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《book3unit5Canada公开课.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《book3unit5Canada公开课.ppt(44页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Language StudyPresented by Zhu YanqunWords Activity 1Words Flashback单词回闪单词回闪quiz bordercontinent topicchat urbanbaggage slightlyeastward mixturescenery confirmsurround maplemeasure traditionwithin impressive1.n.测验,问答比赛测验,问答比赛2.n.洲,大陆洲,大陆聊天、闲聊聊天、闲聊4.n.行李行李 5.adj.向东的、向东的、adv.向东向东6.n.景色,风景景色,风景

2、7.vt.包围,围绕包围,围绕10.n.边界;边界;vt.&vi.与与.接壤接壤11.n.话题话题13.adv.稍稍稍稍,轻微地轻微地12.adj.城市的城市的,市镇的市镇的14.n.混合物混合物,混合状态混合状态15.vt.证实证实,证明证明,批准批准 16.n.枫枫,枫树枫树17.n.传统,风俗传统,风俗测量,判定;测量,判定;n.措施措施9.prep.在在之内之内18.adj.给人留下深刻印象的给人留下深刻印象的Activity 2Matching Words 1.chat2.surround3.measure4.mixture5.confirm 6.tradition7.i

3、mpress8.diatanceD:n.friendly informal between two placesE:vt.made sb.feel admiration and be all round sb.or sth.B:v.mark out a length or lenghts of sth.C:n.things made by mixingG:vt.provide evidence for the truthH:n.belief or custom passed on in this way Phrases

4、Activity 3translation1._与其;不愿与其;不愿2._ 定居定居;平静下来平静下来;专心于专心于3._ 设法做设法做4._ 看见;瞥见看见;瞥见 5._ 对对有天赋有天赋6._ 在远方在远方短语翻译短语翻译catch sight of rather thansettle downmanage to dohave a gift forin the distance9._ 梦想;梦见梦想;梦见10._黎明;拂晓黎明;拂晓11._穿越整个大陆穿越整个大陆12._ 穿过森林穿过森林go through the forest dream ofat dawncross the whol

5、e continent7._ 有有(多大多大)面积面积8._ 一路上一路上have/with an area ofall the way 1.Rather than take the aeroplane all the way,(P34 L2)rather than 而不是而不是,不是不是而是而是e.g.我们是坐公交车而不是走路去上学的。我们是坐公交车而不是走路去上学的。句型结构句型结构通常用于通常用于“rather thann./do/doing”结构中。结构中。We take a bus to the school rather than walk there.运用运用 Rather th

6、an _(read),she sat there to write.The little girl likes drawing rather than _(dance).dancing read She rather than you _(be)going to go camping tomorrow.He is a teacher_ _ _ _(而不是医生而不是医生).isa doctorrather than2.the cousins settled down in their seats.(P34 L16)settle down使平静使平静;定居定居e.g.那位老师设法使学生安静下来。那

7、位老师设法使学生安静下来。The teacher tried to _.他想与李娜结婚后定居在香港。他想与李娜结婚后定居在香港。He wants to get married to Li Na and _.settle the students down settle down in Hong Kong3.they managed to catch sight of some mountain goats and even a grizzly bear and an eagle.(P34 L17)manage to do sth设法做成某事设法做成某事try to do sth成功成功不一定成

8、功不一定成功e.g.He_ go to the airport on time,but without luck.Luckily,he _ get the work finished with little money.managed totried tocatch sight of看见看见看不见看不见;忽略忽略;忘掉忘掉lose sight of运用运用 The hunter said that he _(看到过看到过)a wild man in the forest.Suddenly they got separated,and then _each other.突然,他们被分开了,看不见

9、彼此。突然,他们被分开了,看不见彼此。had caught sight oflost sight of4.Many of them have a gift for riding wild horses.(P34 L20)have a gift for对对有天赋有天赋e.g.他有音乐天赋。他有音乐天赋。He has a gift for music.Structures 1.It is the second largest country in the world.(P33 Warming up)the+序数词序数词+最高级最高级第几第几The lake is the third largest

10、 lake in China.e.g.那个湖是中国第三大湖。那个湖是中国第三大湖。黄河是中国的第二长河。黄河是中国的第二长河。The Yellow River is _ in China.他是我们班第二高的学生。他是我们班第二高的学生。He is _ in our class.the second longest river the second tallest student2.Skiing in the Rocky Mountains and sailing in the harbor make Vancouver one of the Canadas most popular citie

11、s to live in.(P34 L13)Doing sth.and doing sth.make sb./ of the+最高级最高级+复数名词复数名词 to do做做和做和做让让成为最成为最的之一的之一Doing sth.makes sb./sth.(主主+谓谓+宾宾+宾补)宾补)-ing短语做主语短语做主语篮球打得好和歌唱得好让他成为学校里最篮球打得好和歌唱得好让他成为学校里最受欢迎的男生之一。受欢迎的男生之一。_ and _ make him _ in our school.Playing basketball wellsinging wellone of the mo

12、st popular boys有你们作为学生,让我感到很自豪。有你们作为学生,让我感到很自豪。_makes me_.Having you as my studentsvery proud3.The girls were surprised at the fact that ocean ships can sail up the Great Lakes.(P34 L26)be surprised at the fact+that 从句从句对对的事实感到惊讶的事实感到惊讶e.g.他对你是一个男孩子的事实感到惊讶。他对你是一个男孩子的事实感到惊讶。He is surprised _.(2)我们对她篮

13、球打得那么好感到惊讶。我们对她篮球打得那么好感到惊讶。We are surprised _ the fact that you are a boy at the fact that sheplays basketball so well4.Canada has more fresh water than any other country in the world.(P34 L27)more.than any other.比其它任何比其它任何都都比较级表示最高级意义比较级表示最高级意义;如果在同一范围相比如果在同一范围相比,必须有必须有other。any other+单数单数,oth

14、er+复数。复数。如果是在不同范围内两个个体进行比较如果是在不同范围内两个个体进行比较,则不要则不要other。(1)上海比亚洲其它城市都大。上海比亚洲其它城市都大。Shanghai is _ _ in Asia.(2)真奇怪她比所有男生跑得快。)真奇怪她比所有男生跑得快。It is surprising that she _ _.than all boys runs faster bigger than othercities/any other citysummaryEnjoy a song Activity 4Making sentences with what we have lear

15、nt1.江门是中国第一江门是中国第一侨乡侨乡。(hometown of overseas Chinese)2.它的海外华侨比全国其它城市都多。它的海外华侨比全国其它城市都多。3.我对江门有那么多文化遗产感到很惊讶。我对江门有那么多文化遗产感到很惊讶。4.拥有舒适的气候,使得江门成为最受欢迎拥有舒适的气候,使得江门成为最受欢迎 的居住城市之一。的居住城市之一。5.很多人设法在江门而不是其它城市定居下来。很多人设法在江门而不是其它城市定居下来。1.江门是中国第一侨乡。江门是中国第一侨乡。Jiangmen is the first largest hometown of overseas Chine

16、se.2.它的海外华侨比它的海外华侨比全国其它城市都多。全国其它城市都多。Its overseas Chineseare larger than anyother city in China.(other cities)3.我对江门有那么我对江门有那么多文化遗产感到多文化遗产感到很惊讶。很惊讶。陈白沙茅龙笔陈白沙茅龙笔开开平平碉碉楼楼I am surprised at the fact thatJiangmen has so many culturalrelics.江江门门荷荷塘塘沙沙龙龙新会葵艺新会葵艺4.拥有舒适的气候,使得江门成为最受欢迎拥有舒适的气候,使得江门成为最受欢迎 的居住城市之

17、一。的居住城市之一。Having comfortable climate makes Jiangmenone of the most popular cities to live in.Doing sth.makes sb./ of the+最高级最高级+复数名词复数名词+to do5.很多人设法在很多人设法在江门而不是其它江门而不是其它城市定居下来。城市定居下来。A lot of people manage to settle down in Jiangmen rather than other cities.Homework1.Go over what we have lea

18、rned today,then write a short passage about Jiangmen.(复习今天所学的内容,写一篇介绍江门的短文,复习今天所学的内容,写一篇介绍江门的短文,注意过渡和连贯。)注意过渡和连贯。)2.Preview the reading on P38.(预习预习P38页课文)页课文)1.温哥华是加拿大第三大城市。温哥华是加拿大第三大城市。2.它的气候比加拿大的其他城市都舒服。它的气候比加拿大的其他城市都舒服。3.我对温哥华多次被评为全球最宜居住城市我对温哥华多次被评为全球最宜居住城市 感到很惊讶。感到很惊讶。4.落基山脉可以滑雪,海港供你扬帆,这使落基山脉可以

19、滑雪,海港供你扬帆,这使 得温哥华成为加拿大最受欢迎的居住城市得温哥华成为加拿大最受欢迎的居住城市 之一。之一。5.很多华人宁愿在温哥华定居下来。很多华人宁愿在温哥华定居下来。1.温哥华是加拿大第三大城市。温哥华是加拿大第三大城市。Vancouver is the third largest city inCanada.2.它的气候比加拿大的其他城市都舒服。它的气候比加拿大的其他城市都舒服。Its climate is more comfortable than anyother city in Canada.(other cities)3.我对温哥华多次被评为全球最宜居住城市我对温哥华多次被

20、评为全球最宜居住城市 感到很惊讶。感到很惊讶。I am surprised at the fact that Vancouverhas been awarded many times as the best living city.4.落基山脉可以滑雪,落基山脉可以滑雪,海港供你杨帆,这使海港供你杨帆,这使得温哥华成为加拿大得温哥华成为加拿大最受欢迎的居住城市最受欢迎的居住城市之一。之一。Skiing in the Rocky Mountains and sailing in the harbor make Vancouver one of the Canadas most popular c

21、ities to live in.5.很多华人宁愿在很多华人宁愿在温哥华定居下来。温哥华定居下来。Many oversea Chinesewould rather settlerather in Vancouver.根据中文用本单元高级句型将下列英文句子根据中文用本单元高级句型将下列英文句子补充完整。补充完整。1.擅长打篮球和能够说一口流利的英语,让擅长打篮球和能够说一口流利的英语,让他成为学校里最受欢迎的男生之一。他成为学校里最受欢迎的男生之一。_and_ make him _ _in our school.most popular boy studentsBeing good at pla

22、ying basketballto speak fluent Englishbeing ableone of the1.蒙特利尔是加拿大第二大城市。蒙特利尔是加拿大第二大城市。Montreal is the second largest city in Canada.2.这本书比图书馆其它书都要有趣。这本书比图书馆其它书都要有趣。This book is more interesting than any other book/other books in the library.3.下课后,我看见老师被同学们围了起来。下课后,我看见老师被同学们围了起来。I caguth sight of t

23、he teacher was surrounded by classmates after class.1.n.测验,问答比赛测验,问答比赛2.n.洲,大陆洲,大陆聊天、闲聊聊天、闲聊4.n.行李行李5.adj.向东的、向东的、adv.向东向东6.n.景色,风景景色,风景7.vt.包围,围绕包围,围绕测量,判定;测量,判定;n.措施措施9.prep.在在之内之内10.n.边界;边界;vt.&vi.与与.接壤接壤11.n.话题话题12.adj.城市的城市的,市镇的市镇的13.adv.稍稍稍稍,轻微地轻微地14.n.混合物混合物,混合状态混合状态15.vt.证实证实,证明证明,批准批准16.n.枫枫,枫树枫树17.n.传统,风俗传统,风俗18.adj.给人留下深刻印象的给人留下深刻印象的 10.n.vt.&vi.border 11.n.topic13.adv.slightly 12.adj.urban14.n.mixture15.vt.confirm 16.n.maple17.n.tradition18.adj.impressive


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