Unit 2 Out of the world Grammar and usage 语法讲解讲义-高中英语牛津译林版(2020)选择性必修第三册.docx

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1、选择性必修三Unit2 Out of the world语法讲解Teaching objectives1.知识目标:学生能够掌握主语从句的基本含义2.技能目标:学生能够掌握主语从句的基本运用3.情感目标:学生能够更有信心学习英语Key points, Difficult points1.掌握主语从句的基本含义2.掌握主语从句的基本含义Teaching procedures:一、主语从句概述什么是主语从句?我想要搞懂什么是主语从句,恐怕先要搞懂什么是主语了,举个例子:-Candy is fine with me.糖果对我来说没问题。这句话中 Candy(糖果) 就是主语,就是一个简单的词而已,一

2、样东西、一个人名、一个地方等等。那所谓主语从句呢就是把原来的一个词变成了一个完整的句子,然后将这整个句子当成主语,这整个句子在这一句话里跟一个名词起的作用是一样一样的,例如:-Whatever you want is fine with me.你想要什么我都可以。这句话中 Whatever you want 就是主语,从原来的一个词变成了一个句子。怎么样明白了吗?二、主语从句的位置主语从句通常由这些词进行引导: that、whether、what、who、whom、which、whose、when、where、why、how等。啥叫引导?好吧,就是从句开头的第一个词,它可能是上面这几个词中的一

3、个。比如这个例子:-What you need is another bathing suit.你需要的是另一件泳衣。这个句子里,What 就是引导词(因为出现在开头),而“What you need” 就是一个主语从句,在这个句子里扮演了主语。主语从句该怎样安放?从大的分法上来说主要就 2 类,一种是以上面那些引导词开头的句子,也就是说从句在句首;另外一种就是把他们变换了一下,将从句放到句尾,但是从句依然是主语,只不过整个句子的开头用 It 代替了。1、从句在句首-That money doesnt grow on trees should be obvious.金钱不能从树上长出来是显而易

4、见的。(“That money doesnt grow on trees” 作主语)-Why the woman was murdered is still a question.这个女人为什么会被谋杀仍然是个问题。(“Why the woman was murdered” 作主语)-Whether Tom will join us wont make any difference.汤姆是否会加入我们,并不会带来什么不同。(“Whether Tom will join us” 作主语)-The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defea

5、t without losing heart.世界上对勇气的最大考验是忍受失败而不丧失信心。(“The greatest test of courage on earth” 作主语)你有没有发现,在上面这些句子中,主语占的空间太大了,因为原来我们说话,主语就是一个词,现在这样的话,比例有些失调,显得头重脚轻的,因此为了保持句子平衡,就做了一下调整,主语从句常用it作形式主语,而且大部分主语从句都可以用 it 作形式主语,将主语从句后置,如下:2、从句在句尾下面的两组句子,其实是一个意思,只是位置发生了变化,一个在前一个在后(前半句换用 it 引导了):-Where you were born

6、doesnt make any difference.- It doesnt make any difference where you were born.你出生在哪里并无太大差别。(第二句把 “Where you were born” 放到句尾了,而且前面加了 It )-Who your parents were doesnt make any difference.- It doesnt make any difference who your parents were.你父母是谁也并无多大差别,(第二句把 “Who your parents were” 放到句尾了,而且前面加了 It

7、)三、主语从句中的 that的作用that 引导的主语从句有哪些呢?(一)that 从句在句首的情况-That we are invited to a party this evening is a good news to us我们被邀请参加今晚的晚会,这对我们来说是个好消息。-That the seas are being over fished has been known for years.海洋正在被过度捕捞,这一点多年来就已为人所知。总结:这是 that 存在感最强的时候了,当“头儿”了,所以不能省略,但是,依然不能被翻译出来。当然,更加常见的是that从句在句末的情况,然后前面用

8、一个形式主语it来指代,而且这种情况that还经常可以省略,下面就是这种情况,地位不保,全被 it 给替换了,哈哈哈(二)that 从句在句末的情况1、It be + 过去分词 + that从句常见的结构如下:- Its reported that 据报道.- Its believed that 据信.- It is generally thought that 人们普遍认为.- It should be noted that 应当注意.- It has been found that 现已发现.- It must be pointed out that 必须指出.例:Its reported

9、 that the rate is rising.据报道这个比例仍然在上升。2、It be + 形容词 + that从句常见的结构如下:- It is clear that 显然.- It is possible that 很可能.- It is likely that 很可能.- It is natural that 很自然.- It is certain that 可以相信.- It is strange that 奇怪的是.- It is fortunate that 幸运的是.- It is necessary that 有必要.例:It is necessary that every

10、 student wears a uniform.有必要让每个学生都穿校服3、It be + 名词短语 + that从句常见的结构如下:- It is a pity that 可惜的是- It is a fact that 事实是- It is good news that 真是太好了- It is a good thing that 真是件好事- It is no wonder that 难怪- It is a shame that 遗憾的是- It is an honor that 真荣幸- It is common knowledge that 是常识- It is my belief

11、that 我相信- It is a miracle that 真是奇迹例:It is good news that she finally lives in her home city.她终于可以住在她老家的城市了,真是个好消息。4、It + 不及物动词 + that从句常见的结构如下:- It seems that 似乎- It follows that 因此- It happens that 碰巧- It turns out that 结果证明是- It comes about that 结果是例:It seems that he doesnt love her.看起来他并不爱她。5、其他

12、结构- It dawns upon/on sb.that 某人突然想起.- It occurs to sb.that 某人突然想起.- It makes no difference that .无所谓- It doesnt need to be bothered that 不必担忧.- It is of little consequence that .无关紧要例:It suddenly occurred to her that Joe was afraid of being alone.她突然想到乔害怕独自一人。四、主语从句中其他引导词的意思主语从句通常由这些词进行引导: that、whet

13、her、what、who、whom、which、whose、when、where、why、how等。其实啊,这些词在句子里是要表明一些事情的,比如某一具体的事物、人、地点、时间或方法等等,例如:what= the thing that/which “ 的事物/东西”;where= the place where “的地方”;when= the time when “的时候”;why= the reason why “的原因”;其余类推,它们已经失去了疑问意义。1、What引导主语从句,表明一件事-What she did is not yet known.她干了什么尚不清楚。(“What sh

14、e did” 作主语)2、Where引导主语从句,表明一个地点-Where we love is home我们爱的地方就是家。(“Where we love” 作主语)3、When引导主语从句,表明时间-When you can make it depends on your efforts.你什么时候能做到取决于你的努力。(“When you can make it” 作主语)4、Why引导主语从句,表明原因-Why they didnt come is still unknown to us.他们为什么没有来,我们还不知道。(“Why they didnt come” 作主语)5、Who引

15、导主语从句,表明某人-Who is late will be punished today.今天迟到的人将受到惩罚。(“Who is late” 作主语)6、Which引导主语从句,表选择-Which book you read is your decision.你读哪本书是你的决定。(“Which book you read” 作主语)7、How引导主语从句,表方式方法-How you think and act will influence your life.你的想法和行为将影响你的生活。(“How you think and act” 作主语)8、Whatever引导主语从句,表明泛指

16、的一类事-Whatever you love and trust in this world loves you in return.无论你在这个世界上爱什么、信任什么,都会反过来爱你。(“Whatever you love and trust in this world”作主语)9、Whoever引导主语从句,表明泛指的一类人-Whoever can answer this questioncan get this candy.任何能回答这个问题的人都可以得到这块糖。(“Whoever can answer this question” 作主语)10、Whenever引导主语从句,表明泛指的

17、时间-Whenever you are readywill be fine.你什么时候准备好都没关系。(“Whenever you are ready” 作主语)11、Wherever引导主语从句,表明泛指的地点-Wherever you gois right无论你走到哪里都是对的。(“Wherever you go” 作主语)12、Whether引导主语从句,表明一种条件-Whether you can speak English depends on your effort。是否你能说英语是取决于你的努力。(“Whether you can speak English” 作主语)当然,也可

18、以把主语从句置于句末,同时在句首添加it指代,这时也可以把 Whether 换成 If:- It depends on your effortwhether you can speak English.- It depends on your effortif you can speak English.注意:主语从句在句首只能用 whether 而不能用 if,只有在句末才可以换成 if.课堂检测一、语法填空(一)After releasing ashortvideoonApril27 about plantingand cooking peas, Chinese food blogger

19、Li Ziqi became a hit overnight.Its reallysurprising. Ididntexpectsuchawideresponse,Lisaid in_ interview.Lis videoscenteronherlifewithhergrandmotherinthecountryside. In the videos, Li,oftendressedin_ (tradition) garments, rises at sunrise, rests atsunset,plantsseeds and harvests flowers,cooks Chinese

20、 _(dish) and crafts bamboo furniture.Lisoverseas followershavepraisedhervideosfor (show) the simple and elegant side of Chinas country life. _, back home,there have long been debates on whether her presentation is unrealistically poetic.In response, Li , who _(raise)inthecountryside,said “_I present

21、 is just a lifestyle Ive followed and appreciated. Nowadays , most peopleare _(extreme) stressed,so I hope they can feel relaxed when they watch my videos.There are so many ideas in my mind of old craftsmanship and food we (enjoy) for thousands of years.Some are almost forgotten. I hope _ (preserve)

22、 them through my small efforts.”(二)Half a year ago after getting her visa, Xie Lei left her family and friends in China and boarded a plane for London. It was the first time that she _(leave) her motherland because she wanted to study global business and improve her English. She would have to get us

23、ed to living in a _ (complete) new environment in which she had to learn almost everything such as asking _ (passer-by) for directions. On arriving in London, she chose to live with a host family, in_ they always help her with her adaptation to the new life. Its_ great comfort for her. _ challenge i

24、s to get used to the academic requirements of a Western university. For her first essay, the tutor said that she couldnt cite what other people had said without _ (acknowledge) them and encouraged her to express her own ideas.Now Xie Lei feels much more at home in the UK. In other words, she adapts

25、_ the new environment well. What seemed strange before now _ (appear) quite normal to her. _ (involve) in social activities, she is acting as a cultural messenger building a bridge between two cultures.(三)Designated a City of Design by UNESCO in 2008, Shenzhen was the first city in China _(present)

26、an official strategy around creative development. This_ the sudden and tremendous _ (grow) of up-and-coming industries: So far modem_ platfonn) have taken the place of _ (tradition) focuses with a wider range of creative enterprises from smart infrastructure construction to design and robots.Shenzhe

27、n _ (be) a coastal city on the east bank of the Pearl River estuary(河口 ),_ (separate) from Hong Kong by a natural river border. It is recognized as the _ (young) city of China. Though it has a long history, its true development didnt start until 1980 when China started its policy of reform and openi

28、ng-up. With its energy of youth, Shenzhen has developed at an incredible speed. After being designated as the first special economic zone in China,_ was once a fishing village has rapidly become_ emerging modem city. In a time range of 30 years, it has changed from a nameless town to one of the most

29、 prosperous cities in China. Today, Shenzhens speed has gathered international influence.(四)As Brillat-Savarin put it, you are what you eat. Many people relate this saying to healthy eating. In fact, Brillat-Savarin was referring to our _(personal), character and culture.Prior to coming to China, I

30、ate Chinese food that _ (change) to suit American tastes. For example, the most popular Chinese dish in America is General Tsos chicken,_ cant tell us much about the Chinese. Instead, it does tell us a lot about Americans.Fortunately, I had a chance _ (experience) authentic Chinese food in person. I

31、n a Sichuan restaurant, we enjoyed_ entirely new taste: Sichuan peppercorns. What impressed me most was the friendship offered to us. In Shandong, I found the fact that family is important to the people there, for families get together to make _ (dumpling) on major festivals. In Xinjiang, people _ (

32、traditional) wandered the open range on horses, leading to their _ (roast) meat over an open fire. Everywhere, the food was as varied as the people. However, what is always true _ (be) that Chinese people everywhere show friendship and kindness.In a word, Chinese culture is a good illustration_ the

33、saying You are what you eat. Culture and cuisine go hand in hand, and if you do not experience one, you can never really know the other.二、填空题1._ she comes or not makes no difference.2._ I finished doing the homework in such a short time surprised them all.3._ had been known for a long time that Yell

34、owstone was volcanic in naturethats _ accounted for all its hot springs.4.Just like some Europeans celebrate Spring Festival nowadays, its no wonder _ Chinese celebrate Christmas.5._ will be the championship of the ninth season of the Voice of China has not been decided.6._ we are going to have an E

35、nglish test has not been decided.7._ expects a good mark in the exam is supposed to make great efforts in their daily learning.8._ developing countries really need to do is to stop poverty by removing the causes of it.9.It doesnt matter _ you turn left or right at the crossing both roads lead to the

36、 park.10.Perhaps in the Longji Rice terraces, _ is the most significant is the way that people have worked in harmony with nature.11._ returnees differ from us is that they are better at independent thinking and have a stronger ability of correct decision-making. 12._ breaks the law should be punish

37、ed.13.It seemed incredible _ she had been there a week already.14._ worries us most is that the number of the kids dominated by computer is growing fast.15._ Mike didnt turn up at the meeting yesterday made the chairman unhappy.16._ one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it.答案一、(一)1. an 2

38、. traditional 3. dishes 4 .showing 5. However 6. was raised 7. What 8. extremely 9. have been enjoying/have enjoyed 10. to preserve(三)1. to present 2. to 3. growth 4. platforms 5. traditional 6. is 7. separated 8. youngest 9. what 10. an(四) personality; had been changed; which; to experience; an; dumplings; traditionally; roasting; is; of二、1.Whether 2.That 3.It; what 4.that 5.who6.Whether 7.Whoever 8.What 9.whether 10.what 11.What 12.Whoever 13.that 14.What 15.That 16.Whichever学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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