2019期七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Now and Then Lesson 14 My First Day教案.doc

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1、1UnitUnit 5 5 NowNow AndAnd ThenThenLessonLesson 1414 MyMy FirstFirst DayDay本课是北师大版初中英语七年级下册教材第五单元第 14 课,话题为情感和情绪。本课是本单元的第 2 课,在承接第一单元有关谈论社区今昔对比变化话题的基础上,主要谈论上学第一天的情景以及当时的情绪与感受,为下一课谈论自己学习的经历做铺垫,同时为本单元的综合语言输出奠定初步的语言基础,起到了承上启下的作用。另外,本节课的功能项目为运用一般过去时谈论过去,该时态在初中阶段至关重要。 本课的教学设计分为两个课时。第一课时侧重对故事的理解和对语言的梳理。引

2、导学生通过阅读故事,感受通过阅读获取情绪和情感信息的阅读策略,感悟由行为动词构成的一般过去时的意义及用法和谈论过去事情并表达情绪感受的功能意念,最终达到能初步运用所学习的语言,谈论过去发生的事情及自己当时的感受。第二课时在对课文内容和语言进一步巩固的基础上,复习、梳理本课的重点语法行为动词规则过去式的构成、意义及用法。学生通过观察和分析例句,总结、归纳其意义和用法;通过在语境中进行多层面的练习,巩固理解其意义和用法。最后能够在语境中恰当地使用谈论过去的功能用语来描述过去发生的事情和表达自己的感受。【知识与能力目标】1. Key vocabulary2. Key structures【过程与方法

3、目标】1. 通过阅读,获取有关 Ben 和妈妈记忆中 Ben 上学第一天的故事信息。 教材分析教材分析 教学目标教学目标22. 初步体验和感知由行为动词构成的一般过去时的意义和用法。【情感态度价值观目标】通过对比 Ben 和妈妈记忆中的故事,感受母爱的无微不至。【教学重点】学生通过阅读,获取有关 Ben 和妈妈记忆中 Ben 上学第一天的故事信息。【教学难点】学生能够正确运用表达情感的词汇和一般过去时,简单描述自己上中学第一天的经历与感受。 Tape recorder, MultimediaStepStep 1.1. BrainstormBrainstormTeacher shows a pa

4、rt of the picture of a student and tells Ss “It was a picture of his first school day.” Then asks Ss to guess “How did he feel?” with the sentence like “Was he happy?”StepStep 2.2. Warm-upWarm-upShow some pictures. 教学过程教学过程 课前准备课前准备3T asks Ss to ask and answer “How did you feel on your first school

5、day? And why?” in pairs. At the same time, T shows some pictures about feelings to help them and encourages them to use the words in Picture Dictionary on P113. (T encourages Ss to learn new words through each other, then ask teacher for help.) l Ss share their feelings on their first school day and

6、 the reasons.StepStep 3.3. Pre-readingPre-readingSs skim the stories and match the stories with the correct ending (Ex.2). (Tell the reason about their choices.)StepStep 4.4. ReadingReadingSs read and do True or False. Then correct the wrong sentences. (Circle the words or sentences that can help th

7、em.) Ss check the answers in pairs and talk about their evidence. 1. Ben forgets everything about his first day at school. 2. No kids liked school. 3. Lisa was Bens first school friend. 4. Ben was excited in the morning. 5. Ben tried to talk to Ms. Burton. 6. Bens mum wanted to know if he was OK. 3r

8、d reading (10) l Ss read the stories and complete the table about the differences in Bens and his mums memories. (Only write down some key words in the table.)About Bens memoryHimselfMumThe kidsMs. BurtonLisa4About Bens mums memoryBenThe kidsHerselfMs. BurtonLisaSs check the answers in pairs with fu

9、ll sentences, not only key words. l T asks several students to share their answers with full sentences. l Ss compare the differences in Bens and his mums memories and answer the questions: Whose memory is clear? What can you get from it?StepStep 5.5. ListeningListeningSs listen to the recording. l S

10、s read the stories after the recording. l Ss take roles to read the stories in pairs.StepStep 6 6 WorkWork inin pairs:pairs:Talk about your first day in the middle school. (at least 3 sentences)Step7Step7 Writing:Writing:Ss complete the paragraph with the correct form of the verbs. (Ex.7) l Ss check

11、 the answers and talk about when and how to use the past form of verbs. l T asks Ss to do Ex.2 on P95. l Ss check the answers in pairs.Step8Step8 HomeworkHomework1. Listen and read the stories 3 times.(Ex. 2)2. Write down something about your first day in the Middle School.(at least 5 5sentences)略。 教学反思教学反思


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