2019八年级英语上册 Unit 3 Families Celebrate Together复习课后作业(无答案).doc

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1、1UnitUnit 3 3 FamiliesFamilies CelebrateCelebrate TogetherTogetherI. 单项选择1. Thank you for_ CCTVs Around the World show.A. join B. joins C. to join D. joining2. Would you like to come with me? _ .A. Yes, Id like B. Yes, Id like to C. No, Id like D. Id like to3. I am _ at the _ news.A. excited; excite

2、d B. excited; exciting C. exciting ; excited D. exciting ; exciting4. I have five colour pencils. One is red, _ is blue and _are green.A. another; the other B. the other; othersC. others ; the others D. another; the others5. _ is really hard _ them to climb Mount Qomolangma.A. This; to B. It; for C.

3、 This; for D. It; to6. You mustnt forget _ your dictionary when you come here tomorrow.A. to bring B. bring C. to take D. take7. Are you going to buy this pair of shoes?No, not before I _.A. take them off B. have them on C. put them on D. try them on8. John has a _ son. He is very lovely.A. five yea

4、r old B. five years old C. five-years-old D. five-year-old9. Its too late, Jim. Its time _ bed.A. to B. for C. at D. in210. The man is too tired _ anything.A. say B. says C. to say D. not to sayII. 阅读理解Mr. Green once worked in a big company. He was quite busy so that he couldnt do any reading. So he

5、 gave up his job and opened a bookshop in the center of the town. It wasnt big but all the books were nice and most people liked to buy some there. When the shop was closed, he could read at home. He knew a lot and many learned people were glad to make friends with him.It was Sunday and it was cold

6、outside. Mr. Green was very busy. At nine in the evening all the buyers left but a woman was still there. She was dressed up and seemed to be waiting for somebody there. Standing by the shelves, she looked over the books one after another, and made them in a terrible mess. Mr. Green came up to her a

7、nd asked, “Excuse me, madam. What can I do for you? “Your books are not interesting at all,“ said the woman. “I want a delicious one. “Thats easy,“ Mr. Green smiled. He brought out a cookbook and said, “Here you are, madam. “11. Why did Mr. Green change his job?A. He didnt like reading.B. He was too

8、 busy to read books.C. He liked the life in the center of the town.D. He wanted to write a cookbook himself.12. Most people liked to buy books in the shop because _.A. the bookshop was in the center of the townB. all the books were nice cookbooksC. it was very largeD. the books there were all good f

9、or people13. Which is WRONG?A. Mr. Green liked to lend his books to the learned persons.B. When Mr. Green came back home from the bookshop, he often did some reading.3C. Many learned people liked to make friends with Mr. Green.D. At nine on that Sunday evening all the buyers left the bookshop except

10、 a woman.14. From the story we know that “learned people“ means_.A. people who are freeB. people who are studying hardC. people who have much knowledgeD. people who have much money15. Whats the most suitable ending ofthe story?A. Mr. Green would make friends with the woman.B. Mr. Green would teach the woman how to cook delicious food.C. The woman left the bookshop without buying any books.D. The woman bought many books in order to be a learned person.


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