2019高中英语 Unit 1 Women of achievement Period 4 课堂10分钟达标 新人教版必修4.doc

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1、 - 1 -UnitUnit 1 1 WomenWomen ofof achievementachievement PeriodPeriod 4 4 UsingUsing LanguageLanguage课堂课堂 1010 分钟达标分钟达标. 单词拼写1. When you come across an _(紧急情况), call 110. 2. She kept thanking me of my _(善良). 3. Our _(一代, 一辈)behaves differently from my parents. 4. This film is only _(计划, 打算)for adul

2、ts. 5. The _(观众)gave a warm welcome to the performers. 6. Because of his _(疾病), he was absent from the meeting. 7. A postman is a man employed to _(递送)letters and parcels. 8. It is _(考虑周到的)of the girl to buy a large button phone for her mother. 9. The boy is so _(谦虚的)to his success. 10. The birth _(

3、比率)is the number of births compared to the number of the people. 答案: 1. emergency 2. kindness 3. generation 4. intended 5. audience 6. sickness 7. deliver 8. considerate 9. modest 10. rate . 选择适当的短语完成句子look down upon; refer to; by chance; come across; be intended for; carry on1. I _ the famous singe

4、r at the airport last Sunday. 2. Though he was _ , the boy continued his efforts and succeeded at last. 3. She met her best friend Jane _ in Beijing. 4. _ until you get to the second crossing road, then turn left. 5. The gift _ his father. 6. I was not _ her when I said so. 答案: 1. came across 2. loo

5、ked down upon 3. by chance 4. Carry on 5. is intended for 6. referring to . 用适当的介词填空1. At that time, people looked down _ this kind of work. 2. Dont refer _ the dictionary at once and you can guess first if you come _ - 2 -new words while you are reading some articles. 3. I met an old friend of mine

6、 _ chance in Beijing. 4. This film is intended _ adults and children arent allowed to see it. 5. The teacher asked me to deliver this book _ Tom. 6. Though class was over, my teacher asked us to carry on _ our study. 答案: 1. upon/on 2. to; across 3. by 4. for 5. to 6. with . 完成句子1. The girl you_ _jus

7、t now is my sister. 刚才你提到的那个女孩是我的姐姐。2. I_ _ _ _ _ _in the office. 我碰巧在办公室遇到了我的英语老师。3. This book_ _ _children. 这本书是专为孩子准备的。4. The managers went back to the meeting room to_ _ _ _ after the meal. 饭后, 经理们又回到会议室继续他们的讨论。5. Suddenly_ _ _ _I should turn to my teacher for help. 我突然想起应该向老师求助的。答案: 1. referred to 2. met my English teacher by chance 3. is intended for 4. carry on their discussion5. it hit me that


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