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《2022年6月浙江省普通高校招生选考英语试卷(附答案详解).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年6月浙江省普通高校招生选考英语试卷(附答案详解).docx(18页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022年6月浙江省普通高校招生选考英语试卷一、阅读理解(本大题共10小题,共25.0分)APasta and pizza were on everyones lunch menu in my native land of Italy.Everyone who had such a lunch was fair-skinned and spoke Italian.A few years later, as I stood in the lunch line with my kindergarten class in a school in Brooklyn, I realized things

2、 were no longer that simple.My classmates ranged from those kids with pale skin and large blue eyes to those with rich brown skin and dark hair.The food choices were almost as diverse as the students.In front of me was an array of foods I couldnt even name in my native language.Fearing that I would

3、pick out something awful, I desperately tried to ask the boy ahead of me for a recommendation.Unfortunately, between us stood the barrier of language.Although my kindergarten experience feels like a century ago, the lessons I learned will stick in my mind forever.For the past three summers, I have w

4、orked in a government agency in New York.New immigrants much like in the lunch line flooded our office seeking help.I often had to be an interpreter for the Italian-speaking ones.As I served the role of vital communication link, I was reminded of my desperate struggle to converse before I learned En

5、glish.I watched with great sympathy as elderly Italians tried to hold a conversation in Italian with people who did not speak the language.lt suddenly became very clear to me how lucky I was to be fluent in two languages.In New York, a multicultural city, students like me are blessed with a chance t

6、o work with a diverse population.In my English to Italian translations, Ive learned about social programs that I didnt know existed.This work expanded my mind in ways that are impossible inside the four walls of a classroom.Walking through the streets of Brooklyn today, I am no longer confused by th

7、is citys sounds and smells.Instead, enjoy its diversity.1. What did the author realize after entering school in Brooklyn? A. Time passed quickly.B. English was hard to learn.C. The food was terrible.D. People were very different.2. Who does the little girln in paragraph 2 refer to? A. An Italian tea

8、cher.B. A government official.C. The author herself.D. The authors classmate.答案和解析13.【答案】D、C、C【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段第三四句A few years later, as I stood in the lunch line with my kindergarten class in a school in Brooklyn, I realized things were no longer that simple.My classmates ranged from those kids wi

9、th pale skin and large blue eyes to those with rich brown skin and dark hair.(几 年后,当我站在布鲁克林一所幼儿园的午餐队伍里时,我意识到事情不再那么简单了。我的同学 中有皮肤白皙、蓝眼睛大的,也有棕色皮肤、深色头发的)可知,当作者去了在Brooklyn的一所 学校之后,发现学校里的人不一样。故选D。(2)推理判断题。根据第二段第二三句 For the past three summers, I have worked in a government agency in New York.New immigrants

10、 much like the little girl in the lunch line flooded our office seeking help.(过去的三个夏天,我一直在纽约的一家政府机构工作。新移民涌入我们的办公室寻求帮助, 就像排队吃午餐的小女孩一样)以及第一段第三句A few years later, as I stood in the lunch line with my kindergarten class in a school in Brooklyn, I realized things were no longer that simple.(几年后, 当我站在布鲁克林

11、一所幼儿园的午餐队伍里时,我意识到事情不再那么简单了)可知,当年的小 女孩长大了,在纽约的一家政府机构工作,工作环境让她想到当年自己在幼儿园的午餐队伍排队 的情境。故选C。(3)推理判断题。根据最后一段第三四五句 This work expanded my mind in ways that are impossible inside the four walls of a classroom.Walking through the streets of Brooklyn today, I am no longer confused by this citys sounds and smell

12、s.Instead, enjoy its diversity.(这项工作拓展 了我的思维,这 是在四面墙的教室里不可能做到的。今天走在布鲁克林的街道上,我不再对这座城市的声音和气 味感到困惑。相反,我会享受它的多样性)可知,作者三个夏天的工作拓展了思维,开始接受真 实世界的多样性。故选C。本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者通过三个夏天的工作,开阔了视野,接受真实世界的多样性, 不再是幼儿园里那个害怕的小女孩了。阅读理解题测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对 未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断;或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章未涉及的现象、事 例给以解释。考生

13、首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作者观点。46.【答案】A、D、B【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第二段中的 Ashe went on to share his concept with others, the idea soon took off in India and other countries before eventually reaching Europe, where it became popular in places like France, Belgium and the Netherlands.(随着他继续与他人分享他的概念,这个想法很快 在印度和其他国家流

14、行起来,最终传到了欧洲,在法国、比利时和荷兰等地流行起来。)可知,” 小森林”运动取得了显著的成功。故选A。(2)推理判断题。根据第三段中的We focus on urban areas where access to nature is often not that easy”, says Hartley. nWe see it as a chance to try to break the growing disconnect between people and nature.”(哈特利说:”我们关注的是城市地区,在那里接触自然往往不那么容易。我们认为这是一 个尝试打破人与自然之间日益疏

15、远的机会。”)可知,Hartley在英国领导的这个项目的目的是让人 们接近自然,故选D。(3)细节理解题。根据最后一段中的 In a Tiny Forest, there must be a minimum of 600 trees, and the trees are planted much closer together and without chemicals or fertilisers (肥料).(在一个小森林里, 必须有至少600棵树,树木种植得更紧密,没有化学品或化肥。)“可知,”小森林”里的树的特别 之处在于它们种得很密。故选B。本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍的是世界各地的小森

16、林”的兴起。考查说明文。做题时要通读全文,把握大意,然后结合题干及选项做出正确的选择。710.【答案】D、B、C、A【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第一IS: Many people believe that working to the maximum is the secret to success, but research has found that moderation (适度)also gets results on the job.(许多人认为 工作到最大限度是成功的秘诀,但研究发现,适度的工作也会带来成果。)以及第二段中的In a study led by Ellen Lang

17、er of Harvard University, researchers asked people to translate sentences into a new a made-up language.Subjects who practiced the language moderately beforehand made fewer errors than those who practiced extensively or not at all.(在哈佛大学 Ellen Langer 领导的一项研究中,研究人员 要求人们将句子翻译成一种新的虚构的语言。那些事先适度练习这门语言的受试

18、者比那些全力练 习或根本不练习的受试者犯的错误要少。)可知,第一段提出主题,即适度的工作也会带来成果, 接着第二段作者用Ellen Langer的研究来证明这一点,由此可推知,Ellen Langer的研究表明适度 的努力会产生最好的结果。故选D。(2)词义猜测题。根据划线部分的下文 while his colleagues who chat over a relaxed conference-room meal get dirty looks from the corner office.(而他那些在会议室吃饭时闲聊的同事们则在角落办公室 里得到不屑的目光。)可知I, while前后是对比关

19、系,那些在会议室吃饭时闲聊的同事会得到别人 不屑的目光,即被认为不努力工作,相反,那些在办公桌前吃午饭的年轻银行家可能被视为是一 个努力工作以求成功的人,由此可知,划线单词go-getter,指的是那些努力工作以求成功的人, 故选Bo(3)推理判断题。根据最后一段中的 Also, there is a lot of research showing that a positive mood leads to higher levels of productivity and creativity.(此外,许多研究表明,积极的情绪能够提高生产力和 创造力。)可知,积极的情绪能够提高生产力和创造力

20、,由此可推知,愉快的心情有助于创造性 思维。故选C。(4)推理判断题。根据第一段中的 but research has found that moderation (适度)also gets results on the job.(但研究发现,适度的工作也会带来成果)以及第二段中High conscientiousness is related to lower job performance, especially in simple jobs where it doesnt pay to be a perfectionist.(高尽责性与 低工作表现有关,尤其是在简单的工作中,追求完美并不

21、值得。)可知,文章主要介绍研究表明 适度的工作也会带来成果,所以文章提倡适度工作,即中庸的工作习惯。故选A。本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了许多人认为工作到最大限度是成功的秘诀,但研究发现,适 度的工作也会带来成果。所以要适度工作,工作时要有积极的情绪,这会让自己在工作中更有效 率。考查说明文。做题时要通读全文,把握大意,然后结合题干及选项做出正确的选择。1115.【答案】D、B、E、F、G【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据上文 As the children got older, they would give Santa some hints (提 示)on where to buy thei

22、r presents.(随着孩子们逐渐长大,他们会给圣诞老人一些提示,告诉他 去哪里买礼物。)可知,孩子们给圣诞老人提示去哪买礼物。因此D项As a result, each year they received something they wanted.(结果,他们每年都会收到他们想要的东西。)为孩子们提示的结 果:收到心仪的礼物。前后为明显的因果关系。故选D。(2) 推理判断题。Sometimes our purpose is to achieve something; other times t may be to entertain, inform, or persuade.(有时我

23、们的目的是获得东西,有时可能是为了娱乐、告知或说服。) 可知,我们写作都是带着目的的。因此B项But it is always purposeful-or at least it should be.(但 它总是有目的的一或者至少应该是这样。)可知,前后语意一致,说明写作是带有目的的。故选Bo(3)语境衔接题。根据空前的 When children write for real audiences and real purposes, they can learn to choose their words accordingly.(当孩子们为真正的读者和真正的目的写作时,他们就能学会相 应地

24、选择用词。)以及空后的 You write Dear Santa because you dont know him personally and you want to show him respect.(你写亲爱的圣诞老人”是因为你不认识他,你想表达对他的尊重。) 可知,空后句和空前句之间是“理论-实践”的关系,由此可推知,空处也应为具体的实践。因此E 项 You write Hi Nanna and Pop” because you are close to them.(你写嗨,奶奶和爸爸,因为你和 他们很亲近。)符合语境,而且和空后结构一致。故选E。(4) 联系下文题。根据下文 Tex

25、ting, online messaging, live chats while playing video games all mean that they are constantly producing written messages.(在玩电子游戏时发短信、在线消息、实时聊天 都意味着他们在不断地产生书面信息。)可知,科技的发展让人们的写作变得更普遍。因此F项 As technology develops, young people are writing more than they ever have.(随着科技的发展, 年 轻人写的东西比以前更多了。)符合语境。故选F。(5)语

26、境衔接题。根据空前的 There is nothing wrong with this kind of writing.lt suits the audience and the pui-pose and gets the job done.(这种写作方式并没有错。它迎合了观众和目的,完成了任务。) 可知,作者在评价这种科技影响下的写作方式。因此G项But if this is the only kind of writing young people do, it will cause problems.(但如果这是年轻人唯一的写作方式,那就会造成问题。)从正 反两方面评价科技带来的写作,符

27、合语境,故选G。本文是一篇议论文。作者通过讲述孩子们通过给圣诞老人写信暗示得到自己心仪的礼物,从而论 证观点:人们写作都是带有某种目的的。考查选句填空。做题时要通读全文,把握大意,然后结合前后语句及选项做出正确的选择。1635.【答案】C、A、B、C、D、A、B、C、A、D、A、D、B、C、D、C、B、D、B、A【解析】(1)考查动词及语境理解。A.deserve值得;B.miss错过;Clove喜欢;D.know知道。 根据空后HAgain, Daddy, again!11,可知,小孩子很容易被扔到空中并被抓住一他们很喜欢(love)。 故答案为C。(2)考查固定短语及语境理解。A.asif

28、好像;B.in case以免;C.even though尽管;D.sothat以至 于。根据空前He throws his arms and legs out”他把胳膊和腿伸开”,可知,他好像(as if)飞起来了。 故答案为A。(3)考查名词及语境理解。A.fear害怕;B.excitement兴奋;C.doubt怀疑;D.astonishment惊讶。 根据第段第二句 nAgain, Daddy, again!1 Jacky shouts as I throw him skywards and catch him on the way back down again.,可知,当他被抛起来的

29、时候,十分兴奋(excitement) o故答案为B。(4)考查形容词及语境理解。A.reasonable合理的;B.limited有限的;C.absolute绝对的;D.important 重要的。根据第一段第二句中Again, Daddy, again!”和空后quite a nice feeling,可知,作者的 孩子是完全的(absolute)信任他。故答案为C。(5)考查名词及语境理解。A.relief 减轻;B.satisfaction 满足;C.achievement 成就;D.responsibility 责任。根据上句His trust in me,可知,孩子相信自己,给了作

30、者强大的责任感(responsibility)。 故答案为D。(6)考查形容词及语境理解。A.older更老的;B上usier更忙的;C.quieter更安静的;D.healthier 更健康的。根据上文 1 hope Jacky will always trust me fully ,和下文 it will need more effort and sound judgment,可知随着孩子长大(order)作者将来需要付出更多努力才能让儿子一直信任自己。 故答案为A。(7)考查固定短语及语境理解。A.on my behalf代表;B.onmypart就我而言;C.in my honor表达

31、 敬意;D.in my name 以我的名义。根据上文和空前 it will need more effort and sound judgment,可 知,要想让儿子保持对自己的信任,作者需要付出更多努力。故答案为B。(8)考查形容词及语境理解。A.long-distance长距离的;B.high-risk高风险的;C.parent-child亲 子关系的;D.teacher-student师生的。作者在讲述自己与孩子之间的亲子关系(parent-child)。故 答案为C。(9)考查动词及语境理解。A.afford担负得起;B.choose选择;C.wait等待;D.expect期盼。根

32、据上文Trust is such an important part,可知,作者认为信任是十分重要的,他不能承受(afford) 失去它。故答案为A。(10)考查动词及语境理解。A.attach附属;B.compare比较;C.adjust调整;D.introduce介绍。我 每次向Jacky介绍(introduce)新事物时,他就会去做,因为他信任我。故答案为D。(11)考查形容词及语境理解。A.safe安全的;B.happy高兴的;C.proud自豪的;D.grateful感激 的。根据后文in the knowledge that he wont get hurt,可知,孩子会接触新的事

33、物,因为他相信作 者,确信自己(safe)不会受到伤害。故答案为A。(12)考查固定短语及语境理解。A.Aboveall 首先;B.In addition 除了; C.Atfirst 首先;D.Forexample 例如。根据后文teaching Jacky to swim means he has to (13) that可知教杰克游泳意味着他必须相 信,说明作者是在举例子。故答案为D。(13)考查动词及语境理解。A.admit承认;B.believe相信;C.suggest建议;D.imagine想象。根 据后文 when hes swimming in the big pool, Ill

34、 come to his rescue if his doggy paddle lets him down. 可知,作者教孩子游泳意味着他必须相信(believe),当他在大游泳池里游泳时,如果他的桨让 他失望,作者会来救他。根据后文in the workplace, trust is important for,可知,作者是在类比同 样的情况。故答案为B。(14)考查副词及语境理解。A.However然而;B.Therefore因此;C.Similarly相似地;D.Fortunately 幸运地。根据后文in the workplace, trust is important for,可知

35、,作者是在类比同样的情况。故答 案为C。(15)考查名词及语境理解。A.affection 感情;B.determination 决心;C.friendship 友谊;D.leadership 领导。根据后文in the workplace,可知,这里是指领导力(leadership) o故答案为D。(16)考查动词及语境理解。A.assess评估;B.organize组织;C.develop发展;D.understand理解。 这是每个经理都应该在他们的团队中努力培养(develop)的东西。故答案为C。(17)考查动词及语境理解。A.repeat重复;B.follow跟随;C.change

36、改变;D.forget忘记。如果 人们不信任管理者,那么他们就不会追随(follow)管理者,也不会成为忠诚的团队成员。故答案 为Bo(18)考查名词及语境理解。A.gesture姿势;B.measure措施;C.bond束缚;D.lack缺乏。根据句 意和固定搭配,可知,缺乏(alack of)信任会使人们与你作对,而不是支持你。故答案为D。(19)考查动词及语境理解。A.telling告诉;B.giving给予;C.selling卖;D.sending发送。根据上 文 A (18) of trust can make people work against you rather than

37、for you,可知,缺乏信任会给工作带 来阻碍,这意味着人们不会付出(giving)最大努力去工作。故答案为B。(20)考查名词及语境理解。A.management 管理;B.personality 性格;C.communication 交流; .education 教育。根据该段落第一句(14) , in the workplace, trust is important for strong (15) 可知,该句意为:好的管理(management),就像养育子女一样。故答案为A。本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了缺乏信任会给工作带来阻碍,这意味着人们不会付出最大努力去 工作。完形填空题的命题

38、趋势解题步骤:1 .通读全文,理解大意。重视首句信息,跳过空格,浏览全文,从整体上感知全文,理解文章大 意,这是解题的基础。2 .瞻前顾后,避难就易。在理解文章大意的情况下,结合各选项的意义和用法,遵循先易后难的 原则,先解决那些自己有把握的问题。对少数难题,暂时跳过,或许在上文中难以判断的题在下 文中就有暗示或者明显的提示,或许一个在前面不能解答的题在填出了另一空后会令你豁然开朗。3 .复读全文,解决残敌。借助已经补全的空格,对全文有了更清楚的理解,可以集中解决所遗留 的少数疑难问题。4 .再次复读,弥补疏漏,全部做好后,务必要结合自己选择的答案重新阅读短文内容,确保全文 文意连贯。36 .

39、答案小题 1 be appreciated【小题2】to do【小题 3 】photographer【小题4 the小题 5 existing【小题6】sighted【小题7】at小题8 noticed【小题 9】independence【小题10 and【解析J( 1 )be appreciated.考查被动语态。句意:但是一个盲人怎么能欣赏一幅画呢?主语a painting 与谓语appreciate为被动关系,且置于情态动词can之后,所以本句为含有情态动词的被动语态。 故填 be appreciatedo(2) to do.考查不定式。句意:通过触摸,这是画廊招牌告诉你不要做的一件事。

40、tell sb not to do sthn 告诉某人不要做某事”为固定短语。故填todo。(3) photographer.考查可数名词单数。句意:约翰奥尔森是一位前摄影师,他和他的团队将绘画 转化为全纹理3D模型。单数名词做主语,根据句意表示“摄影师”,此处为单数概念,故填 photographer o(4) the.考查定冠词。句意:触觉画是向盲人展示艺术的一种方式,因为我们不仅仅用眼睛看; 我们用大脑看。the blind“盲人,the+形容词表示一类人。故填the。(5) existing.考查形容词。句意:哈佛大学的科学家埃拉斯特里姆-阿米特(Ella Striem-Amit) 说

41、,盲人用他们现有的感官识别形状,在某种程度上与正常人相似。形容词existing作定语,修 饰 senseo 故填 existingo(6) sighted.考查形容词。句意:哈佛大学的科学家埃拉斯特里姆阿米特(EllaStriem-Amit)说, 盲人用他们现有的感官识别形状,在某种程度上与正常人相似。形容词sighted作定语修饰名词 people,表示”能看见的、不盲的”。故填sighted。(7) at.考查介词。句意:LucGandarias今年13岁,7岁时突然失明。表示在多大年龄时,用介 词ato故填ato(8) noticed.考查时态。句意:当他触摸到莱昂纳多达芬奇的3 D版

42、蒙娜丽莎时:他立刻 注意到了她的微笑。根据he felt”可知,本句为一般过去时。故填noticed。(9) independence.考查不可数名词。句意:对卢克来说,这意味着独立。不可数名词independence 作mean的宾语,抽象名词,不可数。故填independence。(10) and.考查连词。句意:能够看到它并形成我的观点的感觉就像盲人推倒了另一堵墙。根据 句意可知,前后为并列关系,所以用and来连接。故填and。这是一篇说明文。短文介绍了触觉画是向盲人展示艺术的一种方式。语法填空考查学生英语综合知识的运用,做题时要首先明确短文大意,从词语搭配,固定句型, 语法,时态等方面

43、综合考虑,结合上下文语境找出正确答案。37 .【答案】Dear Michael,Recently, a newly group study room has been open to us students in our school library.(点明主题)Located on the third floor beside the online reading rooms, it is available from 8 am till 9 pm throughout the weekdays.Those rooms are equipped with modem electronic f

44、acilities, all of which are linked to the Internet.高分句型一(功能介绍)Its extremely convenient for us to do some team projects.【高 分句型二】 Why not ask our group members to go and experience it? (提出邀请)Im looking forward to your early reply.(期待 回复)Yours,Li Hua【解析】高分句型:Those rooms are equipped with modern electro

45、nic facilities, all of which are linked to the Internet.翻译:这些房间配备了现代化的电子设备,所有这些设备都与互联网相连。分析:本句使用了 which引导的非限制性定语从句。高分句型二:Ifs extremely convenient for us to do some team projects.翻译:我们做一些团队项目非常方便。分析:本句使用了 it为形式主语,真正的主语为不定式to do some team projects。提纲作文在写作时要注意内容是否包含了所有要点。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯, 符合逻辑关系,尽量使

46、用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显 得更有档次,平时需注意积累短语和重要句型。38 .【答案】Paragraph 1:As they came in my direction, I put on my brightest and happiest smile.I wanted to make them know that I was really anxious to help them.To my relief, they smiled politely back at me when they saw my smile, and T could see the

47、ir exhaustion in their eyes.T wanted to know the they were going through and I was desperate to know what I could do for them.【高分句型一 They nodded gratefully as I pushed my spoon into the pot and took a large spoonful and poured it into their bowls.(作者是怎么为无家可归的人施粥 的)Paragraph 2:I was so happy that I h

48、ad earned my service hours in this way.This experience made me realize that there are so many people in this world who our help.It also made me realize that our action can make them feel warm and make a great difference to their .1 will never forget the way they looked at me when they were food.高分句型

49、二】I am anxious to urge the world to do everything possible to help those in need.(作者对这次社区服务的感悟)【解析】本文为记叙文,讲述了作者为了完成高中毕业所需的社区服务时间,需要在所在的社区 做点什么,作者去了施粥所,作者发现准备过程中要做的事情很多,作者看到无家可归的人靠近 时心里有点害怕,但是却忙得没有时间去担心这些,作者看到了年龄和国籍各不相同的人,这让 作者感到很难过。高分句型一 :I wanted to know the they were going through and I was desperate to know what I could do


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