2019高中英语 Unit 3 Computers Period 2 Reading课时巩固提升 新人教版必修2.doc

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1、 - 1 -UnitUnit 3 3 ComputersComputers PeriodPeriod 2 2 ReadingReading课时巩固提升课时巩固提升. 单句语法填空1. Try to_(simple)your explanation to the students to help them understand better. 2. They have accepted my_(apply)to join the club. 3. A childs_(intelligent)develops rapidly between the ages of four and five. 4

2、. High science and_(technological)can lead to fast development of economy. 5. Youd better hand the paper to him_(person). 6. They come from_(total)different cultures. 7. A lot of problems remain to be_(solve). 8. In_(real), the problem is not easy for us. 9. Columbus discovered America but he did no

3、t_(explore)the new continent. 10. Is that the_(sum)of what youve done in the last two years? 11. The clever boy can make calculations even faster than a_(calculate)machine. 12. I found that the two sisters had nothing_common. 13. As_result of the heavy snow, the football match was put off. 14. These

4、 books will provide us_all the information we need. 15. He shared in my sorrow as_as in my joy. 答案:1. simplify 2. application 3. intelligence 4. technology 5. personally 6. totally 7. solved 8. reality 9. explore 10. sum 11. calculating 12. in 13. a 14. with 15. well . 单句改错1. My friend Martin was ve

5、ry sick with a strange fever. As result, he could neither eat nor sleep. ( )2. With time went by, the weather got colder. ( )【知识拓展】as 用法大集会1. as. . . as(1)as. . . as 意为“和一样”, 表示同级的比较。例如: - 2 -This film is as interesting as that one. 这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。(2)其否定式为 not as/so +adj. /adv. +as。例如: This dictionar

6、y is not as/so useful as you think. 这本字典不如你想象的那样有用。(3)若有修饰成分, 如 twice, three times, half, a quarter 等, 则其须置于第一个 as 之前。例如: Your bag is twice as expensive as mine. 你的包比我的贵一倍。2. as 引导时间状语从句as 引导时间状语从句意为“当的时候”, 强调主从句的动作同时发生, 具有延续的含义。例如: You will grow wiser as you grow older. 你会随着年龄的增长而越来越聪明。3. as 引导原因状语

7、从句as 引导原因状语从句, 含义是“因为, 由于”, 但 as 一般放在句首, 语气较弱, 较口语化。例如: As rain has fallen, the air is cooler. 因为下过雨, 空气比较凉爽。4. as 引导让步状语从句as 引导让步状语从句时, 需将句中的名词(前无冠词)、形容词、副词或动词提到 as 之前构成倒装。例如: Child as he is, he knows a lot. 尽管他是一个孩子, 却知道很多事。Strange as it may seem, nobody was injured in the accident. 这次意外虽然显得令人不可思议

8、, 却没有人受伤。3. You may not agree, but personal she is a very good girl. ( )4. The Great Wall is such well-known a tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year. ( )5. Its possible that Im not fit to be a teacher as you, but somehow, Ill have a try. ( )6. Our school is very large. In a t

9、otal, the number of the students is 3, 500. ( )- 3 -答案:1.在 As 和 result 之间加 a2.将 With 改为 As 或 went 改为 going3.将 personal 改为 personally4.将 such 改为 so5. 将 somehow 改为 anyhow6.去掉 a. 完成句子1. He made a big mistake, and_ _ _, lost his job. 他犯了大错, 结果丢了工作。2. _ _ _ _, my memory seemed to get worse. 随着时间的流逝, 我的记忆

10、力似乎越来越差了。3. _ _ _, he refused to talk about it. 从那时起, 他拒绝谈论这件事。4. He is_funny a person_he is popular among the children. 他是如此滑稽的一个人以至于在孩子们中很受欢迎。5. _ _, the cost is 5, 000 yuan. 成本总计是 5 000 元。6. _ _ _ other old persons, he also likes playing the square dance. 和其他老人一样, 他也喜欢跳广场舞。7. This new invention should_ _ _ the industry field. 这项新发明应当被用到工业领域中去。8. _ _, thats a good lecture. 总而言之, 那是一场不错的演讲。答案:1. as a result 2. As time went by 3. From then on 4. so; that 5. In total 6. In common with 7. be applied to- 4 -8. In sum


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