Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth!教案及教学反思.docx

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1、Unit 13 We* re trying to save the earth!教学设计及教学反思禄丰县仁兴初级中学一、教学目标:1 .语言知出目标基本词。匚:litter, advantage, bottom, fisherman, coal, ugly, cost, wooden, plastic takeaway, bin, shark, fin, method, cruel. Harmful, chain, ecosystem, industry, law, scientific, afford, reusable, transportation, recycle, napkin, u

2、pside, gate, bottle, president, inspiration, iron, work, metal, creativity,基本词 组:be harmful to, at the top (of sth.), take part in, turn off, take action, throw away, put sth. to good use, pull- down, bring back及本句型: We re trying to save the earth!The river used to be so clean.The air is badly pollu

3、ted.No scientific studies have showed that shark fins are good for health.We should help save the sharks.2 .技能目标:能正确运用现在进行时,现在完成时,被动语态,情态动词和used to句型。3 .情感标:有环境危机意识,学会关注环境保护环境。二、教学重难点:1 .教学重点:CU能正确运用现在进行时,现在完成时,被动语去,情志动词和 used to 句型。(2)保护环境的措施方法。2 .教学睢点:能正确运用现在叱行时,现在完成时,被动语恋,情态动词和used to句型。三、教学步骤:Se

4、ction A1 (1a-2d)5) My brother 6, 000 yuan for the new computer yesterday.Keys cost spent takes spend paidSo together, our actions can make a difference and lead to a better future! make a difference (to-) 表示(对)产生影响 或作用e.g. Do you think his words would make any difference to the final decision?你认为他的话

5、会对最后的决定产生影响吗?The new teacher always encourages little Tom. This has made a big differenceto him.新来的老师总是鼓励小汤姆,这对他影响很大。XI. Exercises用动词的逡当形式埴,史。1) We re trying(save) the earth.2) There used to(be) clean and beautiful.3) There are too many for to catch (fish).4) It s bad for environment to use(wood) ch

6、opsticks.Keys: to save be fish fishermen woodenThink aboutThe earth is badly polluted. Please make a poster and think of what we can do.XII. HomeworkCopy the new words and remember them.1. Read the listening materials of 1b, 2a.Unit 13 We are trying to save the Earth!Section A 1a-2d教学反思一、教材(一)教材的作用和

7、地住“人教美语”教材把语言结构、语言功能和主题内参有机地结合起 来,所以语言的信息输入量大,选材广泛、主体有序、内家集中,学 习内今非手贴近学生的生活实际和思想实际。本节课的内参是将听说 读写糅合在一想进行综合训练,以提嵩学生综合应用英语的能力。我 要求学生直接透过现象分析问题,比如环境污染话题,并在此基础上 进行归纳,使学生的信息量有了大大的增加,由学生的被动的接受变 成了主动的学习.(二)教学目标分析1 .知识目标:学会一些表示动物名称的单词,学会运用动词 throw, litter, pollute等。能熟练运用所学句式描述环境变化,并对 此作出反应。2 .技能目标:通过真实的语境,重点

8、培养学生听、说及综合运用 语言的能力。3 .情感百标:培养学生的参与意识、合作意识和环保意识,激发 学生对我们所处的世界的热爰和不断探索未知世界的兴趣。二、说教法(一)教学设计的原则1坚持”4主学习,合作学习”的教学原则教师打破了以教师为中心,单项灌输的陈旧模式,放课堂教学中 尽可能发挥学生的主动性和合作精神,营造了葭好的学习氤围,更重 要的是在频繁的交流中,学生的语言表达能力提高了。2遵循美语教学的交际性原则交际性原则是美语教学中的一个指导性原则,教学最终的目的 不低要使学生掌握知识,更重要的是使学生在理解的基础上,在交际 性练习中培养交际能力, 而培系这种交际能力,就是反映在课堂教 学中学

9、生以主人翁杰度,积极、主动、 大胆地参与英语课堂练习活 动的主体意识上。3追求和偌的课堂活动学生主体性的发挥,要左氏主,平等的菰围中体现,更要在科学, 和谐的教学活动中进行.课堂教学不仅要处理好老师、学生、教材等 关系,还要尽可能地发挥三者各自的特长,这就是教学的最优化。在 课堂教学中,既要有意识的让学生去感知、理斛,又要让学生不断地感 悟。4拓宽学生的视野现代外语教学理论认为,一定量的语言输入是语言输出的基础, 即语言的输出有赖于语言的输入。只有在大量吸收的基础上才能提高 表达的技能,也只有在吸收信息和表达自己意愿的过程中才能培养 语言交际的能力。因此,教师根据教材做了很大的广展,要求学生尽

10、可 能用英语向同学展示你学习后的成果,你的爰好及缘由等,使教学更 趋向真实。(二)教学手段1、教法:运用情景、听说、直观、游戏等方法,展开以教师为 主导,以学生为主体的师生、生生多边的交互式活动。2、学法:自主、合作学习。创设教学情景,使学生好学、会学、 乐学。3、主要以现代化电教手段-多媒体辅助教学,贯穿整个教学过 程。以此期望增加直观性和趣味性,加大课堂密度,提嵩教学效果。三、说教学程序(Teaching procedures)第一部分:听Step 1 i 听匍:(Pre-listening)1 .热身(warming up):以运充余歌曲将学生的热情调动起来,并 了解了本课的主题与地球用

11、关。2 .呈现各种污染图片,为下一步听扫除障碍。通过free talk,引出生词主旨.Step 2 听中。(while-listening)1 .听整段对话,完成notes。听前要求学生先阅揍notes,让学 生了解所缺信息,以便学生听时有重点的听。2 .对话巩固。学生获取所缺信息后,大声朗读完整的句子,并 进行一分钟的快读竞赛。然后通过对话形式进行pair work,再次进 行巩固。同时,在对话中4然呈现used to等词,并且使他们在情境 中得到了操练。3 .精听。截取整段对话中的一个段落,提供给学生进行精听。听南先设疑:激发学生听的兴趣,培养学生通过听获得细节信息的能 力OStep 3

12、听后。(post-listening)1 .运用所听信息完成书上短文,并熟练朗揍。2 .就短文中的细节展开讨论:并留以足够的时间让学生就这个开放型的问题发表自己不同的 见解。第二部分:说.开书跟读,训练语音语调。1 .运用对话中的结构:来校论本课所出现过的things.这样,既复习了本单元奇一阶段的 所学的知识,又族情境中操练了上述新校句式。Step 3 Produce.1 .由书内延伸到书外,为学生提供一些useful expressions,并引 导学生借助这些习惯表达淡论交流,享受合作学习的乐趣。2 .左学生小组自由支流并左全班汇报之后,让学生用信的形式 描述自己对环境保护的想法。Ste

13、p 4 Homework.1 .完成信,并展览。2 .在”讲美语时间”与学习伙伴交流更多的环保举措。通过这样的 作业,旨在培养学生的环保意识、合作精神及探索精神,为学生的终生学习打下基础。课堂教学评析要点每一个教学环节的设计都从学生的兴趣出发,符合初中生的心理 需求,贴近他们的生活,从而使他们整节课至始至终都兴捶盎然。学 生和老师在整节课中都保持了学习的激情。对于学生的回答和表述, 老师及时给以后续性的评价,拉近的师生间的距离,学生在获取知识 技能的同时,也享免了用英语交流和被老师赏识的快乐。课堂活动丰 t,通过生生互动、师生互动,学生合作、探究学习,达到了本课预 定的知识、技能和情感目标。提

14、高了学生的人文素养,培养了终身学 习的能力。本堂课采用任务型教学策略,让学生在完成任务的过程中体验、 实践、参与、交流与合作,实现任务百林,主要呈现以下亮点:注重发展学生学习策略,培养和提高学生的创新精神和语言运用 能力。让学生走出课堂,从网上、报上寻找相关咨料,直接接触地道 语言,使他们有足够的空间和自由度,进行自主学习,促使学生个性 发展。2 .利用小组讨论交流形式,使学生在活动过程中,互相学习,互 相交流,培养他们团结合作精神。3 .这堂课注重学生听、说能力的楮养,尤其能通过填表格回答问 题形式让学生对自寻资料进行归纳,提高他们的语言理解能力。4 .教师本身教忠自然大方,素养较好,整堂课

15、结构合理,各环节 目标明确,以学生为主体进行教学,体现了二期课改精神,是一堂较 为成功的课。I. PresentationShow the picture of the earth and tell students the earth is polluted now.For example: (1) The factories that burn coal pollute the air with a lot of black smoke.(2) Factories put waste into the river.(3) People should throw away litter in

16、 the bin.(4)There are more cars on the road.II. LearningHere are some words related to different kinds of pollution. Write them in thebox below. Then add more words.loud music cars rubbish planes littering ships factoriessmoking building housesmobile phonesnoise pollutionair pollutionwater pollution

17、Keys: noise pollution loud musicKeys: noise pollution loud musicplanes mobile phones buildinghouseshousesair pollution factoriessmokingcars building houseswater pollution ships rubbish littering factoriesIII. Listening1.1b Listen and complete the sentences.What was the problem?The river was . Even t

18、hebottom (底部)of the river was full of . There were no morefor fishermen (渔先)to catch.What caused the problem?People are throwinginto the river.Factories are puttinginto the river.How should the problem be solved?X/e should write to theandask them to the factories.Everyone should help to theriver.Key

19、s: really dirty rubbish fish litter waste government close down clean up2. Listen again and check (V) the sentences you hear.1) We could go fishing in the river.2) The river was really dirty.3) The river has always been the nicest river in this town.4) We should ask the teachers for help.Keys: 2 3IV

20、. Practice1. Role-play the conversation in 1c.Mark: The river was dirty. Even the bottom of the river was full of rubbish.Tony: But it used to be so clean!Mark: Yes, but people are throwing litter into the river.Tony: Everyone in this town should play a part in cleaning it up!2. Make conversations u

21、sing the pollution in la.A: The river has always been the nicest river in this town.B: Yes, it used to be so clean.A: But 1 was there last weekend and the river was really dirty.B: What caused the problem?A: People are throwing litter into the river.B: What should we do?A: Factories are also putting

22、 waste into the river.B: Yes, everyone in this town should play a part.A: We should write to the government and ask them to close down the factories.B: What else can we do?A: Everyone should help to clean up the river.V. Language pointsWe re trying to save the earth! 我们正在竭尽全力相救地球!try t。d。= try one s

23、 best to do 努力去做某事。e.g. Every student should try to study hard in order to study in a university.为了进入大学学习,每个学生都应该努力学习。1. Here are some words related to different kinds of pollution.be related to 与有 关e.g. I am not related to him in any way.我和他无任何关系。2. Everyone in this town should play a part in clean

24、ing it up!play a part in 在方面起作用e.g. A good diet plays a large part in helping people live longer.健康的饮食在都助人们长寿方面起着非常大的作用。playa part 在中扮演角色e.g. He was inv什ed to play a part in this TV play.他被邀请参加这个电视剧的演出。3. Even the bottom of the river was full of rubbish.Yes, but people are throwing litter into the r

25、iver.litter和rubbish都可指“址圾用作不可教名词。rubbish指“没用的东西(被初或将要丢弃的无用的东西)”不可回收。litter指“(室内或公共场所)乱切的废物(纸屑、不要的包装纸、废瓶等)”还可 回收e.g. Throw the rubbish out. 4巴坂物 出去。The room is full of rubbish.房间里堆满 了 垃圾。Pick up your litter after a picnic. 野餐后将废弃物收拾好。VI. Listening2a Listen to the interview. Circle the kinds of pollut

26、ion that Jason and Susan talk about.A. land pollutionB. air pollutionC. noise pollutionD. water pollutionKeys: B A2b Listen again and complete the sentences.1) The air is badly polluted because there are on the road thesedays.2) Factories that burn coal also the air with a lot of black smoke.3) Ther

27、e is also too much rubbish and waste. People thingsevery day.4) People are also littering in like parks. This is turning beautifulplaces into ugly (丑陋)ones.Keys: more cars pollute are throwing away public placesListen and answer the questions.1) Who is the interviewer talking to?2) What are they tal

28、king?3) What other problems do they see?Keys: Susan and Jason.The environmental problems.There s too much rubbish and waste in the streets.VII. Practice (2c)Use the information in 2a and 2b to role-play conversations between Jason and Susan.Jason: The air has become really polluted around here. 1 m

29、getting very worried.Susan: Yes, 1 used to be able to see stars in the sky.Jason: The problem is that-DiscussionAsk students what we should do to save the earth. Help students answer, turn off thelights when you leave a room; stop riding in cars; stop using paper towels or napkins; recycle books and

30、 paper.VIII. ReadingRead 2d and complete the chart.ProblemsSolving problemsair pollutionwaste pollutionwooden (木头的)chopsticks or plasticforksrubbish2. Role-play the conversation.Interviewer: Jason and Susan, what are your ideas for solving these problems?Jason: Well, to cut down air pollution, we sh

31、ould take the bus or subway instead of driving.Susan: Yeah, or ride a bike. There are other advantages (优 A) of bike riding. Its good for health and it doesn t cost (花 费)anything!Interviewer: Great ideas! What about waste pollution?Susan: Mmm, I think simple things like bringing a bag to go shopping

32、 can help. I started doing that a year ago.Jason: Me, too. Also, I never take wooden chopsticks or plastic (塑料)forks when I buy takeaway (少卜卖食品)food. I use the ones at home.Susan: And remember to throw rubbish in the bins and keep public places clean and beautiful for everyone.Interviewer: So togeth

33、er, our actions can make a difference and lead to a better future!IX. Summary and language pointsThis is turning beautiful places into ugly ones.turninto-把变成e.g. The icy rain seemed like to turn into snow.渐渐地凉雨又变成雪花的模样。1. It, s good for health and it doesn t cost anything!cost 14花费;使付出指花费金钱,主语通常是物。c

34、ost的过去式和过去分词均为cost。e.g. The new shirt cost Mr Wang 200 yuan.王先生花了 200 元买了 新衬杉。How much does the new computer cost? 新也脑花了多少钱?take, spend, pay & costtake, spend, pay和cost都可以表示“花费”,但它们的用法各有不同。1) take多表示花费时间,常用于止takes sb. some time to do sth.这一句型中, 其中it作形式主语。e.g. It usually takes me 40 minutes to cook t

35、he dinner.2) spend多表示花费时间和金钱,主语通常是人,常用于sb. spend(s) some time / money on sth.和 sb. spend(s) some time / money (in) doing sth.两种句 型。e.g. David spent 2,000 yuan on the new machine.My father spends an hour (in) watching the news on TV every day.3) pay多表示花费金钱,主语通常是人,常用于sb. pay(s) some money for sth. 句型。

36、e.g. Tommy paid 20 yuan for his breakfast yesterday.4) cost多表示花费金钱,主语通常是物,常用于sth. cost(s) (sb.) some money. 句型。e.g. The new dress cost Linda 88 yuan.根据句意用take, spend, pay或cost的迨当形式埴空。1) That new car them lots of money.2) Mona 50 yuan on the books just now.3) It usually me an hour to do my homework.4) You should some time practising your pronunciation.


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