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《八年级上unit6SectionB.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级上unit6SectionB.ppt(40页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、http:/ 6Im going to study computer sciencehttp:/ to play an instrument(乐器)(乐器)2.make the soccer team3.get good grades4.eat healthier food5.get lots of exercise543211a Match the pictures with the New Years resolutions.resolution n.决心决心http:/ Pair workA:What are you going to do next year?B:Well,Im goi

2、ng to take guitar lessons.I really love music.A:Sounds interesting.Im going to learn a foreign language.B:Are you?Great!But foreign languages are not for me.foreign adj.外国的外国的 foreigner n.外国人外国人http:/ Listen and circle the resolutions you hear in 1a1.learn to play an instrument2.make the soccer team

3、3.get good grades4.eat healthier food5.get lots of exercisehttp:/ Listen again and fill in the chart.resolutionHow are they going to do it?LucyKimMikeIm going to study hard and do my homework every day.Im going to take piano lessons.learn to play the pianoget good gradesmake the soccer teamIm going

4、to practice really hard.(Im going to go to a summer camp and play soccer every day there.)http:/ works:What other resolutions can you make?A:I want to be a teacher.B:How are you going to do that?A:Well,Im going to study hard and get good grades.B:Sounds like a good plan.I want to get a lot of exerci

5、se.http:/ Discuss the questions with your partner.Did you make any resolution last year?No,I didnt.Were you able to keep them?Why or why not?No,I wasnt.Because I forgot them.be able to会;能够会;能够http:/ Read the passage and match each paragraph with its main purpose.1.Toquestiontheideaofmakingresolution

6、s2.Togivethemeaningofresolution3.Todiscussthedifferentkindsofresolutionshttp:/ you know what a resolution is?Its a kind of promise.Most of the time,we make promises to other people.(“Mom,I promise Im going to tidy my room when I get back from school.”)However,promises you make to yourself are resolu

7、tions,and the most common kind is New Years resolutions.When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year,we hope that we are going to improve our lives.Some people write down their resolutions and plans for the coming year.This helps them to remember their resolutions.Others tell their family a

8、nd friends about their wish and plans.1Dmake promise做承诺做承诺write down写下,记下写下,记下V.improve改进;提升改进;提升http:/ are different kinds of resolutions.Some are about physical health.For example,some people promise themselves they are going to start an exercise program or eat less fast food.Many resolutions have

9、 to do with self-improvement._ Some people might say they are going to take up a hobby like painting or taking photos,or learn to play the guitar.Some resolutions have to do with better planning,like making a weekly plan for schoolwork._3ABphysical adj.身体的身体的 physical health 身体健康身体健康have to do with与

10、与相关相关take up开始从事;拿起开始从事;拿起http:/ there are differences,most resolutions have one thing in common.People hardly ever keep them!_Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep.Sometimes people just forget about them.For this reason,some people say the best resolution is to have no resolutions!

11、How about you will you make any next year?2Chave sth in common(with)有共同之有共同之处处tooto太太而不能而不能http:/ Write the letters A-D in the correct places in the passage.A:These are about making yourself a better person这这些是与使你成些是与使你成为为更好的人有关更好的人有关B:For example,a student may have to find more time to study.例如,一个学

12、生可能不得不找更多的时间学习。C:There are good reasons for this.对对此此这这儿有好儿有好的原因的原因D:The start of the year is often a time for making resolutions.一年的开始一年的开始经经常是做决定的常是做决定的时时间间。http:/ is a resolution?2.When do people usually make resolutions?3.Why do people usually make resolutions?2d Answer the questions with short

13、sentences.Itisakindofpromise.Thestartoftheyear.Theywanttoimprovetheirlives.http:/ do people remember their resolutions?5.How many kinds of resolutions does the writer talk about?6.Why do you think resolutions may be difficult to keep?7.Do you agree with the writer?Why or why not?Theywritedownthemort

14、elltheirfamilyandfriends.Three.Becausepeoplejustforgetaboutthem.Yes,Ithinkso.Becausedoingisbetterthansaying.http:/ n.开开头头,反反义词为义词为 end,结结束。束。at the beginning of 在在开始开始 at the end of 在在末尾末尾 from the beginning to end 从从头头到尾到尾 如:如:He will come here at the beginning of this month.我我们们在月初来到在月初来到这这里。里。1.a

15、t the beginning of this year在今年的年初在今年的年初Explanationhttp:/ are going to start an exercise program or eat less fast food.eat与与have这两个动词都可以表示这两个动词都可以表示“吃吃”。1)eat可用作及物或不及物动词可用作及物或不及物动词,是日常用语,是日常用语,但用在日常口语中不够礼貌。让别人但用在日常口语中不够礼貌。让别人“吃吃”,通常用通常用have。如如:Where shall we have our dinner?我们在哪儿吃饭我们在哪儿吃饭?http:/ eat

16、 our soup first.我们先喝汤。我们先喝汤。3)have是普通用语是普通用语,同样可以表示同样可以表示“吃吃”,也可以表示也可以表示“喝喝”。用在非正式的文体中。用在非正式的文体中。如如:What time do you have supper?你们什么时候吃晚饭?你们什么时候吃晚饭?I do not have coffee in the evening.晚上我不喝咖啡。晚上我不喝咖啡。http:/ medicine,不说不说eatdrink medicine。如如:Your son catches a bad cold.He should have some medicine.你

17、儿子得了重感冒,他应该吃药。你儿子得了重感冒,他应该吃药。http:/ resolutions have to do with better panning有些决定与合理的时间规划有关有些决定与合理的时间规划有关1)句中句中planning 为为名名词词,表示,表示“计计划、划、规规划划”如:如:city planning(城市城市规规划划)。better plan 意意为为:合理:合理规规划,指通划,指通过过制定制定计计划来更加充分地利用划来更加充分地利用时间时间、空空间间、精力。、精力。2)Have to do with 表示表示“与与相关;与相关;与有关有关联联或或有关系有关系”如:如:

18、What dose this problem have to do with what we re learning today?这这道道题题跟我跟我们们今天所学的内容有什么关系?今天所学的内容有什么关系?http:/ the resolutions may be too difficult to keep.有些时候这些决定可能会太难而无法实现有些时候这些决定可能会太难而无法实现1)句中情句中情态动词态动词 may 表示推表示推测测,相当于,相当于汉语汉语的的“可可能;也能;也许许;大概;大概”的意思。如:的意思。如:You may be right this time,but I m not

19、 sure.这这一次或一次或许许你是你是对对的,但是我无法确定。的,但是我无法确定。2)英英语语中中tooto是一个固定是一个固定结结构,表示构,表示“太太而而不能不能 如如:The kid is too young to play this game.这这个小孩太小,不能玩个小孩太小,不能玩这这个游个游戏戏。http:/ hardly ever keep them!人人们们很少履行它很少履行它们们(指(指计计划)。划)。还还有有类类似的用法:似的用法:keep a promise(信守承信守承诺诺)keep ones promise(遵守承遵守承诺诺;说话说话算数算数)等。如:等。如:We

20、always keep our word.我我们说话们说话是算数的。是算数的。http:/ Complete the first two paragraphs about resolutions with the words in the box.takelistenmakeishelplearnareResolutions_ promises to yourself.They may_ to make you a better person and to make your life easier.Im going to _ four resolutions.The first resolu

21、tion has to do with my own personal improvement.Next year,or maybe sooner,I am going to _ up a new hobby.I think singing _ a great activity so I am going to _ to sing.I think this will make my family happy because they love to _ to music and sing together.arehelpmaketakeislearnlistenhttp:/ about you

22、r resolutions:(In each paragraph,write what you are going to do and why.)The second resolution is about improving my physical health._ The third resolution is about improving my relationships with my family and friends._ The last resolution is about how to do better at school._ http:/ is a beautiful

23、 modern city.Its called International“Garden city”(A City in Bloom)What are you going to do to make it more beautiful?Pair workhttp:/ you work for our city.Its your job to make it better(cleaner,more beautiful,richer,etc.)What are you going to do?Discuss and write your plans.http:/ and Ben made thei

24、r _(新年决心新年决心)yesterday.2.Please_(写下写下)your name!New Years resolutionswrite down.请根据汉语提示完成下列句子请根据汉语提示完成下列句子 每空词数不限每空词数不限Exerciseshttp:/ is going to _(取得取得 好成绩好成绩)next year.have to do withget good gradeshttp:/ have a basketball match every Sunday.(用用next Sunday替换替换every Sunday)They _ _ _ _ a basketbal

25、l match next Sunday.2.We are going to have a school trip next week.(就划线部分提问就划线部分提问)_ _ you _ _ _ next week?4.Im,going to,walk,school,not,to,(连词成句连词成句)_are goinghaveWhataregoingtodotoIm not going to walk to school.http:/ going to see my teacher on Teachers Day.(改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答)并做肯定回答)-_ _ going to see _ teacher on Teachers Day?-Yes,I am.5.Friday,what,is,do,going,to,next,he(连词成句)连词成句)_?What is he going to do next FridayAre youyourhttp:/ a passage about how you are going to make your city cleaner.http:/ 最大最全的教学课件资源网http:/


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