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1、英语四六级翻译第1页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二nBecause she knew French,she_(比我们有利).nIts important that the librarian_(确认图书按时归还).nThe regulations doesnt_(生效)until the first of March.nMy mother wanted me to_(从事教育工作).nAfter arriving at your new university,the following may assist you in_(减轻文化冲击所带来的紧张感).had an advantage

2、over the rest of usmake sure the books(should)be returned in timecome/go into effectgo in for teachingreducing the strain of cultural shock第2页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二翻译标准n“文”“质”之争(意译与直译)n“信”“雅”“达”(保持原文的风格)n“传神论”“化境论”傅雷傅雷,翻译的最低标准是内容上“意似”,最高标准是形式精神上“形似”“神似”,二者不能兼顾时,取“神似”钱钟书钱钟书,翻译的最高标准是“化”,即“投胎转世”第3页,共31页,编辑

3、于2022年,星期二n亚历山大弗雷赛泰特勒,论翻译的原则,翻译三原则:译文应完全复写出原作的思想译文的风格和笔调应与原文的性质相同译文应与原作同样流畅n“忠实”与“通顺”第4页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二翻译过程n选义n理解n选词n表达第5页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二翻译讲评(一)翻译讲评(一)翻译的灵活性翻译的灵活性1.After the fall of France,Germany was incomparably stronger than England on the ground,about equally matched in the air,and gravel

4、y inferior at sea.德国在陆地上大大超过英国,在空中旗鼓相当,在还上则不幸处于劣势法国崩溃之后,德国陆军大大超过英国,空法国崩溃之后,德国陆军大大超过英国,空军力量旗鼓相当,海军则严重处于劣势军力量旗鼓相当,海军则严重处于劣势第6页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二2.The happinessthe superior advantages of the young women round about her,gave Rebecca inexpressible pangs of envy.那种幸福周围年轻女子们所享受的种种特权给了利蓓加难以用语言来表达的羡慕的痛苦利蓓加看见

5、她周围的小姐们那么福气,享利蓓加看见她周围的小姐们那么福气,享受种种权利,说不出的眼红受种种权利,说不出的眼红第7页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二3.这是你自己的祖母拜拜罢,保佑你生龙活虎似的大得快This is your own grandmother.Bow to her so that she will protect you and make you grow up strong and healthy.4.全客厅顿然见得一团和气了Complete harmony prevailed in the hall.第8页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二Drilling(一)(一)1

6、.1.这这场场给给人人类类带带来来巨巨大大灾灾难难的的战战争争对对这这样样一一个个诗诗人人产产生生了了什什么么影影响呢?(响呢?(impact on)brought terrible disasters to mankindimpact on such a poetHow did the war,which brought terrible disasters to mankind,impact on such a poet?第9页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二2.2.做做母母亲亲的的有有时时候候不不能能察察觉觉她她们们所所宠宠爱爱的的孩孩子子们们的的过过错错,这这样样做做的的结结果会使

7、孩子们再次犯同样的过错。(果会使孩子们再次犯同样的过错。(be blind to)blind to the faultstheir beloved childrenMothers are sometimes blind to the faults of their beloved children,which will cause the children to make the same mistake again.make the same mistake again第10页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二3.3.作作为为一一个个新新移移民民(immigrant),在在这这个个完完全全

8、陌陌生生的的国国度度里里,她她总总是是感感觉到孤立无援。觉到孤立无援。(isolate)in this completely strange countryfeel isolatedAs a new immigrant in this completely strange country,she always felt isolated.第11页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二4.4.做做事事不不先先考考虑虑周周全全常常会会导导致致失失败败,因因此此我我们们应应该该三三思思而而后后行行。(result in,act before thinking)acting before thinkin

9、gresult in failureActing before thinking often results in failure,so we should think before we leap.第12页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二5.5.奢奢谈谈的的时时候候已已经经过过去去了了,我我们们必必须须积积极极行行动动起起来来保保护护我我们们的的环环境境。(take.action)the time for talkingtake a positive action to protect our environmentThe time for talking is past;we must

10、 take a positive action to protect our environment.第13页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二翻译讲评(二)翻译讲评(二)翻译的多样性翻译的多样性 A short girl in a flat black straw hat appeared in the open doorway.1.一位头戴扁平的黑草帽的矮个儿姑娘,出现在门口。2.一个头戴黑色扁平草帽的小个儿姑娘,出现在门口。3.一位姑娘出现在门口,只见她个儿不高,头戴一顶浅浅的黑草帽。4.门口闪出了一位个头不高的女孩子,头上戴着一顶平平的黑草帽。5.门口出现一矮妞,头戴扁平黑草帽。第1

11、4页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二你的眼睛长哪儿去了?1.Havent you got eyes?2.Are you so blind?3.Are you such a blind man?4.Youre really stone-blind?5.How blind you are?6.As blind as a bat!7.What a blind man!8.A sightless guy!9.Why are you so rash?10.How can you be so reckless?11.My goodness!Be careful!12.Would you please

12、be more careful?第15页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二Drilling(二)(二)1.1.思想是通过语言来表达的。思想是通过语言来表达的。思想是通过语言来表达的。思想是通过语言来表达的。(by means of)(by means of)by means of languageby means of languageexpressexpressThoughts are expressed by means of language.Thoughts are expressed by means of language.第16页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二2.2.我今

13、年买的新书多得难以数清。我今年买的新书多得难以数清。我今年买的新书多得难以数清。我今年买的新书多得难以数清。(to keep count of)(to keep count of)difficult to keep count of difficult to keep count of I I have have bought bought so so many many new new books books this this year year that that its its really really difficult difficult for for me to keep c

14、ount of them.me to keep count of them.第17页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二3.3.这这这这位位位位老老老老太太太太太太太太确确确确信信信信,今今今今天天天天她她她她儿儿儿儿子子子子会会会会回回回回家家家家来来来来为为为为她她她她庆庆庆庆祝祝祝祝生生生生日日日日的的的的。(to(to feel feel assured)assured)The old lady feels assured that The old lady feels assured that celebrate her birthdaycelebrate her birthdayT

15、he The old old lady lady feels feels assured assured that that her her son son will will come come back back home home today to celebrate her birthday.today to celebrate her birthday.第18页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二His His mother mother insisted insisted that that his his pocket pocket money money should shou

16、ld not not exceed exceed 100 100 yuanyuan per month.per month.4.4.他妈妈坚持说他每月的零用钱不能超过他妈妈坚持说他每月的零用钱不能超过他妈妈坚持说他每月的零用钱不能超过他妈妈坚持说他每月的零用钱不能超过100100元。元。元。元。(to exceed)(to exceed)insistinsistpocket moneypocket moneyexceed 100 exceed 100 yuanyuan第19页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二registered under my nameregistered under m

17、y nameWe We bought bought a a car car last last month,month,which which was was registered registered under under my my name.name.5.5.上个月我们买了一辆车,是用我的名字登记的。上个月我们买了一辆车,是用我的名字登记的。上个月我们买了一辆车,是用我的名字登记的。上个月我们买了一辆车,是用我的名字登记的。(to register)(to register)第20页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二Exercises1.伟人能以人格的力量来控制困难的局面。伟人能以人


19、力量来控制困难的局面。伟人能以人格的力量来控制困难的局面。(to dominate)(to dominate)a great mana great manby force of characterby force of characterA great man can dominate others by force of character.A great man can dominate others by force of character.dominate difficult situationsdominate difficult situations第22页,共31页,编辑于20

20、22年,星期二Ex.15Translate the following sentences into English.2.2.根根根根据据据据最最最最新新新新报报报报道道道道,旅旅旅旅游游游游者者者者去去去去一一一一些些些些东东东东南南南南亚亚亚亚国国国国家家家家旅旅旅旅游游游游无无无无需需需需再再再再申申申申请请请请入入入入境签证。境签证。境签证。境签证。(according to)(according to)according to the latest reportaccording to the latest reportapply forapply forAccording Acco

21、rding to to the the latest latest report,report,Chinese Chinese tourists tourists do do not not have have to apply for an entry visa to some southeast Asian countries.to apply for an entry visa to some southeast Asian countries.entry visaentry visa第23页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二Ex.15Translate the following s

22、entences into English.3.3.从信封的颜色来看,这封信可能来自一位女性。从信封的颜色来看,这封信可能来自一位女性。从信封的颜色来看,这封信可能来自一位女性。从信封的颜色来看,这封信可能来自一位女性。(to suggest)(to suggest)suggest suggestmight be from might be from The The color color of of the the envelope envelope suggests suggests that that the the letter letter might might be be fro

23、m a women.from a women.第24页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二Ex.15Translate the following sentences into English.4.4.虽虽虽虽然然然然火火火火车车车车的的的的速速速速度度度度比比比比不不不不上上上上飞飞飞飞机机机机,但但但但是是是是很很很很多多多多人人人人还还还还是是是是愿愿愿愿意意意意坐坐坐坐火火火火车车车车。(to(to rival)rival)rival planes for speedrival planes for speedprefer toprefer toTrains Trains cant c

24、ant rival rival planes planes for for speed,speed,but but many many people people prefer prefer to to travel travel by train.by train.第25页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二Ex.15Translate the following sentences into English.5.5.一一一一旦旦旦旦人人人人们们们们看看看看到到到到这这这这种种种种管管管管理理理理模模模模式式式式确确确确实实实实有有有有效效效效,就就就就更更更更有有有有可可可可能能能能接接接

25、接受受受受它它它它。(to(to be be likely to do)likely to do)administration modeadministration mode(it)really works(it)really worksPeople People are are much much more more likely likely to to accept accept this this administration administration mode mode once they see that it really works.once they see that it really works.be much more likely to acceptbe much more likely to accept第26页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二第27页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二第28页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二第29页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二第30页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二第31页,共31页,编辑于2022年,星期二


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