2019九年级英语全册 Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth第八节 书面表达练习.doc

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1、1第八节第八节 书面表达书面表达 一次性筷子(oneoff chopsticks)的发明,为人们的日常生活带来了许多便利。但是随着使用量的 增加,它也耗费大量的森林资源,同时对环境也造成了污染。所以,我们国家逐渐禁止使用一次性筷子。 但是,也有人认为不应该完全禁止。请根据下面表格中的信息,用英语写一篇短文。支持禁止反对禁止1.耗费大量的森林资源; 2污染环境; 3不少筷子并不干净,对健康不利。1.使用起来非常方便; 2干净,有利于健康; 3用后就扔掉,不用清洗,节约水资 源。个人观点要求:1.内容完整,可适当发挥; 2时态正确,前后连贯; 3不少于 80 词,开头已经给出,不计入总词数。 On

2、eoff chopsticks are very popular,but now_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _参考答案Oneoff chopsticks are very popular,but now using them has some problems. Some people think we shouldnt use oneoff chopsticks any more. On one hand,we need to use a lot of wood to make them. On the other hand,they pollute environment afte

3、r we use them. Whats worse,many oneoff chopsticks are not clean enough for people to use. They are bad for our health. But others think we should keep using oneoff chopsticks. Because it is very convenient to use them. Next,it is much cleaner and healthier to use them than the traditional chopsticks which can be used and washed again and again. And it is helpful to save some water because we dont need to wash them after using. In my opinion,I think we should use fewer oneoff chopsticks so that we can save more trees. And we should also use clean chopsticks to keep healthy.


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