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1、Unit 4Unit 4Why dont you talk to your Why dont you talk to your parents?parents?Section A 1a2d 八年级英语下 新目标 人Do you have any problems in your daily life?How do you solve them?Give some advice.have to study too muchhave too much homeworkhang out with my friendstoo many after-school classesfight with my

2、 best friendallow v.wrong adj.Whats wrong?midnight n.look throughguess v.deal n.big dealwork out允许;准许允许;准许有毛病的;错误的有毛病的;错误的哪儿不舒服?哪儿不舒服?午夜;子夜午夜;子夜快速查看;浏览快速查看;浏览猜测;估计猜测;估计协议;交易协议;交易重要的事重要的事成功地发展;解决成功地发展;解决New Words and Expressions1aLook at these problems.Do you think they are serious or not?Write them

3、in appropriate box.1.I have to study too much so I dont get enough sleep.2.I have too much homework so I dont have any free time to do things I like.3.My parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends.4.I have too many after-school classes.5.I got into a fight with my best friend.Serious Not seri

4、ous教材解教材解读My parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends.allow允允许,准准许。常用。常用结构构:(1)allow sb.to do sth.允允许某人做某事。某人做某事。My teachers dont allow us to cut in line.老老师不允不允许我我们插插队。(2)allow doing sth.允允许做某事。做某事。The cinema doesnt allow smoking.电影院不允影院不允许吸烟。吸烟。(3)be allowed to do sth.被允被允许做某事。做某事。We are

5、allowed to make posters by ourselves.我我们被允被允许自己制作海自己制作海报。(4)allow sb.in/out允允许某人某人进入入/出去。出去。The main idea of the conversation is about.A.a girl who is unhappy B.a girls problems C.too much homeworkBListen for the general idea of 1b.Listen and circle the problems you hear in 1a.1.I have to study too

6、much so I dont get enough sleep.2.I have too much homework so I dont have any free time to do things I like.3.My parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends.4.I have too many after-school classes.5.I got into a fight with my best friend.A:Whats wrong?B;Im really tired because I studied until m

7、idnight last night.A:Why dont you go to sleep earlier this evening?Look at the problems in 1a and make conversations.教材解教材解读读1.Im really tired because I studied until midnight last night.until用在肯定句中用在肯定句中,意意为为“直到直到为为止止”,谓谓语动词语动词一般是延一般是延续续性的性的,如如:live,work,stay,wait,study等。等。Youd better stay in bed u

8、ntil next Monday.你最好卧床到下周一。你最好卧床到下周一。【拓展拓展】(1)not.until直到直到才才,谓语动谓语动词词一般是非延一般是非延续续性的性的,如如:go,come,finish,stop,open,close,leave等。等。You cant go home until you finish your homework.直到你完成家庭作直到你完成家庭作业业才能回家。才能回家。(2)当主句表示将来的当主句表示将来的动动作作时时,until引引导导的的时间时间状状语语从句通常用一般从句通常用一般现现在在时时。Ill wait for you there until

9、 you arrive.我将在那里一直等到你来。我将在那里一直等到你来。2.Why dont you go to sleep earlier this evening?Why dont you do sth.?表示表示“为为什么不什么不呢呢?”,其其简简略形式略形式为为“Why not do sth.?”,常用来表示建常用来表示建议议、征征询询意意见见、邀、邀请请等。等。Why not stay with us for some more days?=Why dont you stay with us for some more days?为为什么不和我什么不和我们们一起多待几天呢一起多待几天

10、呢?【拓展拓展】Why not?在在对话对话中中,表示一种惊奇、不表示一种惊奇、不高高兴兴的反的反问问。We are not going to Beijing tomorrow.明天我明天我们们不去北京了。不去北京了。Why not?We are going to do some shopping there.为为什么不去什么不去?我我们还们还要在那要在那购购物呢。物呢。The main idea of the conversation is about.A.Peter who is unhappyB.Peters friends problems C.Peters friends advic

11、eListen for the general idea of 2a.C Listen.Peters friend is giving himadvice.Fill in the blanks with could or should.Advice 1.You_ write him a letter.()2.You_ call him up.()3.You _ talk to him so that you can say youre sorry.()4.You _ go to his house.()5.You _ take him to the ball game.()couldshoul

12、dshouldcouldcoulddeacb Listen again.Why doesnt Peter like his Friends advice?Write the letters(a-e)next to the advice in 2a.Why Peter doesnt like the advicea.Its not easy.b.I dont want to wait that long.c.I dont want to surprise him.d.Im not good at writing letters.e.I dont want to talk about it on

13、the phone.Boy 2 had a _ with his best friend.He could _ him a letter.But he isnt good at writing letters.He _ call him _,but he doesnt want to talk about it on the _.He _ talk to him so that he can say hes sorry but its not _.He _ go to his house but he doesnt want to _ him.He could take him to the

14、_,but he doesnt want to wait that long.Listen again.Fill in the blanks.fightshouldwriteupphoneeasycouldshouldsurpriseball gameRole-play a conversation between Peter and his friend.Whats the matter,Peter?Well,you should call him so that you can say youre sorry.I had a fight with my best friend.What s

15、hould I do?教材解教材解读读1.I had a fight with my best friend.have a fight with sb.与某人打架。与某人打架。I had a big fight with her yesterday and she said she wouldnt be my friend any more.我昨天和她大我昨天和她大吵了一架吵了一架,她她说说她不再是我的朋友了。她不再是我的朋友了。【拓展拓展】fight against.为为反反对对而斗争而斗争;fight over.因因而斗争而斗争,为为而争吵而争吵/争斗争斗,后面接的后面接的宾语宾语是争是争

16、执执的目的目标标人或物。人或物。We will have to fight against difficulties.我我们们将不得不同困将不得不同困难难做斗争。做斗争。They fight over who pays the dinner bill.他他们为们为了了谁谁付付账单账单而争而争执执。Read the conversation and try to understand the meaning.Then answer the questions:1.Who has problems?2.Who gives advice?3.Whats wrong with Kim?She foun

17、d her sister looking through her things and took some of her new magazines and CDs.Kim.Dave.1.Liu Yang is good at (swim).He won the prize in 2014.2.Why dont you(eat)more vegetables?3.My friends dont allow us(cut)in line.4.When I came in,I found him(write)something on his seat.5.My father is very bus

18、y.He doesnt have any free time(play)computer games.用所用所给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空swimmingeatto cutwritingto play1.你你为什么不什么不给他打他打电话呢呢?youhim up?2.昨天彼得和他的朋友吵架了。昨天彼得和他的朋友吵架了。Yesterday Peterhis friend.3.我父母不允我父母不允许我和朋友我和朋友们一起一起闲逛。逛。My parents dont hang out with my friends.4.你你经常常给你的朋友你的朋友们写信写信吗?Do you often your friends?5.尽管她不尽管她不对,但但这不是什么大不了的事。不是什么大不了的事。shes wrong,its not a.Why dont callhad a fight withallow me towrite toAlthough big deal.根据根据汉语意思完成句子意思完成句子HomeworkWrite three conversations about your problems and your friends suggestions.A:I have too many after-school classes.What should I do?B:You could.


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