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1、A3 句子Unit 1Unit 11)你的指责必须以事实为依据。Your accusation must be grounded on facts.2)科技创新需要法律加以调节,以促进科技创新更好地服务于社会。Technical innovation must be regulated by law so as to better serve society。3)但这些教师都拥有共同使命:帮助学生流利地使用英语。However,all these teachers share a common commitment:to help students function well inEnglis

2、h。4)没有贪了就不争了,不争了就无所求了,你无所求就不自私了,不自私也就不自利了。Being free from greed,we will not fight.When we do not fight with others,we seek nothing。When we do not seek,we will be selfless.5)一项最新的研究表明,情侣不一定要性格相匹配才能拥有成功持久的婚姻。Men and women in relationships need not be similar in personality in order to have asuccessful

3、 long-lasting marriage,a new study suggests。6)你说自己是比较外向呢,还是比较内向?Would you describe yourself as more outwardlooking or more inwardlooking?7)如果父母亲有一人死了,这个家也许就会解散If a parent dies,the family may break up.8)我们都作为理性的和通情达理的个体,在社会的构架与体制中发展成为它的成员。In so far as we are rational and reasonable beings at all,we h

4、ave developed as members of asociety,within its social framework and institutions。9)这些例子也说明:很多中国网民不能分清社交媒体和互联网的区别。These examples show how many Chinese netizens would not distinguish between social mediaand the Internet itself。10)我们不仅能因为生活在社会中得到快乐,我们也能因为有助于社会而获得乐趣。Not only can we take pleasure in liv

5、ing in society,but we can also enjoy society bycontributing to it。Unit 2Unit 21)好的婚姻应该建立在相互理解的基础上。A good marriage should be built on mutual understanding.2)他们把这次失败归咎于他顽固的态度。They blame the failure on his stubborn attitude.The police blamed the accident on the taxi driver)3)这种建筑风格起源于古希腊.The style of a

6、rchitecture originated from the Ancient Greece.4)父亲退休后就把家里的生意放手交给了他的儿子。Father let his son loose on the family business after his retirement.5)我们的力气没有白费。Our efforts were not in vain。;We didnt waste our energy。6)你会渐渐习惯于我们的生活方式。Youll soon be/get/become/grow used to our way of living.7)我必须要在这有限的车程里想出可以四

7、处游玩的好方法。I need to figure out how to get around with this kind of limited range。8)考虑到他们没有经验,他们的工作算做得很好了。Given that they are inexperienced,theyve done a good job。9)咱们每个人或多或少都从看电视中获得益处。Everyone of us,more or less,is benefited from watching TV.10)成功的企业是建立在良好的、关怀的、互惠互利的关系基础之上的。Successful businesses are b

8、uilt on the foundation of sound,caring,mutually beneficialrelationships。Unit 3Unit 31)养老金将会跟着通货膨胀的水平增长.Pensions will be increased in line with inflation.2)就像我刚才说的那样,从长远看,今天花费的钱会为你以后节省更多的钱。As I said just now,any money spent now would give you greater savings in the long run。3)这是一种低廉的娱乐,但就浪费的时间来说却极昂贵。

9、This is a kind of cheap entertainment,but costly in terms of time wasted。4)证词实际上与她以前的话相反。In effect,the testimony contradiced her earlier statement.5)得知自己不是唯一考试没过的人时,他得到了一些安慰.He derived some comfort from the fact that he wasnt the only one to fail the exam。6)最后,把这些小事,近期的经历都糅合起来,作为一个整体,或是制定你自己的任何目标.Fi

10、nally,connect these smaller,more recent experiences into your life as a whole and any goalsyou have set for yourself.7)出色的照片可作为设计师极好的灵感源泉。Beautiful photographs serve as an excellent source of inspiration for designers。8)她说,招生官员花费了大量的精力通过电子邮件检查英语能力。She said admissions officers take pains to check Eng

11、lish ability through email exchanges。9)做事情的时候,确定你倾听了每一个人的发言,尊重 每一个人的观点。If you do one thing,make sure you hear everyone and respect their point of view.10)每年都有数以千万计的中国贫困人口从乡村涌入大城市,以寻求报酬更高的工作.Each year,tens of millions of poor Chinese pour into large cities from the countryside inpursuit of better-pay

12、ing work.Unit 4Unit 41)他没有因犯罪而受到严厉惩罚,主要是因为他年纪小。He was not severely punished for his crime on the grounds that he was young。2)至于应该穿什么衣服,并没有硬性规定.There are no special rules as regards what clothes you should wear.3)她坚定地抱着获救的希望.She clung to the hope of being rescued。4)美国催促日本协助他孤立伊朗,但日本担心会切断自己一个主要的石油来源。U

13、rged by America to help it isolate Iran,it fears that this would cut off one of its main sourcesof oil.5)由于历史文化、社会制度和发展阶段不同,中欧之间也存在一些分歧,这是正常的。Owing to differences in history,culture,social system and stage of development,China andEurope have differences in some areas。This is something natural。6)我们查阅

14、了许多书,希望获得更进一步的信息。We looked through many books in the hope of getting further information。7)医生必须时常提防把疾病传染给他的家人。The doctor must always guard against passing on disease to his family.8)你对孩子的苦难怎能如此漠不关心?How can you be indifferent to the sufferings of these children?9)心灵压抑犹如泰山压顶。敞开心扉,放飞受压抑的心灵。To be oppres

15、sed by soul is like to be pressed by Mount Tai)Open heart and release theoppressed soul。10)大学英语教学应把文化能力的培养融入精读、听力课之中,采用切合实际的方法,对文化因素进行分类的教学。The teaching of culture knowledge should be merged into language skills training in listeningand intensive reading courses in College English teaching.Unit 5Uni

16、t 51)我们极其欣赏王教授的意见。We think very highly of Professor Wang s opinion。2)他们依次进入教室。They entered the classroom in turn.3)他们自己能够解决纠纷,你最好不要干预.They can settle the argument by themselves;youd better not step in.4)是的,我们必须将风险控制到最低,但我们不能放弃创新.Yes,we need to minimize risk,but we cantdispense with innovation。5)研究人员

17、表示,他们还不清楚为什么会有这种情况。The researchers said that they are still unclear why that may be the case。6)有些士兵因为药物的缺乏而死去.Some of the wounded soldiers died for want of medicine。7)所有这些事情都迫切需要作出细致的计划。All these things cry out for careful planning。8)如果你想要充实和富有激情的生活,你必须要去追求。If you want a fulfilling and passionate li

18、fe,you have to go after it。9)令人感到诧异的是,那些所谓的“自由主义者”居然不赞同自由.People are surprised to learn that the so-called”liberals are not in favor of freedom。10)给自己一点时间思考你的生活,你的目标,内心深处的信念和梦想。Give yourself some time to reflect on your life,your goals,deep beliefs and aspirations。Unit 6Unit 61)心脏病、高血压和忧郁症是其它一些长期的睡眠

19、剥夺可以导致的疾病。Heart disease,high blood pressure,and depression are other diseases that can result fromlong-term sleep deprivation。2)生病的时候必须休息以便恢复健康.When sick you must rest to build up your health.3)约翰好像一直和犯罪分子混在一起。John may have been associating with the criminals.4)艾丽思的成功归功于她的聪明和勤奋。Alices success should

20、 be attributed to her intelligence and hard work。5)新国际公约带来了更多反恐合作的可能性。The new international agreement opens up the possibility of much greater cooperation againstterrorism.6)在实现这些目标的过程中,确实发生了侵犯人权的事情.And in the course of achieving goals,human rights violations do occur.7)情况总是在不断变化,要想使自己适应新环境,就得学习。Con

21、ditions are changing,and to adapt oneself to the new conditions,one must study。8)警方不得不将最最微不足道的抱怨都严格对待。The police have to take seriously the most trivial complaints.9)当你和所爱的人分手了,那是件糟糕极了的事,而且需要很长时间来恢复。When you break up with somebody you love,thats awful;and it takes time toget over。10)我们很多人因为繁忙的日程,而抱怨

22、和配偶或伴侣呆在一起的时间太少.Many of us,because of our busy schedules,complain about too little time with our spouses orpartners.Unit 71)为签证面谈作好准备极其重要。It is extremely important that you be well prepared for your visa interview.2)这个星期我因工作需要参加了一个培训班。这样一来,我发现我很难挤出时间来锻炼了。This week I am in a training class for work a

23、nd find it hard to squeeze in the time needed forexercise。3)经过十分钟的努力挣扎,这个老人终于能够摇摇晃晃地站了起来。After ten minutes of struggle,the old man was able to rise to his feet unsteadily.4)我们必须大胆地经受考验,克服困难,磨练意志,从而消除我们性格中的弱点.We must boldly go through trials and hardships to train our will so as to get rid of the wea

24、kpoints of our moral character。5)我在朋友家呆了一晚,并准备马上向盐湖城出发。I spent the night at a friends and will head for Salt Lake City shortly。6)通过向亚洲出口产品开放我国市场,我们促成了强大经济体的形成.And by opening our markets to Asian exports,we helped powerful economies to take shape。7)我们期望看到我们的学生究竟如何利用它们。We look forward to seeing precis

25、ely how our students take advantage of it。8)当我们幻想未来时,我们常去尝试高目标。Were often tempted toaim high when were imagining our futures.9)在紧急情况下我们总是依靠好朋友。We can always count upon our good friends in an emergency。10)了解你的力量,好好利用。Know your strengths and capitalize on them.Unit 81)权利和职责是分不开的。Rights are inseparable

26、 from duties。2)照你的说法,他肯定不是凶手。It follows that he cannot be the murderer。3)昨天示威结束时,警察殴打了示威者。In the end of the demonstration yesterday,the police beat up demonstrators.4)主人用了各种各样的食物和饮料招待客人.The guests were served with all manner of food and drink.5)由于飞行员的罢工,所有航班都取消了.As a result of the pilots strike,all

27、flights have had to be cancelled。6)他不想花更多的时间在生意上而牺牲家庭。He did not want to devote more time to his business at the expense of his family。7)保证教学质量,提高教学效果都离不开教师对每一堂课的组织和管理.Both the guarantee of teaching quality and the improvement of teaching efficiency can beinseparable from each classroom management a

28、nd organization.8)但我会尽自己最大的努力,力求做到最好,让所有的人满意.But I will exert my utmost efforts to strive to do our best so that all were satisfied.9)在 2004 年不少于 62%的白人男性投票支持乔治布什。No less than 62%of white men voted for George Bush in 2004.10)当时境艰难,人们往往会团结起来从家庭内部到社区.When times are tough,we tend to pull together within families and communities alike。


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