2019高中英语 Unit 3 A taste of English humour Section 2 课时作业 新人教版必修4.doc

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1、1UnitUnit 3 3 A A tastetaste ofof EnglishEnglish humourhumour SectionSection 2 2 LearningLearning aboutabout LanguageLanguage .单项语法填空1Be quiet!Do you hear someone _shouting_ (shout) for something?解析:考查非谓语动词形式。根据 someone 与 shout 的主动关系和 Be quiet 可判断此处表示动作正在进行,故用其ing 形式。2Sitting in the chair beside the

2、 window,I watched the leaves _swinging_ (swing) in the wind.解析:考查非谓语动词形式。watch 为感官动词,后接动词作宾语补足语时用现在分词表示“正在” 。swing 摇摆。此处指树叶正在风中摇摆。3I was greatly _amazed_ (amaze) at how he worked out the _puzzling_ (puzzle) problem in a creative way.解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:他很有创意地把这个令人困惑的难题解决了,我对此惊诧不已。be amazed at 对感到惊异;puzzli

3、ng 令人迷惑的。4It is said that the new school _costing_ (cost) 20 million yuan will soon be completed.解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:这所耗资两千万元的新校即将竣工。 “sth.cost多少钱”表示某物花费多少钱。new school 与 cost 之间是主动关系,因此用现在分词。5On hearing the _disappointing_ (disappoint)news that their favorite team had lost the match,they all became _disap

4、pointed_ (disappoint).解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:听到他们钟爱的一方已输掉比赛这一令人沮丧的消息时,他们都十分的失望。disappointing 令人失望的;disappointed 失望的。6Wheres Joan?I found her _delivering_ (deliver) newspapers from door to door on the way home.解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:琼在哪儿?我在回家的路上看见她正在挨家挨户地送报纸。find sb.doing sth.“发现某人正在做某事” ,delivering 在此作宾语补足语。7It seems

5、 that they provide us with an _encouraging_ (encourage) situation,but in fact we are _faced_ (face)with a lot of difficult problems.解析:考查分词作定语的用法。句意:似乎他们为我们提供了鼓舞人心的形势,但实际2上我们还面临着很多困难。encouraging 令人鼓舞的,鼓舞人心的;encouraged 感到鼓舞的;受鼓励的。face 作动词时为及物动词,表面对,面临,face be faced with。第二空如要用 facing,则后无需加 with。8Peop

6、le seldom realize the voice needs looking after.Many people below the age of 65 are left _sounding_ (sound)much older than they are.解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:人们很少意识到声音也常要保护,很多 65 岁以下的老人听起来要比实际年龄老。题干中的后半部分转换成主动语态后应为:.leave many people below the age of 65 sounding much older than they are。现在分词短语sounding much olde

7、r than they are 在句子中作主语补足语,sound 和 many people below the age of 65 在逻辑关系上为主动关系。9With the car _breaking_ (break) down halfway on the road,we had to wait for help coming.解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:由于汽车在半路上坏了,我们只好等待援助的到来。car 与 break 之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词形式作宾语补足语。10Jane,_having struggled_ (struggle) for months to find

8、a job as a travel agent,finally got one as a waitress.解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:简经过数月寻找一个旅游代理人的职位,最终得到了一份当女服务员的工作。此处强调动作的先后,且此处非谓语动词短语相当于一个非限制性定语从句,即:who had struggled for months to find a job as a travel agent。11The film was really _moving_ (move).We were greatly _moved_ (move) while seeing it.解析:考查分词作表语。film

9、与 move 之间是逻辑上的主动关系,故第一空用现在分词形式,表示“电影令人感动” 。we 和 move 之间是逻辑上的被动关系,故第二空用过去分词,表示“我们深深为之感动” 。12Who were those people with the bananas?A group _calling_ (call)itself the League for Peace.解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:拿香蕉的那些人是谁?一组自称和平联盟的人。句中的 a group 和 call 之间是主动关系,故用现在分词作后置定语。13My brother saw the children _playing_ (pla

10、y) near my house when he went to work at 8:00.解析:see sb.doing sth.的意思是“看见某人在做某事” 。现在分词 playing 作宾语补足语表示动作 play 正在进行,是动作的部分过程。14Is this the path _leading_ (lead) to the village?Yes,it is.3解析:leading to the villagewhich leads to the village,v.ing 形式(现在分词)用作定语。15What surprised the man most was his not

11、_being allowed_ (allow)to meet his daughter.解析:句意:最让那个男人吃惊的是他不被允许与女儿见面。allow 的逻辑宾语是 the man,故动名词用被动形式。.单句改错1The smell in the kitchen is invited.(invitedinviting)2Many people like listening to inspired music.(inspiredinspiring)3That picture shows many people enjoy Chaplins performance in a movie.(enj

12、oyenjoying)4Beans nonverbal humor often makes people bursting into laughter.(burstingburst)5This weather is depressed,which makes people feel unhappy.(depresseddepressing)6When I walked across the square,I noticed a group of children play musical instruments there.(playplaying)7He is very good at te

13、lling funny jokes,which are very amused.(amusedamusing)8Im looking forward to be given a birthday present.(bebeing)9On my way home,I found my friend deliver food to his customer.(deliverdelivering)10It is believed that if a book is interested,the readers will surely like reading it.(interestedintere

14、sting).完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。As a high school coach,I did all I could to help my boys win their game.I cheered as hard for 1._C_ as they did.A dramatic 2._B_,however,following a game in which I was a referee(裁判),changed my 3._A_ on victories and defeats.It was a league

15、 championship basketball game between New Rochelle and Yonkers High.New Rochelle was 4._D_ by Dan OBrien,Yonkers by Les Beck.The gym was 5._A_,and the noise made it impossible to hear.The game was well played and6._B_competed.Yonkers was7._C_by one point as I8._B_ at the 4clock and discovered there

16、were but 10 seconds left to play.New Rochelle,the home team,took 9._A_ of the ball,passed off and shot.The ball10._D_ around the rim(篮筐边沿) and off.The fans 11._C_.New Rochelle recovered the ball,and tapped it in for what looked like victory.The noise was12._D_.I looked at the clock and saw that the

17、game was over.I hadnt heard the final buzzer(终场哨) because of the noise.I13._D_with the other official,but he could not help me.So,I14._B_the timekeeper,a young man of 17 or so.He said, “Sir,the buzzer15._C_before the final tapin was made.” Yonkers won!I had to tell OBrien the sad news.His face16._A_

18、.The young timekeeper came up and said, “Im sorry,Dad.The17._C_ran out before the final basket.”18._D_,like the sun coming out from a cloud,OBriens face lit up.He said, “thats okay,Joe.You did what you had to.Im19._B_of you.” The two of them then walked off the20._A_ together,the coachs arm around h

19、is sons shoulder.文章大意:本文介绍了一场势均力敌的篮球比赛。由于球迷震耳欲聋的噪音在最后的投进篮筐之前比赛已经结束。这场戏剧性的事件改变了作者对胜利和失败的看法。1Ahonesty Bdevotion Cvictory Dglory解析:考查名词。Ahonesty 诚实;Bdevotion 忠诚;Cvictory 胜利;Dglory光荣。就像他们一样,我为胜利而欢呼。根据 help my boys win their game 可知答案为C。2AconversationBincidentCgestureDchallenge解析:考查名词。Aconversation 谈话;Bi

20、ncident 事件;Cgesture 姿态;Dchallenge 挑战。然而,在我担任裁判的一场比赛之后,一场戏剧性的事件改变了我对胜利和失败的看法。故选 B。3AviewBattitudeCtheoryDimpression解析:考查名词。Aview 观点,观察,风景;Battitude 态度;Ctheory 理论;Dimpression 印象。然而,在我担任裁判的一场比赛之后,一场戏剧性的事件改变了我对胜利和失败的看法。故选 A。4AorganizedBrepresentedCimaginedDcoached解析:考查动词。Aorganized 组织;Brepresented 代表;Ci

21、magined 想象;5Dcoached 指导。New Rochelle 的教练是 Dan OBrien,Yonkers by Les Beck。此处指“被教,被指导” ,故选 D。5AcrowdedBclearedCshakenDarranged解析:考查动词。Acrowded 拥挤;Bcleared 清除;Cshaken 摇动;Darranged安排。体育馆很拥挤,噪音让人无法听到。根据下面的 the noise made it impossible to hear.可知健身房是“拥挤的” ,故选 A。6AhappilyBcloselyCsmartlyDfreely解析:考查副词。Ahap

22、pily 高兴地;Bclosely 密切地,接近地;Csmartly 明智地;Dfreely 自由地,免费地。这场比赛打得很好,比赛也很激烈。故选 B。7AmovingBprogressingCleadingDshooting解析:考查动词。Amoving 移动;Bprogressing 取得进步;Cleading 领导,引领;Dshooting 射击。在我瞥了一眼时钟的时候,Yonkers 领先了一分,我发现还剩下 10秒钟的时间。故选 C。8AwavedBglancedCsignaledDstared解析:考查动词。Awaved 挥动;Bglanced 扫视;Csignaled 发信号;D

23、stared凝视。在我瞥了一眼时钟的时候,Yonkers 领先了一分,我发现还剩下 10 秒钟的时间。故选 B。9AcontrolBplaceCcareDneed解析:考查名词。Acontrol 控制;Bplace 地方;Ccare 关心;Dneed 需要。New Rochelle,主队,控制了球,传球和投篮。根据 passed off and shot.可知“控制住了”球,take control of 控制,故答案为 control。10AstuckBfellCturnedDrolled解析:考查动词。Astuck 卡住; Bfell 落下;Cturned 转变;Drolled 滚动。球在

24、篮框周围滚来滚去。故选 D。11AlaughedBjumpedCyelledDdanced解析:考查动词。Alaughed 大笑;Bjumped 跳跃;Cyelled 叫喊;Ddanced 跳舞。球在篮框周围滚来滚去,所以球迷们欢呼。故选 C。612AannoyingBamazingCthrillingDdeafening解析:考查形容词。Aannoying 令人烦恼的;Bamazing 令人惊讶的;Cthrilling令人兴奋的;Ddeafening 震耳欲聋的。根据上文 what looked like victory 可知,球迷们的噪音震耳欲聋。故选 D。13AexaminedBwatc

25、hedCresearchedDchecked解析:考查动词。Aexamined 检查;Bwatched 观看;Cresearched 研究;Dchecked 核对。我和另一个官员核对过,但他帮不了我。根据上文 I hadnt heard the final buzzer(终场哨) because of the noise.可知“核对”比赛结束,故选 D。14AcriticizedBapproachedCinterviewedDreminded解析:考查动词。Acriticized 批评;Bapproached 靠近; Cinterviewed 采访,面试;Dreminded 提醒。所以,我找到

26、了计时员,一个大约有 17 岁的年轻人。根据上文 I hadnt heard the final buzzer(终场哨) because of the noise.可知“靠近”计时员,故选 B。15Abroke downBfaded awayCwent offDcarried on解析:考查动词。Abroke down 出故障,筋疲力尽;Bfaded away 褪色,逐渐消失;Cwent off 响起,爆炸,离去;Dcarried on 继续。先生,在最后的投进篮筐之前,蜂鸣器响了。故选 C。16Aclouded overBsoftened upCsweated overDwrinkled u

27、p解析:考查动词词组。Aclouded over 变阴;Bsoftened up 使软化;Csweated over 努力;Dwrinkled up 使起皱纹。根据 I had to tell OBrien the sad news.可知,他的脸变阴。故选 A。17AaudienceBballCtimeDplayer解析:考查名词。Aaudience 观众;Bball 球;Ctime 时间;Dplayer 选手。对不起,在最后投篮前比赛结束时间已经到了。故选 C。18ACertainlyBSimilarlyCFortunatelyDSuddenly解析:考查副词。ACertainly 当然可以

28、;BSimilarly 相似地;CFortunately 幸运地;DSuddenly 突然。突然,就像太阳从云里出来一样,OBrien 的脸也亮了起来。根7据上文 I had to tell OBrien the sad news.His face _16_.,可知此处表示转折,故选 D。19AashamedBproudCawareDfond解析:考查形容词。 Aashamed 感到羞愧的;Bproud 自豪的;Caware 有意识的;Dfond 喜爱的。你已经尽力了,我以你而自豪。be proud of 以而自豪,故选 B。20AcourtBcourseCtrackDfield解析:考查名词

29、。Acourt 球场,法院;Bcourse 课程;Ctrack 轨道;Dfield领域。然后他们俩一起离开了球场,教练的胳膊搂着他儿子的肩膀。因为在比赛篮球,自然是离开球场,故选 A。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。“At last,no more exams.”Its a common feeling among high school graduates 1._who/that_ have just completed the college entrance examination.What a relief! However,rath

30、er than fill the next three months with sleep,eating,and 2._watching_ (watch)TV,some students have started working on finding a good choice of foreign college.3._Different_ (difference) from those who begin their applications for foreign colleges in Senior 2,Li made a late decision on a U.S,educatio

31、n.She began to think about it in Senior 3,but decided not 4._to give_ (give) up the college entrance exam.Lis classmate Mao Bingxin is considering studying in Canada after the top exam.She 5._began_ (begin) a TOEFL course on June 11,two days ago.He Wei,6._an_ 18yearold girl who studies at Shenzhen B

32、aoan High School,isnt allowing 7._herself_ (she) much freedom this summer vacation either,devoting her time to looking for a language school where she can study French.She also wants to find some overseas study consulting agencies.He Wei considers 8._it_ worthwhile spending the summer preparing for

33、college rather than hanging out with friends.“Although we dont really know what the future holds for us,we are sure that the 9._better_ (good) preparations we make 10. _for_ it,the more choices we will be given, ” she said.1解析:考查定语从句。所填词引导定语从句,从句缺少主语,先行词 graduates 指8人,故用 who 或 that。2解析:考查非谓语动词。此处与 s

34、leep,eating 并列作 with 的宾语,故用动名词。3解析:考查形容词。说明主语的状态或特点,用形容词。(be)different from.“与不同” 。4解析:考查固定短语。decide 后接不定式作宾语,decide not to do sth.“决定不做某事” 。5解析:考查时态。根据时间状语 two days ago 可知用一般过去时。6解析:考查冠词。此处表示“一个 18 岁的学生” , “18”以元音音素开头,故用不定冠词 an。7解析:考查代词。allow sb.sth.“给某人留出某事物” ,此处指“给自己留出” ,应用反身代词。8解析:考查代词。consider

35、后缺少宾语,且该宾语代替后面的动名词短语 spending the summer preparing for college.friends,故用 it。9解析:考查形容词比较级。由空格前的 the 及后面的 the more 可知,此处是“the比较级,the比较级”结构,表示越,就越” 。10解析:考查固定短语。make preparations for“为做准备” ,此处preparations 提前,故此处用介词 for。.短文改错I am a Senior 3 student.Recently I have made a survey between 100 boys and 100

36、 girls.The result of the survey is as follows: What boys like to do most is to become businessmen,while the girls favourite work is to be teachers.Only few buys want to do this job.It is interested that the number of boys and girls want to be doctors is equal.As for lawyers,more boy expect to have t

37、his job.Therefore,there are still students who are not clear about our future.In a word,they all say they would work hard for the College Entrance Examination.As long as they do this good,they will realise their great dreams.答案:I am a Senior 3 student.Recently I have made a survey 100 boys and betwe

38、enamong100 girls.The result of the survey is as follows: What boys like to do most is to become businessmen, but while the girls favourite work is to be teachers.Only few buys want to do this job.It is that the ainterestedinterestingnumber of boys and girls want to be doctors is equal.As for who/that9lawyers,more expect to have this job.,there are still students boyboysThereforeHoweverwho are not clear about future.In a word,they all say they work ourtheirwouldwillhard for the College Entrance Examination.As long as they do this ,they goodwellwill realise their great dreams.


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