英语人教版八年级下册Unit6 复习课.pptx

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1、Unit 6 总复习课件总复习课件词汇训练营1短语大闯关2句子加油站3内容大纲快速回忆所学单词,看谁说得又快又准!快速回忆所学单词,看谁说得又快又准!词汇训练营1射击2石头3虚弱的4神,上帝5提醒6一点7愚蠢的8物体9隐藏10尾巴11有魔力的shootstoneweakgodremindbitsillyobjecthidetailmagic快速回忆所学单词,看谁说得又快又准!快速回忆所学单词,看谁说得又快又准!词汇训练营12棍,条13使激动14西方的15适合16夫妻,两人17微笑18结婚19金子20没有人21愚蠢的22欺骗23妻子stickexcitewesternfitcouplesmile

2、marrygoldnobodystupidcheatwife快速回忆所学单词,看谁说得又快又准!快速回忆所学单词,看谁说得又快又准!词汇训练营24丈夫25全部的26发光27明亮的28地,地面29带路,领路30声音31勇敢的husbandwholeshinebrightgroundleadvoicebrave词汇训练营单词填空,考查综合运用能力!单词填空,考查综合运用能力!1.This song often _(使想起)使想起)me of my childhood.2.Its _(愚愚蠢蠢的的)of you to say so.3.Tom eats too much and he is a li

3、ttle _(有点儿,稍微)有点儿,稍微)fat.4.My pen pal likes eating _(west)food very much.5.They got _(marry)in 2012.6.The _(夫夫妻妻)are very friendly to people,so we all like them.二、根据提示填空。二、根据提示填空。reminds silly bit westernmarriedcouple7.My little sister really enjoys the _(west)story.8.The couple got _(marry)last mon

4、th.9.Can you hear someone _(sing)in the next room?10.The Monkey King keeps _(fight)bad people.11.What do you plan _(do)on Sunday,Linda?Nothing.westernmarriedfightingto dosinging12.She h_ her diary under the bed last night.I cant find it.13.The popular singers v_ is so sweet.14.The man looks _(虚弱;无力的

5、),but he is strong.15.My mother often _(提醒)me that I should look after my health.16.The teacher is _(勇敢的).He saved three children in the river.oiceidweakremindsbrave17.The news_(使兴奋)everybody.18.Gao Zhiyu is w_in English.19.I like the nice coat and it _(适合)me well.20.He _(领着)us to the hotel last nig

6、ht.excitedeakfitsled短语大闯关1有点2代替3变成4从前5爱上6适合7结婚8移走,搬走9一个叫Tom 的男孩a little bitinstead ofturnintoonce upon a timefall in love withbe fit forget marriedtake awaya boy called Tom短语大闯关10出版 come out11对感兴趣be interested in12能 be able to13情不自禁做某事cannt stop doing14全世界all over the world15据为己有keep everything for

7、oneself16迷路 be lost17领某人到lead sb.to18由制成的be made of二练习1.他有点愚蠢。He is _ _ _silly.2.我想要游泳而不是跑步。I want to swim _ _ running.3.孙悟空能把他自己变成不同的动物。Sun Wukong can _ himself _different animals.4.从前有一位国王。_ _ _ _,there was an emperor.5.他一看见她就爱上了她。As soon as he saw her,he _ _ _ _ her.a little bitinstead ofturninto

8、Once upon a timefell in love with6.这件外套不适合我,但是那件裙子是适合我的。The coat does not _ me,but the dress _ _ _me.7.这对夫妻是十年前结婚的。The couple _ _ ten years ago.8.两位神仙搬走了大山。Two gods _ the mountains _.9.那个叫Tom 的男孩是我的弟弟。The boy_ Tom is my brother.10.这本书是上个月出版的。The book _ _last month.fitis fit forgot marriedtookawaycal

9、ledcame out11.景博总是对玩很感兴趣。Jing Bo _ always _ _ playing.12.我会唱歌,但是我不会跳舞。I _ _ _sing,but I am not able to dance.13.他们情不自禁地大笑了。They _ _ _.14.他在全世界都收到欢迎。He is popular _ _ _ _.15.这个骗子把一切都据为己有。The cheat _ _ _ _.isinterested inam able tocould not laughingall over the worldkept everything for himself16.这个小孩在

10、街道上迷路了。The kid _ _ in the street.17.警察领着我们到了这家邮局。The policeman _ us _ the post office.18.这个由木头制成的房子是我爷爷的。The house _ _ _ is my grandpas.got lostledtomade of wood句型大闯关本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!1.As soon as the man finished talking,Yu Gong said that his family could continue to move the mounta

11、ins after he died.这个人一说完,愚公就说他死后,他的子子孙孙还可以继这个人一说完,愚公就说他死后,他的子子孙孙还可以继续移山。续移山。1)as soon as 一一就就,引导时间状语从句,引导时间状语从句,若若主句主句用一般将来时用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时从句用一般现在时。2)continue doing sth.=go on doing sth.继续做某事继续做某事(前后前后做同一件事做同一件事)continue to do sth.=go on to do sth.继续做某事(前后不继续做某事(前后不是同一件事)是同一件事)句型大闯关本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!

12、本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!2.This story reminds us that you can never know whats possible unless you try to make it happen.这个故事提醒我们你这个故事提醒我们你永远不会知道什么是可能,除非你去尝试让它发生永远不会知道什么是可能,除非你去尝试让它发生.remind sb.of sb./sth.使使想到某人或某物想到某人或某物 remind sb.that+从句从句 使人回忆起使人回忆起3.Yu Gong found a good way to solve his problem.愚公找到愚公找到

13、了一个解决他的问题的好办法。了一个解决他的问题的好办法。a good way to do sth.一个做某事的办法一个做某事的办法a way to do sth.=a way of doing sth.做某事的方法做某事的方法句型大闯关本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!4.It doesnt seem very possible to move a mountain.移走一座山看起来似乎是不可能的。移走一座山看起来似乎是不可能的。seem似似乎乎,好好像像。seem to be+adj.说说明明主主语语的的特特征征或或状状态态;It seems+that 从句

14、从句,“好像好像/似乎似乎”。5.But unless he can hide his tail,he cannot turn himself into a person.但但是是,除除非非他他把把自自己己的的尾尾巴巴藏藏起起来来,否否则则他他不不能能把把自自己变成人。己变成人。unless conj.如果不;除非。引导条件状语从句,相当于如果不;除非。引导条件状语从句,相当于ifnot。turninto把把变成变成。句型大闯关本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!6.One year,the weather was so dry that no food wou

15、ld grow.有一年,天气太干旱了,以至于粮食颗粒不长。有一年,天气太干旱了,以至于粮食颗粒不长。so that是一个常见的句式结构,表示是一个常见的句式结构,表示“如此如此以至以至于于”,副词副词so之后接形容词或副词,之后接形容词或副词,that引导一个完整引导一个完整的句子。的句子。7.Its leading us to that wonderful house made of bread,cake and sugar.引导我们到一个有面包、蛋糕和糖做成的漂引导我们到一个有面包、蛋糕和糖做成的漂亮的房子里。亮的房子里。lead sb.to sp.“带领某人去某地带领某人去某地”;lea

16、d to 导致导致;通向;通向;lead sb.to do sth.带领某人做某事。带领某人做某事。学以致用,你掌握了吗?学以致用,你掌握了吗?一、根据提示完成句子。一、根据提示完成句子。1.除非你快点儿,否则你会错过公交车。除非你快点儿,否则你会错过公交车。You _ _ the bus _ you hurry up.2.这轻音乐使你想起了什么?这轻音乐使你想起了什么?What does the soft music _ _ _?3.他们一到这里就开始工作了。他们一到这里就开始工作了。They began working _ _ _ they came here.4.这个男孩如此激动以至于他

17、说不出话来。这个男孩如此激动以至于他说不出话来。The boy was _ excited _ he couldnt say a word.will miss unless remind you of句型大闯关 as soon as so that二句子练习1如果明天不下雨,我们就去动物园。(unless)2我的闹钟每天早晨提醒我起床。(remind)3他是如此的受欢迎以至于我们都喜欢他。4明天我一到家我就将给你打电话。(as soon as)5他似乎没有几个朋友。(seem)Well go to the zoo tomorrow unless it rains.My alarm reminds me to get up every morning.He is so popular that we all like him.As soon as I get home,I will call you up tomorrow.He seems to have few friends.


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