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《新PEP_小学英语三年级下册总复习资料.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新PEP_小学英语三年级下册总复习资料.pdf(4页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、PEPPEP 小学英语三年级下册总复习资料小学英语三年级下册总复习资料 1 1班级:姓名:一、要求能在四线格里准确听写的单词(四会单词:听、说、认读、写)一、要求能在四线格里准确听写的单词(四会单词:听、说、认读、写)1.ca at ba ag da ad ha and/2.te en pe en le eg re ed/e/e/猫包爸爸手十钢笔腿红色3.bi ig pi ig si ix mi ilk/i i/4.do og bo oxo orange bo ody/大的猪六牛奶狗盒子桔色;桔子身体5.fu un ru un du ucku under/有趣的跑步鸭子在下面以上每组单词分别含

2、有元音字母a e i o ua e i o u,要能准确发这五个元音字母在单词里的音,即/,/e/e/,/i i/,/,/,音标认识即可,不需要听写。二、要求能听说认读的单词(三会单词:听、说、认读)二、要求能听说认读的单词(三会单词:听、说、认读)Unit 1 Welcome back to school!Unit 1 Welcome back to school!(thethe)UK CanadaUK Canada(thethe)USA ChinaUSA China英国加拿大美国中国国家首字母要大写,缩写国家前加 the,注意 the 的发音。she he student teacher

3、pupilshe he student teacher pupil她他学生教师小学生Unit 2 My familyUnit 2 My familyfatherfather(daddad)man mother man mother(mummum)woman woman爸爸男人妈妈女人括号里的称呼都是前面正式称呼的口头称呼,用于口头交流。sister brother grandfathersister brother grandfather(grandpagrandpa)grandmothergrandmother(grandmagrandma)姐妹兄弟爷爷或外公奶奶或外婆Unit 3 At t

4、he zooUnit 3 At the zoo本单元都是形容词,可以用 Its来表达;胖的瘦的高的矮的表示长度时用 long,short;表示高度时用 tall,short;small big long shortsmall big long shortfat thin tall shortfat thin tall short小的大的长的短的Unit 4 Where is my carUnit 4 Where is my carin on under chair deskin on under chair desk方位词 in on under 的基本句型为:在里在上在下面椅子桌子cap b

5、all car boat mapcap ball car boat map帽子球小汽车船地图Itsthe(东西)。desk 专指书桌;餐桌为 table;cap 一般指鸭舌帽;帽子还可可数名词复数可以加 s,注意 strawberryapple,orange 元音开头,pear (pear (anan)apple ()apple (anan)orange banana)orange banana的不规则变化,用 an 来形容一个;其余用 a;西瓜和草莓复数形式发音要注意,为/z/。Unit 5 Do you like pearsUnit 5 Do you like pears梨苹果桔子香蕉wa

6、termelonwatermelon(s s)strawberrystrawberry(berriesberries)grapegrape西瓜 /z/草莓 /iz/葡萄Unit 6 How manyUnit 6 How many11-20 间的数字,除了 11 12 20 其余都是eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteeneleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen以 teen 结尾的形式,其中 13,15 发音要注意。11 12 13 14 15sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twe

7、ntysixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty16 17 18 19 20三、要求能听说的单词(二会单词:听、说)三、要求能听说的单词(二会单词:听、说)boy and girl new friend today family giraffeboy and girl new friend today family giraffesoso男孩和;与女孩新的朋友今天家庭长颈鹿这么;那么children(children(单单 child)tail toy box buy fruit kitechild)tail toy box buy fruit kit

8、ebeautifulbeautiful儿童尾巴玩具盒;箱买水果风筝美丽的四、要求能理解会背的对话(注意粗体部分的问答)四、要求能理解会背的对话(注意粗体部分的问答)Unit 1Unit 1 A:Boys and girls.We have two new friends s today.(同学们,今天我们有两位新朋友。)B:Hi,Im Amy.Im from the UK.(大家好,我是艾米。我来自英国。)C:Hi,Im Zhang Peng.Im from Shandong.(大家好,我是张鹏。我来自山东。)D:Welcome!(欢迎!)A:Mr Jones,this is Amy.Shes

9、 a new student.(琼斯先生,这是艾米。她是一位新同学。)B:Hi,Amy.(你好,艾米。)C:Hi,Mr Jones.(你好,琼斯先生。)B:Where are you fromWhere are you from (你来自哪里)C:Im from the UK.Im from the UK.(我来自英国。)Unit 2Unit 2 A:Whos that manWhos that man (那个男人男人是谁)B:Hes my father.Hes my father.(他是我的爸爸。)B:Hi,dad.This is my friend,Amy.(你好爸爸,这是我的朋友,艾米。

10、)C:Nice to meet you.(很高兴见到你。)A:Nice to meet you,too.(我也很高兴见到你。)A:Whos that boyboy (那个男孩男孩是谁)B:Hes my brother.(他是我的兄弟。)A:Is she your motherIs she your mother (她是你的妈妈吗)B:Yes,she is.Yes,she is.(是的,她是。)A:Is he your fatherIs he your father (他是你的爸爸吗)Is 开头的问句,用来提问“是不是”,肯定回答用“Yes,he/she/it is.”;否定回答用“No,he/

11、she/it isnt.”isnt=isB:No,No,he isnt.he isnt.Hes my teacher!(不,他不是。他是我的老师!)Unit 3Unit 3 A:Look at that giraffe.(看着那头长颈鹿。)have,has 都表示“有”,has 用在第三人B:Wow!Its so tall!(哇!它真高!)称单数后面,比如:he,she,it,the dog,Mike 等;其余一般用 have,比如 I,you,we,they,B:Ha!Its short and fat!(哈!它又矮又胖!)C:A bear!(一只熊!)A:Come here,childre

12、n!Look at the elephant.(快过来,孩子们!看着大象。)B:Wow!It hasIt has a long nose.(哇!它有一个长鼻子。)C:It has a short tail.(它有一条短尾巴。)D:It has small eyes and big ears.(它有一双小眼睛和一对大耳朵。)Unit 4Unit 4A:Lets go home!(让我们一起回家吧!)B:OK!(好的!)B:Uh-oh!Where is my pencil boxWhere is my pencil box (啊哦,我的铅笔盒去哪里了)A:Look!Its in your desk

13、.Its in your desk.(看!它在你的课桌里面。)B:Oh,yes!(哦,是的呢。)A:And your pencil!Its under your book!(还有你的铅笔!它在你的书本下面。)B:Silly me!Thanks!(我真傻!谢谢!)A:Mum,where is my cap (妈妈,我的帽子在哪里呀)B:Is it in your bagIs it in your bag (它是不是在你的书包里呀)A:No,No,it isnt.it isnt.(不,它不在。)B:Is it in your toy box (它是不是在你的玩具盒子里呀)A:Yes,it is.Y

14、es,it is.(是的,它在。)A:Bye!(再见!)B:Bye!Have a good time!(再见!玩得开心!)Unit 5Unit 5 A:Honey,lets buy some fruit.Do you like orangesDo you like oranges(宝贝,让我们买一些水果吧。你喜欢桔子吗)B:No,No,I dont.I dont.I like apples.(不,我不喜欢。我喜欢苹果。)Do you like“你喜欢吗”A:Do you like pears (你喜欢梨吗)肯定回答:“Yes,I do.”;B:Yes,I do.Yes,I do.(是的,我喜欢

15、。)否定回答:“No,I dont.”其中 dont=do not.要注意 Have some;A:Have someHave some grapes.(来一些葡萄吧。)Can I have some的使用情境;B:Thanks.Thanks.I like grapes.(谢谢。我喜欢葡萄。)I like和 some 后面的的水果C:Sorry,I dont like grapes.Can I have someCan I have some bananas要用可数名词的复数形式。(不好意思,我不喜欢葡萄。我可以来一些香蕉吗)D:Here you are.Here you are.(给你。)U

16、nit 6Unit 6A:Look at the kites!(看着风筝!)B:Wow,so beautiful!(哇,真漂亮!)A:How many kites do you seeHow many kites do you see (你看到了多少风筝)-How many do you have-I have 我有-How many do you see-I see 我看见B:1,1,2I see 12!2I see 12!(1,2我看到了 12 只。)A:No!The black one is a bird!(不!那黑丝的是一只鸟!)B:Oh!(噢!)How many 开头,用来提问可数名

17、词的“多A:Wu Yifan,whats this (吴一凡,这是什么)少”,即数量。后面的名词要用可数名词的复数复数形式。B:My new crayons.(我的新蜡笔。)A:Wow!How many crayons do you haveHow many crayons do you have(哇!你有多少蜡笔)B:Open it and see!Open it and see!(打开看看!)A:1,2 have 16 crayons!have 16 crayons!(1,216.你有 16 只蜡笔。)五、要求能听懂会做的动作五、要求能听懂会做的动作(复习时一定要将书本上的图片图片也记忆一

18、下)1.Be fat.Be fat.Be fat,fat,fat!Be thin.Be thin.Be thin,thin,thin.Be tall.Be tall.Be tall,tall,tall!Be short.Be short.Be short,short,short.2.Big,big,big!Make your eyes big.把你的眼睛变大。Small,small,small!Make your eyes small.把你的眼睛变小。Long,long,long!Make your arms long.把你的手臂变长。Short,short,short!Make your a

19、rms short.把你的手臂变短。3.Put your foot under your chair.把你的脚放到椅子下面。Put your hand on your chair.把你的手放到椅子上面。Put your arm in your desk.把你的手臂放进课桌里面。Put your hand under your desk.把你的手放到课桌下面。4.row a boat 划船 bounce a ball拍球 drive a car开车 put on a cap戴上帽子 read a map看地图六、要求了解的内容六、要求了解的内容1.Nice to see you=Nice to

20、meet you.2.CanadaUSAUKChinaAustralia 这五个国家的国旗与标志性建筑和动物要清楚;其中 China-panda Canada-beaver USA-eagle Australia-kangarooUKThe Great WallCN Tower the White House Big Ben Sydney Opera House万里长城多伦多电视塔自由女神像大本钟悉尼歌剧院3.shes=she is;hes=he is;me 为 I 的宾格,一般用在动词后,如 follow me.4.表示某人的什么,可以用“s”的形式,如 Sarahs bag;Mikes pencil.5.26 个字母大小写在四线格里的书写一定要认真复习,多加练习。


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