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《科技英语文体特征.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《科技英语文体特征.ppt(65页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、科技英语文体特征Stylistic Features of ESTWhat is EST?The English of science and technology(EST)is actually a big variety.It includes the English of chemistry,the English of physics,the English of mathematics,the English of biology,the English of medicine,etc.Of all the scientific fields,we usually subdivide

2、 them into two main varieties:the English of specialized science and technology(ESST),专门用途科技英语专门用途科技英语and the English of common science and technology(ECST)科普英语科普英语EST is used in scientific works,academic thesis,research papers,experimental reports,the description or explanation of natural phenomena

3、.In one word it is a variety of English,dealing with the theories and applications of science and technology.But,generally speaking,the English of all scientific fields have something in common and on which we base our studies.The common elements in various EST articles,papers and thesis can be anal

4、yzed in terms of their similarities in linguistic features.This kind of writing is usually formal in style and serious in tone.It does not take artistic beauty of language as its goal,instead,it tries to achieve clarity in logic and accuracy in meaning.It ties to avoid subjective opinions or evaluat

5、ions,ambiguous word or expressions.General stylistic features of ESTIt tends to employ words with the development of science and technology.The sentences are usually long and complete and subordinate appositive(同位语从句同位语从句)and parenthetical clauses(插入语从句插入语从句)are often used.Logical connectors,such as

6、 hence,in summary,as a result,appear in EST more frequently than in other types of writing.First,let us compare the following two paragraphs about“man”:What a piece of work is a man!How noble in reason!How infinite in faculties(天赋)!in form and moving,how express and admirable!in action,how like an a

7、ngel!in apprehension,how like a God!The beauty of the word!The paragon(典范)of animals.William Shakespeare:HamletMan is metazoan metzun(后生动物,多细胞动物),triploblastic triplblstik(三胚层的),vertebrate v:tibrit(脊椎动物)pentadactyl pentdktil(adj.有五指的),mammalian mmeiljn(哺乳动物),eutherian ju:irin(真哺乳亚纲的(动物),primate prai

8、mit(灵长目动物).The main outline of each of his principal system of organs may be traced back,like those of other mammals,to the fishes.From a textbook of biologyOf the two passages,the first one is a piece of literary work,and the second,EST.By comparison,we can see the sharp differences between the sty

9、les of these two passages although they are dealing with the same subject matter-human being.Lexically,in the first passage,we can see the frequent use of favorable adjectives and nouns,such as,noble,infinite,express,admirable,angel,God,beauty,paragon.While in the second one,we find technical terms

10、of biology predominate the whole text,such as metazoan,triploblastic,choral,vertebrate,pentadactyl,mammalian,eutheran,primate,etc.Syntactically,in the first passage,we can find the frequent use of exclamatory sentences(感叹句)as well as two short sentence fragments(片语)in order to express feelings;While

11、 in the second passage,both sentences are complete declarative sentences(陈述句)with the purpose of giving information.Graphologically,in the first passage the typical feature is the frequent use of exclamation marks(which show feelings);while in the second passage,the frequent use of commas(which offe

12、r information).Semantically,in the first passage,figurative language is used in order to show a strong feeling,especially the use of the metaphor(piece of work),hyperbole and metaphor(the beauty of the world;the paragon of animals),and similes(like an angel;like a God).As a result,man is greatly pra

13、ised.While in the second passage,all the words are used in their conceptual meanings.The tone is factual,and impersonal.As a result,the information of how man came into being is clearly revealed.科技英语文体特征分析模版科技英语文体特征分析模版Model of Stylistic Analysis of EST 1、Graphological Features 语相特征语相特征 2、Lexical Fe

14、atures 词汇特征词汇特征3、SyntacticGrammatical Features 句法句法语法特征语法特征 4、Semantic Features语篇特征语篇特征1.Graphological FeaturesGenerally speaking,EST makes full use of graphological devices.First,scientists tend to use visual aids more than other people,such as pictures,tables,charts,formulae,etc.in order to explai

15、n matters clearly.语相特征:包括标点,图表,大小写,段落的划分,空格等。As far as punctuation(标点)is concerned,the most frequently used marks are the full stop(句号),the comma(逗号),and the parentheses(括号).This is due to the nature of EST writing.As the basic function of EST is to inform,therefore objective statements are the most

16、 preferred sentence type,thus the full stop.And the sentences are usually long;therefore,commas are used to set off some elements of the sentence from what proceeds,and what follows.Parentheses are used to enclose supplementary details.2.Lexical FeaturesEST vocabulary usually consists of the followi

17、ng kinds of words:1)common words(with specific meaning);2)highly technical words;3)semi-technical words;4)nominalization5)noun compounds6)newly coined mon words普通词英语科技文体中的普通词或称非技术词是属于语言共核部分的词,通用于各类文体,包括代词、连词、数词、动词,以及无技术意义的形容词、副词、名词等。在专用语中,非技术词既有结构上的关联作用,又有语义上的补充作用:【例句】The principle of the electron m

18、icroscope is as follows;Electrons from a hot cathode are accelerated by a positive potential on an anode(阳极)and are focused so as to form a beam of high-speed electrons which fall upon a sample to be observed.Electrons emerging from this sample are focused by another electron lens and,may form a mag

19、nified image on a fluorescent screen.译文电子显微镜的原理如下:从热阴极发射的电子受到阳极上正电位的加举作用,并聚集形成一束高速电子,落到要观察的样品上。从这个样品上出来的电子又有另一个电子透镜聚焦并可在萤光屏上形成一个极大的物像。从上面英文斜体词可知,这些非技术词或是连词造句、连句成段的功能词,或是具有普通意义的常用词,即使在正式程度很高的语篇中,非技术词对其构成也是极为重要的。在专用语文体中,非技术词的主要特点是除了本身的结构意义或概念意义外,词义色彩中性,即既没有贬褒色彩,也没有感倩色彩。这与文学语体截然不同,如以escape一词为例:【例句】The

20、high-ceilinged rooms,the little balconies,alcoves,nooks and angles all suggests sanctuary,escape,creature comfort.译文天花板高高的房间,小巧的楼厅,凹进的斗室,僻静的角落,这一切都使人联想到静谧的圣殿,遁世避俗的处所和舒适的享受。escape原意为“逃遁”含义较抽象,此处联系上下文,译作逃遁之事物与处所,这就使人联想到远离尘世喧嚣和烦恼的意境。这种联想正是文学创作和欣赏所必不可少的条仵。而同样一个词(尽管词性不),用在科技英语中决不可能引起如此的联想。【例句】The first b

21、ubbles to escape from the liquid are a mixture of air and hydrogen.译文最初从液体中溢出的气体是空气和氢的混合物。这里,escape只表示一种状态,别无其他附加意义。又如beam一例:【例句】He beamed welcome at the distinguished visitors and complimented them on their looks.译文他满面春风地向贵客们表示欢迎,恭维他们气色好。beam原意为“发光”“发热”“发射”,此处喻义为脸上露出高兴、微笑等神情,译为“满面春风满面春风”形象地传达了beam的

22、含义。beam在这里带有浓重的感倩色彩,但在下列科技英语例句中,却只有单一的“发射”之意了。A robot might carry its power,for example,storage batteries,and has its instructions beamed by short-wave short-range electromagnetic waves(短波短程电磁波).译文机器人可以携带电源,例如蓄电池,并用短波短程电磁波发射信号。2.technical words技术词(术语)Highly technical words are often used for a parti

23、cular scientific discipline,usually formed from elements provided by Greek or Latin,such as the words like metazoen,triploblastic,chodal,vertebrate,pentadactyl etc.used in the example of the Introduction of this chapter.Many of the highly technical words remain foreign to outsiders,even to educated

24、native speakers.3.semi-technical words半技术词Semi-technical words refer to words that have the same or slightly different meaning in several scientific or technical disciplines,but have meaning different from their non-technical use,such as energy,force,mass,matter,power,movement,solution,etc.半技术词半技术词(

25、semi-technical words)是科技文体中应用最广的词,科学思想和技术内容的展开主要依靠半技术词来实现。半技术词亦称次技术词(sub-technical words)。半技术词大部分来自英语词汇的共核部分,具有一定的技术含义,且各科通用。(context independent words which occur with high frequency across disciplines.)半技术词的主要文体特征为:1 词频高:任何高级复杂的科学技术,往往可通过基本规律或基础技未概念加以阐述。一般专著的主题或跟主题词密切相关的词多用技术词,而表示基本规律或基础技术的词则多用半技术


27、搭配灵活,即使在同一专业内,因词的联立关系不同,词义也有差别。有一篇译文仅6000字的文章,facility这个词,就用了近20次,译者须得体地处理同词异义的现象:【例1】.In order to perform an effective auditor(检验),the auditor(s)must be familiar with all aspects of a facility operation.【译文】为了进行有效的检验,检验人员必须熟悉设备设备的操作。【例2】Regulaion regarding the handling of hazardous wastes have beco

28、me more stringent and complex.Facilities can no longer ignore their wastes.译文处理有害废物的规程变得更严格、更复杂。工厂不能再忽视所产生的废物。【例3】Regulations require that any reactive and ignitable waste be stored at least 500 meters from the facilitys property line.译文条例要求,凡是会发生反应和可燃的废物,应存放于离厂家厂家财产至少500米的地方。【例4】The site ideally sh

29、ould have sufficient land to provide a buffer zone between the facility and the public surrounding it.译文理想的处理现场应该有足够的土地,以便在设施设施及其周围环境之间有一缓冲区。以上四例中将facility分别译为“设备、工厂、厂家、设施”如将译词任意替换是不得体的。半技术词没有严格的体系性半技术词没有严格的体系性,其词义取决于其词义取决于 专业内容和词的联立关系。专业内容和词的联立关系。有的半技术词由于用法不同,还可以有不同的词性,如上述power一词,除用作名词外,也可用作动词,并可由过

30、去分词转化为形容词。4、语义负荷低半技术词虽有多义性,但比起普通词来,它们的词义负荷要低得多。如work一词,作为普通词,一般辞典对它的释义都写得较长,甚至多达数页。它的词性灵活,搭配很多,词的意义很大程度上取决于上下文。例如,work 作为普通词,还有许多固定的配搭,产生出无数的词义,而如作为半技术词,其词义负荷就小得多。与其他半技术词一样,在科技英语中增添了新义,词义带上不同的专业色彩,词的用法与搭配获得相对稳定,例如:【例句】Pushing or pulling,however,does not necessarily mean doing work.译文l然而,推或拉未必意味着作功功。

31、(物理学)【例句】The works of these watches are home-produced and wear well.译文这些表的机件是国产的,耐磨的。(机械)【例句】Temperature required for annealing is a function of two factors,(1)the nature of the material,and(2)the amount of work that has been done prior to annealing.译文回火所需温度随两个因素而变:(1)材料特性;(2)退火前的加工加工量。(机械,冶金)4.Nomi

32、nalization名词化名词化Nominalization refers to the grammatical process of forming nouns from other parts of speech,usually verbs or adjectives.Nominalization is more formal than its counterpart,therefore more frequently occur in EST.名词化指名词性转化,如起名词作用的非谓语动词和与动词同根或同形的名词;也包括一些形容词来源的名词。这些词可起到名词的作用,也可表达谓语动词或形容词

33、所表达的内容,常伴有修饰成分或附加成分,构成短语。这种短语称为名词化结构。名词化结构的组合方式多,意义容量大,适宜于表达精细复杂的思想,使文章具有庄重感和严肃感。名词化的词主要是指表示动作或状态的抽象名词,或起名词作用的非谓语动词:它们一般由动词派生,但也包括由形容词加后缀-ability,-ity,-ness等构成的名词,例如possible possibility,available-availability,clean-cleaness.例句:a)The dependence(to depend)of the rate of evaporation(to evaporate)of a l

34、iquid on temperature is enormous.b)The addition(to add)and removal(to remove)of heat may change the state of moving objects by radio waves.名词化的功能:名词化的功能:1、句法简单2、表述客观3、突出重点名词化的语义特征:名词化的语义特征:1、抽象性2、包容性名词化的语义转化:名词化的语义转化:名词化的词(不定式除外)还经常可转化为具体名词,转化的方式是加冠词,复数加词尾(e)s。转化的结果是:(1)变抽象意义为具体词义;(2)功能改变,可以用普通名词特有的

35、修饰语来修饰,也可作名词定语。如一些名词化的词加冠词后,即取得具体意义:Institution (建立)an institution(机构)construction (建筑)a construction(建筑物)mixture (混合)a mixture(混合物)selection (选择)a selection(选集)building (建筑)a building(建筑物)drawing (绘图)a drawing(图)有些词的复数形式即为具体名词:agreement (同意)agreements(契约)connection (连接)connections(结合处)development (

36、发展)developments(发展成果)Instruction (指示)Instruction s(说明书)translation (翻译)translations(译作)use (使用)uses(用途)finding (寻找)findings(调查结果)surrounding (环绕)surroundings(环境)beginning (开始)beginnings(早期阶段)reading (读)readings(读数)3.Syntactic/grammatical Features(1)more declarative sentences 多陈述句多陈述句As far as senten

37、ce type is concerned,there are more declarative sentences,since the primary purpose of EST is to supply information,and to achieve clarity,conciseness and accuracy.(2)more long sentences.多长句多长句As far as sentence length is concerned,there are more long sentences.Sentences of more than 30 words are by

38、 no means rare in EST writings,and they often contain several clauses and non-finite verb phrases as pre-and post-modifiers and these clauses and phrases are usually interwoven with each other,thus forming very long sentences.(3)frequent use of“it”introduced sentences。it引导的无人称句引导的无人称句 Another typica

39、l syntactic feature is the frequent use of“it”introduced sentences which add a sense of impersonality and formality.For example:a)It is possible to make concrete of any required strength within reasonable limits.b)It is necessary to use a more reliable method of inspection in the form of a suitable

40、test.(4)The frequent use of prepositional phrases and participle phrases are also common in EST writings.介词短语和分词结介词短语和分词结构的普遍使用构的普遍使用All these make the sentence structure more logical.For example:a)the action of air on an airplane in flight at low altitude is greater than that at high altitude.b)Tra

41、velling at the speed of light,it takes two million years to reach the next galaxy 星系.(5)frequent use of passive voice.被动语态被动语态 的广泛使用的广泛使用The most conspicuous grammatical feature of EST is the frequent use of passive voice.About one-third of the verbs in EST writings are in the passive voice.This ind

42、icates that scientists and engineers use the passive voice much more frequently than most other writers.The reasons are:a)Scientists are more interested in the action or facts rather than the doers;b)Passive sentences are usually shorter and more concise than active ones;c)Passive sentences appear m

43、ore objective in tone.被动语态的使用场合:1、不提动作的执行者2、以客体为话题3、便于句子结构安排被动语态的翻译 1.Computers and People In future,cash will be used less and less.We may live in a cashless society where all financial transactions are processed by computers without the use of cash.Transference of money will be through electronic

44、fund transfer.电脑与人将来,现金将会用得越来越少。我们很可能会生活在一个无现金的社会里,一切金钱交易都由电脑来操作。金钱往来可以通过电子转账。Unemployment may be result.Many workers will be replaced by machines.People will need to be computer-literate and re-training is required for the people involved.(6)一般现在时一般现在时simple present tense.Another typical grammatica

45、l feature of EST is the frequent use of simple present tense.Since the simple present tense is often used to show a general truth,or to indicate a state,or regular actions or process,it is most commonly used in EST writingsApart from the simple present tense,the simple past,the simple future,the pre

46、sent perfect and the present continuous are also used in EST writings,but not as frequently as the simple present.5.Semantic Features1.The most conspicuous semantic feature of EST is the use of a language in which most of the words are in their conceptual meaning.In other words,rhetorical devices,fi

47、gures of speech can hardly find their places here,since the main purpose of EST is to give information,not to show feelings.2.wide use of connectivesClarity and factuality are more important in EST than in other varieties,which resulted in the frequent use of connectives(transations).(1)logical connectors:hence,therefore,thus,but,however,and,in addition,nevertheless.(2)backward reference with use of it,this(回指)(3)noun repetition


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