2019七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 20 I Like the Supermarket练习.doc

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1、1UnitUnit 4 4 FoodFood andand RestaurantsRestaurantsLesson 20 I Like the Supermarket!单词闯关1.满的;充足的fl _2饼干kk _3巧克力tklt _4.一切事物evr _5肉mit _6工作db _短语互译1.不得不 _(第三人称单数) _2充满 _3写下来 _4.good job _5go to the supermarket _句型在线1.丹尼,我得去超市。Danny, I _ _ _ to the supermarket.2你能把它给我拿过来吗?Can you _ it _ me?3.那里(超市)满是

2、好吃的食物。2It _ _ _ delicious food.4我们把清单上的东西都买好了。We have everything _ _ _.1 have to 不得不;必须观察 Danny, I have to go to the supermarket.丹尼,我不得不去超市。He has to take the medicine three times a day. 他不得不每天吃三次药。探究 have to 意为“不得不;必须” ,后接_。辨析 have to 与 must二者都有“必须”之意,后面都可跟动词原形。have to表示客观上的需要,意为“不得不” 。可用于多种时态,有人称、

3、时态和数的变化。其第三人称形式为 has to,过去式为 had to。否定形式为dont/doesnt/didnt have to,意为“不必” ,相当于 neednt。must表示说话人的主观看法,意为“必须” ,无人称、时态和数的变化。否定形式为mustnt,意为“禁止” 。活学活用1(1)改为否定句We have to do our homework every day.We _ _ _ do our homework every day.(2)单项填空My school is far away. I _ take the bus to school.3Amust BmightChav

4、e to Dhas to2 be full of 充满观察 Its full of delicious food.那里(超市)满是好吃的东西。The basket is full of apples.The basket is filled with apples.篮子里装满了苹果。探究 be full of意为“充满” ,后接名词或代词,其同义短语为 be filled with。拓展 full 意为“满的;充足的” ,其反义词为 empty。full 还可以表示“饱的” ,其反义词为 hungry。活学活用2(1)根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词瓶子里装满了水。The bottle _ _

5、_ water.(2)同义句转换The hall is full of people.The hall _ _ _ people.3 write down 写下来观察 I can write it down.我能写下它。Can you write down his address?Sure.“你能写下他的地址吗?” “当然可以。 ”探究 该短语是“动词副词”的结构。当名词作其宾语时,名词可以放在副词后面,4也可以放在 write 和 down 中间;当代词作其宾语时,必须放在 write 和 down 之间。拓展 类似用法的短语还有 put on,take out,try on,take do

6、wn, pass around等。活学活用3. Can you tell me your parents telephone number? I want to _Awrite down itBwrite it downCwrite them downDwrite down them4 everything pron. 一切事物观察 Do we have everything on this list? 我们买了这张购物单上的所有东西了吗?Everything is ready.一切事情都准备好了。探究 everything 是由“everything”构成的不定代词。类似的词还有someth

7、ing(某事,某物),anything(任何事,任何东西);nothing(没有事情,没有东西)。拓展 everything 等不定代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。活学活用4这个房间里的一切都很漂亮。_ in this room _beautiful. Good job, Mum. 做得好,妈妈。探究 “Good job.”是感叹句,意为“做得好” 。同义句有“Well done.” “Great.”“Wonderful.”等。辨析 job 与 work5二者都有“工作”之意。job可数名词。work不可数名词,也可以用作动词。活学活用王先生有一份好工作。Mr. Wang has a goo

8、d _6详解详析详解详析【课前自主预习】单词闯关1.full 2.cookie 3.chocolate 4.everything5meat 6.job 短语互译1have to; has to2be full of/be filled with3write down 4.做得好 5去超市句型在线1.have to go 2.get; for 3.is full of4on our list【课堂互动探究】词汇点睛1 动词原形(1)dont have to (2)C2 (1)is full of/is filled with (2)is filled with3 B4 Everything; is句型透视 job


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