2019高中英语 Unit 10 Money Section Ⅴ Reading (Ⅲ) (Lesson 4.doc

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《2019高中英语 Unit 10 Money Section Ⅴ Reading (Ⅲ) (Lesson 4.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019高中英语 Unit 10 Money Section Ⅴ Reading (Ⅲ) (Lesson 4.doc(2页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1SectionSection ReadingReading ()() (Lesson(Lesson 4 4 & &CommunicationCommunication Workshop)Workshop)新生词汇初识.匹配下列单词的词性及汉语意思1 1truly Aadj.实用的;实践的2 2translationBn.浴缸;洗澡3 3practical Cn.信号,暗号4 4replaceDadj.自动的5 5automatic En.调焦;焦点6 6electric Fn.(电)冰箱7 7bath Gn.翻译8 8focus Hadj.与电有关的,用电的9 9signal Iadv.真正

2、地;准确地1010refrigerator Jvt.代替,取代【答案】 15 IGAJD 610 HBECF.选择下列句中相应词组的汉语意思A梦想 B由制成 C弥补 D经历 E和有关 F至今为止 G而不是 H担心1 1I havent got any letters from him upup toto nownow. 2 2What steps would you gogo throughthrough if you needed to make a cup of tea?3 3Its just a mosquito bite.Theres nothing to worryworry abo

3、utabout. 4 4Future buildings,roads,and cities may bebe mademade fromfrom garbage.5 5I always dreamdream ofof having a house surrounded by trees and flowers.6 6He felt so sick that he went to work by taxi insteadinstead ofof on foot yesterday.7 7Robert has rich work experience,so it will makemake upu

4、p forfor his lack of academic knowledge. 8 8As far as the American children are concerned,the Christmas isis associatedassociated withwith excitement,happiness and gifts. 2【答案】 15 FDHBA 68 GCE教材语篇细研第一步 细读把控文章关键信息细读 P1415教材课文,选择最佳答案1 1What can we learn from the first ad?AYou can only use the headphon

5、es in your house.BThe remote headphones enable you to move around while enjoying your favourite programmes.CThe headphones cant pick up the signals of the radio or TV.DThe price of the headphones is low because of the poor quality.2 2What is NOT the advantage of the Mini Camera?ASmall. BStrong.CConv

6、enient. DFancy.3 3What makes the Special Jewellery special?AThey are made of gold.BThey are attractive.CThey can keep people from noise.DThey have attracted many customers.4 4What is a must if you want to use the Feline Floor Cleaners?AYou must have a cat.BYou must have a flat.CYou must have free ti

7、me.DYou must feel tired.【答案】 14 BDCA第二步 精读能力升华 接轨高考根据 P1415教材课文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。This text which contains four 1.1.advertisements(advertise)is about four products.Lets list the advantages of each product.These headphones from Philips have no wires.People can listen to the programmes while

8、2.walking(walk)and can listen to radio or TV up to 60 meters 3.awayThe signals can go through glass,doors and walls.Mini Camera is convenient,reliable and easy to use.Its no 4.bigger(big) than a credit card.Its made 5.from strong material.Earrings are 6.attractive(attract)and useful in many noisy situations,7.and they are bargains at 8.a low price.Feline Floor Cleaners are made from good quality materials.They are very 9.practical(practice)and very easy 10.to wash(wash)What do you think of these products?


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