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《2022年天津市高中学业水平合格性考试英语模拟试卷及答案详解.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年天津市高中学业水平合格性考试英语模拟试卷及答案详解.docx(18页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022天津高中学考合格考英语模拟试卷(含答案详解)本试卷分为第I卷(选择题)和第n卷(非选择题)两个部分,共io。分,考试 用时60分钟。答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考号填写在答题卡上,并在规定位置粘贴考 试用条形码。答题时,务必将答案涂写在答题卡上,答在试卷上的无效。考试结 束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。祝各位考生考试顺利!第I卷注意事项:1 .每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用 橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。2 .本卷共35小题,共70分。第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)第一节:单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B

2、、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。彳列:Stand over there youll be able to see it better.A. orB. andC.butD. while答案是B。1. It was a wonderful National Day holiday trip. So, which city did you like better, Hangzhou or Wuxi?. There were good things and bad things about them.A. Its hard to sayB. I didnt get itC. You

3、must be kiddingD. Couldnt be better2. Life is unpredictable; even the richest become the poorest.A. shallB. mustC. needD. mightIf you meet a problem head-on, you should it directly without trying to avoid it.A. catch upB. deal withC. come acrossD. take away3. My grandfather is eighty now, but he is

4、as as a young man and dislikes sitting around一个特殊时刻的人来说是一本完美的书。A. regard认为;B. think想;C admit承认;D. complain抱怨。根据句型分析和选项可知,regardas表示把视为”,为固定搭配。故选A项。6. C【详解】考查定语从句。句意:最后,蝴蝶设法到达它将要过冬的地方。分析句子结构可知,先行词 是the places表地点,从句当中主语是it,谓语是will spend,宾语是the winter,所以从句当 中应该用关系副词where来作地点状语。故选C。7. D【详解】考查动词时态语态。句意:到

5、目前为止,当地政府已经解决了许多空气污染问题。根据句型 分析可知,此空应填谓语动词,且主语many problems和solve为被动关系,在根据“Up to now”可知,本句应用现在完成时态。故选D项。8. A【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:在其他行星上可能有生命,但到目前为止,科学家们还没有找到 足够的证据来证明这一点。A.evidence证据;B.character性格;C.mystery秘密;D.expression 表达。根据后文“t。prove it (来证明)”可知是找到足够的证据来证明这一点。故选A。9. B【详解】考查连词词义辨析。句意:我一到机场就给你打电话。好的,我去那

6、儿接你。A.Since 自从;B. As soon as 一就;C.Unless除非;D. Although尽管。根据后文旺11 phone you” 用了一般将来时,说明考查条件状语从句的主将从现,结合语意可知As soon as符合句意, 表示“我一到机场就给你打电话: 故选B项。10. D【详解】考查固定短语。句意:Robert确实是一个明智的人。是的。我常常后悔没有听从 他的劝告!regret后接动名词作宾语,表示“后悔做过某事:根据所提供的情景Robert is indeed a wise man,可判断出,表示“好多次我都后悔没听他的劝告:所以要用动名词的否定式。regret 后接

7、不定式作宾语表示“为抱歉,遗憾”。故选D项。11. BA12. CA13. DB14. AC15. DB16. DB17. BA18. C【分析】这是一篇记叙文。文章说的是一位老父亲和女儿在机场告别时的场景,这一幕深深触动了在 旁边的我,后面又讲述了这位老父亲和作者之间的一些交流,主要是解释了自己和女儿告别 时所说的话的意思,用一句【wish you enough贯穿全文,讲出了老父亲心里对于女儿的爱。11. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她的飞机将要离开,他站在门口附近,对他的女儿说:“我爱你。我希望你一切都好。A. arrival到达;B.leaving离开;C.delay延迟;D.landin

8、g着陆。第一 段最后一句They kissed good-bye and she left.(他们吻别,她离开了。)“可知,此处应该是 女儿要离开了。故选B项。12. 考查固定短语辨析。句意:我们在一起生活时,已经令我十分满足了。A. more than大于;B. or rather 更确切地说;C. rather than 而不是;D. less than 少于。根据第一段Daddy, our life together has been 2 enough. Your love is all I 3 needed. I wish you enough, too? Daddy.” 以及句意可知

9、,女儿与父亲一起生活的时光超出了女儿的期待。故选A项。13. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:你给予了我需要的全部的爱。A. never从来没有;B. even甚至; C ever已经;D.hardly几乎没有。结合全文为一般过去时,可知这位老人(父亲)已经给 予了女儿全部的爱。故选C项。14. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他向着我坐着的窗边走来。A.sat坐;B. worked工作;Chid藏;D. travelled 旅行。根据本句He walked over toward the window where I 4 .”可知,他向我 走来,而作者是坐着的。故选A项。15. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我尽

10、可能不去打扰他的隐私。A. ignore忽略;B. laugh大笑;C. break打破;D. disturb打扰。根据第二段第二句 I could see he wanted to cry.(我能看到他想 哭。)”可知,作者看出来这位老人想哭,作为旁观者不想打扰到他的隐私。故选D项。16. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:“是的,我有。我回答道。A. added增力口; B. replied回答;C. doubted 怀疑;D. shouted 大叫。根据空前内容“Did you ever say good-bye to someone you love, knowing it would be f

11、orever?, Yes, I have,(你曾经在明知是永别的情况下,还跟你爱的人 说再见吗?,“是的,我有。“)”可知,此处为作者的回应。故选B项。17. 考查介词词义辨析搭配。句意:说着那些话,勾起了我对父亲为我所做的一切爱和感激的场 景的回忆。A. back回来;B.up向上;C.down向下;D. across横过。根据空后的“memories (记忆)”可知,这里应该是固定搭配bring back,意为“使回忆起来: 可知这里表达的是,这位老人的话勾起了作者的回忆。故选A项。18. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:表达我对父亲为我所做的一切的爱和感激。A. pain痛苦;B. anger

12、愤怒;C. appreciation 感激、欣赏;D. boredom 无聊。根据本句内容“Saying that broughtT memories I had of expressing my love and 8 fbr all my Dad had done for me.”可矢口, 作者对 自己父亲所做的一切是感激的。故选c项。19. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:事实上,她下次再回来就可能是我的葬礼了。A. condition情况; B. reaction反应;C.news新闻;D. reality现实。根据上一句以及本句内容“I am old and she lives much to

13、o far away. The 9 is that her next trip back will be for my funeral(葬礼)可知,这位老 人看清了事实,那就是女儿离自己太远,这次一走可能就是自己去世参加丧礼的时候才会回 来了。叮he reality is that为固定搭配,意为“事实是: 故选D项。20. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他开始微笑。A. cry哭泣;B. smile微笑;C. wish许愿;D. complain 抱怨。根据第三段第三句中的“he smiled even more.(他笑得更开心了。)”可推测处,此处应 为微笑。故选B项。21. 考查名词词义辨析。

14、句意:我的父母总是对每个人这么说。A. teachers老师;B. friends朋友; C. children 孩子;D. parents 父母。根据第三段前三句内容“Thats a wish that has been handed down from other generations. My 11 used to say it to everyone.He paused for a moment and 12 as if trying to remember it in detail, he smiled even more.”可矢口, 老人勾起了 作者对 于父母的回忆,此处应为父母所

15、说的话。故选D项。22. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:他停下了一会,向上望去似乎要努力回忆起一些细节。A. looked into 观察;B. looked up 抬起头,向上看;C. looked through 浏览;D. looked after 照顾。根据 本句内容“He paused fbr a moment and 12 as if trying to remember it in detail, he smiled even more.”可知,作者能够看到老人的微笑,老人应该是抬起头进行回忆。故选B项。23. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他转向我继续说,好像是背诵出来一样,跟我分享了下面

16、的话。A. examination 检查;B. memory 记忆;C. communication 交流;D. impression 印象。根据本 句内容“he continued and then turning toward me he shared the following as if he were reciting it 可知,这位老人的背诵是从他的记忆里背诵出来。故选B项。24. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我希望你生活里有足够多的阳光,使你保持积极的生活态度。A. sunny阳光的;B. curious好奇的;C.relaxed放松的;D. simple简单的。根据第四段前两

17、句内容“I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude 14 .1 wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.”可知,生活里充满阳光才能使自己的生活态度变得阳光。故选A项。25. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我希望你付出足够的努力去达到你想要的生活。A. comfort使舒适;B. touch 触摸;C. satisfy 满足;D. lift 提升。根据本句内容“I wish you enough gain to 15your wanting.”可知,gain (收益)是来满足wanting (需求)的,

18、因此应用satisfy。故选C 项。26. BC27. AB28. C【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者的儿子在一次参加面试过程中,因为在收到被拒绝的短 信后仍然回复了 “谢谢”而被录用的故事。26. 细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句He said to me, nI am not afraid of disappointment. As long as I try, there will always be hope!(他对我说:“我不怕失望。只要我努力,就永远有 希望! ”),可知从第1段我们可以了解到大卫不怕失败。故选B。27. 细节理解题。根据第二段第一二三句Three you

19、ng men could enter the final round, which would later decide one person to be employed, Everything seemed to go quite well and David entered the final round in a week. Unexpectedly, the interview was unbelievably simple, during which the interviewer only chatted with them for a while. The interview

20、strategies my son prepared were not useful at all.(三个年轻人可以进入最后一轮,这将决定一个人被雇用,一切似乎都很顺利, 大卫在一周内进入了最后一轮。出人意料的是,面试过程异常简单,面试官只和他们聊了一 会儿。我儿子准备的面试策略毫无用处。),可知关于大卫的最后一轮面试,C选项(大卫为 面试做的准备没有用。)是真实的。故选C。28. 细节理解题。根据第三段第三四句David told me that he received another text saying that he was employed. David felt very con

21、fused about it. Later he found out the first text sent to him was also part of the test in the interview.”(大卫告诉我,他收到另一条短信,说他被录用了。大卫 对此感到很困惑。后来他发现发送给他的第一条短信也是面试测试的一部分。),可知大卫得 答案第6页,共10页到这份工作时最初的感觉是puzzled (困惑的)。故选A。29. 推理判断题。根据最后一段第二三四句That is, when you feel disappointed, do not forget to say “Thank

22、you” to the one who disappoints you. Actually, it is a piece of cake to say 叮hank you.Saying “Thank youn shows respect fbr others* work and demonstrates your grand generosity., (也 就是说,当你感到失望时,不要忘记对让你失望的人说“谢谢实际上,说“谢谢”是小菜一 碟。说“谢谢”表明对他人的工作的尊重,表现出你的慷慨大方。),可知从这篇文章可以推断 出:作者认为说声谢谢很有帮助。故选B。30. 主旨大意题。结合文章主旨大

23、意,文章讲述了作者的儿子在一次参加面试过程中,因为在收 到被拒绝的短信后仍然回复了“谢谢”而被录用的故事,从而作者总结出:说“谢谢”是小菜一 碟。说“谢谢”表明对他人的工作的尊重,表现出你的慷慨大方。可知这篇文章最好的标题是: “谢谢”的魔力。故选C。31. BD32. BA33. C【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。现代技术对我们生活的每个部分都有很大的影响,包括大学的教育。文 章主要讲述了乔治亚理工学院的教授Ashok Goel几乎在他教的所有课程中都使用互联网, 以及他在课程中加入人工智能的实验。31.细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后两句The students never meet in per

24、son. All of the classes take place online - through a website, which lets students ask questions and complete their work from anywhere in the world.(学生们从来没有见过面。所有的课程都在网上进行通过一个网站,学生可以在世界任何地方提问并完成他们的工作户可知,学生们在网上学习戈埃尔的 课程。故选B项。32.细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Having hundreds of students in a class means Ashok Goel has

25、 to answer thousands of questions. He has eight teaching assistants to help him.(一班有数百名学 生意味着Ashok Goel必须回答数千个问题。他有八个助教帮助他户可知,戈埃尔之所以有 很多助教帮助他,是因为他没有时间回答所有的问题。故选D项。33. 细节理解题。根据文章第四段最后三句At the start of the spring 2016 term, be added a new member to his teaching team: Jill Watson. She was able to answe

26、r questions faster than most other teaching assistants. And she was available 24 hours a day.(在 2016 年春季学期开始的时候,他的 教学团队增加了一个新成员:吉尔沃森。她能比大多数助教更快地回答问题。而且她一天 24小时都有空户可知,吉尔沃森帮助戈埃尔工作。故选B项。34. 词句猜测题。根据划线词后两句she was not a real person like the other teaching assistants. Jill Watson was an AI computer progra

27、m.(她不像其他助教那样是个真实的人。吉尔沃森是一个人 工智能计算机程序广可知,划线词是指“身份。即一个人是谁。故选A项。35. 主旨大意题。根据文章第一句Modem technology has a strong influence on every part of our life, including the education in the universities.(现代技术对我们生活的每个部分都有很大的影响, 包括大学的教育户结合下文可知,本文主要是在介绍现代技术极大地影响了大学教育。故选 C项。36. (His) learning disability. OcHaving a l

28、earning disability.Or:That he was learning disabled. Or:He had a learning disability.37. He could be smart and express himself with clay.Or: Art could help him express himself without words.Or:He could well express himself with clay/art.38. If you enjoy something and keep doing it, you will get bett

29、er at it.Or:The more you practice something, the better at it you will become.Or:Practice makes perfect. Or:Pracitce leads to success.39. I could read and write.40. We should not lose heart in face of difficulties. If we work hard, we will find a way out.Or:The authors story tells me that I should b

30、e confident and practice hard overcome difficulties inmy life.Or:We should overcome our weaknesses and fears with courage and dertermination.【分析】这是一篇记叙文。作者小的时候有学习障碍,但是他不放弃,通过做黏土来表达自己,通过 不断练习,使自己学会读书写字。36 .细节理解题。根据文章第一段的句子I had a learning disability from an early age,可知作者 学校的日子很难,因为他有学习障碍。故填(His) lea

31、rning disability. Or: Having a learning disability.Or: That he was learning disabled. Or: He had a learning disability.37 .细节理解题。根据文章第二段的句子 disabled as I was in language, I could still be smart and well express myself with clay可知艺术给了作者自信因为艺术可以帮助他不用语言表达自己。 故填 He could be smart and express himself wit

32、h clay. Or: Art could help him express himself without words. Or: He could well express himself with clay/art.38 .细节理解题。根据文章第三段的句子 I soon noticed it wasnt a talent thing; it was practice. 可知作者从爬山学到如果你喜欢做一件事,就一直做,你会更好的。故填If you enjoy something and keep doing it, you will get better at it. Or: The mor

33、e you practice something, the better at it you will become. Or: Practice makes perfect. Or: Pracitce leads to success.39 .句意猜测题。根据文章第四段的句子 Every day I practiced reading and writing, which I used to avoid as much as possible. After two hard years, I was literate. nJ知,这句话的意思是:我会读 书写字。故填 I could read a

34、nd write.40 .推理判断题。根据文章的内容和最后一段的句子Having gone through the long process with., Ive got to a point in my life where I know I am smart enough to dive into an area that is totally unknown, hard but interesting.可知,从作者的故事中我们学会,面对失败我们不应该灰 心、。 故填 We should not lose heart in face of difficulties. If we work

35、hard, we will find a way out. Or: The authors story tells me that I should be confident and practice hard overcome difficulties in my life. Or: We should overcome our weaknesses and fears with courage and determination.41 . One possible version :My Most Unforgettable ExperienceOne day on my way to s

36、chool, I ran across a traffic accident, in which a boy was seriously injured by a motorcycle. I rushed to his rescue instinctively. I lifted him in my arms and called a 答案第9页,共10页taxi, which took us quickly to a nearby hospital. After emergency treatment, the boy came to. I felt at ease when I knew

37、that he had only suffered from minor bone fractures and would recover in a couple of weeks. I left the hospital without giving my name, but my heart was full of joy and peace. Not until then did I understand the meaning of the proverb: Helping others is the source of happiness. This may be the most

38、unforgettable experience of my life.【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生以My Most Unforgettable Experience为题,写一篇短文。 要点如下:(1)上学路上,我碰到一起交通事故,送被摩托车撞伤的男孩去医院;(2)经 过紧急处理,男孩恢复知觉;(3)听说只受了轻微骨折,不久就能出院,我才松了 口气;(4)未留姓名离开,体会到“助人是快乐之本”这一谚语的真实含义。【详解】.词汇积累严重地:seriously-badly迅速地:quicklyrapidly高兴:joydelight难忘的:unfdrgettable一memorable

39、1 .句式拓展简单句变复合句原句: This may be the most unforgettable experience of my life.拓展句: This may be the most unforgettable experience that happened in my life.【点睛】高分句型 lOne day on my way to school, I ran across a traffic accident, in which a boy was seriously injured by a motorcycle.(运用了“介词+which”引导的非限制性定语从

40、句)高分句型 2I lifted him in my arms and called a taxi, which took us quickly to a nearby hospital.(运用了 which引导的非限制性定语从句)doing nothing all day.A. satisfyingB. energeticC. absorbedD. incredible. That is why Letters from Father Christmas could be the perfect book for those whoChristmas as a special time of

41、 year.A. regardB. thinkC. admitD. complainEventually, the butterfly manages to reach the places it will spend the winter.A. whichB. whatC. whereD. thatUp to now, many problems about air pollution by the local government.A. are solvingB. have solvedC. are being solvedD. have been solved5. There may b

42、e life on other planets, but so far scientists havent found enough to prove it.A. evidenceB. characterC. mysteryD. expressionI get to the airport, Ill phone you.一OK. Til pick you up there.A. SinceB. As soon as C. UnlessD. Although一Robert is indeed a wise man.一Oh, yes. How often I have regretted his

43、advice!A. to takeB. takingC , not to takeC , not to takeD. not taking第二节:完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1125各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。At an airport I overheard a father and a daughter in their last moments together. It had announced her Dianes 11 and standing near the door, he said to his d

44、aughter, I love you. I wish you enough. She said Daddy, our life together has been 12 enough. Your love is all I 13 needed. I wish you enough, too? Daddy. They kissed good-bye and she left.He walked over toward the window where I 14, I could see he wanted to cry. I triednot to 15 his privacy (隐私),bu

45、t he welcomed me in by asking, Did you ever say good-bye to someone you love, knowing it would be forever?, uYes, I have J I 16.Saying that brought 17 memories I had of expressing my love and 18 for all my Dad had done fbr me. After thirty seconds of silence. Forgive me for asking, but why is this a

46、/an forever good-bye?” I asked. am old and she lives much too far away. The 19 is that her next trip back will be for my funeral(葬礼),he said. When you were saying good-bye I heard you say, I wish you enough May I ask what that means?” He began to 20.“Thats a wish that has been handed down from other

47、 generations. My 21 used to say it to everyone.He paused fbr a moment and 22 as if trying to remember it in detail, he smiled even more. When we said I wish you enough, we were wanting the other person to have a life filled with enough good things to support them/ he continued and then turning towar

48、d me he shared the following as if he were reciting it from 23.“I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude 241 wish you enough rain toappreciate the sun more. I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive. I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger . I wish you enough gain to25 your wanting. I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you have. I wish enough Hellos to get you through the final “ Good-bye.” He then began to sob and walked away.11. A. arrivalB. leavingC. delayD. land


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