2019期七年级英语下册 Unit 3 Food and Drink Lesson 7 Shopping for Food教案.doc

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1、1UnitUnit 3 3 FoodFood AndAnd DrinkDrinkLessonLesson 7 7 ShoppingShopping forfor FoodFood 本课是北师大版初中英语七年级下册教材第三单元 Unit 3 Food and Drink,话 题为购物、食物、点餐、饮食习惯。其中 Lesson 7 Shopping for Food 的话题为购物。第一课时的内容包括区分三国货币及重量的表达方式,获取货币及重量的信息以及了 解不同国家货币及重量单位是不一样的。第二课时的内容包括进一步区分 how much 和 how many 的不同,可数名词和不可数名词 be 动

2、词的使用,并且复习购物的一些关键表达法。最后,让学生根据自己的表格进行两两 简单购物对话练习。【知识与能力目标】1. Key vocabulary2. Key structures【过程与方法目标】1. To understand conversations involving food and drinks.2. To talk with the partners about the food and drinks.【情感态度价值观目标】Learn to respect others when we talk with others.【教学重点】Learn to talk about the

3、 food and drinks.【教学难点】 教材分析教材分析 教学目标教学目标 教学重难点教学重难点2Learn to use the verb “be”.Tape recorder, MultimediaStepStep 1.1. BrainstormBrainstorm1. Say out the words of food and drink. Let Ss do the brainstorm about “food and drink”.2. Ask Ss to tell their partners what food and drinks they like using: I

4、like .StepStep 2.2. Warm-upWarm-upAsk Ss how they buy food and drink in the market.If its my birthday, I will buy Say out some expressions.StepStep 3.3. MatchMatch1. Ask Ss if they know the symbols and ask them to match.Match the symbols and the words. 课前准备课前准备 教学过程教学过程32. Lead Ss do the exercise.Fi

5、ll in the blanks& try to say the unit price.7.60/kg= seven_ sixty a kilo2.90/lb=two_ and ninety cents a pound1.20/kg=one_ twenty a kilo3. Ask Ss to fill in the blanks in order to know the differences of prices and weights in different countries.StepStep 4.4. ListeningListening andand matchmatch1. Le

6、t Ss listen for the first time and match the dialogues with the pictures.2. Ask Ss to read the receipts and listen to fill in the blanks. If necessary, listen for more times.Listen and fill in some blanks of the receipts.3. Let Ss check in pairs and show the correct answers.Correct the mistakesStepS

7、tep 5.5. ListenListen andand fillfill inin thethe blanks.blanks.1. Ask Ss to read Dialogue 1 with the MP3.Then finish the questions. Dialogues 1How much money does the customer get back?2. Ask Ss to read Dialogue 2 with the MP3.Then finish the questions. How much does the beef in Dialogue 2 cost?Wha

8、ts the total cost?How much does the customer get back?3. Ask Ss to read Dialogue 2 with the MP3.Then finish the questions. Whats the total cost in Dialogue 3?The customer in Dialogue 3 get twelve apples.How much does each apple cost?4StepStep 6 6 AnswerAnswer thethe questionsquestions1. How much mon

9、ey does the customer in Dialogue 1 get back?2. How much does the beef in Dialogue 2 cost? Whats the total cost?3. The customer in Dialogue 3 get twelve apples. How much does each apple cost?StepStep 7 7 PracticePracticeLead Ss to do the summary by filling in the blanks.一1. How _ is the ham?2. How_ are the apples?3. A: How_ do you want?B:Five.4. A: How_ do you want?B:One kilo.二1. How much_ the bananas?2. The chicken_ $2.5 a kilo.3. Excuse me. How much_ the potatoes?4. The beef _$3.99 a kilo.略。 教学反思教学反思


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