2019高中英语 Unit 4 Earthquakes Section Ⅱ Warming Up.doc

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1、1UnitUnit 4 4 EarthquakesEarthquakes SectionSection WarmingWarming UpUp & & Reading-LanguageReading-Language PointsPoints 即时训练.单词拼写1 1He has been buried in the novel for 3 hours.2 2Females find it extremely difficult to get a job in such a field.3 3Mr.Brown was seriously injured in the traffic accid

2、ent,so he was in hospital.4 4You may burst the balloon if you are not careful.5 5They organized (组织)the youths to form a group to protect the environment.6 6After the war,the city lay in ruins(废墟)7 7We knew Bob had cancer,but the news of his death still came as a shock (震惊的事)8 8Hundreds of people ar

3、e still in the water,waiting to be rescued(援救)9 9These bushes grow well in the shelter (掩蔽)of big oak trees.1010A lot of people lost their lives in the disaster(灾难).单句语法填空1 1When I mentioned the incident later to him,he burst out laughing.2 2By the end of last year,he had learned 2,000 English words

4、.3 3He was one of the lucky survivors(survive) in the crash.4 4In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins in the disaster.5 5The job of firefighters is extremely(extreme) dangerous.6 6We were all shocked(shocking) at the news.7 7His injured(injure) look made us believe that he was treated

5、 unfairly.8 8The poor woman was buried(bury) in grief after her son died.9 9Because of the economic crisis,a great number of workers were (be) out of work.1010When a pencil is partly put into water,it looks as if it were(be) broken.阅读理解When she was abandoned(抛弃) at only eight weeks old because she w

6、as deaf,Alice,who was dirty,sick and nervous,had a difficult start in life.But less than a month after being saved,the little dog is learning to recognize sign language orders with her new family and now she has already learned the 2signs for several basic orders.Marie Williams,41,and,Mark Morgan,43

7、,who are themselves both deaf,adopted (收养) the dog from the animal charity the Blue Cross.The couple and their three sons Liam,16,Lewis,13,and Owen,5,who have normal hearing,are teaching the lovely dog sign language orders,including instructions for sitting,coming and rolling over.Marie Williams,fro

8、m West Mersea,Essex,said, “We were thinking about getting a dog but when we saw Alice was deaf,we just couldnt believe it.She was so beautiful and the fact that she was deaf just made us fall in love with her even morewe knew that she would fit right into our family.When we went to visit her at the

9、centre,I had tears in my eyes because she was so attractive and we developed a special relationship at once.”Julie Stone,manager of the Blue Cross,said, “It was amazing to see how Marie,Mark and their children immediately got along well with Alice and how they knew just how to get her attention.They

10、 are an excellent match and Alice has found the perfect home where I know shell get love.”The Blue Cross,which depends completely on public donations (捐助),rehomes thousands of dogs,cats,horses,and other small animals every year through its network of adoption centres.1 1Marie Williams had her first

11、son at the age of _A25 B28C30 D36解析:数字计算题。根据第二段可知,Marie Williams 今年 41 岁,她的大儿子 Liam 16岁。由此可推知,她生第一个儿子的时候应该是 25 岁。答案:A2 2Marie Williams and Mark Morgan adopted Alice because _Athey could get along well with a deaf dogBthey wanted to teach her some sign languageCtheir children wanted to have a dog as

12、their friendDthey needed a dog and also had pity on beautiful Alice解析:细节理解题。根据第三段前两句可知,他们正想养一只狗,而且他们对如此美丽却失聪的 Alice 深感同情和爱怜,于是决定收养“她” 。答案:D3 3What can we learn about the Blue Cross?3AIt mainly adopts sick animals.BAll its money comes from public donations.CIt earns money mainly by selling all kinds

13、of pets.DIt regularly receives money from the government.解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段可知,Blue Cross 这一组织的全部资金来自大众捐款。答案:B4 4It can be learned from the passage that a deaf dog _Ais good at learning sign languageBis clever enough to learn all ordersCcan be trained and become a wonderful petDcan easily get along well

14、 with deaf people解析:推理判断题。根据文中讲述的 Alice 的实例可推知,一只失聪的狗经过训练也能看懂手语,从而读懂主人的指令,成为很好的宠物。答案:C5 5What is the purpose of the passage?ATo call on people to treat deaf dogs well.BTo prove the importance of animal charities.CTo show a deaf couples kindness to animals.DTo tell us about a deaf dog that is learnin

15、g sign language.解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了一只失聪的狗学会了识别手语这一事件。作者写这篇文章的目的是将这一事件告诉读者。答案:D.完形填空My old neighbour Dr Gibbs didnt look like any doctor Id ever known.When Dr Gibbs wasnt _1_ lives,he was planting trees.His house sat on ten acres,and his lifes _2_ was to make it a forest.The good doctor came from

16、 “no pains,no gains” school of gardening.He had some _3_ theories about plant management.He _4_ watered his new trees.Once I asked why,he said that watering plants spoiled(宠坏) them,and that if you _5_ them,they would grow _6_So you had to make things _7_ for them and then you could get rid of the we

17、ak trees early on.He talked about how watering trees made for _8_ roots,and how trees that werent watered had to grow deep roots in _9_ of water.So he never watered his trees.He planted an oak(橡树) and,_10_ watering 4it every morning,he would _11_ it with a rolledup newspaper.I asked him _12_ he did

18、that,and he said it was to get the trees attention.Dr Gibbs _13_ a couple of years after I left home.But the trees he planted are _14_ now.I planted some trees a few years ago,_15_ water to them for a whole summer,and prayed for them.Several years of careful care has _16_ trees that grow weaker and

19、weaker._17_ a cold wind blows,they will tremble.So Im _18_ my view on life,because life is hard.Too many times we pray for comfortable life.In fact,what we need to do is to pray for _19_ that reach deep into the eternity(永恒),so when the rain falls and the wind blows,we wont be _20_1 1A.startingBseei

20、ngCsaving Denjoying解析:本句意为:当 Gibbs 医生不治病救人的时候,他就种起了树。医生治病“救”人,故此处用 save。答案:C2 2A.goal BuseCtime Dmoney解析:本句意为:Gibbs 医生的家坐落在十英亩大的土地上,他的人生“目标”就是将它变为树林。答案:A3 3A.frightening BinterestingCpeaceful Dsuccessful解析:根据本段第三句到第五句 Gibbs 医生谈种树与浇水的关系可知,Gibbs 医生这种不给新种的树浇水的理论在作者看来很“有趣” 。答案:B4 4A.always BsometimesCne

21、ver Doften解析:根据本段第四句中的 watering plants spoiled(宠坏)them 可以推知,Gibbs 医生“从来不”给新种的树浇水。答案:C5 5A.watched BpreferredCheated Dwatered解析:根据本段第四句中的 watering plants spoiled(宠坏)them 进行逻辑推理可知,此5处表示如果给新种的树“浇水” ,将会带来怎样的后果。答案:D6 6A.taller BweakerCdeeper Dfaster解析:此处意为:如果你给新种的树浇水,它们就会变得更“脆弱” 。答案:B7 7A.hard BsharpCeas

22、y Dsoft解析:本句意为:所以,你得将它们置于“艰苦的”环境中,那么你就能及早剔除那些不壮实的树。答案:A8 8A.deep BhighCshallow Dlight解析:根据下文中的 how trees that werent watered had to grow deep roots 可以推知,此处要填的是 deep 的反义词,故选 shallow(浅的)。答案:C9 9A.honour BfearCface Dsearch解析:根据常识可知,若不浇水,植物就会为了“寻找”水分而深深扎根于土壤中。答案:D1010A.instead of Bbecause ofCaccording t

23、o Dexcept for解析:联系上文可知,Gibbs 医生是不会给树浇水的,所以此处选 instead of(代替;而不是)。答案:A1111A.treat BdestroyCcover Dbeat解析:联系下一句中的 to get the trees attention 可知,Gibbs 医生为了引起树的注意,用卷成筒的报纸“抽打”树。答案:D1212A.how BwhyCwhen Dwhere解析:根据本句后半句的解释(to get the trees attention)可知,此处作者问 Gibbs 医生“为什么”这样做。6答案:B1313A.stood by Bpassed awa

24、yCgot around Ddied out解析:根据本段第二句“但是,Gibbs 医生种的树现在还活着”可以推知,几年之后 Gibbs医生“去世”了。答案:B1414A.straight BaloneCstrong Dalive解析:本句意为:但是,他种的树现在长得很“茁壮” 。答案:C1515A.carried BshowedCproduced Dleft解析:根据本段第二句中的 careful care 可以推知,作者悉心照料这些树,整个夏天都给它们浇水,所以此处用 carry。答案:A1616A.looked after Btaken upCpointed out Dresulted

25、in解析:本句意为:几年的悉心照料却“导致”树长得越来越弱。答案:D1717A.Wherever BWhicheverCWhenever DHowever解析:联系上一句树长得越来越弱可以推知,此处意为:“每当”寒风吹来的时候,它们都会禁不住寒冷而颤抖。答案:C1818A.losing BchangingCkeeping Dexploring解析:联系种树的失败经历,作者的生活观念受到影响,为之“改变” 。答案:B1919A.roots BbranchesCleaves Dhands解析:联系第三段中的 trees that werent watered had to grow deep ro

26、ots 可知,作者认为,我们追求的生活之“根”应该是深植于永恒之中的。答案:A2020A.punished Btroubled7Cprotected Ddamaged解析:我们有了深厚坚固的根本,面临困难的时候就不会受到“伤害” 。答案:D.语法填空1 1On July 28,1976,eleven kilometres directly below the city of Tangshan,the 2 2.greatest (great) earthquake of 3 3.the 20th century began.In fifteen terrible seconds,a large

27、city 4 4.lay (lie) in ruins.Twothirds of the people died 5 5.or were injured.Thousands of families were killed and many children were left 6 6.without parents.Everywhere the 7 7.survivors (survive) found nearly everything was destroyed.People began to wonder how long the disaster 8 8.would_last (las

28、t)All hope was not lost.Many soldiers 9 9.were_sent (send) there to help the rescue workers.1010.Slowly (slow),the city began to breathe again.短文改错As a tour guide,Im glad to tell you that more and more tourists are paying attentions to environment protection.Several years before,in one place of inte

29、rest I saw rubbish throwing away everywhere,such as waste paper,plastic bags.However,some tourists climbed trees or picked up flowers.Some even scared or catch little animals.Whats more,some of them made a fire to cook,which might cause a forest fire.Recently great changes had taken place.Most touri

30、sts take rubbish away with them while they leave.They no longer hurt little animals.Trees and flowers are well taken care.In the forest,smokers give up smoking so as not to start a fire.Now I sing high praise for so good deeds.答案:As a tour guide,Im glad to tell you that more and more tourists are pa

31、ying to environment protection.Several years ,in one place attentions attentionbefore agoof interest I saw rubbish away everywhere,such as waste throwing thrownpaper,plastic bags. ,some tourists climbed trees or picked However Besidesupflowers.Some even scared or little animals.Whats more,some of th

32、em catch caughtmade a fire to cook,which might cause a forest fire.Recently great changes taken place.Most tourists take rubbish away with them they leave.They had havewhile when8no longer hurt little animals.Trees and flowers are well taken care .In the forest,smokers give up smoking so as not to start a fire.Now I sing high praise for good deeds.so such


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