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《2016年6月大学英语六级第2套答案及解析.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2016年6月大学英语六级第2套答案及解析.doc(6页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2016 年年 6 月大学英语六级考试真题(第二套)解析月大学英语六级考试真题(第二套)解析Part I Writing【参考范文】Currently,on-line learning is booming all around the world as an increasing number of peopleprefer to use the Internet to take courses and acquire knowledge instead of attending school.E-learning provides many options in terms of time

2、,location,subjects and costs.It can be predictedthat students lives will absolutely and definitely be changed as e-learning becomes more andmore popular in the future.Firstly,there is no doubt that online learning offers students moreup-to-date knowledge,allowing them to keep up with the latest deve

3、lopment in each field.Additionally,students can choose their learning location and time much more freely.Lastly,e-learners do not have to pay the expenses of transportation and accom-modation,so the cost ofe-learning will be less than that of attending a traditional school.Consequently,that is the r

4、easonwhy a lot of people give up attending school in favor of e-learning.Although it is beneficial forstudents to choose online courses,the personal interaction between teachers and stu-dents inschools is irreplaceable.Therefore,we should combine attending school and e-learning together.Part III Rea

5、ding comprehension(40 minutes)Section A【文章大意】随着人工智能的发展,机器人在生活中扮演的角色日益重要,但同时也出现了很多问题,对此,政府制定安全措施以减少潜在危害。【考核技能】综合能力【答案解析】26.A)arises。空格所在句是由 as 引导的状语从句,从句是:As robots take on ever morecomplex roles,主句是:the question naturally _。主句缺谓语,故本空填动词,时态为现在时,选项中符合条件的动词有:arises(升起,产生),ascends(登高,攀岩),结合句意应该选 A。本句大意为

6、:随着机器人扮演更复杂的角色,问题自然就会产生。27.D)combination。由 The _of computational power and engineering advances 可知,此空为名词,选项中的名词有:combination(结合),manifesting(动名词,表明),penalties(惩罚),victims(受害人),其中 the combination ofA and B 意为:A 和 B 的结合。根据原文 The combination of computational power and engineering advances(计算能力和工程学进步的联合

7、),combination 更符合题意,所以选 D。28.F)eventually。本空位于 will 和动词原形 enable 之间,故此空为一副词,选项中的副词有:eventually(最终地),proximately(近似地),结合上下文应该选 F。本句意为:计算能力和工程学进步的联合最终会使残疾人的家庭看护成本降低。29.O)widespread。空格所在句的成分 _ use of driverless cars 与其上文的 lower-costin-home care 和其下文的 countless home and service-industry uses 构成并列关系,且都属于

8、名词短语,故空格在此处修饰名词短语 use of driverless cars,选项中只有 widespread 符合题意,widespread use of driverless cars(无人驾驶汽车的普遍使用),所以本题选 O。30.C)bound。本题考查固定搭配。be bound to do/be sth.意为:一定会,很可能会。结合原文,But there are bound to be problems(但是一定会产生问题),这种表达更符合题意,故选 C。31.H)invade。空格所在句缺少动词,且在谓语 will 之后,故此空为动词原形,选项为动词原形的有:interfer

9、e(干涉,介入),invade(侵犯),结合原文,invade someones privacy(侵犯某人的隐私)表达正确,所以选 H。32.N)victims。由 Juries sympathetic to the _ of machines 可知此空为名词(对机器的_ 深表同情的陪审团们),选项中可选的名词有:penalties(惩罚),victims(受害人),其中 the victims of machines(机器的受害者)符合上下文意,故选 N。33.J)penalties。介词 with 之后跟名词性质的词或短语,且 crushing _ 和 damages 构成并列关系,选项中

10、 penalties(罚款,刑罚)符合,punish with 意为:用惩罚,本句意为:对这些机器的受害者抱有同情心的陪审团将会对企业家处以足以使企业倒闭的罚金与赔偿金。所以选 J。34.K)preserving。空格位于 while(在期间,与同时)之后,while 之后常跟 doing非谓语结构省略句,结合上下文大意,K 项的 preserving 符合,即 What should governmentdo to protect people while preserving space for innovation(政府应该怎样做才能在为技术创新保留空间的同时保护公民呢),所以选 K。3

11、5.L)programmed。根据所在句大意:应该建立公共安全所依赖的大型复杂系统,以无人驾驶汽车为例,并由承担保证安全性和为事故负责的生产商建造、_ 和售出。根据句意可知 programmed(编程)符合逻辑,故本题选 L。Section B【话题分类】健康【文章大意】美国日益高昂的医疗成本和医疗保险困扰着每位美国人,想要通过医疗改革解决这一问题需要经过不断的尝试。美国下议院和参议院均推出相关条令和改革方案试图改善目前的医疗状况。【考核技能】综合能力36.With a tax imposed on expensive health insurance plans,most employers

12、 will likely transfermoney from health expense into wages.【正确答案】F【答案解析】根据题干中的关键词 health insurance plans 和关键信息 transfer money fromhealth expense into wages 可将答案定位至原文 F 段,该段首句提到:The Senate Financebill would impose an excise tax on health insurance plans(参议院财政法案将强制征收医疗保险的消费税),本段又提到:most employers would

13、 shift money from expensive health benefitsinto wages(大部分雇员会将高昂的医疗花费转为工资),此段与本题大意相符,故选 F。37.Changes in policy would be approved or rejected as a whole so that lobbyists would find ithard to influence lawmakers.【正确答案】J【答案解析】根据本题题干中的关键信息 Changes,approved or rejected 和 lobbyists 可将答案定位至 J 段的最后一句 The ch

14、anges would have to be approved or rejected as a whole byCongress,making it hard for narrow-interest lobbies to bend lawmakers to their will(这些变化必须由美国国会统一通过或否决,这会 让利益狭窄的游说团很难说服立法者服从他们的意愿),故本题与 J 段匹配。38.It is not easy to curb the rising medical costs in America.【正确答案】A【答案解析】本句意为:阻止美国高涨的医疗费用并不容易。原文 A

15、段陈述了美国高昂的医疗成本,关于是否能解决这一问题,作者表示:The answer is that no one has an easy fixfor rising medical costs(答案是没人能轻易解决医疗成本这个问题),curb 意为:控制,与原文中的 fix(操纵)相对应,故本题选 A。39.Standardization of forms for automatic processing will save a lot of medical expenses.【正确答案】G【答案解析】根据题干的关键词 Standardization of forms 和 automatic

16、processing 可将答案定位至原文G 段中间两句:its trade group offered to provide standardized forms forautomated processing.It estimated that step would save hundreds of billions of dollars over thenext decade(贸易团体会为自动化过程提供标准形式,据估计,这会为接下来的十年节省数千亿美元),所以本题对应 G 段。40.Republicans and the insurance industry are strongly op

17、posed to the creation of a publicinsurance plan.【正确答案】L【答案解析】本题意为:共和党人士和保险业强烈反对成立公共保险计划。根据题干中的关键词 Repub-licans,insurance industry 和 opposed to 可将答案定位至 L 段,本段提到The final legislation might throw a public plan into the competition,but thanks to the fierceopposition of the insurance industry and Republi

18、ccritics(最终的立法可能会使得竞争围绕公共计划展开,但由于保险业和共和党人士的强烈反对),本题是对该句的同义转述,故选 L。41.Conversion of paper to electronic medical records will help eliminate redundant tests andprevent drug interactions.【正确答案】H【答案解析】根据本题的关键词:electronic medical records,eliminate redundant tests 和prevent drug interactions 可将答案定位至 H 段,本段

19、提到 The stimulus package providedmoney to convert the inefficient,paper-driven medical system to electronic records that can beeasily viewed and transmitted(经济刺激方案提供的资金将效率低、受纸质驱动的医疗系统转化成可以轻松浏览和传播的电子记录)。其后又接着说:In time it should help restrain costs by eliminating redundant test,preventing drug interact

20、ions,and helping doctors find the best treatments(它是时候通过消除冗余的检测、防止出现药物相互作用、帮助医生找到最佳治疗方法,来控制成本),所以本题选 H。42.The high cost of medical services and unnecessary tests and treatments have driven up medicalexpenses.【正确答案】C【答案解析】本题意为:高昂的医疗服务费和不必要的检测和治疗促使医疗费用增加。原文 C 段提到 Medical spending is propelled by two t

21、hings:the high prices charged for medicalservices and the volume of unnecessary care which often perform a lot more tests andtreatments(医疗费用受两种事物的推进:高昂的医疗服务费和不必要的众多检查和治疗费用),所以本题选 C。43.One main factor that has driven up medical expenses is that doctors are compensated for theamount of care rather tha

22、n its effect.【正确答案】I【答案解析】原文 I 段讲述了医生的收入问题。开头提到:the fee-for-service systemdoctors are rewarded for the quantity of care rather than its quality or effectivenessis a primaryreason that the cost of care is so high(在医疗服务体系中,医生的收入是跟治疗的数量,而非质量或效果挂钩的,这是造成医疗费用高昂的主要原因),故本题符合 I 段的概述。44.Contrary to analysts d

23、oubts,the author believes drug prices may be lowered throughnegotiation.【正确答案】P【答案解析】根据题干中的关键词 analysts doubts 和 negotiation 可将答案定位至原文 P段:Some authoritative analysts doubt that the secretary would get better deals than privateinsurers already get.We believe negotiation could work(一些官方分析家质疑部长能比私营保险公司

24、得到更好的价钱,我们相信谈判行得通),后面又补充一句:It does in other countries(在其他国家成功了)。由此可推断作者与分析家的观点相反,所以本题选 P 段。45.Fair competition might create a strong incentive for insurers to charge less.【正确答案】K【答案解析】根据题干中的关键信息:competition,a strong incentive 可将答案定位至原文 K 段:Andthe head-to-head competition might give them a strong inc

25、entive to lower theirprices(正面竞争可能会给他们有力的刺激,从而降低价格),其中 to lower their prices 对应题干的 to charge less,所以选 K 段。Section CPassage One【话题分类】环境与发展【文章大意】水资源短缺,灌溉设备成本高,很多发展中国家的农民不得不使用下水道污水灌溉农作物,而相关研究人员表示这种行为利大于弊,污水灌溉产生的农业经济效益要超过潜在的健康问题。46.【正确答案】C【考核技能】态度信息【答案解析】原文第一段提到农民使用下水道污水灌溉,作者对此做出的评价是:it maynot be a bad

26、thing(这也许不是一件坏事),紧接着在第二段解释:While the practice carriesserious health risks for many,those dangers are outweighed by the social and economic gains forpoor urban farmers and consumers who need affordable food(尽管这一行为会给很多人带来严重的健康风险,对于需要得到粮食供应的贫穷的城市农民和消费者来说,与社会和经济收益比,那些风险没那么重要),由此可知作者认为污水灌溉利大于弊,这与 C 项利大于弊

27、的态度相符,所以本题选 C。47.【正确答案】C【考核技能】观点意见【答案解析】原文第五段具体讲述了使用下水道污水灌溉带来的健康问题:farmers riskabsorbing disease-causing bacteria,as do consumers who eat the produce raw and unwashed(农民们有感染病菌的风险,就像消费者吃生的和未洗的产品时也有感染病菌的风险),故疾病或有害病菌是农民和消费者面临的主 要问题,C 选项意思与上句相同。故本题选 C。48.【正确答案】A【考核技能】态度信息【答案解析】由题干中的关键词 Pay Drechsel 可将答案

28、定位至原文第五段的最后一句,But之后即为 本题的答案 Pay Drechsel,argues that the social and economic benefits of usinguntreated human waste to grow food outweigh the health risks(Pay Drechsel 认为使用未处理的人类垃圾水灌溉粮食所产生的社会 和经济效益比相应的健康风险重要),由此可知 PayDrechsel 对污水灌溉持支持态度,所以本题选 A。49.【正确答案】B【考核技能】方式方法【答案解析】第五段 Pay Drechsel 提出利大于弊后,接着在第

29、六段对于健康风险提出建议:Those dan-gers can be addressed with farmer and consumer education(可通过教育农民和消费者来消除那些风险),故本题选 B。50.【正确答案】A【考核技能】观点意见【答案解析】由题干中的关键词 James Bartram 可将答案定位至文章末段,James Bartram 认为 Overly strict standards often fails(过于严格的标准往往会失败),We need to accept thatfact across much of the planet,so waste wit

30、h little or no treatment will be used in agriculture forgood reason(在全球大部分地区我 们都需要接受这个事实,所以几乎未经处理的垃圾有充分的理由被用于农业),所以 James Bartram 同 意用污水灌溉,即他赞同 Pay Drechsel 的观点,所以本题选 A。Passage Two【话题分类】日常生活【文章大意】随着社会的变化,厨房的地位也发生了本质性的变化。与以前不同,厨房现在日益成为了 现代家庭住房的核心组成和身份的彰显,人们在厨房用具和设计上也花了较多的心思。51.【正确答案】D【考核技能】态度信息【答案解析】

31、根据答案顺序原则,首先将答案定位到首段,本段作者提到:Cooking is anoccasional hobby and a vehicle for celebrity chefs.Which makes it odd that the kitchen hasbecome the heart of the modern house(烹 饪成了一种偶尔的嗜好以及名厨们的一种媒介,可奇怪的是厨房却成了现代家庭的核心),所以本题选 D。52.【正确答案】B【考核技能】缘由结果【答案解析】由题干中的关键词 Georgian-style kitchen 可将答案定位至原文第三段,最后一句提到了 Geor

32、gian-style kitchen 的卖点:Its big selling point is that nobody else will haveit.You wont see this kitchenanywhere else in the word(它的一个大卖点是其他人无法拥有它,这种厨房在世界上其他任何地方也看 不到了),即这种厨房世界上独一无二,无法复制,选项 B 符合原文,故选B。53.【正确答案】D【考核技能】事件背景【答案解析】本题问厨房地位的变化反映了什么事实。根据第四段首句:The elevation of theroom that once belonged only

33、to the servants for the modern family tells the story of a century ofsocial change(曾经专属于仆人的房间,在现代家庭中地位得到了提升,这讲述了一个世纪的社会变迁),故厨房地位的变化 反映了社会变化,所以本题选 D。54.【正确答案】A【考核技能】观点意见【答案解析】根据题干中的关键词 Beecher sisters 可将答案定位至文章第五段,本段提到Beecher 对厨房持激进的创新思维,具体表现在:the Beecher sisters recommended ascientific approach to h

34、ousehold management,designed to enhance the efficiency of a womanswork and promote order(Beecher 姐妹,引荐 了一种科学的家政管理方法来提高女性的工作效率并改善秩序)。故在 Beecher 姐妹看来,厨房是女性 工作更有效率的地方,本题选 A。55.【正确答案】B【考核技能】得出结论【答案解析】根据文章最后一段:designed in the 1920s,It was a modernist triumph,andmany elements remain central features of to

35、days kitchen(该厨房设计于 20 世纪 20 年代,这是现代主义的胜利,很多元 素都保持着当今厨房的核心特色)。所以本题选 B。Part IV Translation【参考译文】Qipao is a kind of elegant Chinese dress,which originated from Manchu Nationality in China.Inthe Qing Dynasty,qipao was a loose robe worn by the royal women.In the 1920s,influenced bywestern clothing,it ha

36、s undergone some changes.For example,the cuffs became narrower,andthe robe became shorter.These changes enable qipao to fully bring out the feminine beauty.Today,qipao often appears on the world-class fashion shows.It is usually the first choice for Chinesewomen when they attend social parties.Meanwhile,many Chinese brides would choose it as theirwedding dress.Some influen-tial persons even suggested that qipao should be made the nationalcostume for Chinese women.


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