ng and Kirsten Liepmann.2.Which book is proper for kids who love prehistoric-related stories?A.The Middler.B.Little Book for Big Changes.C.Dennis in Jurassic Bark.D.The Saga of Erik the Viking.3.What is special aboutLittle

7、 Book for Big Changes!A.It is about two people.B.It is an adventure book.C.It has picturesinside to help kids read.D.It teaches kids to care for the world.BHappiness is not a warm phone,according to a new study exploring the link between young life satisfactionand screen time.The study was led by pr

8、ofessor of psychology Jean M.Twenge at San Diego State University(SDSU).To research this link,Twenge,along with colleagues Gabrielle Martin at SDSU and W.Keith Campbell at theUniversity of Georgia,dealt with data from the Monitoring the Future(MtF)study,a nationally representativesurvey of more than

9、 a million U.S.8th-,10th-,and 12th-graders.The survey asked students questions about howoften they spent time on their Phones,tablets and computers,as well as questions about their face-to-face socialinteractions and their overall happiness.On average found that teens who spent more time in front of

10、 screen devices playing computer games,using social media,texting and video chatting were less happy than those who invested more time innon-screen activities like sports,reading newspapers and magazines,and face-to-face social interactions.The key to digital media use and happiness is limited use,T

11、wenge said.Aim to spend no more than twohours a day on digital media,and try to increase the amount of time you spend seeing friends face-to-face andexercising two activities reliably linked to greater happiness.Looking at historical trends from the same age groups since the 1990s,its easy to find t

12、hat the increase ofscreen devices over time happened at the same time as a general drop-off in reported happiness inU.S.teens.Specifically,young peopled life satisfaction and happiness declined sharply after 2012.Thats the year when thepercentage of Americans who owned a smartphone rose above 50 per

13、cent.By far the largest change in teens livesbetween 2012 and 2016 was the increase in the amount of time they spent on digital media,and the followingdecline in in-person social activities and sleep.4.Which method did Twenges team use for the study?A.Calculating students happiness.B.Asking students

14、 certain questions.C.Analyzing data from a survey.D.Doing experiments on screen time.5.How does the author develop the finding of the study in paragraph 3?A.By making a comparison.B.By giving an example.C.By making an argument.D.By introducing a concept.6.What is the purpose of the last paragraph?A

15、To draw a conclusion from the study.B.To offer some advice to the readers.C.To prove social activities importance.D.To support the researchers finding.7.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A.Quitting Phones Equals HappinessB.Screen Time Should Be BannedC.Teens Lives Have Change

16、d SharplyD.Screen-addicted Teens Are UnhappierCAmerican football was the fastest-growing sport for US young players last year,according to a surveysponsored by the sports governing body.But it was the games no tackle variety that showed the biggest increasea finding that may reflect concernsabout in

17、jury.In American football,a tackle(抢断球)refers to an attempt to stop an opponent by forcing them tothe ground.The number of participants in football grew in 2015 while most other sport,except baseball,posted a decline,USA Football said on Monday,citing(引用)the findings of a survey of 30,000 children a

18、nd teenagers.Participation in flag football(a no-tackle type of football)increased by 8.7 percent among children aged 6 to14,while tackle football rose by 1.9 percent.For that age group,the only other sport that grew was baseball,witha 3.3 percent increase.In the 15-to-18 age group,flag football ros

19、e by 10.5 percent,while tackle grew by 2.5 percent.Basketball was the third,with a 1.1 percent increase.Participation in all other sports declined.Tom Farrey,executive director of the Aspen Institutes Sports&Society Program,said he was surprised thatflag football participation rose so much.“The tren

20、d suggests that parents aremarching to the beat of a different drummer,in pursuing flagas analternative for their kids,he said.The findings come at a time of increasing concern about the risk associated with youth sports,particularlyhockey(曲棍球)and football,where medical researchers have warned about

21、 the risk of concussions(damagestothe brain caused by violent blows to the head)and death linked to brain injury.USA Football,anIndianapolis,Indianabased nonprofit funded in part by the National Football League,believedthat the increases resulted from better safety and health education.Football part

22、icipation increases,even modest increases,may signal that programs such as our Heads UpFootball program and practice guidelines are making a positive difference,said Scot Hallenbeck,USA Footballchief executive,in a statement.Robert Cantu,aBostonUniversityneurosurgery professor and investigator at th

23、e schools chronic TraumaticEncephalopathy(CTE)Center said the increase in fag football participation signaled that more parents weredirecting children to a safe alternative8.What can we learn about the two age groups?A.Flag football grew the fastest in the 6-to-18 group.B.Tackle football grew he fas

24、test in the 6-to-14 group.C.Participation in baseball declined the most in both groupsD.Participation in tackle football increased the most in both groups.9.The underlined part probably means _.A working at a different paceB.behaving in a different wayC.ignoring the major differencesD.trying to acce

25、pt different opinions10.The popularity of flag football is inked with the fact thatA.its rules have been adapted for young playersB.it receives more funds than other varietiesC.tackle football is an old-fashioned gameD.experts worry about childrens safety11.What is the cause of football growth accor

26、ding to USA Football?A.Their safety programs are successful.B.More children show interest in the game.C.Football is less likely to cause concussions.D.There are different types of football to choose from.DThe Great Barrier Reefs outlook remains“very poor”despite coral(珊瑚)recovery over the past year,

27、Australian government scientistssaid Monday,just days before a UNESCO ruling on the sites world heritage(遗产)status.The United Nations cultural agency recommended last month that the worlds largest reef(珊瑚礁)systembe placed on its endangered list because of damage to the corals largely caused by clima

28、te change.The Australian Institute of Marine Science(AIMS)said the corals were now in a“recovery window”after adecade of harmful heat stress and cyclones(旋风).But such opportunities were becoming rarer due to theinfluence ofclimate change,the government agency,which has monitored the reef for 35 year

29、s,said in its annualreport released today.“The increasing emergence of climate-related extreme weather events and starfishoutbreaks is causing more severe and frequent pressures,giving the reef fewer opportunities like this torecover,”CEOPaul Hardisty said.The scientists surveyed 127 reef sites in 2

30、021 and found hard coral cover hadincreased at 69 of the 81 locations surveyed in the past two years.Separate scientific research released last October found the 2,300-kilometre(1,400 miles)system had losthalf its corals since 1995,with a series of ocean heatwaves causing mass coral death.Britta Sch

31、affelke,research program director at AIMS,said the latest findings provided a slight hope that thereef still has the power of recovering.But she added that its future is still very poor because of the dangers ofclimate change and other factors that are affecting the reef.UNESCO has urged Australia t

32、o take urgent climate action but the government has long resisted calls tocommit to net zero emissions(排放)by 2050.The government has said it hopes to meet the target“as soon aspossible”without harming its economy,insisting dealing with climate change requires a global effort.The reef wasworth about

33、US$4.8 billion a year in tourism for the Australian economy and there are fears that an“in danger”listing could weaken its tourist appeal.12.What is the major cause of the damage to the corals?A.The climate change.B.Lack of money.C.Over development.D.Too many tourists.13.What is mainly talked about

34、in Paragraph 3?A.The result of the survey.B.The efforts AIMS has made.C.The slight chance of the recovery.D.The terrible situation of the climate.14.What is Britta Schaffelkes attitude towards the future of the reef?A.Unclear.B.Positive.C Intolerant.D.Anxious.15.What can we infer from the last parag

35、raph?A.Australia wants to put the reef on the endangered list.B.The Australian government has ignored UNESCOs demand.C.Australia hopes to keep a balance between emission target and its economy.D.The Australian government refuses to take its share of responsibility of climate change.第二节(共第二节(共 5 5 小题

36、;每小题小题;每小题 2 2 分,满分分,满分 1 10 0 分)分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项You may not consider yourself the patient type.Maybe your first-grade teacher pointed this out when youwere pulling the door openbefore the bell even sounded.As a grown-up,maybe you press the“close door”buttonin the elevator

37、 many times._16_Impatience has become a sign of a troubled society.The time we save to get to our destination faster is not worth the price we pay for our health.As we all know,in traffic making rash decisions can send yourself and others to hell._17_A 2011 study,for example,suggests it may even be

38、making us fat.If you want your satisfaction right nowregardless of future benefits,you are going to have that extra dessert or that extra ice cream.In addition,thereare plenty of links between impatient people and many health issues.You dont need to do a lot of research to linkimpatience to high blo

39、od pressure and even heart disease._18_And if youre constantly anxious,your sleepcould be affected,too._19_The first thing to do is to recognize that you have a problem.Impatience usually happens duringseveral situations.One of them is that your environment isnt conforming(符合)to your expectations.An

40、other isthat youre not conforming to your expectations of yourself.There are all kinds of every-day situations that test patience.Once youve found that cause,though,it will bea lot easier to break the bad habit.Most importantly,once we understand what makes us impatient isnt withinour control,we can

41、 change the way we understand that situation._20_Youre already on your way.A.Youre not alone.B.It will help us stay healthy.C.If youve made it,congratulations.D.However,its not easy to be patient.E.So learning to be patient is important.F.It is important to be friendly to others.G.Besides,being impa

42、tient could cause anxiety.第二部分第二部分语言运用(共两节,满分语言运用(共两节,满分4545 分)分)第一节(共第一节(共 2020 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1.51.5 分,满分分,满分 3030 分)分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项It was just the three of usmy parents and me.My dad is a truck driver,and was gone most of thetime,_21_supplies around theMidwest.So my mothe

43、r was always like a_22_mother.We moved there onmy third birthday.My first memory is our next-door_23_Arlene and her husband Bill,to whom I was alwaystalking.I think what drew me to Arlene and Bill is that they never_24_listening to me.I also think Arlene sawa lot of herself in me-we were both lonely

44、,anxious kids.Bill too.And that may be_25_she always took thetime to listen to me.It was a wonderful_26_.One day,my parents asked Bill and Arlene whether theyd_27_me while they went out on a date.Thisworked well,so it became a monthly_28_.When I was about five,I had an idea,“What if Bill andArlene_2

45、9_me as their granddaughter?”The next day,I knocked on their door,sat down in their living room,and asked,“Will you guys be my grandparents?”They started crying and_30_accepted.Soon after theyprinted an adoption certificate,and_31_it on their living room wall from then on.I was surprised that theyto

46、ok my offer so_32_.They could have_33_it off.Thinking of that moment still brings tears to my eyes.There is something truly_34_about a child offering up her love and adults being so excited to accept it.Over the years,Bill and Arlene_35_me in all my dreams.They encouraged me to apply for college.And

47、when I got accepted toColoradoStateUniversity,they presented me with a_36_.They told me theyd beenputting away money for me.Since Ive become an adult,Ive learned more about my grandparents.Both of them grew up poor.Their liveswerent as_37_as they appeared to be.But the two of them always seemed genu

48、inely happy in eachothers_38_.Arlene passed away in 2013.Bill gave me the ring hed_39_to Arlene on their 25thwedding anniversarywhich I wear on my ring finger as a_40_of the kind of love I wish to put into this world.21.A.providingB.carryingC.producingD.delivering22.A.lonelyB.singleC.desperateD.youn

49、g23.A.friendsB.neighborsC.colleaguesD.s24.A.get tired ofB.get rid ofC.get away withD.get on with25.A.whatB.howC.whyD.where26.A.devotionB.appreciationC.connectionD.contribution27.A.watchB.seeC.observeD.monitor28.A.existenceB.occurrenceC.preferenceD.consequence29.A.treatB.makeC.appointD.adopt30.A.gent



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