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《(完整版)江苏省扬州市树人学校2018届九年级第二次模拟考试英语试题.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(完整版)江苏省扬州市树人学校2018届九年级第二次模拟考试英语试题.pdf(8页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、江苏省扬州市树人学校江苏省扬州市树人学校 20182018 届九年级第二次模拟考试英语试题届九年级第二次模拟考试英语试题一、单项选择一、单项选择1.-A Bite of China isdocumentary Ive introduced to you several times.-Its great.Ive never watchedmore attractive one.A.the,aB.the,theC.the,/D.a,the2.you know little about the Qing and Ming dynasties,youd better read more books a

2、bout them.A.UnlessB.SinceC.AlthoughD.Whether3.-Dont you think itof some teenagers to be crazy about pop stars?-Well,I dont think so.We were once young and had the similar experiences.A.creativeB.wiseC.sillyD.curious4.-Whos that man in our classroom?Itbe Mr.Brown.He is much taller.-You mean the man i

3、n white?He is an exchange student from England.A.canB.mayC.cantD.mustnt5.-How was your job interview yesterday?-Oh,I couldnt feel _.I could hardly answer most of the questions they askedA.worseB.easierC.betterD.happier6.-Where is my watch?I cant find it.-Dont worry.It must bein your room.A.somewhere

4、B.anywhereC.everywhereD.nowhere7.-Mum,wheres my packed lunch?-In the kitchen.I _ you two sandwiches.A.makeB.am makingC.have madeD.will make8.He accepted thewith pleasure.He thought it as an honor to attend such a great party.A.instructionB.invitationC.introductionD.invention9.The governments shouldt

5、he use of new types of energy to make a greener world.A.push inB.push forC.put outD.put up10.-Where is your son Jimmy living now?-He _the city of Yangzhou,China for two years.A.has come toB.has been toC.has gone toD.has been in11.are crazy about listening to pop music in their spare timeABill as wel

6、l as Dick and LucyBNeither Victor nor TomCNot only Tim but also the twinsDEither Anita or Jack12.Jane Austen,the writer ofPride and Prejudice,wrote many stories of love.However,she _single all her life.A.remainedB.remindedC.realizedD.required13.Were not sure_ therell be_ or not tomorrow.A.if;rainsB.

7、if;rainyC.whether;rainingD.whether;rain14.-What are you going to do this weekend?-.If there is enough time,I may go to Shanghai with my friends.A.Dont mention itB.It doesnt matterC.Forget itD.It depends15.I really shouldnt have shouted at my parents like that,but.A.it was none of your businessB.I ju

8、st couldnt help itC.I didnt care about itD.I couldnt agree more二、完形填空二、完形填空On a trip to California,my family stopped for lunch.As we walked toward the entrance to therestaurant,a man,with a16beard and dirty hair,jumped up from a bench and opened thedoor for us and greeted us in a friendly way.Once i

9、nside,my daughters whispered,Mom,he17.After we ordered our lunch,Iexplained,telling the kids to look18the appearance.The day I became a mother,I hadmade my mind to set a good19for my children.Yet sometimes when things didnt go right,being a good example was20.When our meal arrived,I realized I had l

10、eft the car-sick pillsin the truck.With the most winding trip ahead,the21needed them,so I went for them.Just then,the doorman was opening the door for a couple.They rushed past him without evennoticing him.Letting them in first,I said a loud thank you to him as I22.When I returned,we talked a bit.He

11、 said he was not allowed inside23he bought food.I went back and told my family his24.Then I asked our waitress to add one soup andsandwich.The kids looked25as we had already eaten,but when I said the order was for thedoorman,they smiled.When it was time to26our trip,I noticed the doorman enjoyinghis

12、 meal.Upon seeing me,he stood up and thanked me heartily.He then27his hand for ahandshake and I gratefully28.I suddenly noticed his tears in eyes.|科|网Back in,I fell into deep thought.Though we cant choose many things in life,we can choosewhen to show thanks.I said thanks to a man who had29held open

13、a door for me,and alsosaid thanks for that30to teach my children by example.16.A.heavyB.longC.messyD.grey17.A.smokesB.smiles C.tastesD.smells18.A.beyondB.overC.aroundD.into19.A.standardB.rule C.recordD.example20.A.stressfulB.strictC.easyD.hard21.A.kidsB.coupleC.manD.waitress22.A.pulled outB.pulled i

14、nC.went outD.went in23.A.beforeB.unless C.thoughD.since24.A.situation B.purposeC.habitD.method25.A.worriedB.tiredC.puzzledD.bored26.A.makeB.startC.takeD.continue27.A.reachedB.washed C.raisedD.gave28.A.pushedB.acceptedC.missedD.refused29.A.carefullyB.simplyC.speciallyD.patiently30.A.journeyB.wisdomC.

15、chanceD.challenge来源:学,科,三、阅读理解三、阅读理解A ANational GeographicNational GeographicNeed a good starter for a social studies project?From history to geography to world cultures,this sites got it covered.Most articles are presented as interactive activities,making learning just abit more fun.Recommended by

16、Brooke Prouty.PBS KidsPBS KidsIf you are doing research on the US government,takea look at this site.It presents unusualfacts in an interesting way about voting,how government affects you and more.Recommended byAngelina Incorvaia.Smithsonian InstituteSmithsonian InstituteIf you need information abou

17、t art,science or history,there is something for you on this hugewebsite.The site has educational information about so many topics.Youll learn about art fromdifferent parts and cultures around the world.There is also information about music,painting,photography,inventors and scientists,ancient cultur

18、es and much more.Recommended by Zack Dale.Fact MonsterFact MonsterIf you love social studies and are looking for a detailed site about geography,look here.You canclick on a place and it gives you cities in that location.It also has state maps,geography games andother geography information.Recommende

19、d by Bryan Geter.TIME FOR KIDSTIME FOR KIDSGo to this site if you want to understand whats happening in the news and read articles aboutkids.There are also articles written by kid reporters about different topics,games.Recommended byMartin Jacobs.LibraLibrary of Congressry of CongressThe information

20、 on this site is very helpful if you need help with social studies homework onAmerican history.The games are also great.I learned a lot while having fun.Recommended byMadie Kelterborn.31.If you like travelling,which of the following sites may be helpful to you?A.PBS Kids.B.Smithsonian Institute.C.Fa

21、ct Monster.D.Library of Congress.32.If you are interested in the news about kids,you can visit the sites recommended by_.A.Angelina IncorvaiaB.Zack DaleC.Bryan GeterD.Martin Jacobs33.What can we learn from the passage?A.If you are interested in history,you can visit PBS Kids.B.Most of the above site

22、s can make learning more fun.C.You can find the passage in Arts part of a newspaper.D.The sites provide information about life in the future.B BIn 1992,a group of architects(建筑师)and engineers in Seattle had collected hundreds of cannedgoods for charity.“We wanted to give back to the community,”said

23、Deborah Ashcraft,organizer forthe Construction project.V olunteers also wanted to have some“creative fun,”so they used thecans tocreate a huge map of the State of Washington.Today Construction has thousands of volunteers across the United States and Canada,for thepurpose of creating a world without

24、hunger.Construction members build their delicious artwork inshopping areas and museums.In some cities,such as Tampa Bay,Florida,Co nstruction artists are made up of school kids,“Ourclass built a Wurlitzer organ(风琴)out of cans,”said Jasmine Heaggans,a student at LanierElementary.“We based ours on the

25、 77-year-old organ at the Tampa Theater.”Beginning in September,architects Danni Anstett and Danielle Williams visited class weekly.After a field trip to see the real Wurlitzer,the architects showed the class how to draw pictures of theorgan from all sides.They instructed students to do a plan view.

26、And they helped the young artistscount up how many cans would be used.On October 24,Construction workers from Lanier and three other Tampa Bay schools gathered atthe local shopping area to build and display their artworks.The students got to stack(堆)cans.With1,800 cans,Lanier students had nine hours

27、 to get the Wurlitzer ready for the judges.“The cans had to be perfectly stacked,”student Courtney Keenam recalled,“or everything wouldfall.”After four hours,the students were feeling pretty good.The organ was taking shape.Then thekids had an“uh-oh”moment.The cans were facing the wrong way.They had

28、to be turned around.At last,the Wurlitzer stood shiny and tall,just in time for the judges to name it it“most creative.”34.What is the aim of the Construction project?A.To sell canned food.B.To end world hunger.C.To bring people much fun.D.To build better communities.35.How did Anstett and Williams

29、help the young volunteers?A.By helping design the artwork.B.By building an organ with cans.C.By drawing pictures of an organ.D.By offering them a real Wurlitzer organ.36.Why did the students come together on October 24?A.To collect cans used by the shopping area.B.To do volunteer work for the shoppi

30、ng area.C.To enter a can building competition.D.To get more people to join Construction.37.What does“it”in the last paragraph refer to?A.The real Wurlitzer organ.B.The 77-year-old organ at the Tampa Theater.C.The huge map of the State of Washington.D.The Wurlitzer organ built out of cans.C CDenton p

31、olice officers weredispatcheddispatched to the 500 block of South Elm Street after a call about afight at 1:30 a.m.Sunday.The officers met with a husband and a wife in parking lot who said a man had pulled a gun onthem,according to a police report.They said the man fired a round as he was leaving.Th

32、e womansaid they had been at a bar,where she got into an argument with a man she didnt know.Herhusband joined in the argument,which spilled on into the parking lot,according to the report.Shesaid that man left but his friend,the man who fired the round,began to shout at her husband whilethey were ou

33、tside.She reported that as the second man was getting into his truck,he pulled out a gunand she noticed the guns laser pointed at herself and her husband.Her husband took his cane(拐杖)and hit the side of the truck,damaging the drivers side window,according to the report.Then theman shot off the gun a

34、s he was leaving the parking lot,the woman said.Another woman witnessed the argument and heard the gunshot,according to the report.Theofficer reported that a single 45-caliber(口径)shell casing(外壳)was found in the street by the exitof the parking lot.Another officer found a truck matching the couples

35、description in the 600 blockof Fort Worth Drive.The driver of the truck admitted to the police that he had pulled out a gun and fired a shot intothe ground as he was leaving,according to the report.The man was taken to prison and charged withassault(袭击)with a deadly weapon.38.Which of the following

36、is true according to the passage?A.The police didnt find the man who had a gun.B.The womans husband was hurt by the mans shooting.C.The man who argued with the woman fired at her husband.D.The trucks side window was broken by the womans husband.39.Which is the correct order of the things that happen

37、ed in the passage?a.The driver of the truck fired the round.b.The driver of the truck shouted at the couple.c.They all went out to the parking lot.d.The police found the truck.e.The man who argued with the couple left.A.cebadB.ceabdC.abcedD.ecabd40.The underlined word“dispatched”in the first paragra

38、ph probably means_.A.invitedB.sentC.introducedD.welcomed41.What does the passage mainly talk about?A.An argument happened in the bar.A fire fight in the parking lot.B.A man fired a shot after the argument in the parking lot.C.A driver was charged with owning a deadly weapon.D DThe Intelligent Transp

39、ort team at Newcastle University have turned an electric car into a mobilelaboratory named“DriveLAB”in order to understand the challenges faced by older drivers and todiscover where the main stress points are.Research shows that giving up driving is one of the main reasons for a fall in health andwe

40、ll-being among older people,leading to them becoming more isolated(隔绝)and inactive.Led by Professor Phil Blythe,the Newcastle team are developing in-vehicletechnologies forolder drivers which they hope could help them to continue driving into later life.These include custom-made navigation(导航)tools,

41、night vision systems and intelligent speedadaptations.Phil Blythe explains:“For many older people,especially those living alone or in thecountry,driving is important for preserving their independence,giving them the freedom to get outand about without having to depend on others.”“But we all have to

42、accept that as we get older,our reactions slow down and this often results inpeople avoiding any challenging driving conditions and losing confidence in their driving skills.Theresult is that people stop driving before they really need to.”Dr Amy Guo,the leading researcher on the older driver study,

43、explains:“The DriveLAB ishelping us to understand what the main stress points and difficulties are for older drivers and how wemight use technology to solve these problems.”“For example,most of us would expect older drivers always go slower than everyone else butsurprisingly,we found that in 30mph z

44、ones they struggled to keep at a constant speed and some weremore likely to break the speed limit and be at risk of getting fined.Were looking at the benefits ofsystems which control their speed as a way of preventing that.”“We hope that our work will help with technological solutions(解决方案)to make s

45、ure thatolder drivers stay safer behind the wheel.”42.What is the purpose of the DriveLAB?A.To teach people traffic rules.B.To design new types of cars.C.To find out older drivers problems.D.To explore new means of transport.43.Why is driving important for older people according to Phil Blythe?A.It

46、keeps them independent.B.It helps them save time.C.It builds up their strength.D.It cures their mental illnesses.44.What do researchers hope to do for older drivers?A.Improve their driving skills.B.Develop driver-assist technologies.C.Provide tips on repairing their cars.D.Organize regular physical

47、checkups.45.What is the best title for the text?A.A New Model Electric CarB.A Way to Solve Traffic ProblemsC.Driving Services for EldersD.Keeping Older Drivers on the Road四、词汇运用四、词汇运用(每空一词)46.He had difficultyhow the accident happened.(描述)47.We will get together to celebrate my unclesbirthday.(四十)48

48、.Theof the new medicine has saved millions of lives across the world.(发现)49.Threeof the students have read the bookAlice in Wonderland.(四分之一)50.People like the TV channels with funnier programmes butadvertisements.(少)51.If you workin the test,you wont get high marks.(care)52.We shall never make such

49、 an importantwithout much thought(decide)53.Not allpeople have to wear expensive clothes and not all clever people have to wearglasses(wealth)54.My poor grandpa oftenme for my brother when he was old.(mistake)55.Many people teachEnglish by watching American TV series.(they)五、任务型阅读五、任务型阅读(每空一词)Blood

50、donation is a very important activity.It is an easy and direct way to contribute to socialwork and help the community.It helps to save lives and helps those who are in need of bloodbecause of the heavy loss of blood during operations or in accidents.You can always be proud of itafter making valuable


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