2019七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Family and Home Lesson 26 Li Ming’s Family练习.doc

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1、1UnitUnit 5 5 FamilyFamily andand HomeHomeLesson 26 Li Mings Family单词闯关1.周末wiknd _2一起te _3努力;艰难hd _4.businessmanbznsmn _5othersz _短语互译1.在周末 _2与亲近 _3努力学习 _4.家谱 _5talk to _6play football _句型在线1.我没有兄弟姐妹。I _ _ brothers _ sisters. 2在周末,我们一起踢足球。_ _, we play football together.3.我和她很亲近。I _ _ _ her.4她总是乐于助人。

2、2She _ always _ _ help others. 1 be close to 与亲近观察 I am close to her. 我和她很亲近。探究 close 是形容词,意为“密切的,亲密的” 。be close to意为“与亲近”,强调关系近。拓展 be close to 也可以表示“离近,在附近” ,强调距离近,相当于near。例如:My home is close to the supermarket. 我家离超市很近。活学活用1这个班的学生们和他们的老师很亲近。The students in this class _ _ _ their teachers.2 hard ad

3、v. a B. the; a C. a; the D. /; the(2)Can you play _ piano?No,I cant. But I can play _ basketball.Athe; the Bthe; aCthe; / Da; the(3)_ weekends, we go to the park.AIn BOfCOn DTo6详解详析详解详析【课前自主预习】单词闯关1.weekend 2.together 3.hard4商人 5.其他人短语互译 1on weekends 2.be close to3work hard 4.family tree5和交谈 6.踢足球句型在线1have no; or 2.On weekends3am close to 4.is; ready to【课堂互动探究】词汇点睛1 are close to2 副词 (1)hard/difficult to(2)works very hard句型透视1 (1)has no(2)dont; any doesnt; an(3)and or or2 talk to/with; about3 play basketball (1)A (2)C (3)C1


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