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1、七年级下册英语阅读还原50题含答案一、阅读还原6选5阅读下面一篇短文,选择能填入空白处的最正确选项。(有一项多余)Today, Im in Qingdao. It?s a beautifi.il, sunny and warm day! There are many old people taking a walk in the park! Mrs. Yang, their English teacher is with them. They arc having a very good time there.2 Lets have a look! There are some girls u

2、nder the big tree. 3 Whos near the swimming pool? 4They Oh, hes lying on the grass and listening to the birds singing in the big tree. They are all relaxed.A. They are some boys.B. The children from Happy Children School are in the park, too.C. Whats John doing?D. What arc the children doing there?E

3、. They are singing and dancing there.F. Whaf s Kate doing?下面文章中有五处需要添加标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合 意思的标题。选项中有一项为哪一项多余选项。Come to Sunny Bognor!Weve got everything you want for a great holiday!Coining by trainThe station is in the center of town, only 1 km away from the beach and close to all the shops.

4、 You can travel to London every hour and also to Brighton and Portsmouth. You can drive here easily from London. Take the 29 Road and then follow the signs. There are lots of places to park in the center of town and near the beach. Bognor is by the sea and the beaches are beautiful. The water is cle

5、an and warm. There are also lots of things for children to do when the weather is bad. You can play sports, swim atre playing games in front of the river. Where areLinda and Lily? Look! They are sitting near the river. They are reading an interesting book.sad?” The donkey said, 61 Well, Id like to b

6、e your friend,the jackal said.62 One evening, the jackal and the donkey came to a garden with lots of fruit trees. They entered the garden and started to eat the fruit. After eating enough, they lay under a tree happily. llThat was delicious, but there is something missing tonight,“ said the donkey.

7、 Whats that?” asked the jackal. Music,“ answered the donkey.63 asked the jackal. Dont you know that I am an excellent singer?” the donkey asked. The jackal was worried. 4if the fanner hears that, we will be in trouble. If you want to sing, let us go away,“ he advised.64 asked the donkey.The jackal r

8、ealized that the donkey didnt want to take his advice, so he moved away and hid himself behind a tree when the donkey started his song. The farmer heard the sound and came to beat the donkey.After the farmer left, the jackal went over to his friend and said, 65 I hopeyou have learnt a lesson.” A. Bu

9、t lets do it very quietly.B. This is what happens when you dont listen to the advice given by a friend.C. I have no one to talk with and Im very lonely.D. You dont think I can sing, do you?E. Then they always stayed together.F. Where are we going to get music?请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最正确选 项

10、,使短文意思通顺,并在答题卡上将选项涂黑。选项中有一项为多余项。CCTV news hosts seem io have nothing to do with livestream (直播)stars, but these two groups broke the divide and came together for a special live broadcast.On April 6, Buying Hubci, a nationwide online show kicked off. 66 They worked together to help with the sales of

11、companies in Hubei province that have been affected by CO VID-19 outbreak. Netizens were surprised by Zhus humor during the livesiream.67.From hot dry noodles to navel oranges (脐橙),(he show showed 16 products, all from cities in Hubei province.68 Nearly 11 million people watched the pair trying diff

12、erent local food and repeatedly recommending (推荐)viewers to place orders.They helped sell more than 40 million yuan worth of Hubci-produccd products within hours, according to media reports.Hubei is known as the land of fish and rice.69 Its farm produce, from lotusroots to oranges and mushrooms, cou

13、ld not make their way to the market for more than two months.With the epidemic situation greatly improving, Hubci is trying to find its footing again with the help of the nation. Chinese netizens said, We are unable to fight the virus on the frontline. However, we are ready to help by placing orders

14、 fbr Hubei products.70 This is partly because they think (hat it could be the best way ofsupporting Hubei, especially people there have experienced such difficulties in combating the virus, which fully reflects our Chinese traditional value: when one falls into difficulty, all other parties come to

15、help.A. It lasted about two hours.B. CCTV held the program Buying Hubei.C. Why do people show great interest in Buying Hubci?D. They never thought the serious news host could he so funny.E. Zhu Guangquan and Li Jiaqi hosted a show on Taobao Live.F. To prevent the spread of the coronavirus, it was lo

16、cked down.二、阅读还原5选5阅读下面短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最正确选项。每个选项仅使 用一次。My class had a big history project about ancient civilizations (文明)recently. Wc had to do three reports and build a model of a famous ancient building. All my reports were about ancient China, and my model was of the Temple of Heaven (天坛)

17、.71 Then came the hard part, the model. I didnt want to buy things. I wanted to use things I had at home. I looked for things 1 could use and tried out a few ideas, but none work.In the end. I decided lo use paper. 72 He made a model with pieces of wood to show me what it looked like. It looked real

18、ly nice. And my mother advised that I use my fathers idea to make my model again. But I want to use my own. 73Parents came to see our models. Most students models were much more beautiful than mine. I asked a few of (hem how they did that well. 74 My friends model was a pyramid (金字塔).He made it with

19、 the help of his parents, too.My mother said I was too close-minded (思想保守的)to accept my father help. Its true that I didnt want to start over even though I knew my fathers idea would work better.75 Do you think 1 should have used my fathers help?A. They told me their parents helped them.B. But when

20、I finished half of the project, my father had an idea.C. First, 1 finished the reports by myself within days.D. When I finally made mine, it wasnt as good as my father.E. But I also want to work by myself.穹 除等 含Wyatt Baldwin has been playing Rock, Paper, Scissors since he was a kid. 76 It helped Bal

21、dwin solve disagreement with his three older sisters many times.Baldwin is now president of the World Rock Paper Scissors Association (协会).The man is one of the worlds best players of this game. 77 So what is the secret to his success?People have been playing the game fbr about 2,000 years. It9s pla

22、yed everywhere.78 Your chances of winning seem about the same as your chances of losing. But fbr all serious players, there is more to the game than luck. There are patterns (模式)in how people make decisions.A study by Chinas Zhejiang University looked at how people played the game. Researchers found

23、 two key patterns. 79 Losers usually went from rock to paper to scissors.80 According to Baldwin, practice, practice, practicc is his key to success. “You can try playing against a recorded video of yourself throwing different hand symbols,n he says. Now as you know the secret, do you want to practi

24、ce i( to win more?A. Many people think the game is all about luck.B. Knowing this isnt as a sure ticket to win.C. Winners usually repeated their winning hand symbols.D. He once won 43 games in a row (连续地)and 10,000 dollars.E. The simple game is often used to make decisions and solve problems.My name

25、 is Tom. I am ten years old. I have two sisters. Ann and Rita. 81 And this is my best friend Dan. He is ten, too.There is a toy shop near my house. 82 It is our favorite toy shop. There are many nice toys in the shop. 83 We like to stand at the window and look at the toys in the shop.Mr. Black has s

26、ome model planes on the shelf (架子).They are small but nice.84 Ann and Rita like to look at the dolls (玩偶).There are many books in the shop, too. 85 Mr. Black is a nice man. We like him and his toy shop.根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最正确选项,使短文意思通 顺、内容完整。并将其标号涂在答题卡上。A. Sometimes my parents buy some books a

27、nd toys for us there.B. Dan and I often go there in the evening.C. Ann is twelve and Rita is seven.D. He has some dolls on the table.E. It is Mr. Blacks shop.“Clear waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets (绿水青山就是金山银山) Since the founding of the PRC, the government has paid great attention to

28、environmental protection. 86In the early 21st century, many parts of the country were affected by sandstorms.87 They can do great harm to plants, animals and buildings.Planting trees has played an important role in preventing deserts from growing in size and bringing more sandstorms. 88 The total de

29、sert coverage has been reduced by an average of 2,424 square kilometers every year. That is as big as 340.000 soccer fields.89 Back in January 2013, smog covered a total area of 2.7 million square kilometers in cities around China. To solve this problem, the government ruled out a scries of measures

30、 to control air pollulion. Beijing has made many efforts to fight air pollution.90 They encourage the use of new energy vehicles instead of gas powered cars to reduce pollution.A. They stop the chemislry factories from polluting the air.B. Chinas total forest coverage rose from 12% in the 1980s to 2

31、2.96% last year.C. Great achievements have been made in China in recent years.D. During a sandstorm, a large number of sand is blown into the air by strong winds.E. China has improved its air quality greatly because of efforts to control air pollution.阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最正确选 项。(提示:每个选

32、项只能用一次!)Its hard to fbrget the time when I stood in front of my whole class and forgot my words while I was giving a speech. 9192 A week before my schools English Festival, my teacher asked me to have a speech in front of the whole school. I didnt want to. 93 and gave me a lucky cookie. When I opene

33、d it, I found a piece of paper that read: The first step to success is glad to try, and the key to it is to work hard. I was encouraged (鼓励)by this and decided to give it a try.I finished my first speech draft (草稿)in a day and practiced it during my lunch breaks. I also asked my teacher for advice.

34、94 Since then, Ive become more active and outgoing. 1 ask and answer questions in class more often and Im engaged (参与)in many different after-school activities.I learned that the road to success is difficult and we need to have courage (勇气)and work hard. 95However, things began to change one day.A.

35、As a result, my speech was a success.B. After that, I didn,t want to take part in any class activities fbr a long time.C. But my teacher advised me to think about it carefully E. As they say, Rome was not built in a day.Everyone knows that fish is good for health. 96 But it seems that many people do

36、nt cook fish at home. Americans cat only about fifteen pounds of fish per person per year.but we eat twice as much fish in restaurants as at home. Buying, storing, and cooking fish isnt difficult. 97 This passage is about how to buy and cook fish in an easy way. 98 Fresh fish should smell sweet: you

37、 should feel that youre standing at the oceans edge. Any fishy or strong smell means the fish isnt fresh. 99 When you have bought a fish and arrive home, youd better store the fish in the fridge if you dont cook it immediately, but fresh fish should be stored in your fridge for only a day or two. Fr

38、ozen fish isnt as delicious as the fresh one.100 The easiest is to steam it. First, clean it and season it with your choice of spices (调料).Put the whole fish on a plate and steam it in a steam pot for 8 to 10 minutes if it weighs about one pound.(A larger one will take more time.) Then, its ready to

39、 serve. A. Do not buy it.B. It just requires a little knowledge.C. When buying fish, you should first smell it.D. There arc many common methods used to cook fish.E. The fats in fish are thought to help prevent heart disease.Have you had a headache during a test ? Have you ever been so worried about

40、something that you have a headache or even cant sleep at night? If so, then you know what stress is.101 This worry in your mind can make your body feel bad. You may feelangry, sad, scared, or afraid-all of which can give you a stomachache or a headache However, there arc different kinds of stress 10

41、2 Good stress might happen when you re called to answer questions in class or when you have to give a speech 103 For example, you may do a belter job on your lest if the stress pushes you to prepare better before the test On the other hand, bad stress can happen if the stress lasts too long. You may

42、 not feel well if your parents are fighting, if a family member is sick, if youre having problems at school, or if anything else makes you unhappy every day. That kind of stress isnt going to help you.104The best way to fight the stress is to have a balanced life. 105. If you getenough sleep and eat

43、 properly and if you exercise and leave (ime for fun, you 11 probably feel less stressed.A. And it can actually make you sickSome kinds of stress are good and others are badB. This kind of stress can help you to get things better doneStress is what you feel when you are worried about somethingC. Mak

44、e sure you keep yourself in mind: Sleep, Exercise, and Food阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最正确选项,使短 文通顺、连贯,意思完整。People believe some things about cats that might not be true. These myths(荒诞的说 法)can make cat owners not able to think clearly. If you like cats, learn some true facts about them.Some people

45、 think that cats need to drink milk. That is not true. 106 Does your cat drink milk? Most cats like milk, but too much of it can make them sick. They can only have a little milk.Some people put garlic(蒜)on cat food.107 Does it work? Garlic makes foodtaste better, but it docs nothing to wonns(寄生虫).If

46、 your cat has worms in its body, take it to a doctor. 108Some people think that a cats whiskers(须)help them keep balance(平衡).In fact, whiskers have nothing at all to do with balance. 109Have you heard these myths about cats before? 110 You should just learn how to care for cats by reading books or t

47、alking to experts. Cats need good owners to care for them.A. Do not believe them.B. If a cat eats well, it does not need to drink milk.C. They mainly help the cal know about things around.D. They believe it will keep worms away from a cats body.E. The doctor will give medicine to it so that it can k

48、eep healthy.Look at your computer keyboard. Have you ever wondered why the letters are not in alphabetical (按字母顺序的)order?To answer this question, lets turn the clock back. About 150 years ago, all letters and papers were written by hand. Things were slow and in a mess.Ill They were big, heavy and worked like a piano.Have you ever seen the inside of a piano? You press a key and some levers (杠杆)hit the right string (弦)to make a sound. 112 They had many levers. At the end of each lever, there was a letter. Press the A key and the A lever would hit the paper and type A. The paper t


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