(云南专版)2019年中考英语总复习 话题阅读滚动练(七).doc

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1、1话题阅读滚动练话题阅读滚动练( (七七) )话题:自然与地理、周围的事物 .完形填空。The River Thames is one of the most important rivers in England.It rises at Thames Head in Gloucestershire, _1_ London and flows into(流入) the North Sea.It is 346 kilometers _2_ London is _3_ for its waterways.Long time ago,the River Thames was one of the m

2、ost popular “roads” in London.Many ships and boats _4_ fish,wood and food to the city by it. In the 1700s,many ships were always arriving with all kinds of things _5_ as tea and silk from the East.The River Thames was _6_ busy at that time that many ships on the river could _7_ move on.Sometimes,the

3、 ships had to _8_ for days along the bank to get things on land. Most of the ancient _9_ in London are along both sides of the River Thames.You can learn about the English _10_ from them.So its best to travel through London by the river. (A A)1 1.A.passes through Bpasses on Cruns away Druns around (

4、C)2 2.A.high Btall Clong Dheavy (B)3 3.A.good Bfamous Cuseless Dbad (C)4 4.A.bought Bmade Cbrought Dleft (D)5 5.A.fairness Bfun Cforce Dsuch (B)6 6.A.for Bso Csuch Das (C)7 7.A.really Bquickly Chardly Dmainly (B)8 8.A.care Bwait Crepair Darrive (D)9 9.A.plants Bquestions Cflowers Dbuildings (A)1010.

5、A.history Bweather Clanguage Dnature .阅读理解。 第一节 根据短文内容,判断正误(正确“T” ,错误“F”)。 Fraser Island is in Queensland,Australia.It is about 120 kilometers long and 24 kilometers wide.It is the largest sand island in the world.There is no airport on the island,but there is a long beach along the east coast.Plane

6、s arrive and leave from there. The sand makes unusual shapes.There are hills made of sand called sand 2dunes(沙丘)Nothing grows on them.They move one or two meters a year from the northwest towards the southeast of the island.There are some beautiful places on the island,such as Rainbow Gorge and Red

7、Canyon.Fraser Island is the home of several plants and animals.There are beautiful flowers and different kinds of trees.There are also many birds,like cockatoos.About 500,000 people visit the island every year to see the islands beauty.People enjoy camping and hiking there.Unluckily,the visitors dam

8、age(毁坏) plants and frighten animals.They make water dirty.So it is necessary to manage the visitors.For example,people cant use motor boats or go fishing in the lakes unless they have official papers. (F)1111.Fraser Island is 200 kilometers long. (T)1212.The visitors may damage plants and make the a

9、nimals afraid. (F)1313.We can infer that the cockatoo is a kind of flower. (T)1414.The passage is mainly about nature on Fraser Island. (F)1515.There are different kinds of plants on sand dunes. 第二节 根据短文内容,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A A California is one of the richest states in America.It is the t

10、hird largest state in the United States in area,after Alaska and Texas.And it also has more people than any other state in the United States.Besides,it has lots of natural resources.But everything is not perfect there.California has two major problems:earthquakes and forest fires. The San Andreas Fa

11、ult(断层) runs through California.As a result of it,the state gets many earthquakes.Some of the earthquakes are very strong.For example,there was a strong earthquake in San Francisco in 1906.Many buildings fell down.And the earthquake caused a large number of fires.Up to 3,000 people died in it.There

12、have also been many other strong earthquakes.Some people are afraid that the “big one” will hit the state someday.They think an earthquake will cause a huge number of problems. During summer and autumn,much of California is dry.So forest fires or wildfires often start.Those fires can spread quickly

13、and burn many forests.Whats worse,they also burn peoples homes.They often kill people before firefighters can put them out. (B)1616._ is the largest in population in America. AAlaska BCalifornia CTexas DWashington,D.C. (D)1717.The main problems of California are _ Apopulation and resources Btraffic

14、and pollution Ceducation and climate Dearthquakes and forest fires (A)1818.California has many earthquakes because of _ Athe San Andreas Fault Btoo many forests3Clots of forest fires Dtoo many people (C)1919.The underlined word “one” refer to “_” Afire Bproblem Cearthquake Dfault(C)2020.Which is NOT

15、 true according to the passage? ACalifornia is rich in natural resources. BIts dry in California in summer and autumn. CThe forest fires often happen in winter in California. DThe earthquake in San Francisco in 1906 killed up to 3,000 people.B B There are many animals on the planet that are truly sc

16、ary,but spiders arent one of them.In fact,spiders do much more good than harm.Most people are afraid of spiders because they bite.But in the USA only the black widow(黑寡妇) and the brown recluse(棕色隐士) are venomous(有毒的) to people.In the world,only 25 kinds of spiders can hurt humans,out of over 37,000

17、kinds. So whats so great about spiders? First,they eat lots of insectsOne spider can eat over 2,000 insects a year.Without them,your home and garden would be full of flies,mosquitoes(蚊子) and beetles.Spiders also have something special that makes them different from any other animal. All spiders can

18、spin silk(吐丝),but not all spiders spin webs(织网) Jumping spiders,for example,have great eyesight but they dont spin webs.Spiders can produce seven different kinds of silk.Some silk has special glue that helps them to catch insects.However,the other kinds have no special glue. Spiders make a nest of s

19、ilk to protect their eggs.They place the eggs on the nest and then cover it with more silk to make a soft pocket.Spiders silk is so strong that it has been compared to steel. Most spiders eat insects,but a few large spiders eat small animals like birds and lizards. (C)2121.People are afraid of spide

20、rs because _ Athey look ugly Bthey eat birds Cthey bite Dthey eat insects(C)2222.There are _ kinds of spiders are venomous in America. Afour Bthree Ctwo Done(A)2323.The underlined word “insects” means “_” in Chinese. A昆虫 B家畜 C植物 D水果 (D)2424.All spiders can _ Ahurt people Bspin webs Ceat little birds

21、 Dspin silk(B)2525.Which is the best title for the passage? AWhere Spiders Often Live4BSome Facts about Spiders CWhat We Can Do with Spiders DSpiders Are in Great Danger 第三节 根据短文内容,从短文后所给的选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选 项中有两项为多余选项。Many people want to get away from the cold winter sometimes. _26_ Hawaii is famou

22、s for its bright sky and blue ocean.Every year thousands of tourists go to the island to have fun. _27_ Even though it is interesting,it can be boring if you do it every day. _28_ Go to the waikiki beach.Its an exciting water park on Oahu.It covers 100,000 square meters of land and has 25 rides and

23、attractions. You can choose any of the exciting water slides(滑梯) there.They will make you feel excited! You can let your children play by themselves when you have fun. _29_ The waikiki beach is the only water park in the state of Hawaii.Its a perfect place for you and your children to relax.There is

24、 even a place where you can take care of your baby! If you forget to bring your swimsuit,dont worry. _30_ Next time when you want to have an unusual vacation,consider the waikiki beach! ALets have fun! BSo change your plans! CYou can buy one there. DMany people enjoy going sailing there. EThats why they decide to go to Hawaii. FWe can learn how to swim in Hawaii. GThe friendly workers will teach them how to swim. 2626E E 27.27.D D 28.28.B B 29.29.G G 30.30.C C


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