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1、外研版七年级上册Module 测试题及答案 Document number【SA80SAB-SAA9SYT-SAATC-SA6UT-SA18】Module 6 Atrip to the zooModule 6 Atrip to the zoo综合训练题综合训练题一、听力理解听力理解(20 分)A听句子根据句子的内容和所提问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题。(每小题听一遍)()1.Whats the boysfavourite animal A BC()animal eats meat andlikes to swim A B C()is the right picture ABC()4.What

2、 kind of animal isit A BC()5.What kind of animal isitA B CB听对话,回答每段对话后面的问题,在各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(每段对话听两遍)听第一段对话,回答第 6 小题。()6.Whats the pandasname A.Meihao B.Meili C.Meilan听第二段对话,回答第 7 小题。()7.Does the tiger comefrom AfricaA.No,it doesnt.B.Yes,it does.C.Yes,itis.听第三段对话,回答第 8 小题。()8.Where do the elephan

3、tscome from A.Asia B.India C.China听第四段对话,回答第 9 小题。()9.What animals does theman like A.Giraffes B.Dogs C.Tigers听第五段对话,回答第 10 小题。()10.How old is the monkey A.Two years old.B.Three years old.years old.C听短文,根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(短文听两遍)()11.Who would like to goto the zoo A.Mary and Sam B.Mary andLinda C.Sam and

4、 Linda()12.Whats Marysfavourite animalA.The elephant B.Thepanda C.The giraffe()13.What does Sam like A.Giraffes B.Dogs C.Pandas()14.There is a baby _in the zoo.A,panda B.kangaroo C.giraffe()15.Where does Mary wantto go firstA.The Tigers House.B.The Kangaroos House.C.The Pandas House.D听填信息,根据所听到的内容,填

5、写表格的相关内容。(短文听两遍)PersonLikesTheir food A.thousand B.thousands C.thousands of D.thousandof(17)_()2 8.The singers at the_concert are from all _ theMotherKangaroos(18)_world._ A.to B.in C.on D.Sister(19)_(20)_ThespeakerFather(16)_TigersMeat_二、单项选择二、单项选择(15 分)()21.Camels live _ thedesert.A.in B.on C.from

6、 D.at()22.-Is _ polar bearyour favourote animal -Yes,thats right.Itlives in _ Arctic.A.a;/B.the;an C./;the D.the;the()23._ student in ourclass likes going to the zoo.A.Many B.Some C.Every D.Any()24.David _ water buthe _ milk.A.like;likes B.doesntlike;likesC.likes;like ;doesntlike()25.-_ the panda ea

7、tmeat -No,it_.A.Do;dont B.Do;doesntC.Does;doesnt D.Does;dont()26.-Do you like a trip_ the forest -Yes,I do A.in B.to C.from D.at()27.There are aboutfive_ animals in the zoo.around()29.This is an _ tiger.It comes from India.A.African B.European D.Asian()30.-Where is myschoolbag -Look,there _.A.is it

8、B.it is C.itdoes D.does it()31.-Lets go to thezoo and see a panda.-_.A.Thank you B.You arewelcomeC.Yes,Im here.D.Agood idea()32.-_ do you go tothe cinema -Once a week.A.How long B.How many C.How soon D.How often()33-_ is my skirt,Kate -Its on your bed.B.Where C.Who D.Which()34.-Whats yourfavourite _

9、 -Monkeys.A.sport B.food C.colourD.animal()35.The _ can helppeople do heavy work in theforest in India.A.elephant B.wolf C.monkey D.camel三、完形填空三、完形填空(10 分)Hello,boys and girls.Welcome _36_ the zoo.Thereare a lot of animals in the zoo/Which animal _37_ you likebest Come to the zoo and you can()43.A.b

10、e sleep B.asleep C.sleep D.sleeps()44.B.bamboo C.meat D.grass()45.A.is B.are C.has_38_ them.There _39_ eightkinds of animals in the zoo.They are dolphins,koalas,_40_,giraffes,elephants,tigers,monkeys _41_bears.The dolphins are lovelyand clever.And they can dance_42_ you in the water.Thekoalas are cu

11、te.They often_43_ in the day and get up toeat leaves at night.The pandasare very beautiful but very shy,so youd better be like _44_very much.The giraffes _45_long necks.The elephants arebig and strong.Be careful!Thetigers are dangerous.Themonkeys are funny and clever.The bears are strong,too.Doyou l

12、ike themCome on,boys and girls.Lets watch the animals in thezoo.Open:8:00am Close:6:00pm()36.A.to B.in C.withD.on()37.A.does B.are C.doD.is()38.A.listen B.read C.see D.look()39.A.am B.are C.isD.be()40.A.panda B.wolfs C.pandas D.wolf()41 A./B.but C.andD.or()42.A.in B.at C.for D.toD.have四、阅读理解四、阅读理解(3

13、0 分)A It is summer.An ant(蚂蚁)works all day long.Now she iscarrying(搬运)some cakes to herhome near a big tree.Acicada(蝉)is in the tree.Hesays to the ant,“How do youdo,Ant Why are you working sohard today Look,the sun is goodand the sky is blue.Its warmand fine.Have a rest.Come andplay together(一起).”Bu

14、t theant says,“No,I have to work.Winter will come and it will becold.Where can I get the foodthen”“You can work in autumn,too.I sing every day.How happy Iam!”Summer and autumn go.Nowwinter comes.There is snoweverywhere.The cicada doesnt have anyfood.So she goes to the antshouse to eat some food.()46

15、.The ant works all daylong in _.A.spring B.summer C.autumnD.winter()47.The ant lives _ atree.A.on B.in C.far from D.near()cicada_ when theant works.A.plays B.works C.sings D.A.Asia B.AustraliasleepsC.Africa D.America()49.The cicada asks the()52.Whats lumpursant to _.favourite food A.play with him B.

16、work A.Grass B.Chickentogether C.Beef C.sleep D.eat()53.How old is Ellishleaves A.7 B.6 C.12 D.11()50.The cicada goes to the()54.What animal isants house for_.Lumpur A.playing with the ant A.A lion B.A wolf B.saying sorry to the antC.A tiger D.A C.some food D.thekangarooants party()55.Whats the weig

17、htof Spike B A.75kg B.45kgCome and meet some animals in C.200kg D.130kgLondon Zoo.CName:LumpurAnimal type:Asian 根据对五种动物的描述选择正确的图画。tigerAge:11()56.It has a long body.ItWeight:130kghas no legs,but it canFavourite food:porkwalk very fast.Name:Ellish()57.They come from AfricaAnimal type:and Asia.They li

18、ve in theAustralian kangaroodesert and eat grass.TheyAge:6dont often drink.Weight:75kg()58.They like playing inFavourite food:the trees.And they cangrassclimb live in the jungleName:Spikeand eat fruit.Animal type:()like live in the forest.African lionThey eat bamboo.They live onlyWeight:200kgin Chin

19、aFavourite food:beef()necks of them are veryName:Karishmalong.So they can eat leaves onAnimal type:high treesAmerican wolfWeight:45kgABCD DFavourite food:chickenE EF FG G()51.Where does Karishmacome from五、看图填词五、看图填词(10 分)It is Wednesday today.But wedont(61)_lessons.Miss Wang takes us to(62)_ thezoo.

20、We are very happy.We getto the(63)_early.About two thousand(64)_ come to the zoo.First we see an(65)_.It isvery big,but its tail(尾巴)isvery small.Its longnose(66)_ carry woods(搬木头).We also see some(67)playon a small monkey likes fruit.There is a big tiger(68)_the forest.It is dangerous.(危险的).We cant

21、get close to(靠近)it.The tiger(69)_meat every day.There(70)_many animals in the zoo.I wouldlike to go to the zoo again.61_ 62_ 63_64_ 65_ 66_67_ 68_ 69_70_六、读写综合六、读写综合。(15 分)A)信息归纳(5 分)。阅读下面短文,填写表中所缺信息。There is an interesting parkin the city.It is very large.There are many tall trees in theare many an

22、imals,too.Theanimals can walk or run here andthere in the park.They livehappily.Many people visit thepark each year.They can see theanimals.But people cant walkin the park.They must drivecars in it.They cant get outof their cars.Because someanimals are very big.They mayhurt(伤害)people.People muststay

23、 in their cars when they arevisiting the park.The park isvery interesting.Would you liketo visit it one dayInformation CardWhat are inMany tall treesthe parkand 71_What canThey can walkanimals do inor 72_herethe parkand thereWhatcantThey cantpeople do in73_the parkin it.What may someThey mayanimals

24、do to74_people people.What mustThey mustpeople do when75_they aretheir cars.visiting theparkB)书面表达(10 分)根据下列提示写一篇 60 词左右的短文,介绍广州动物园(Guangzhou Zoo)的情况。广州动物园位置广州市中心(in thecentre of)动物1大约 5000 只;2有熊猫、袋鼠、猴子、狼、蛇、斑马、狮子、大象等;3动物来自世界各地,如大象和斑马来自非洲,蛇来自美洲,袋鼠来自澳大利亚。参观人数每天大约一万人门票20 元_Module 6听力材料A1.The panda is m

25、y favouriteanimal.It eats bamboo.2.The polar bear eats meatand it likes to swim.3.Kangaroos are fromAustralia.4.The animal lives in thedesert and it eats grass.It doesnt often drink.5.The animal is thin andlong.It likes meat butit doesnt like water.B:Do you know the pandasnameM:Yes,its Meilan.;Does

26、the tiger come fromAfricaM:No,it doesnt.Itcomes from Asia.It eatsmeat.8.W:Would you like to seepolar bears in the zoo,JackM:No,Id like to seethe Indian elephant.9.W:Why do you like dogs M:Because they are smart.10.W:Hi,Mike,whatsthatM:Its a beautifulmonkey.Its only fouryears old.CM:Hi,Mary,where are

27、 yougoingW:Im going to the zoo.Would you like to go therewith me,SamM:Sure.W:There are many animals inthe zoo.I want to seekangaroos.They are fromAustralia.They can jumpvery fast.M:Yes,and there are somegiraffes in the zoo,too.The are very tall.They caneat the leaves on the talltree.I like them very

28、 much.W:Really But my favouriteanimal is the panda.M:I heard that the panda inthe zoo had a baby last week.W:A baby panda Can we go tothe Pandas House firstM:OK.and then we go to theKangaroos House and theGiraffes.W:Thats a good idea.Lets go.DThere are four people in myfamily.We all like animals.We

29、often go to the zoo tosee animals.I like polarbears.They eat meat.Myfather likes tigers.Theylike eating meat,too.Butmy mother doesnt liketigers.She likes kangaroos.They like eating grass.Whatanimal does my sister likePandas.Pandas like eatingbamboo.When she goes to thefive thousand animals.Therezoo,

30、she often plays withthem.答案:一、1-15ABCCB CABBC ABAAC16-20 Polar bears MeatGrass Pandas Bamboo二、21-35ADCBCBADDBDDBDA三、3645 ACCBCCCCBD四、46-50 BDCAC51-55 DDBCC56-60 CDEFB五 .68.in 69.eats 70 are六、71.animals 72.run 73.walk in书面表达Guangzhou Zoo is in thecentre of the city ofGuangzhou.The zoo has aboutare pa

31、ndas,kangaroos,monkeys,wolves,snakes,zebras,lions,elephants andmany more in the zoo.Theanimals are from all aroundthe world.The elephant andthe zebra are from Africa.The snake is from Americaand the kangaroo is fromAustralia.About tenthousand people visit thezoo every day.The price ofthe ticket is 20 yuan.


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