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1、高考英语考纲词汇用法详解AaE&R切,anE国I超 a. L一 (个,件,)2,任何都3.每(一)4.某,某一个:I have got a ticket.我有一张票。/ an awful noise 一种可怕的噪音 / A bird can fly.鸟 会飞。/ We often go to school two times a day.我们常常一天两次去学校。/ A Mr. Brown wishes to see you. 一位叫布朗的先生想见你。【注意】1.单数可数名词若泛指,其前需加a/an,不要从汉语习惯出发,漏掉此不定冠 词(高考短文改错中常考查此知识点,许多同学在做书面表达时也常犯

2、此错),如不能说 Mr. Smith is interesting man.(需在is后加an) 2.在序数词之前使用a (an),可以表 示数量或序数的增加:Do you want to read it a third time?你还想看第三次吗?able围乳陟& 切.能的,有才能的,能干的,能够的:Shes as clever and able as her sister.她像她姐姐一样聪明能干。【句型】be able to do sth能做某事【说明】比较级和最高级可以是abler和ablest或more able, better able和most able, 但不如前者常见。【辨析】

3、be able to与can的区别,见can。aboutprep.在附近,关于,在周围,忙于办.附近,大约,转向,左右, 周围:She sat up and looked about her.她坐了起来,环顾四周。/1 had no money about me.我身边没有带钱。/ She likes to walk about.她喜爱四处走走。/ There were few people about.附近几乎无人。【句型】1. be about to do即将,就要(不能与tomorrow等具体时间状语连用)2. How What about.(你认为)怎么样?【辨析】about与。n:前

4、者指泛泛地或非正式地谈论某事,后者指比较系统、深入地论述 某事:It is a book on birds.那是一本论及鸟类的书。(可能是一本学术著作)/ It is a book about birds.那是一本关于鸟的书。(可能是一本供小孩看的关于鸟类的故事书) above中同& ) : prep.在上方,过于,超出adv.在上面adj.上面的,上述的,上文 的:We were flying above the clouds.我们在云层上面飞行。/ Health is above wealth. 健康胜过财富。/ He is above doing such things.他不至于做出这样

5、的事来。【辨析】above与over: over表示垂直在上的正上方,above则不一定表示正上方(即表 示正上方时两者均可用,不表示正上方时要用above) oabroadp图4口力国adv.至|(在)国外:He has gone abroad.他出国了。/ He has just returned from abroad.他刚从国外归来。【用法】L是副词,不是形容词,不置于名词前作定语,但可置于名词后作定语:ones recent tour abroad某人最近的国外之行。2.是副词,不是名词,所以不说go to abroad之类 的。accept ITtO以 接受,承认:Much to

6、my regret, Im unable to accept your kind invitation.我不能接受你盛情的邀请,非常遗憾。【辨析】accept与receive:前者指主观上接受,后者指客观上收到:He received the gift, but he did not accept it.他收到这件礼物,但没有接受。news he became excited. 一听到这消息,他变得很激动。/ He bought it at (the price of) 50 dollars.他以50美元的价格买下了它。attackE同a攻击.C, U进攻;(疾病)侵袭,发作:Wolves w

7、ill not usually attack humans.狼通常不会袭击人。attempt中图0。口.尝试,试图:She made every attempt.她尽一切努力。/She attempted to get getting in touch with them.她企图和他们联系上。【用法】1后接动词作宾语时,该动词可用不定式,也可用动名词。2. make an attempt后 接动词表示试图做某事时,该动词可用不定式或用at doing sth的形式。attendE同虱幻u.出席,参加;看护,照料,护理;注意:He didn9t attend the meeting becaus

8、e he was ill.他因病没有出席会议。/ ril attend to the matter.这事我来处理。 / Im too busy. I cant attend to you now.我很忙,现在不能接待你。attention中同.U留心,注意:Please give it your attention.请关注此事。/ He called our attention to what he said.他提醒我们注意他说的话。【用法】在pay give, bring attention to等短语中的to是介词,后接动词时用动名词: He gives all his attention

9、 to making money.他的注意力完全集中在赚钱上。attract中图*吸引、引起(兴趣,注意),招引:The film attracts a large audience. 这部电影吸引很多观众。/ Newton found that all masses attract each other.牛顿发现 所有的物质都相互吸引。August同力昌4可.八月(缩写 Aug. ) : August 1 is our Army9s Day. 8 月 1 日是我 国建军节。aunt氧旦.C姨,姑,伯母,舅母,婶:Aunt Polly波莉姑妈Australia力图R彤勺旬 .澳洲,澳大利亚:D

10、ont confuse Austria with and Australia.不要把奥地利与澳大利亚弄混淆了。Australian 力同几秒雅 .C澳大利亚人 ,澳大利亚(人)的:The Australians speak English.澳大利亚人说英语。author.C作家,创造者:The book has a preface written by the author.该 书有作者写的序言。autumn SOQ4Q n. C, U秋天,秋季:In autumn the leaves change from green to brown. 秋天树叶由绿变黄。/ the Moon Festi

11、val=the Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节average翻当何 儿C平均(数)a丝平常的,平均的北平均为,求的平均数: An average of 10 students are absent each day.平均每天有 10 个学生缺席。/ What was the average temperature yesterday? 昨天的平均气温是多少? / He is just an average student. 他只是个普通的学生。/ He averages two trips a year.他平均每年旅游两次。【短语】above the average 中上/ b

12、elow the average 中下 / on (the, an) average 平均, 按平均数计算,一般地说awakev. (awoke, awoken / awaked)醒,唤醒;使醒。丝(作表语)醒着的: The baby is awake.婴儿是醒的。/ He is awake to the serious problem.他已意识到 了这个严重的问题。【用法】1.用作动词时,相当于wake up,但本身通常不与副词up连用。2.用作形容词 时,只用作表语,不作定语;要表示“完全醒着”,不用very修饰,而用wide, fully, thoroughly 等修饰。away号司.虱

13、修adu.离开;远离:My birthday is two months away.我的生日还有两个 月。【用法】其后虽然可接that引导的宾语从句,但不能接普通的名词或代词,遇此情况需用 reply to。report口修息口力星羽.& 报告,汇报,报道:We must report to the teacher at once.我 们必须马上向老师报告。/ They reported seeing having seen UFOs.他们报告说他 们看见了飞碟。/ Ifs reported that he was seriously injured.据说他受了重伤。republic口修图口)

14、彤C共和国:the Peoples Republic of China 中华人民共 和国request口秒同n.& 以请求:Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits.参 观人士请勿触摸展品。/ Such books are in great request.那样的书非常需要。require口秒同令彤旬 需要,要求:They required her to keep silent.他们要求她 保持沉默。【说明】1 .其后可接动名词(主动表被动)或不定式(被动表被动):These children require looking after

15、to be looked after.这些孩子需要照看。2.后接that从句通常用虚拟语 气:He required that everyone (should) attend the meeting.他要求人人参加会议。research口形图*中国 .U调查,研究:Hes doing research (es) into the causes of cancer.=Hes doing research(es) on cancer.他在研究癌症的病因。【说明】虽不可数,但有时可用复数形式(注意不能受数词或many的修饰)。respect修唱口n&j*以尊敬,尊重.U尊敬,尊重;关心,注意;(用

16、复数)敬意, 问候 C方面:If you dont respect yourself, how can you expect others to respect you? 自己不自重,又怎能受到别人的尊重呢?restOITt* .&九休息;其余的:Lets stop and take a rest.我们停下来歇会儿吧。restaurant SCI.C饭馆,饭店:a restaurant car 餐车result口移承中.C结果,效果近.由而造成;结果,导致:What was the result of the game?比赛结果如何? / Love results in marriage, n

17、aturally.恋爱终归于婚姻(有 情人终成眷属)。/ His failure resulted from his carelessness.他的失败是由他的粗心造 成的。【短语】as a result结果,因此/ as a the result of由于的结果return眇同星北回来;归还;回答九(用单数)归来,返回;归还;回报:He didnt return me the money. =He didnt return the money to me. 他没有还书给我。【短语】in return for作为的报答或交换review彤同:屋也复习;重新调查,审查;回顾.C,U复习;复查,回

18、顾;评 论:We were reviewing our lessons last night.昨天晚上我们在复习功课。revolution晶口代毋中图星kp. .U, C革命;旋转:One revolution of the earth around the sun takes a year.地球绕太阳运行1周需1年时间。rice口。陟 .U水稻,米饭:Rice is an important food crop.稻是重要的粮食作物。 / Most of the Asians live on rice.大多数亚洲人以大米为主食。rich口秒.e.富裕的,有钱的:Oranges are rich

19、 in vitamin C.桔子含有丰富的维生素C。/ The rich should help the poor.富人应该帮助穷人。ride 口合陟u. (rode, ridden)骑马,骑自行车,乘车旅行.(乘车船)旅行:He likes to ride (on) a camel.他喜欢骑骆驼。right口令秒时.右,右边的;正确的,对的几右,右边;正确,对adu.正好;正确: Small children do not know right from wrong. 、孩子不懂是三。 / I read right to the end of the book.我一 口气把这本书看完了。/

20、You answered right.你答对 了。/ He was right in selling to sell the farm.他把农庄卖掉是对的。ring口当具.C环,戒指y.(rang, rung)(钟,铃等)响;打电话:Call in, or ring us up. Ifs up to you.你可以亲自来访,也可以打电话来,由你定。ripe口右彤口 分(成)熟的:Is it ripe enough for us to eat?它熟到我们能吃吗?rise 口令影对v. (rose, risen)上升,升起; 起床,起立:The river is rising after the

21、rain.雨后河水涨了。/ He rises very early.他起床很早。river周口炒:飞C江,河:There is a bridge across E=over the river.河上有座桥。【用法】1.用于专有名词时,英国英语通常将River加在名称之前;而美国英语则通常将 River加在名称之后,但不管是英国英语还是美国英语,在含有River的专有名词前, 一般用定冠词:the River Thames泰晤士河/ the Mississippi River密西西比河2.说a city on the river,其意通常不是指“河上的城市”,而是指“河畔的城市”。roadn:

22、路,道路,街道:It takes three hours by train and four by road.乘 火车要3小时,乘汽车要4小时。/ the road to wealth致富之路【用法】其前可用介词in (英)或on (美):I live in on Marston Road.我住在马斯顿 路。rockrJ0(j九C, U大石头:The house is as solid as a rock.这房子坚如磐石。rolerj .C角色,作用,职责,任务:He will play take the leading role.他 将出演主角。/ The U. N. plays an im

23、portant role in international relations.联合国在 国际关系中扮演重要角色。rollO? 有.粗糙的;粗野的,粗暴的;狂暴的,汹涌的;粗略的,大概的;倒霉 的,难熬的;不舒服的:The cloth feels rough.这布摸起来很粗糙。/ He has a rough tough.他说话很粗野。/ A rough wind was blowing.大风刮起来了。round口令。 a圆的,球形的到处;转过来;循环地,围绕地p“.环绕,围 绕;绕过,转过;四处,在的附近;大约C 一轮l变圆,绕行:The earth goes round the sun.地

24、球围绕太阳转。/ The children stood round the teacher.孩子们围着 老师站着。/ Come round and see us this evening.今晚请过来看我们。rowO .C(一)排,(一)行;戈U船 上划船:They rowed across the lake.他们划 船过湖。/ What about going for a row? 一起去划船好吗?rubber 同口 + &可.U橡胶,合成橡胶C橡皮擦:Tires are made of rubber.轮胎是 用橡胶做成的。rubbish同口 ) &陟* U垃圾,废物:Dont talk ru

25、bbish.别胡说八道。rude口国,粗鲁的,无礼的:Its rude to point your fingers at people.用手指指 人是很不礼貌的。ruin围口星陟以(使)毁坏,(使)毁灭.U毁灭C(用复数)废墟,遗迹:The heavy rain ruined our holiday.大雨把我们的假期彻底搞糟了。rule口昼 .C规则,规定;习惯期统治:Students must obey observe, follow, keep the rules of the school.学生必须遵守校规。【短语】as a rule通常/ by rule按规定,循规蹈矩ruler围口口

26、.C统治者;尺:He was a wise ruler.他是位明智的统治者。1111口)上跑,奔跑;(车船等)行驶,(溪河等)流动,(机器等)运转,(钟表等)走动; (颜色)褪色;经营奔,跑;短途旅行:Dont drink running water.别喝自来水。/The well has run dry.水井已干涸了。/ The engine runs well.发动机运转良好。【短语】in the long run终究,到最后/ in the short run在短期内,当前/ on the run 忙忙碌碌的(地),匆匆忙忙的(地)/ run away逃走,逃脱/ run out of用

27、完rushD +,u.冲,奔跑;匆忙;催促.C繁忙,抢购,冲,奔:rush hour交通高峰 时亥ij,上下班交通最拥挤的日寸候/ She rushed into the room to tell us the news.她 冲进房间告诉我们这个消息。Russia同口)*中.俄国,俄罗斯:Tolstoy was one of Russia most famous writers.托 尔斯泰是俄国最著名作家之一。Russian煦俄国的 /.U俄语C俄国人:Russian is a difficult language to master.俄语是一种难掌握的语言。sad*8W.悲伤的;使人悲伤的:

28、We were sad about at, over, with her death.我们为她的死感到悲伤。/ He was sad to hear the news.他听到这个消息很伤心。safe*)Tt陟弁.安全的,平安的:They were safe from attack.他们很安全,未受到攻 击。/ We,re safe in accepting the offer.我们接受这个提议不会有错。safety同修旧陟U安全,保险:They ran to safety, away from the fire.他们 跑到安全的地方,远离了大火。/ We are now in safety.现

29、在我们安全了。sailR彤 .(常用单)航行C帆,帆状物上开航,驾(船),航行(于):The ship sails for Shanghai tomorrow.这船明天开往上海。sailor 同+乳眇中.C海员,水手,水兵:a bad (good) sailor晕船(不晕船)的人 saleOR陟九U,C卖,出售;销量,销售额;减价出售,拍卖:He got $1000 from for the sale of his house.他卖房子得了 1000 美元。【短语】for sale待售,出售的/ on sale (有货)售卖,上市;减价时salt?O星.U盐川,加盐于,用盐腌:Please p

30、ass me the salt.请把盐递给我。sameHV秒O a%.同一的,同样的同样的事:Do whatever you want, it9s all the sameto me.你想干就干啥,我无所谓。/ He likes to read in bed, and it is the same w油 me.他喜欢在躺床上看书,我也一样。【用法】1 .其前通常要加定冠词。2.表示“与样”,要用the same as,不能用as sameas 或 the same with like o 3.Its the same with意为也一样,与“so+助动词+ 主语”意思相似。4.The same

31、 to you为口语常用语,意为“你也一样”,主要用于回 答祝愿。sand 揖U沙,沙子(复数)沙地,沙滩:The children were playing on the sand (s). 孩子们在沙滩上玩。sandwich国幡陟2守九C三明治,夹心面包:He made some cheese sandwiches.他 做了一些干酪三明治。satisfaction 鱼 8陟同m8&ja .U满意C乐事,趣事:I find great satisfaction in his improvement.我对于他的进步极为满意。satisfy同幡彤公彤上满足,使满意,使相信:Are you sat

32、isfied with the service?你 对这服务满意吗?Saturday同切 ,星期六:She doesnt work on Saturdays.她星期六不工作。savehPV物。也救,挽救;节省,存钱;免去,省去;保全,保留:He saved the boy from drowning.他救起了这个男孩,使他免于溺死。/ Save me some milk. =Save some milk for me.给我留点牛奶吧。【用法】用于save sb (from) doing sth表示“免去某人做某事:/ If you do it tonight, it will save you

33、 from having to get up early.你如果今晚做这事,明天早上你就不必 早起了。say nt%v. (said, said)说,讲;(被动)据说:Its said that he knows your father.据 说他认识你父亲。【用法】What do would you say to-?意为你说怎么样呢?,其中的to为介词: What do you say to playing tennis?打打网球怎么样?scene*XHB/i. C, U(戏剧、电影等的)一场,场景;布景;风景,景色;(事件或事 故的)发生地点:The sunrise was a beauti

34、ful scene.日出是一幅美景。/ The criminal fled the scene.罪犯逃离了现场。school国.C学校,学院U上学,上课:There will be no school tomorrow. 明日学校放假。/ Did you take history at school?你在学校上过历史课吗?science右移中(一门)科学,学科;(统称)科学,科学研究;(统称)自然 科学,理科:computer science 计算机科学 / The chief sciences are chemistry, physics and biology.主要的自然科学是化学、物理和

35、生物。scientific 23 8(jadj.科学的,合乎科学的:a scientific method 科学方法/ He has a scientific mind.他有科学头脑。scientist围合秒中影.C科学家:Scientists have discovered a new virus.科学 家发现了一种新病毒。scold 代号。 2 l责骂,申斥,斥责:His mother scolded him for getting his clothes dirty. 他妈妈因他弄脏了衣服而责骂他。score*(j0H .C二十;得分 近.记分,刻痕,得分:What is the sco

36、re now?现在比 分是多少?/ Jack got a low score on the test.杰克测验得分不高。【用法】表示“二十”时,其复数形式通常不加词尾-s,且其后一般不接介词of,如three score eggs 60只鸡蛋。当其后的名词前有the, these, those等表示特指的限定词修饰 时,或当其后接的是us, them, you等人称代词时,则score后必须要有介词of: three score of these eggs这些鸡蛋中的60只。另外,scores of(许多)是习语,其中的score 用复数。scream上尖声叫,尖声喊叫.C尖叫声,喊叫声:Sh

37、e screamed out that there was a thief under the bed.她尖叫道床下有小偷。sea*KH九U海,海洋C许多,大量:I dont like to travel by sea.我不喜欢乘船 旅行。【用法】构成专有名词时,其前通常要用定冠词:the Red Sea红海search中国ey.& .c, U搜索,搜寻:The police searched the city.警察搜遍了全 城。/ The police searched for the thief.警察搜找那个小偷。【短语】in search of 搜找 / in ones (the) se

38、arch for 搜找season围为国对 .C季,季节:Spring is a lovely season.春天是怡人的季节。【短语】in season当令,及时,正是时候/ out of season不当令,在淡季seat*N座,座位可.使坐下:Which are our seats?哪些是我们的座位? / He seated himself at the writing table.他在写字台前坐下。second围R&j中秒;片刻;第二者;第二人另一个;又一个姓第二: Well have to do it a second time.我们得再做一次。secret同口器 .C秘密, 秘诀。

39、砺秘密的,隐秘的:We have no secrets from you.我们对你毫无隐瞒。【短语】in secret秘密地,偷偷地/ in the secret知道秘密secretary 同ITt&j口田口%.C秘书;书记:He was secretary of this Party branch.他 是这个党支部的书记。/ Shes private secretary to the Minister.她是部长的私人秘书。see*XHv. (saw, seen)看,看见;了解,领会:I saw her crying under the tree.我看 见她在树下哭。/ Ive never s

40、een the word used that way before.我从来没有看见这 个词这样用过。/ I see little of Mr Smith.我很少见到史密斯先生。【短语】see about (doing) sth负责处理(安排)某事/ see off为送行/ see sb out送 某人出门(到门口)/ see through看穿,识破;帮助渡过(困难等);进行到底seed兴国种子,萌芽,结实,播种:Plants develop from seeds.植物由种子发 育而成。seek*XH(j v. (sought, sought)寻找,探索:He has sought to ex

41、plain it.他一直想对 此作出解释。/ He sought out his friend in the crowd.他在人群中找到他的朋友。seem兴国O近.像是,似乎:It seems as if he is happy.他好像很高兴。/ It seems that he has caught a cold.他似乎感冒了。/ It seems like a good idea.那似乎是个好主 意。/ He seems to know everything.他似乎什么都懂。seize *且混上抓住,逮住,夺取:He was seized with a slight fever.他突然有点

42、发烧。/ She seized the gun from him.她从他手里夺过了枪。seldom 同乳2%0“办.很少,不常:The children are seldom ill.这些孩子很少生病。 【用法】在正式文体中可放在句首,其后用倒装语序:Seldom does he read in his free hours.他空余时间很少看书。sell)Tt (sold, sold) 口.出售,卖:He sold me his camera. =He sold his camera to me. 他把照相机卖给了我。/ He sold his car at a low price.他低价卖掉

43、了他的汽车。【短语】sell out卖完send )T 1 v/. (sent, sent)送,寄,派遣:Please send him my best wishes. =Please send my best wishes to him.请代我向他问好。/ He sent his son to post the letter.他叫 他儿子去寄信。/ The sound of the gun sent the birds flying away.枪声把鸟吓飞了。【短语】send up发射/ send out发出(光亮等);生出(长出)某物【比较】l.send sb to do sth与send

44、 for sb to do sth:前者表示派某人做某事,后者表 示派人请某人做某事。2. send sb to do sth与send sb (sth) doing sth:前者表示派(叫) 某人去做某事,后者表示使某人或某物很快地或失去控制地做某事。C官能,感觉,意识 诃.感到,理解,认识:Can you make sense of this poem?你能看懂这首诗吗? / I sensed that I had made a serious mistake.我意识到自 己犯了个严重的错误。【短语】in a sense在某个意义上/ make sense有意义,讲得通,有道理senten

45、ce同R田句子,判决以审判,判决:A sentence usually contains a subject and a verb. 句子通常包括主语和动i司。/ The sentence was twenty years in prison. 判决是20年徒刑。separate围.几口寸口乳陟八.分开。丝国口中口分开的,分离的,个别的,单独的: Separate the longer ones from the shorter ones. 把长的与短的分开。/ Our children have separate bedrooms.我们的孩子有各自的卧室。September*p同ITtOcQp,九月:School begins in September.九月开学。serious图修可口移 以,严重的,严肃的,认真的:He was serious about (doing) his work. 他对待(做)工作很认真。/ Im serious.我是认真的。servant围中旦C仆人,用人;公仆,公务员:A politician should be a servant of the people.政治家应该是人民的公仆。serve且。服务,服役:L


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