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《译林版小学英语五年级上册(5A)《Unit6Myefriend》第三课时课件.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《译林版小学英语五年级上册(5A)《Unit6Myefriend》第三课时课件.pptx(21页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、游戏规则:以最快的速度读出植物发射出的单词,打败僵尸。Game:doctorteachernursedriverPEMusicArtMathplayfootballsingdrawplaytabletennisWhat does Wang Fangs father do?doctor teachernursedriver jobsWhat subjects does Wang Fang like?PEMusicArtMath subjectsplayfootballsingdrawplaytabletennisWhat does Wang Fang like doing after schoo

2、l?hobbies1.Who is your e-friend?2.How old is she?3.What subjects does she like?4.What does she like doing after school?My e-friend_ is my e-friend.She is _ years old.She likes _.She likes _ after school.Linda11EnglishswimmingMy e-friend_is my e-friend.SheHe is_ years old.SheHe is good at _.SheHe lik

3、es _ What do you know about your e-friend?Complete the card,then talk about them.(做一张卡片,介绍自己的朋友!)SheHe lives in _.A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难朋友才是真朋友。The true friendship seeks to give,not to take;to help,not to be helped.真正的友谊追求的是给予,而不是索取;是帮助别人,而不是被人帮助;Lets Lets enjoy!enjoy!Lets Lets enjoy

4、!enjoy!Title(书名书名)?Bobby and Sam Fishing I dont eat oranges.Good FriendsTip:When you meet new words,you can:当你遇到新单词时,你可以:1.Guess 看图猜看图猜 根据上下文猜根据上下文猜3.Look up in the dictionary 查字典查字典2.Check the glossary 查阅书后词汇表查阅书后词汇表 Read the story,try to get the meanings:(读故事,找出新词汇,并理解中文意思。读故事,找出新词汇,并理解中文意思。)Have

5、a try!fishing 钓鱼钓鱼 tomorrow 明天明天 Dont worry 别担心别担心 sit by the river 坐在河边坐在河边 wait 等待等待Lets readLets readwarmhearted(热心的)热心的)friendly (友好的)(友好的)What do fish eat?Apples?Oranges?Worms?Cheating(骗人的)?骗人的)?Kidding(开玩笑)(开玩笑)?Why?How?Sam is good at fishing.Fish dont eat oranges.Bobby is not good at fishing.

6、afraidfrightened 受惊受惊 scared 惊恐的惊恐的 How?Envious(羡慕)?羡慕)?Jealous(嫉妒)?(嫉妒)?Hateful?(恨)?(恨)?pride(骄傲的)骄傲的)disappointed (沮丧的)Work in groups of four:Act out the story.Lets act!Lets act!Sam:Im sorry,Bobby!Sam:Im sorry,Bobby!Let me help you!Let me help you!Bobby:Thank you,Sam!Bobby:Thank you,Sam!Now,Bobby

7、has many fish too.Now,Bobby has many fish too.Write a happy ending!Write a happy ending!续写故事续写故事 LOVE STORYBOOKS!LOVE STORYBOOKS!LOVE READING!LOVE READING!Homework1.Read cartoon time three times.1.Read cartoon time three times.(读读Cartoon TimeCartoon Time三遍)三遍)2.Share your story with your parents.2.Share your story with your parents.(和父母分享你的故事)和父母分享你的故事)


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