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《《语言与语言学》(1).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《语言与语言学》(1).ppt(33页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、语言与语言学语言与语言学主讲人:张兴主讲人:张兴双向视频课第一讲Unit 1 Awareness of Our LanguageActivity 1 Language,Home Sapiens and Civilization(语言,智人和文明言,智人和文明)(P.3)Activity 2 Traditional and Popular Views of Language (P.23)Activity 3 Language:Yours and Not Yours?(P.33)学习目标:Be aware that language is crucial to human evolution Be

2、 aware that language is crucial to human civilization Be aware of some traditional and popular views about languageGet a gist of what linguistic science is aboutActivity 1 Language,Home Sapiens and Civilization(语言,智人和文明言,智人和文明)(P.3)Is language more important than eyes,mouth,and hands?(P.4)Is languag

3、e in the brain or outside the brain?(P.29)Why so many languages?(P.9)Language and civilization (P.19)Is language more important than eyes,mouth,and hands?(P.4)Guide 教授题目为感谢语言的公开演讲认为语言比眼、嘴、手等器官更重要。(参见Guide 教授的公开演讲)Guide 教授的观点是:What makes apes remain beasts,and what makes homo sapiens become“us”people

4、?The secret lies in the magic word language.The point I want to drive home is that we must appreciate the fact that we homo sapiens possess language and that we owe civilized and meaningful life to it.Without it we would have remained in the jungles,with the constant fear of being eaten raw by fierc

5、e beasts.Is language more important than eyes,mouth,and hands?(P.4)Guide 教授的证据是:The early attempt was made by Professor Kellogg and his wife Mrs Kellogg in 1931.They bought an ape named Gua.Gua was brought up as if she was a human baby,and was actually reared alongside the Professor s son Donald.Gua

6、 was fed with a spoon,bathed,pinned up in nappies,and continuously exposed to human speech.Can you guess what was the result?Donald spoke quite normally,whereas Gua could only understand the meaning of a couple of single words,and she never spoke!Washoe,a female chimp,taught by Professor Gardner and

7、 Mrs Gardner;Sarah,female chimp again,taught by Dr David Premack;and recently trained chimps Lana,Koko,and Nim Chimsky.None of these efforts can be said to have succeeded in teaching chimpanzees,our closest cousins,to speak a human language or even use a sign language。Is language in the brain or out

8、side the brain?(P.29)Answer:it is more acceptable to many to hold a middle ground position,that is,to believe that humans are born with language capacity that enables them to acquire language,any language,during their formative years.They can learn any foreign language through efforts in their adult

9、hood.Since language capacity in the brain can hardly be called language,language proper is therefore not in the brain.That is to say language capacity is in the brain,but language proper or real language is outside the brain.Is language in the brain or outside the brain?(P.29)注解:对这一问题,能另人接受的答案是人生而具有

10、一种语言能力。它能使我们在成长阶段习得人类社会的任何一门语言。由于语言能力很难被称为语言,因此真正的语言不在大脑内,但是不能忽视的是人生而具有语言能力。所以对这个问题的正确回答是,人生而具有语言能力但真正的语言不在大脑内。Why so many languages?(这个个问题可以从有关可以从有关圣圣经的的记载和和历史史语言学的角度来回答)言学的角度来回答)(P.9)圣经的记载 巴别塔那时,天下人的口音言语都是 样。他们往东边迁移的时候,在示拿地遇见一片平原,就住在那里。他们彼此商量说:“来吧,我们要作砖,把砖烧透了。”他们就拿砖当石头,又拿石漆当灰泥。他们说:“来吧,我们要建造座城和一座塔,

11、塔顶通天,为要传扬我们的名,免得我们分散在全地上。”耶和华降临,要看看世人所建造的城和塔。耶和华说:“看哪,他们成为一样的人民,都是一样的言语,如今既作起这事来,以后他们所要作的事就没有不成就的了。我们下去,在那里变乱他们的口音,使他们的言语彼此不通。”于是,耶和华使他们从那里分散在全地上,他们就停工不造那城了。因为耶和华在那里变乱天下人的言语,使众人分散在全地上,所以那城名叫巴别(就是“变乱”的意思)。(摘自圣经旧约律法书创始记第十一章)Why so many languages?(这个个问题可以从有关可以从有关圣圣经的的记载和和历史史语言学的角度来回答)言学的角度来回答)(P.9)历史语言

12、学的研究成果人类的起源:人类起源于3000000年前的非洲,那一阶段的早期人类被称为用手劳动的人 homo habilis(handy man);然后大约1500000年以前出现了直立行走的人 homo erectus(upright man);然后到了大约300000年以前出现了智人 homo sapiens(wise man)以及大约175000年前的当代人 homo sapiens sapiens(modern man);语言的起源:开始人类只有一种语言;是在250000至50000年前由从非洲发展起来的;由非洲向世界各地的迁移:大约在35000到12000年间,非洲人走出了非洲,散居到

13、世界各地;同种语言的方言成为了不同的语言:由于长期分离,散居的人群已经不能听懂各自的语言,因此同种语言的方言成为了不同的语言;语系:它是现代语言学家为当今语言重新建立联系的一种方式。Language and civilization(P.19)世界七大古代奇迹(1)埃及金字塔;(2)巴比伦空中花园;(3)奥林匹亚的宙斯大金像;(4)摩索拉斯亡灵;(5)以弗所的阿耳忒弥斯(狄安娜)神 庙;(6)罗得斯岛的太阳神巨像;(7)亚力山大港的索斯特拉塔斯灯塔。Language and civilization(P.19)These wonders,no matter how wonderful they

14、 were,were dwarfs in comparison with the creation of 5,000 or so languages.No achievement can be greater than this.No wonders would have been possible without language.All in all,no language no civilization!这些奇迹无论有多伟大,与5千多种人类语言的创造相比要逊色不少。因为没有一种古奇迹会在没有语言的前提下被建立、确立和保存。总之,没有语言就没有人类的文明。Activity 2 Tradit

15、ional and Popular Views of Language (P.23)The traditional and popular belief that words possess magic power is allpervasive in man s history.(P.23)Besides the traditional view of magic,language has its social and political power.(P.25)例证:(在文化大革命时期,人们的身份是用不同文字来界定的)“贫农”,“地主”;“君子慎其言”Nameequalsperson fa

16、llacy (P.2631)A name gives people an identity.To every proper name,there are social,political,and religious dimensions.(每一个名字都有它的社会的、政治的和宗教的层面意义。)例证:人类自古就有禁止对名讳亵渎的社会准则和法律。Activity 2 Traditional and Popular Views of Language(P.23)Besides proper name,we also have names like a nick name(petty name)or c

17、heap name.The theme of the panel is the nameequalsperson fallacy.It seemed to take it for granted that it is absurd to treat the name of a person as if it were the person himself or herself.Activity 2 Traditional and Popular Views of Language(P.23)Written language as social status 书面语言是衡量社会地位的标志 (P.

18、31)Those who cannot read or write their mother tongue are termed illiterate,and illiterate people are very much underprivileged and remain low in a social hierarchy.Those who can read and write well,on the other hand,are regarded as educated scholars,and command respect.(因此人类传统历来更注重对阅读和书写语言的培养。)例证:“

19、油嘴滑舌”;“妙笔生花”Activity 2 Traditional and Popular Views of Language(P.23)Li Yues father wants her to be literate in both languages.Moreover,he wants her to help him with faxes and mail so that he will not be cheated again.The ability to read and write is crucial for access to communication and informat

20、ion.A society with no access to these two things would have difficulty in surviving in modern times.That is why it is a national policy that citizens should be literate.Speaking ones mother tongue is spontaneous and almost effortless.However,it takes years of hard practice to write it well.Moreover,

21、speech dies as soon as one finishes speaking,whereas writing can last for ever if one is determined to keep it.So naturally people trust writing more than speech.Activity 3 Language:Yours and Not Yours?(P.33)The point to remember Language is everyone s language,but it belongs to no one.It is possess

22、ed by the language community as a whole.It is used by everyone,but it goes beyond the total sum of all the uses put together.(P.35)例如,你用汉语说话,你说出的话是你的;但是,你用的语言却不是你的。Activity 3 Language:Yours and Not Yours?(P.33)Language:a dialect with gun and powder (P.35)A nations language is very likely to be a dia

23、lect spoken by people living in the Capital city.It is made to represent the nation due to social and political reasons.Linguistically speaking,all dialects are equal,and any of them is fully qualified for a language status.一个国家的语言可能会包含各种方言。从语言学角度来讲,它们都是平等的,但是,从社会学角度来看,它们是不平等的。国家政府会确定一种方言为官方语言或标准语言,

24、以利其统治。讲标准语言的人就可以将自己和统治阶级联系在一起,象征着身份和地位,体现了良好的文化教育。因此,从社会学角度来看,标准方言则凌驾与其他方言之上,是一种带有枪和火药特征的方言。Activity 3 Language:Yours and Not Yours?(P.33)Towards a linguistic science (P.36)an empirical and datadriven approach to language studies:the approach of collecting and using data to carry out linguistic rese

25、arches;a semiotic approach:符号法corpus linguistics:语料库语言学语言学的研究方法经历了从以实验数据为依据的研究方法到符号法到当前的语料库语言学的研究方法的过度。其决定因素在于支持技术的发展。由于语言研究的样本、数据巨大因此最初的以实验数据为依据的研究方法无法继续,进而转为符号法,也就是对一种语言进行深入的研究然后将其成果中的语言共性因素应用在其它语言上;由于计算机技术的发展,使庞大数据的存储和运算成为可能,因此,研究方法的发展又有所回头,语料库语言学作为当今语言学研究的重要方法,正是以数据和样本分析为依据的研究方法。Unit 2 Physical

26、Aspects of Language学习目标 (P.43)Understand the general processes of speech and written communicationBe aware of the different media used to represent languageHave some idea of what phonetics is aboutUnderstand how sounds are producedBe aware of different writing systemsWarm upthe two kinds of ways hum

27、ans make use of sounds (P.44)the sounds uttered like other animals;Examples:We repeatedly utter“mmmmm.”when food is delicious.We utter“yu”to stop a galloping horse.the production of languageWarm uptwo ways representing language or the two media of language (P.45)speechwriting言语和书写是语言的两种载体。也就是说,我们所说的

28、是对抽象语言的口语实现;我们所写下的是对抽象语言的书面实现。Activity 1 Language in Speech and Written CommunicationLanguage in facetoface communication speaking and listening (P.4547)Step 1 hit upon an ideaStep 2 articulate the ideaStep 3 loaded sounds travel via airStep 4 get the messageActivity 1 Language in Speech and Written

29、 CommunicationLanguage in written communication writing and reading (P.4748)Step 1 Hit upon an ideaStep 2 Write it outStep 3 Send it outStep 4 Read the messageActivity 1 Language in Speech and Written CommunicationA glimpse of language communication for handicapped people (P.4952)The language for bl

30、ind people is represented in Braille.For deaf and mute people there are sign languages.Activity 1 Language in Speech and Written CommunicationCommunication modes and outer conditionsSpeechWritingVisual signsBraillelight conditionNot affectAffectAffectNot affectdistanceAffectNot affectAffectNot affec

31、tbarrierAffectNot affectAffectNot affectfreedom of handsFreeFree on the receiving sideNot free on bothsidesNot free on thereceiving sidefeedbackImmediate feedbackNo immediate feedbackImmediate feedbackNo immediatefeedbackextra supportAvailableNot availableAvailableNot availabletimeSpontaneouslyNot s

32、pontaneouslySpontaneouslyNot spontaneouslyActivity 2 Speech ProductionThe speech sounds we produce can be studied from four angles:(P.52)Acoustic analysisBeing studied as physical sounds,without considering that they are produced by humans and loaded with meanings.Acoustic analysis makes use of labo

33、ratory equipment.Perceptual analysisSpeech sounds can be analyzed in terms of the effects they produce on the listener.For example,some people say that French sounds more beautiful than English.Activity 2 Speech ProductionOrganic analysisIt compares the speech organs of individual speakers in terms

34、of length,mass,size,shape and so on.It also examines the volume and power of the respiratory system.Phonetic analysisWhen we first learn English sounds,we are told how to open the month,where we should put the tongue,so on and so on.It is this level of analysis we shall concentrate on.Activity 2 Spe

35、ech Production 请熟记 P.53、P.55和P.57图解中有关发声器官的词汇。The three stages of producing sounds:(P.5962)Initiation(吸气起始阶段)Phonation(发声阶段)Articulators(发音器官工作阶段)Activity 2 Speech Production Two kinds of articulators(P.5962)Active articulators:those articulators you can move at will.Examples:pharynx,the soft palate

36、,the tongue,the lower teeth,the lips,etc.Passive articulators:those articulators you cannot move at will.Examples:upper teeth and hard palate The Latest Developments in Speech Science (P.6365)Speech synthesis(语音合成)音合成)Forensic phonetics(侦破破语音学)音学)Mancomputer dialogue(人机(人机对话)Activity 3 Written Langu

37、ageAncient writing systems (P.6668)Oracle bone inscriptions 甲骨文(使用于我国商朝甲骨文(使用于我国商朝时期。由于期。由于龟甲上的文字甲上的文字记录是占卜是占卜者的者的预言,所以英文将其言,所以英文将其译成成“预言骨文言骨文”。)。)River pebbles 卵石上的符号(源于法国南部的中石器卵石上的符号(源于法国南部的中石器时代文化)代文化)Signs on stones 石石头上的符号(源于西班牙)上的符号(源于西班牙)Patterns 图案(源于加利福尼案(源于加利福尼亚)Symbols 符号(源于符号(源于处于克里特文明于克

38、里特文明时期希腊期希腊东南部的克里特南部的克里特岛)Activity 3 Written LanguageThe two general categories of writing systems:(P.6970)Phonological writings(表音书写系统)Those writing systems that have a close connection with the way languages are pronounced Example:EnglishAn alphabetic writing English only uses 26 Roman letters.Oth

39、er languages such as Arabic,Greek,Hebrew and Cyrillic also adopt alphabetic writing systems.Activity 3 Written LanguageNonphonological writings(非表音书写系统)Those writing systems that have little connection with the way languages are pronouncedExample:ChinesePictographic writingExample:日、月和火等Is your handwriting yourself?(P.7175)In the west,there are scholars who take the relation between a person s handwriting and his character very seriously.They call their study“graphology”(笔体学)just to make it sound like an independent discipline(学科).


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