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《2022学年天津市红桥区九年级英语上学期期中考试卷附答案.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022学年天津市红桥区九年级英语上学期期中考试卷附答案.docx(12页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022学年天津市红桥区九年级英语上学期期中考试卷2022.10第I卷选择题共80分)一、听力理解(本大题共20小寇:街小联1分,共20分)A)在下列邮小题内,你将听到一个或两个句r并。到供逸扑的A. B, C三幅图华.我出三生所听句子内容相匹也的图西.由下面你将听到t组对3,海纲对片范川一个句比根据对活内容,从每组所给的人,BC三个选段中找出能同若所提问题的汕值选及B. He h piuMng (be drumC. Her tcchervB At 4:M) on Sa(urhi)evening.5. 、h八 is Ton) doing?儿 He i placing (he punu.C. H

2、e i, ph) me the U tolin.6. 、ho duc Jenn% often s rile cmaih to?A. Her friendsB. Her |urcnt$.7. 、hen the b” birlhdi) Prl) ?A A, 4:00 on Krkisiy ocning-C Al 4:(H) on Sunday ccnmg-儿赤汲强由胡I il袅8小8. Where did MikeR ywierday?B He went lo (he museum.C. from Ihe Inlernct.C. 1.7(H) metres.C. She i、a nurse.C M

3、ilkC China.C. Rkc.1.Fur a ”ckC. In a seek.C Three.C Mr% Smilh come back? %. In (mo days.B, In thrve days.一下面-组.料向经第18至第20ILIX. Hug main children do Mr Mild Mrs Smith h;ne?A.(neB. Two.19. ho likes swimming nd cooking?A. Jim.B, Mr SmithsHuh oficn does JimS uncle go lo Chinese classes?A. Fa try day.& E

4、ven week,v9二.单项填空(本大题共15小软;每小题1分,共15分)从F列每小避所给的B. C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选地. _ inslrunicnh I think playing guitar icr)ccm)LB. /; theC m; /D an; the22. The Chinese VVonien 卜:TdhaM player、”n ihe Mher i 曲t the IBA ”nicn s Buskethall World Cup 2022 in Sydnt), AtiMraliaJki 7m& nwdMB 如C JwlD. manage British

5、 soldien.helpingD. AndD. themselvesA. will dieB. hzy been deadD die2J. My father often tells jokes when I was * 7 Z loudB. unhappyC. miin氏.D.flfllpkWhatever Deng Yapingdocs,she gives up.*A. simplyB oftenC never , , D. nearlyMother sometimes prepares dinner I conit backmm urhocl.A. afterB. soG butD s

6、othat24. The Science and Technology Room is the third floor 儿 ofB. on,C. in my time well when I study xt home.A. digB. treatC. layIn 1851, Florence Nightingale went to a British military hospitalA. helpB. to helpC. helps ; yoa do not feel sell, plcanc go (o see the doctor.、SinceB. IfC. OrJO. Believe

7、 in and we can make it.A. myselfB. herselfC. ourselvesJI. I help my mother for the dinner every da).A. lay Ilie table B. take care of C. take a vacsidon D. g。lo Mcep32. Queen Eli/uabcth fl. the LKs krngcMr心ring monarch/;主). aged 96 at Balmoral Cattle in Sco(hndt on September 8rt,t 2022.3J. People ta

8、lk on a mobile phone while the) arc driving.A. needntB. shuuldntC. mustD. can Could you (ell me ?For more Ihan 4 monthsA. uhen ha%c Ihe Shenzhou -14 taikonauts (宇航员)been in spneeB. when the ShenzhouJ4 taikonauts have been in spaceC ho long hac the Shenzhou -14 taikonauts liven in sp.tccI), hou long

9、Ihe Shenzhou-14 taikonauts have been in space Pin going to take 3 vucatioii tomorrow.一Oh. good! !A I agree with youH Have 加 nice tripC. ThaCs a shameI). Goud idea三、完形填空(本大题共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)艮读有而知文,学界1C大点.然后从各黑所幻的A. B. C相D四个为月)中逾出呆隹透夜.Smiling is the best way of making friends.When I was thirteen J6 ol

10、d. my father found u job in Ihe city. So n】:门口心 moved there I also came to a new school near where we live. Al first, I dicing kma 皿际 加 my class. I felt very 37. and afraid lo make friends with my chi2nH0、, I 2山皿”川k to anyone about my problem, and I didnt .ant my parents to 3s mjThen one day. someth

11、ing good39 . I 4船 sitting at my desk in siknee。卜尼通cMmates were talking JO with each other. At that moment, a JI came into九年级英语第3页共8页clarond- hhoul *ord* smi,ccl Suddenly. I fell happy. Inch jind 12 . That $mik 生一 m life. I Martel Ik uiih the oltwr daxmatcs and made rriendt. Day 4“y. I became closer

12、lo everyone in my das工Thanks to the mik, I have moved on to a net* life. Now. I believe that the world h .hM)ou think it K, So 45 at the world and it will smile back.如 A. day37. A. lonch J8. A. Ulk to39. A. handed40. A, quickly4L A. teacher 42. A. vad 4X A. choc44. A. by45. Z laughB ccksB- akmcB. lo

13、ok aficr B happened B. carkB. RirlB. terribkB changedB lookC, months C %urprived C worry about C replied C. finallvhiaed D. happily D. hcadmaUcr D warm D. controlled D. on D. smile阅读理茶(本大题共”小时;每小题2分,共3。分)阅读卜面也文,从各所给的A. B. C和D四个选用中选出最佳选项.AHello. Im McDuIl. I hive a birthmark (胎记)on my right eye. 1 ha

14、ve a kind hort I 仙”、wear a hL l,m happy and hvc many good TriencK Pm not rkh but I want lo visit Dtsne)land one dy.、o I Ihc happy life with my mother.Hoh doo the name McDuIl come from? It has a 3ory. Before my birth my mother mw a baxin (H) fl%ins over her head. -Basin* Mumh like “duIP* in CanUmrsc(

15、广东话). Mj mother thought I was,lucky dog. 1 hen she named me *Duir.My father is Mik Bing. Before I came into ibi、worlds my father left.、o I go tc school. 1y mother huu can guz!:6. Where cjn nr %cc NIcDull*% birthmark?A. On hi left fjee R. On bi、big nose C. On his righl car D. On his nght c)e 47 4 hjl

16、 doo %kf)ull think of hinxclf?A He in fritndh jnd zoodlookinsU Hei、kind and ki、r hi、molhcr.C. He is rich and has ma。、drew He l tall and Urong *ith a h.L r蜡W baQ docs McDall uan tv led u、m Ihc second paragraph?A Wh% bb father |, n ihc fomily. 从 川 hc oM life wm like.Hg toMcDuIl in Cantor * 办, H” the M

17、ine McDuIl comes from.机 Th。underlined uord Mfu!fiir here mem *-w han* vork Bui our sU a ano r tlo the top. Ahm the 34 hi oin slop and look arotnid Ant1 the higher hi climbs nwre wonderful his、ie” 应 11 he keeps climbing, he ”洲 n* wcrlJ in front “f hinu Ui will have a tic2 to set clenching.Now learnin

18、g a fortign language is something like climbing a mountain* This nc” language can gh c vou a net*、帕” of life. And it is more than a look at the surface of things. 玲 It can open the wa) into peopled minds and hears and into a culture that is %en difTcrcnt from vour own culture* This will make vou ric

19、her in things that money can* buy. E、cn though you neverfoot on 2 ship or a plane, you can be an armchair traveler through books.The mountain climber stops non and then to enjo)(he sccncn around him. Reading is just like thK IT )ou art interested in iu )ou sill find fun in booksO 51. According to th

20、e passage, learning a foreign language is work-A, easyB. difficultC. successful D. amazingA person will ha、e if he keeps climbing.A. the beautiful sccnen*B. a neu hay to see een thineC. a new world in front of himD. both B and C53. What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined phrase sei foot*? 0 A.

21、踏上B.跑离C.步行 D.盼望If Jackie b inlcrested in reading, he can find fun .A. on it 4hipB. on the plane C. in booL D. on top of a mountain“bat can “c karn from the passage?A. Learning a language is rMcr than climbing a mouiKain.B. Learning a language can open thr inio pcopkS minds and hearts.C. Learning a l

22、anguage is more difficult than climbing a mountain.D Learning a language sunt make you richer in things that money can、buy.nt to your houseIn 体。veslcrn world, Chinese takeouK 外卖)is popular It h usuallya good choice if youin small square boxes, with rice and fortune cookies (幸运饼干).It g feel Un and do

23、nt Hant to cook or 卬 out.Bui this kind M Chinee food i%n*l very authentic (正宗的). In fact. “ 1、, from real Chinee food, Noh over the years, real Chinese dishes huve 屋 旧 popular in foreign countries 、hcIL Chinese people 4ho live abroad introd these foods.Cr most of(海外的)In the United State people enjoy

24、 euting jiaHbmn and 2时访mo. |n Ru , has become a popular winter mucL Latiao is even popuhr in overse 九年级英电弟S页共8页”chMHMxnv A lot of tbCM foods arc like Western food、.hk might be nh) the) arcCT虹皿 to fortitner%., . s 打For example.X鼻 like a hamburger.h kind of like churro ( mM 1油条)0 一 %nark iLl is popuhr

25、 in 即N* And hinKhulu h Mmilar Io end、呻pH. vhkh re iKlnvcd by children in the VS and UK.But - do forcipwr、rciilly think boul nil。”her aiHhcntk Chinwc fooeh? To Gnd out. xou cn Incite M)mc of your friends to hmc . in si thee food、.S. bin Mill fin| hi the Chinee lukrouf,仆,川门# estern unln.A. a u|iMrc b1

26、1 、mc endN、 .htnliurgct% .htnliurgct%Ik nee mikI fortune vonMw514 According | (he px、niic hen you , iihu order n Ihih xc l.ikciHit.A. have , ftmU) nirclinnB. Iimc (un Hiih lol、of friend、 the rent ( hincM* (%oi d appruling0 mruii hi rru|:ri|h 37A.礼貌的C C心的D.俯式的The rrnMin wh) people in the Mcslcrn Morl

27、d like Ihcr hinoc GmhI mi|(hl be _A. thc%c GhhI% lk cn niceR. thevr food、mcll goml(.Ihor fiMMk rc、cry c hcpl. thru* fMHh ire like N otrin finnh五.扑全对话(本大联共s小町h la小脍I分,共S分)福据对话内容.从方业内逸牌恰*的句子将对话林允充整(选小中在两喳集*余的)II 一*-,-A -A. Ional w. AboiH lE No, I haventK What ,rc y(m doinx?G. How can I get more inform

28、aalkm?Mark: Hello. Judy. IUvc you hcrd Ihc h(c%t nr。、mIhhiI Ihr ckphunl%?Judy:_61 一N hl h H?Mmk: A group ofrlcpIiMiiK urc on I heir ”)g (he nurih.Judv: h! 2M4rk: Muy Ik I hey are lxking for u Iwdcr phcc to Ihc.Judy: Hw niuny dephanB rc there tn Ihr Kronp?Mairk:_2Judy: XVou! hat z bif! Rroup! But Hil

29、l they harf |copk、l,rk: 61 The gmcmmcnl ha% done i lot I prmE peupk and friend Elen nith a new bool68 .你根可能拾起家的是我是我的面不是底布、u pntbahh picked up my key、 yours.69 .食物有些何艮./怪我次麻盘之不舒There wa something *%rong with (he food. E )uuiiger sister feeling Mell.70 . 1939年.诺曼白求恩东生因伤去世.Dr Nortnxn Bethune hH uound i

30、n 1939.七、任务型阅读本大跄共5小般;每小题I分,共5分)阅读下面短文.根据盅文内容完成句子.Ettll Moon, Full Freltngs1ChincMr prvplc har been cclcbrztin* the Mid-Autumn Fcti、al and enjoying mooncakes fur ccnlunc* 1uonc,kc arc in the shape of u full moon on the Mid-Autumn nigbL The, carry people Lhes lo the families the) love and miss.There

31、arc mn Iradilional folk stories about this (esthal However, most people think Ihit the slon of Chang*e is the must touching Chang- was Hoy Yi*s beautiful After Hoy Yi shot down the nine sun、, a goddess (女神)g$ive him maic medicine to thank him* hoever tixjk this could the forever, and llou Vi planned

32、 to lake il x*ith Chang. Hoc%cg a bad man. Pjng Meng, tried 1 31, She tHreume、cr light and flew up (o the mn. llou 、i ”;i4 w Ihat he called out her nume Co the muon c、cry nighL One nighty he found lht the moon “us so bright and round that he could see hi、uife there. Ik qukM) laid out her Cn ouritc f

33、ruits und desscrt (前品)m the garden. Hoh he u ished that Change could come back!After this people started the tradition of admiring the moon and sharing mooacakn Hith tbeir families.7L Mooncake% rc in he shjpe of on the Mid-Autumn night. 72. Change Hou YPs .73 After Hou Yi shot don n the nine suns, a

34、 goddess thanked him by gh ing him .九年级英语显7页扶8页 74. As 工 rcutl. nife (here.八.综合论空(本大肢共10小胧:每小修1分,共1。分)根据出文内不及苜字理提取.境写所缺羊同.使短文念思完整.每中限埴一词Save the Shxrk%(K倒)!Min h八c herd of $hz Gn ( fft SB ) soup. But do vou r_7“ 小狙 ou re killing a “hole %hjrk each lime wou enjen a bon I of %hrk fin soup?When people

35、etch %h;irks l_77_ cut off their fin、and throw the sharks back into (be sei. This is not。_78_ crud (残ffi的), but abo harmful to the environment Uithoul a fin. a shark can no I_79_and skwh die%. Sharks jirc at the t 80 of (he foodchjin in the sc/,cco*5tcm. If their number% drop ton kw, il sill bring d

36、anger to a、c life.beliec thnt shirks 3n never br endnsrred b 81 (ho urc the strongest in their 1rsM1 chum. But in facU rnuml *0 m _S2_ sharks arc caught jnd traded,交)m Ibi、 indusln(工业)o、cr yer. The number% of some kind、of shark、have fallen by i,、er 90 percent in the Li、t 20 or 30 C4r.Fnwironnwntal p

37、rotection groups around the world. $ _83 a% Wild.A id and the arr tcjchinf: the public about finninj:* Fhc have even axkcd government% Co doclop 以“、:法 扑to 9 X4 (he 21c of $hirk Hns. So fur. no wicnfific studies h4xc sho工 n that %hjrk fins arc ood fur he/hh, so ” hy rjl them? Help 、_85_ the sharks. 九

38、.书面我达(IS分)书面森达(If分)86.假如你即将在学校英诂兴磔小纲的活动中发主做是“我心目中的英雄:请你根 据以下提示.写一落英语发力稿.1 .京片平I9W年出生在北京;2.20岁时.他在西南农学院学习.三年后成为一名教师:3.197年.他开蛤研究杂交水和;,4他一空中大部分时间都在田地巫工作.就是配让人们吃上更多的米饭,不再饿 肚子卜5.我认为要求,1.要点齐全,行文连贯,可适之发挥.2 .词毂:K0100个.开头已给出,小计入总词数.3 .书L整占I分.参甘词汇:西南农学及viuthest Kriculturl College杂交水稻h%brkl rice 研允 research 、

39、My heroI门 my honor to ipcak here, and Pm very ghd to share my topic with you. Then today Id like to talk about wmethms about my hero-Y uan Longping. 第8以共8页2022-2023第一学期红桥区九年级英语期中考试参考答案一、听力理解1-4: B( AC59:AACBC15-17: ABC18-20: BCB二、单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)2125: DABCA26-30: BDBBC三、完形填空(每小题I分,共10分)36 40: DACBD4

40、1-45: CDBAD四、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)46 50: DBDAC51-55: BDACB五、补全对话(每小题1分,共S分)61-65: EBDAG六、完成句子(每小题2分,共10分)66. Since then67. came round69. Xo wonder 70. died of七、任务型阅读(每小题1分,共S分)71. a full moon72. beautiful wife / wife73. magic medicine74. flew up to the moon75. bright and round八、综合填空(每小题1分,共10分)76. realis

41、e/reaiize 77. thcv 78. onlv81. bccHusc 82. million 83, such 九、书面表达(共15分)86. One possible version一、听力理解1-4: B( AC59:AACBC15-17: ABC18-20: BCB二、单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)2125: DABCA26-30: BDBBC三、完形填空(每小题I分,共10分)36 40: DACBD41-45: CDBAD四、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)46 50: DBDAC51-55: BDACB五、补全对话(每小题1分,共S分)61-65: EBDAG六、完成句子(每小题2分,共10分)66. Since then67. came round69. Xo wonder 70. died of七、任务型阅读(每小题


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