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《Unit1Howcanwebeegoodlearners阅读能力拔高练-九年级全册英语干货提分秘课(人教版)(解析版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit1Howcanwebeegoodlearners阅读能力拔高练-九年级全册英语干货提分秘课(人教版)(解析版).docx(10页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2021人教版Unit 1 How can we become good learners?Darrius was born with three fingers on his right hand and one on his left hand. He had to work hard to do things that were easy for others. Every time his classmates tried to help, he would say, Thanks, but I can do it myself. He learned to use the four

2、fingers to do different things.When Darrius was 10, he told his father that he liked piano(钢琴)music very much. Its too bad you can*t play,“ his father said. But the boy took that as a challenge(挑战).“I will show people that I can,“ he said to himself.Months later, a neighbour gave him an old piano wh

3、en she moved away. He taught himself to play the piano and practised for hours a day.Darriuss favourite piano music is River Flowsin You by Yiruma, a Korean musician. It took Darrius a year to learn it. I have to come up with my own way with only 4 fingers/ he said. When he succeeded, he felt so pro

4、ud. Later he was lucky enough to play the music together with Yiruma at a famous concert hall! Yiruma encouraged Darrius to follow his dream of playing his own music.Darrius has made it. And his music is popular today.“I may have a disability/ he says, “ but I dont let it hold me back from anything.

5、1 .What did Darrius take as a challenge at the age of 10?A. Writing his music.B. Playing the piano.C. Giving a concert.D. Visiting a hall.2. How long did it take Darrius to learn to play River Flows in You?A. A year.B. A month.C. A day.D. An hour.3. Who encouraged Darrius to follow his dream?A. His

6、classmate.B. His father.C. A neighbour.D. A musician.A. He has a strong will.C. He gave up his dream.4. What can we learn about Darrius from the text?B. He bought himself a piano.D. He only plays others music.【答案】LB 2. A 3. D 4. A【解析】 文章大意:本文讲只有四只手指的Darrius喜欢上了弹钢琴,他花费一年的时间学习了他最喜欢的钢琴曲,他坚持自己的梦 想创作了自己的

7、音乐。【1题详解】 细节理解题。根据第 2 段中“When Darrius was 10, he told his father that he liked piano music very much. . But the boy took that as a challenge.,可知十岁的Darrius把弹钢琴作为一个挑战。应选B。【2题详解】细节理解题。根据第 4 段中“Darriuss favourite piano music isRiver Flows in You by Yiruma, a Korean musician. It took Darrius a year to le

8、arn it/可知学习弹奏?River Flows in You?花费了 Darrius一年的时间。应选 A。【3题详解】 细节理解题。根据第 4 段中“Yiruma, a Korean musician及“Yiruma encouraged Darrius to follow his dream of playing his own music.可知是音乐家李闰琅鼓励Darrius追随自己的梦想。应选D。【4题详解】 推理判断题。根据最后一段中“I may have a disability,1 he says, but I dont let it hold me back from any

9、thing.可知 Darrius 不 会让残疾阻碍自己作任何事情,结合他的经历,可知他是一个意志坚决的人。应选A。HAre you listening, Simon? Simons teacher asked. It was a pretty usual question.Simon shook his head, smiling. He hardly listened or tried hard in class. Talking was so much fun. He wanted to be heard rather than listen.Listen, and youll learn

10、 something.1 Mrs. Jacobs tried every day, but Simon never paid attention.That evening, his throat really hurt. The next morning, when he opened his mouth to say Good morning, nothing came out but a croak.Simons mother looked at him. Honey, youve lost your voice.uCan I stay home? He tried to ask, but

11、 words didnt come out. Instead, his mother checked him for a fever and decided it was good for him to go to school, even if he couldnt talk.When he got to school, Mrs. Jacobs said Hello1 to him, and he just nodded. When his friends asked him what TV shows he watched last night, he just shrugged. By

12、the time the bell rang for class, almost everyone was looking at him as if hed grown a third eye.Penny raised her hand. HMrs. Jacobs, why isn*t Simon talking?1He never stops talking. Richard said worriedly.Everyone started talking at once. They were excited, worried, and surprised.Simon sat in class

13、 bored. He watched them talk to each other as if the teacher wasnt there, but he couldnt even do that. In math class he could hold up fingers if the answer was less than 10, but that wasnt fun. He decided to try to pay attention.He could do his homework that night. It gave him TV and game time with

14、his work all done.The next day, even though his voice was coming back, he stayed quiet again. The third day, he could talk fine, but he listened and raised his hand to speak.What a difference that one day made!Word Bankthroatthroat喉咙croak低哑声shrug耸肩What did Mrs. Jacobs want Simon to do in class?A. To

15、 talk.B. To listen.C. To sit up.D. To stay awake.A. He got a cough.C. He lost his voice.A. Because he grew a third eye.B. Because Mrs. Jacobs praised him.5. What was the problem with Simon that day?B. He was late for school.D. He lost interests in school.6. Why was almost everyone looking at Simon?C

16、. Because he talked with nobody.D. Because Mrs. Jacobs nodded to him.7. Why could Simon do his homework that night?A. Because he already got his voice back.8. Because he paid much attention in class.C. Because he was given easier homework.D. Because he learnt to use fingers in class.9. What is the b

17、est title for the text?A. Are you talking?C. Is your voice OK?B. Are you listening?D. Is your school fun?【答案】5. B 6.C 7.C 8. B9. B【语篇分析】本文主要讲爱说话的Simon突然有一天不能说话了,他在学校安静了一天并开始把注意力放在课堂上,之后 他开始认真听讲,不再一直说话。【5题详解】 细节理解题。根据第 3 段中“,Listen, and youll learn something/ Mrs. Jacobs tried every day”可知 Mrs. Jacob

18、s 希望 Simon 在课 堂上听讲。应选B。【6题详解】细节理解题。根据第5段中“Honey, yoifve lost your voice.可知那天Simon失去了声音。应选C。【7题详解】细节理解题。根据第 7 段中“When he got to school, Mrs. Jacobs said Hello to him, and he just nodded. When his friends asked him what TV shows he watched last night, he just shrugged.z,可知老师问候他他点头,朋友们问他昨晚看了什么电视,他只是 耸耸

19、肩,大家都看着Simon是因为他不和任何人说话。应选C。【8题详解】细节理解题。根据倒数第4 S11,44He decided to try to pay attention.可知Simon那天晚上会做作业是因为他把更多注意力放在了课堂上。应选B。标题归纳题。根据第一段中“Are you listening, Simon?9 Simons teacher asked. It was a pretty usual question.讲“你在听讲吗 是Simon的老师常问的一个问题,结合全文内容,Simon 一开始不听讲,后来失去声音开始听讲,这个问题是贯穿全文的 线索,用“Are you lis

20、tening?”做标题最适宜。应选B。In 1972, Richard Sears, a young American began learning Chinese because of his interest in traditional Chinese culture.Drawn to the ancient languaee, he went to China to study Chinese in the 1990s.In 1994, Richard Sears decided to put the ancient Chinese characters online. Then, i

21、n 2002, he did it. That is the beginning of the Chinese Etymology(汉字字源)website/My website did not get much attention for the next few years. Until one day in 2021, it suddenly got a lot of attention.I got a few thousand emails, and a few million visitors and people started calling me Uncle Hanzi1, S

22、ears said with a smile. Hanzi means Chinese characters. He has put more than 96, 000 ancient Chinese characters onto the website. MWhen I study each character, I wonder what the ancient Chinese thought,H said Sears.After visiting many Chinese cities, Sears learned more about China and ancient Chines

23、e culture, He said when he came to China in the last century, few Chinese could speak good English However, you can hear English in many places in China now. Chinese language and culture were mysterious and not known by people in most countries then, but now, more and more people in the world are le

24、arning Chinese, even Chinese history, traditional Chinese medicine and so on, “Sears added.At present, the 70-year-old American has made his home in China, When I die, I hope my website will live on, and Im planning to write a book about my research. This will be my gift to China,n he said.10. What

25、does Drawn to the ancient lanwuaee mean in Paragraph 1 ?A. Sears was interested in ancient Chinese.B. Sears had to study Chinese characters.C. Sears could draw Chinese characters well.D. Sears could speak ancient Chinese very well.11. Chinese Etymology website went online in.A. 1972B. 1994C. 2002D.

26、2021What did Sears put on Chinese Etymology website?A. Chinese history.B. Ancient Chinese characters.C. The daily life of Richard SearsD. Traditional Chinese medicine.12. From the passage, we can infer that Sears set up the website to.A. become famousB.get the nick name Uncle HanziC. write a book ab

27、out his researchD.make more people know about ancient Chinese characters13. The best title for the passage could be.A. Great Changes in ChinaB.Mysterious Chinese Language and CultureC. American Uncle HanziD.A Young American and Traditional ChineseCulture【答案】10.A 11.C 12. B 13. D 14. C【解析】本文讲述了美国人理查德

28、西尔斯喜欢学习中国古代汉字,他创立了一个名为“汉字字源的网站,在网上张贴了很多中国古 代汉字,引起了很多人的关注。他因此被称为“汉字大叔。【10题详解】词句猜想题。根据In 1972, Richard Sears, a young American began learning Chinese because of his interest in traditional Chineseculture/可知,西尔斯对古代汉语很感兴趣,所以他去中国学习汉语。应选A。【11题详解】细节.理解题。根据“Then, in 2002, he did it. That is the beginning of

29、 the Chinese Etymology(汉字字源)website:可知,汉字字源 网站于2002年上线。应选C。【12题详解】细节理解题。根据“He has put more than 96, 000 ancient Chinese characters onto the website.可知,他己经在网站上张贴的是 古代汉字。应选B。【13题详解】推理判断题。根据“That is the beginning of the Chinese Etymology(汉字字源)website. My website did not get much attention for the next

30、few years. Until one day in 2021, it suddenly got a lot of attention/可知,西尔斯创立这个汉字字源网站的目的是想让更多的人了解中国古代汉字。应选D。标题归纳题。根据I got a few thousand emails, and a few million visitors and people started calling me Uncle Hanzi*,n Sears said with a smile. Hanzi means Chinese characters. He has put more than 96, 0

31、00 ancient Chinese characters onto the website” 可矢口, 美 国的西尔斯学习中国古代汉字,并创立网站,在网上张贴中国古代汉字,被称为“汉字大叔。应选C。When I was 12 years old, my mother sent me to a Chinese school in California. 11 spending my Saturdays in a three-hour Chinese class. I thought it was difficult and boring.However, my mum thought that

32、 1 should develop and improve(提高)my Chinese? skills. I seemed to know it would do me good in future, but at that time I couldnt realize the3of learning a second language.Many years later, I had a4to work in Asia. I chose China mainly because I learned Chinese when I was5.However, I still wondered if

33、 I could6street signs, buy food and talk to people there.Shortly after 1 arrived in China, my Chinese language7came back soon and improved8. A long time ago, I wanted to giveup9Chincsc. Luckily, my mum encouraged me and stopped that from happening. Vm_ lot in different ways. My life is getting more

34、and more colourful.1 Othat the Chinese language has helped1. A. hatedB. advisedC. enjoyedD. forgot2. A. businessB. musicC. languageD. cooking3. A. mistakesB. excusesC. fearsD. advantages4. A. habitB. chanceC. skillD. suggestion5.A. busyB.youngC. successfulD. experienced6. A. readB. touchC. affordD.

35、move7. A. toolB. abilityC. pointD. difficulty8. A. safelyB. politelyC. quicklyD. privately9. A. changingB. sharingC. learningD. protecting10. A. sorryB. worriedC. angryD. glad【答案】1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. D【语篇解析】本文讲述了作者小时候曾很讨厌学习汉语,长大后一次在中国工作的时机使他发现中文在不同方面给了他很 大的帮助,并使他的生活越来越丰富多

36、彩了。【1题详解】句意:我讨厌星期六上三个小时的中文课。hated 讨厌;advised 建议;enjoyed 喜欢;forgot 忘记。根据后一句I ihought it was difficult and boring.我认为它既难又无聊, 可知我讨厌上中文课。应选A。【2题详解】句意:然而,我妈妈认为我应该开展和提高我的汉语语言能力。business 商务;music 音乐;language 语言;cooking 烹饪。从后一句中的“but at that time I couldnt realize the of learninga second language/,可知是提高我的汉语

37、语言能力,应选C。【3题详解】句意:我似乎知道这对我将来会有好处,但那时我没有意识到学习第二语言的好处。mislakes 错误;excuses 借口; fears 害怕;advanlages 好处。根据前一seemed to know it would do me good in futurez,,可 知此处指“没有意识到学习第二语言的好处,应选D。【4题详解】句意:许多年后,我有时机在亚洲工作。habit习惯;chance时机;skill技能;suggestion建议。根据句意指“我有时机在亚洲工作,应选B。【5题详解】句意:我选择中国主要是因为我年轻时学过中文。busy忙碌的;young年

38、轻的;successful成功的;experienced有经验的。根据上文可知我年轻时学过中文,应选B。【6题详解】句意:然而,我仍然想知道我是否可以阅读路标,购置食物,和那里的人们交谈。read阅读;touch接触;afford支付得起;move移动。根据常识以及搭配可知,read street signs符合语境,应选A。句意:刚到中国不久,我的汉语能力很快就回来了,而且进步很快。tool工具;ability能力;point要点;difficulty困难。根据句意此处是指“汉语能力,应选B。【8题详解】句意:刚到中国不久,我的汉语能力很快就回来了,而且进步很快。safely平安地;poli

39、tely有礼貌地;quickly快速地;privately (买卖)通过私人地。根据句中的“came back soon”,可知我进步 很快,应选C。【9题详解】句意:很久以前,我想放弃学习中文。changing改变;sharing分享;learning学习;protecting保护。根据第一段可知我曾想放弃学习中文,应选C。【10题详解】句意:我很快乐中文在不同方面给了我很大的帮助。sorry 难过的;worried 焦虑的;angry 生气的;glad 快乐的。根据后半句the Chinese language has helped me a lot in different ways,可知我应该很快乐,应选D。


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