2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分题组提分练15 Unit 5 Canada-“The True North”新人教版.doc

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1、1题组提分练题组提分练 1515 UnitUnit 5 5 Canada-“TheCanada-“The TrueTrue North”North”限时 70 分钟 完形填空 (2018滨州模拟) 体裁:记叙文 话题:旅游与交通 难度:1A. although B. because C. unless D. while2A. excitement B. wealth C. development D. challenge3A. access B. visit C. reaction D. introduction4A. pass B. know C. cover (熟词生义) D. hear5

2、A. boring B. tiring C. relaxing D. important6A. food B. education 2C. atmosphere D. economy7A. cycling B. eating C. climbing D. shopping8A. rest B. explore C. exercise D. develop9A. even B. nearly C. almost D. only10A. police B. judges C. performers D. dealers11A. courageous B. appealing C. noisy D.

3、 proud12A. assist B. question C. watch D. protect13A. satisfied B. anxious C. unwilling D. puzzled14A. guest B. group C. part D. tourist15A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything16A. land B. water C. lake D. sea17A. practical B. worthwhile C. awful D. disappointing18A. findings B. feelings

4、C. surroundings D. conditions19A. catch up with B. make use of C. take the place of D. give way to20A. appear B. exist C. remain D. burst答案与解析 【语篇解读】 本文主要讲述了自己在英国学习时在伦敦的一次旅游经历。1B 因为来自一个小城市,所以才觉得到国际大都市是那么的令人激动。because“因为” ,符合语境。although“尽管; 虽然” ; unless“除非” ; while“然而;却” 。32A 解析见上一题。excitement“激动” ,符

5、合语境。wealth“富裕” ; development“发展,开发” ;challenge“挑战” 。3B 根据后面的内容“一年前我和母亲来过”可知作者不是第一次来伦敦。visit“访问;参观” ,符合语境。access“入口;接近;进入” ; reaction“反应” ; introduction“介绍;引言” 。4C 一年前,作者和母亲来到这里,那时只想在三天内游览所有主要的观光景点。要参观完所有的景点,也就是包括所有的景点。cover“覆盖;涉及;包括” ,符合语境。pass“及格;通过” ;know“知道” ; hear“听到” 。完形技巧 4 熟词生义巧推断在完形填空中熟词生义题目

6、屡见不鲜,主要考查熟悉词汇的生僻含义。(如第 4 小题)注意积累熟词生义词汇;做题时根据语境,利用排除法推断正确答案。5B 根据前面的内容可知作者在三天内浏览那么多的地方一定是很累的。tiring“累人的;令人疲倦的” ,符合语境。boring“无聊的;无趣的,令人厌烦的” ; relaxing“令人轻松的” ;important“重要的” 。6C 但这次作者只是享受一下这里的气氛和文化。atmosphere“气氛;氛围” ,符合语境。food“食物” ; education“教育” ;economy“经济” 。 7D 根据后面的关键词 store 可知此处指作者和朋友决定去购物。shoppi

7、ng“购物” ,符合语境。cycling“骑车” ;eating“饮食” ;climbing“登山” 。8B 根据下文中提到的最新的时尚及纪念品等,可知这是个探索的好地方。explore“探险;探索” ,符合语境。rest“休息” ; exercise“锻炼;练习” ;develop“开发;发展” 。9D 只有在英国才能找到的纪念品。only“只;仅仅” ,符合语境。 even“甚至” ;nearly“几乎;差不多” ; almost“几乎” 。10C 根据空后的古典音乐家、魔术师可知他们是街头表演者。performer“表演者” ,符合语境。police“警察” ; judge“法官” ;

8、dealer“商家” 。11B 根据后面的内容“许多游客聚集来观看他们的表演”可知这些艺人的表演都很吸引人的。appealing“吸引人的;令人心动的” ,符合语境。courageous“勇敢的;无畏的” ;noisy“嘈杂的;吵吵闹闹的” ;proud“自豪的” 。12C 街头艺人的表演很吸引人因此很多游客驻足观看。watch“观看” ,符合语境。assist“帮助” ; question“质问” ; protect“保护” 。13A 作者只是满足于感受这一切而不是参与到这些活动,satisfied“感到满意/足的” ,符合语境。anxious“焦急的” ;unwilling“不愿意的” ;

9、puzzled“感到困惑的” 。14C 解析见上一题。become a part of“成为的一部分” ,符合语境。guest“客人” ; group“组;团体” ; part“部分;作用;角色” ;tourist“旅行者;观4光客” 。15B 这条河本身并没有什么特别之处,河里的水常常显得浑浊而且没有人在河里游泳。nothing“没有什么” ,符合语境。something“某些东西” ;everything“一切” ;anything“任何东西” 。 16B 解析见上一题。water“水” ,符合语境。 land“土地” ; lake“湖” ;sea“海洋” 。17B 下文提到从这儿可看见好

10、多的景点,可知到泰晤士河游览是值得的,worthwhile“值得做的;值得花时间的” ,符合语境。 practical“实践的;实际的” ;awful“糟糕的;可怕的” ;disappointing“令人失望的” 。18C 作者站在桥上欣赏周围的环境。surroundings“周围的事物/环境” ,符合语境。findings“发现” ; feelings“感情;情绪;心情” ; conditions“条件” 。19D 在未来的一百年里,城市可能会发生变化,因为旧建筑可能会让位给更大的建筑,但是总有一些元素将会保留下来。give way to“让步;让位给” ,符合语境。catch up wit

11、h“跟上” ; make use of“利用” ;take the place of“代替” ; A take the place of BB give way to A。20C 解析见上一题。remain“留下;剩下;保持” ,符合语境。appear“出现” ; exist“存在;生存” ;burst“爆裂;炸破” 。高考动词(短语)的熟词生义动词(短语)熟义生义actv.行动vi.起作用addv.加vt.继续说;补充说admitv.承认vt.准许进入;接收(入学)adaptv.使适应vt.改编;改写adoptv.收养vt.表决采纳;采取;采用agree with同意一致;(与)相符appe

12、alv.恳求;呼吁v.有吸引力;引起兴趣attendv.出席vi.关怀;照料 vt.随同;陪同catchv.抓住vt.听清楚;领会crossv.横过adj.生气的;恼怒的dov.做;制作v.适合escapev.逃走v.被忘掉;未被注意countvt.涉及;包括数vi.要紧5expressv.表达adj.快递的;快速的 n快递服务;特快列车failv.失败;不及格v.出故障;(健康等)衰退;使失望freezev.使冻结;冰冻v.(因害怕等)停住不动gov.去;离开v.被放置;进行;(事情 )进展;变成;变为killv.杀死vt.使痛苦;使笑得前仰后合;消磨(时间)leavev.离开v.剩余;忘了

13、带;让处于(某种状态、某地等)makev.制造;使得v.成为;变为meetv.遇见;会晤;满足v.支付observev.观察v.遵守(规则,法律等)occurv.发生v.存在于;出现在performv.表演v.做;执行;履行;工作;运转promisev.答应;许诺v.预示;使很可能reachv.到达v.与取得联系runv.跑;行驶v.经营;管理;掉色weighv.重;称重量v.权衡;斟酌常考名词的熟词生义名词熟义生义backn.背vt.支持blockn.一组 n两条街道之间的街区vt.阻碍;堵塞causen.起因n.事业countn.总数vi.重要 vt.认为covern.封皮v.足以支付,行

14、走(一段路程);报道figuren.数字;塑像;人物v.认为;计算(数量或成本)flatn.公寓;一套房间adj.平坦的;水平的;扁平的floodn.洪水n.大量(的人或事物) v大量涌入;充满handn.手n.帮助;协助 vt.交;递;给headn.头v.朝(某方向)行进6industryn.工业n.勤奋;勤劳labourn.劳动vi.困难吃力地行进;干苦力活linen.线;行n.(戏剧或电影的)台词 v沿形成行(或列、排)mattern.事情;问题n.(统称)物质 v有重大影响;要紧monitorn.班长v.监视;检查;跟踪调查;监听(电话、外国无线电广播等)naturen.大自然n.本性

15、;本质objectn.物体;目标;对象;宾语v.反对parkn.公园v.停(车);坐下postn.邮寄n.岗位;柱;标志杆 v派驻rulen.规则;条例v.统治;控制viewn.观点;景色v.把视为;观看语法填空 体裁:说明文 话题:历史与地理 难度:With a population of some 4 million, Montreal is the second 1._ (big) city in Canada after Toronto. Montreal is also the largest city in the Canadian province of Quebec, whic

16、h is culturally different from 2._ rest of Canada as its official language is French. Although Montreal has a 3._ (mix) of cultures with a China Town, a Little Italy, and a Little Portugal, for 4._ (approximate) 60% of its population, French is still their first language. And street signs and notice

17、s 5._ (write) in French. Montreal is the second largest French speaking city in the world after Paris.Montreal holds many 6._ (impress) world class festivals including Just for Laughs, one of the worlds largest comedy festivals; the famous Montreal International Jazz Festival; a world film festival;

18、 and a fireworks festival. For those dreaming of 7._ (settle) down in Montreal, although summers are warm with temperatures of 23-27 degrees Celsius, winters are cold and icy. 8._ addition, with 1.8 cars per person, traffic jams are a problem for people 9._ like to get around by car. However, public

19、 transport is the cheapest of any Canadian major city and convenient. Montreal also has the lowest rent of Canadas major 10._ 7(city)答案与解析 【语篇解读】 本文介绍了加拿大第二大城市蒙特利尔。1biggest 考查形容词比较级。设空前是 the second,故设空处应填形容词最高级。2the 考查冠词。the rest of .“的其余部分” 。3mixture 考查词性转换。设空前是不定冠词,故设空处应填名词。a mixture of .“的混合” 。4a

20、pproximately 考查词性转换。设空在句中作状语,应用副词,故填approximately,意为“大约” 。5are written 考查动词时态和语态。主语 street signs and notices 与 write 是被动关系,故用被动语态;且根据后一句的谓语动词 is 可知设空所填谓语应用一般现在时的被动语态,故填 are written。write(写)wrotewrittenwriting。小题补练 写出下列动词的过去式、过去分词和现在分词break broke broken breakingchoose chose chosen choosingfreeze froz

21、e frozen freezingride rode ridden ridingknow knew known knowinggive gave given givingrise rose risen risingtake took taken taking6impressive 考查词性转换。设空后是名词 festivals,应用形容词作定语,故填impressive,意为“印象深刻的” 。7settling 考查非谓语动词。dream of doing sth.“梦想做某事” 。settle_down“定居;安定;专心” 。8In 考查介词短语。in addition“另外” 。9who/

22、that 考查定语从句。定语从句先行词是 people,指人,从句中缺少主语,故用关系代词 who/that 引导定语从句。10cities 考查名词的数。加拿大的大城市不止一个,故可数名词 city 应用复数形式。短文改错 (2018汉中质检)8As we all know, we can meet with various challenges in our life. Face with challenges, how should we do?Last month, our class climbed Mount Tai, that is more than 1,500 meters

23、above sea level. Lacking exercises, I thought that this activity was great challenge for me. I felt very exhausted halfway that I wanted to give up. Seeing this, my classmates and even some strangers encourage me. In the end, I managed to reach on the top of the mountain.Therefore, dont give up in f

24、ace of challenges. If you are determined enough, its certainly that you can overcome it.答案与解析 As we all know, we can meet with various challenges in our life. FaceFacedwith challenges, should we do?howwhatLast month, our class climbed Mount Tai, is more than 1,500 meters thatwhichabove sea level. La

25、cking , I thought that this activity was exercisesexerciseagreat challenge for me. I felt exhausted halfway that I wanted to give up. verysoSeeing this, my classmates and even some strangers me. In the end, encourageencouragedI managed to reach the top of the mountain.Therefore, dont give up in face

26、 of challenges. If you are determined enough, its that you can overcome certainlycertainit.themFaceFaced 考查非谓语动词。 be faced with . “面对” , 在句中作状语,应用过去分词形式。howwhat 考查疑问代词。根据语境“我们应该做什么”可知,该处应用 what 引导疑问句。thatwhich 考查定语从句。该句是非限制性定语从句。从句先行词是 Mount Tai,指物,从句中缺少主语,故用关系代词 which 引导非限制性定语从句。that 不能引导非限制性定语从句。e

27、xercisesexercise 考查名词的数。exercise“锻炼” , 是不可数名词,没有复数形式。great 前加 a 考查冠词。此处指“一个很大的挑战” , 应用不定冠词 a 表泛指。veryso 考查状语从句。此处是 so.that.“如此以至于”结果状语9从句,故 very 改为 so。 encourageencouraged 考查动词时态。短文叙述的是过去的事情,故该处谓语动词用一般过去时。故 encourage 改为 encouraged。 去掉 on 考查动词用法。reach “到达” , 是及物动词,其后直接接宾语,故介词on 多余。certainlycertain 考查

28、形容词。在句中作表语,应用形容词。it is certain that.“显然” 。itthem 考查代词。此处 overcome 的宾语应是前面一句中提到的复数名词challenges, 故用代词 them 作宾语。书面表达 (2018张家口质检) 体裁:感谢信假设你是中学生李华,随学校到美国一所高中进行了一个月的交流学习活动。在美国期间,你结识了 Tom。在他的帮助下,你对美国高中生的日常学习和生活有了很好的了解,并且英语口语也有了提高。回国后,你决定给 Tom 写一封信。内容包括:1表达谢意;2自己的收获;3邀请 Tom 来中国做客。注意:1.词数 100 左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行

29、文连贯。Dear Tom,_Yours,Li Hua范文Dear_Tom,I have just arrived home and cant wait to write you a letter. I am hoping to show my sincere appreciation for your kind help during my stay in America.It is with your help that I have a better knowledge of the life and study of the students there. What impressed

30、me most is your beautiful campus and the friendly students. Whats more, you have helped me improve my spoken English a lot. I dont think I was as confident as I am now when talking with others in English. Its all because of your generous help.I really hope you can come to China so that I can do something for you in return. You are warmly welcome.10Yours,Li_Hua


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